Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 213 Suit, Heart of Holy Glory

The most important thing that attracted Long Dangdang's attention, the brilliant-level equipment of the Demonic Wolf Claw, was its demon-breaking properties. Long Dangdang knew that equipment with demon-breaking properties was actually very rare. It is an artifact for melee professions to fight against legal professions.

The demon-breaking attribute is definitely the best attribute among brilliant-level equipment. In particular, assassins are most needed. Because assassins are originally the nemesis of legal professions, if there is another piece of magic-breaking equipment, it will definitely be even more powerful.

The Demon Wolf Claw itself is also an assassin professional equipment. Of course it is not suitable for Long Dangdang, but if it is given to Ming Xi, it is very suitable. He silently remembered this piece of equipment in his mind and could consider purchasing it for Ming Xi in the future.

Continuing to move forward, the more he looked, the more Long Dangdang felt dazzled. It was really a dazzling array of things to see! There are so many good things. Some equipment has more than three attributes. Although some equipment specializes in one attribute, it is greatly enhanced. I really want everything I see!

After all, Long Dangdang is still a young man at heart, and for a moment, he was even a little picky.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Long Dangdang's head, "Choose the equipment in the fourth row forward on your left."

Hearing this voice, Long Dangdang was slightly startled, but the next moment he suddenly woke up, yes! Maybe he may not be able to choose, but this person is so well-informed, and his choice will definitely not be wrong.

He hurriedly took a few steps forward and arrived at the location guided by the voice. When he saw this piece of equipment, he couldn't help but be slightly startled. There was indeed a gap and difference between it and what he had imagined and prepared to choose.

Pressing his right hand on it, the introduction of this piece of equipment suddenly appeared in Long Dang's mind.

The heart of the Holy Spirit. Brilliant level, right-hand glove, attribute one, Glory of Holy Light. When the spiritual power is condensed, it is instantly purified into the power of divine light, removing all impurities. When practicing, it is equipped with the characteristics of sacred mind-keeping.

Attribute two, attached skill, the holy sword in the palm, inspired by spiritual power, the palm is the sword. Can be promoted. One of the heart shining sets.

Two attributes are not too many in Brilliant-level equipment. After all, many Brilliant-level equipment have three attributes.

However, when Long Dangdang took a closer look at these two attributes, he couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. There is no doubt about the Glory of Holy Light. This is a skill that can greatly enhance one's light attributes. Moreover, as gloves, this skill will have a very good effect whether it is training, fighting, or using light magic.

The skill of holding the holy sword in the palm is even more peculiar. Although I haven't tried it yet, it is undoubtedly an ability that can instantly cast the holy sword and use the hand as a sword. Is it equivalent to having one more piece of equipment? With this glove, what will happen if you use a knight's sword?

"This is a pair of gloves. They allow you to use them up to the eighth level without having to replace them. What's more, you have to stay at the peak of the sixth level for a long time. It will also be very beneficial to your cultivation and increase your spiritual power." In my heart. The sound sounded again, and the source of this sound was undoubtedly the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

Long Dang said: "Is the other piece of the suit also the same glove?"

Yueming Canghai Linglu said: "This is the Heart of Saint Glory, and the other glove is the Heart of Glory. You can use your merit to buy it in the future. Putting this pair of gloves together will be of great help to you. After gathering them together, They will all be promoted to legendary equipment. The other glove is here, you continue ten steps forward, upper left."

Long Dangdang couldn't wait to move forward and arrived at the corresponding position. Sure enough, there was another glove there called the Heart of Glory.

Heart of Glory, Brilliance Level, Attribute 1, Brilliant Bloom. When used, it can bloom with dazzling brilliance, greatly enhance the traction and absorption of light elements, and the body will be transformed into light elements for a short time.

Attribute two, brilliant protection, condenses a brilliant shield to defend itself.

When I saw these two attribute dragons, I immediately understood that this was clearly a set of equipment for the guardian knight. And it is a very rare glove equipment. If the two are put together and can be promoted to the legendary level, it will be a very good existence. In the future, whether it is yourself or Kong Kong, you can use it. Canghai asked him to choose his right hand obviously because he could use it now.

And if these two gloves can come together in the future, it will obviously be of great benefit to him to improve his inner spiritual power.

Without any hesitation, he returned to the previous place of the Heart of Shengyao, injected with spiritual power. The next moment, a ray of light flowed, and the next moment, Long Dangdang had an additional piece of equipment in his hand.

The Heart of Saint Glory is a silver glove. It is very light and thin. I don’t know what material it is woven from. But the strange thing is that there are layers of dark patterns on it that look like twinkling stars. The most peculiar thing is the palm position. A raised round stone that took up about half of the palm of my hand. But this gem is not hard, but rather seems to be formed from colloid. When you put it on, it does not affect your grip, but is as comfortable as your skin.

Vaguely, Long Dangdang could feel that the elemental fluctuations in the air were slightly affected, and he subconsciously injected spiritual power into his right hand.

Suddenly, the palm of his right hand felt hot, and a powerful sword light burst out almost instantly. A portion of the spiritual power in his body was suddenly taken away, but a four-foot-long holy sword that seemed to be solid had already appeared in his right palm.

The emergence of this holy sword does not require you to restrain the spiritual power, ignite the spiritual power, and then control the purification and explosion of the spiritual power like actual combat skills. Just by simply injecting spiritual power, the heart of Sheng Yao naturally completed the condensation of the holy sword. And this holy sword is obviously more solid than when he uses it normally. I am afraid that it is only possible to complete such a holy sword by activating it on your own after your own cultivation reaches the sixth level.

Really, good stuff!

He tried taking out an ordinary knight's sword, holding the knight's sword