They saw Zisang Liuying and others, and Zisang Liuying and the others naturally saw them too. When the two demon hunting groups met, Zisang Liuying was obviously stunned. Subconsciously, his eyes fell on the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

She had also experienced the Zhengxin Palace, so she naturally knew that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were trapped in the Zhengxin Palace, but she didn't know that they had come out. There was a bit of surprise in his eyes, but he still took the initiative to come over.

She first glanced at Ling Menglu, then turned to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, "When did you come out?"

Long Dang said firmly: "I have only been out for two days."

Zisan Liuying said: "Is there no problem? Why did it take so long?"

Long Dangdang said helplessly: "I don't know why it took so long, but I finally came out. I heard that you have been promoted to the general-level demon hunting group, congratulations!"

Compared with nine months ago, he could clearly feel that Zi Sang Liuying was much calmer now, a little less childish and a little less sharp than before, and the fluctuations in his spiritual power were not like before. So domineering, he seems to have restrained himself a lot, but he is also obviously much stronger. The nine months spent on her were definitely not in vain. Not only did she complete the task, but her strength must also have improved a lot.

"Well, I came here to be promoted this time." Zisang Liuying said calmly. There was no hint of showoff in her tone, but her eyes were always on Long Dangdang, and she did not look at Ling Menglu who was standing aside. .

"Okay, then you are busy." Long Dangdang nodded in greeting.

Zisang Liuying didn't say anything else. Cai Caijuan behind her kept staring at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, her beautiful eyes full of curiosity. Nine months of Zhengxin Palace, no wonder she was curious.

Watching them walking towards the front desk, Ming Xi couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "I'm really going to be promoted to general! It's only been nine months, but it's so fast! I guess it's going to break the record, right?" The girl who is full of sense of justice also obviously has a lot of envy at this time.

Long Dang said: "Let's go, let's get the reward first."

Is it important to break a record or something?

Everyone came to the exchange office, which was basically a palace no smaller than the Zhengxin Palace. As soon as they entered the door, everyone was shocked by the magic circle shining with silver light on the ground of the exchange office. The strange silver magic pattern, mainly hexagonal, spreads up to the surrounding walls. The silver light on the ground is the most intense and then gradually weakens when it reaches the wall, forming a gradient silver halo, which is strange and spectacular. You don't even need to concentrate to feel the fluctuations of space elements on it.

There was only one middle-aged man behind the front desk at the exchange office. This old man was sitting there with his eyes closed and meditating. Obviously, few demon hunters would come to redeem it so early.

Long Dangdang took the initiative to walk to the front desk of the exchange office and said, "Hello."

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, and his eyes were even a little blurry, "It's early enough!"

When his eyes fell on Long Dangdang, he couldn't help but be slightly startled. The number of demon hunting groups was not too large, and with his qualifications, he knew almost all the leaders of the demon hunting groups, and could even remember most of them. The appearance of a demon. But the young man in front of him was obviously not impressed.

"New member of the demon hunting group?" the middle-aged man asked.

Long Dangdang said: "Hello, I am Long Dangdang, leader of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group. We have indeed just become a sergeant-level demon hunting group."

The middle-aged man looked at him, then at his other similarly young companions, and said with a smile: "Young people are awesome! What do you want to exchange for?"

Long Dang said: "In the previous trials of the Demon Hunting Group, several of my teammates and I won rankings, and we came here to redeem the rewards."

The middle-aged man was slightly stunned, "Are you talking about the Demon Hunting Group Trial a year ago? It turned out to be you. Did it take so long to officially form a group? No wonder, after all, you are still young."

Long Dangdang didn't explain the other party's misunderstanding to the other party, because it didn't make any sense. He just nodded. And handed over his own child spirit crystal to confirm his identity.

Ling Menglu, Wang Changxin and Yue Li, who also had names, also handed over the Ziling Crystal.

The middle-aged man took out a jade-like instrument and tested it, then nodded and said, "It can be exchanged."

He first looked at Wang Changxin and Yue Li and said: "According to your ranking, after you become an official member of the Demon Hunting Group, you will directly receive merit rewards. Merits can be exchanged for equipment and various materials at the exchange office. But I want to remind you. The thing is, for demon hunters, merit is very important, so you must use it with caution and think carefully before using it. Merit is required to upgrade the level of the demon hunting group and exchange for equipment. But what you do first, what you do later, You need to weigh it yourself. Equipment can improve your strength and complete more difficult tasks with more meritorious rewards, but a higher level of the demon hunting group can give you more authority."

As he spoke, he took Wang Changxin's and Yue Li's Ziling Crystals and operated them respectively.

Both of them finished in the top eight, but did not enter the top three. The rewards for their achievements are the same. It’s all a thousand meritorious deeds.

These are the top eight in the Demon Hunting Team selection competition, which shows how difficult it is to obtain meritorious service.

The middle-aged man then looked at Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu and said, "According to your rankings, the second place can choose a legendary equipment, and the third place can choose a top-level radiant equipment. Do you want to choose now?"

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Senior, I would like to ask, are equipment of the same level also classified as high or low?"

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "Of course there is a difference. For example, your rewards are different. The difference is that although you are going to get Glory-level equipment, you are qualified to go there in person because of your ranking. Choose a piece of equipment that suits you. You have to know that different professionals have different needs and compatibility for equipment. For example, some people may obtain a piece of brilliance-level equipment that is particularly suitable for their own abilities, but they may not be able to use it. It can produce legendary-level power. Equipment that is not suitable for you may not be as good as a lower level. Because you are the third place, you can choose it yourself. But as the second place, you get legendary-level equipment. Ling Menglu will What you get is a randomly selected legendary equipment for this profession. It may be very good, or it may be ordinary. It all depends on luck."

It turns out that was the case. Only then did Long Dangdang understand the difference between the rewards for third place and fourth place.

The middle-aged man said: "I will take you to choose separately now." As he said this, he waved his hand, and there seemed to be a silver light shining on his sleeves. The next moment, Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu felt a strange space fluctuation. When it fell on him, the surrounding scenery also changed.

When Long Dangdang saw everything around him clearly again, he was surprised to find that he had appeared in another hall. The whole hall was exuding a dark silver halo, and the figures of his friends had disappeared. Here, He was left alone.

There was a flash of silver light, and the middle-aged man appeared beside him, "This is where the headquarters' brilliance-level equipment is stored. There are brilliance-level equipment suitable for various professions. You can choose by yourself. After choosing, you only need to hold the equipment tightly. , say the selection is complete, and you will be teleported back. Don’t be greedy. If you are found to have taken too much equipment, the consequences will be very serious, do you understand?"

"Understood." Long Dangdang nodded.

Silver light flashed, and the middle-aged man disappeared out of thin air. I don't know if he was hosting the random draw for Ling Menglu.

Long Dangdang then looked around and saw that the surrounding walls were densely packed with small squares. Each square was about the size of a palm, with different styles of patterns on it. In the upper left corner of these small squares, there were symbols for occupations. The logo is easy to distinguish.

At a glance, there are more than thousands of squares in this huge hall! You know, these are all brilliant level equipment. In the Demon Hunting Group Trials, there were only a few pieces of brilliant-level equipment! The headquarters is so rich.

When will the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group be equipped with brilliant level equipment?

While Long Dangdang was thinking about it, he quickly walked towards the wall on one side and started watching. Before coming in, he had already thought about the equipment he needed. He wants to choose a piece of knight equipment, preferably a weapon. Because the Yinlang magic was damaged at the beginning, I don’t know if it can be repaired. If it can't be repaired, he won't even have his main weapon anymore. There is a great need for a piece of knight equipment, and Kong Kong is also a knight. Now Kong Kong's equipment is mainly a spiritual shield. He uses an ordinary knight sword to attack. Choosing a suitable weapon can be used by both himself and Kong Kong, and it is the most cost-effective.

When the scenery around Ling Menglu became clear, she also found herself in a palace. Different from the palace where Long Dangdang was in, this palace exuded a faint golden halo. On the walls, each one became about one foot longer. The grids are evenly arranged.

The middle-aged man appeared beside Ling Menglu out of thin air and said: "Now you can draw. The method of drawing is very simple. I call start and you call stop. During this period, there will be a golden frame walking on the wall, but only It will be changed on the equipment belonging to the priest. When you call stop, where it stops will be your equipment, do you understand?"

Ling Menglu nodded, raised her eyes and looked around, but what left her speechless was that the surrounding walls were suddenly covered with a layer of light mist, making it impossible to see clearly.

"Don't look at it. If you say it's random, then it must be random." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Ling Menglu said helplessly: "Then let's start."

The middle-aged man nodded, seeming to be sleepy, and yawned, and said lazily: "Start!"

"Stop!" The moment the other party started shouting, Ling Menglu shouted stop almost instantly. The sudden pause even made the middle-aged man almost choke on his own saliva and cough twice in succession.

"Are all young people today so anxious?"

On the wall, the golden frame that had just appeared had almost no movement. It was still in place, but it had stopped. Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed, and the square frame lit up. The middle-aged man waved in the direction of the wall. The golden light flew towards him like a living thing and fell on the middle-aged man's hand instantly.

When the middle-aged man saw this piece of equipment, he couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on his face. When he looked at Ling Menglu, his eyes even looked like he had seen a ghost.

Ling Menglu was stunned for a moment when she saw the equipment in front of the middle-aged man, but the next moment, her beautiful eyes were filled with shock. She covered her red lips with her right hand and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Senior, can you change it?"

The middle-aged man's mouth twitched, "Do you want to change?"

In the dark silver hall, Long Dangdang was not in a hurry. Naturally, he could choose freely. Of course, he wanted to see more about the equipment here. As the middle-aged man said, there is a big difference between the same brilliant-level equipment.

Walking along the wall, Long Dangdang looked at the patterns in the small grids on the wall one by one. When he subconsciously touched those patterns with his hands, information would immediately be transmitted to his mind.

The Sword of Shenyu, brilliant level, has a 30% increase in divine protection, a 40% increase in light revenge, purified light attributes, and additional sacred effects.

A very good knight sword. The purpose of Long Dangdang is weapons and equipment. Naturally, the equipment must be looked at first.

Divine blocking is undoubtedly one of the core skills of a knight, whether it is a guardian knight or a disciplinary knight. Just after looking at this first piece of brilliant-level equipment, Long Dangdang felt that it could be used as an alternative. He and Kongkong were both more suitable.

Brilliant Chain! Brilliant level, exclusive to Guardian Knights. You can connect up to two teammates at the same time and share your spiritual power. Note: Be careful when superimposing spiritual power to prevent the body from being unable to bear it.

What a good thing! Long Dangdang's heartbeat accelerated a little, sharing spiritual power was what it was. Rare and top quality equipment.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid they would have chosen it without hesitation after seeing such equipment. But Long Dangdang gradually regained his composure. The team had Kong Kong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace and Tianyuan Domain, which were a good supplement to everyone's spiritual power, especially himself. To a certain extent, he could actually share his spiritual power with Kong Kong. The only problem is that two people need to be in physical contact with each other. Therefore, the role of this brilliant chain on them will be relatively small.

There was a thought in his mind that he didn't know how many merits it would take to obtain equipment of this level. It never hurts to look more. Even if you can’t afford it now, you can exchange it for your friends if you have enough merit in the future!

He continued to move forward and continued to look. Soon, another piece of equipment attracted his attention.

Demonic Wolf's Crazy Claw, brilliant level, three feet long, has the effects of armor breaking, tearing, and demon breaking, triple attribute blessing. And can be incorporated with any magical elements to enhance its power.

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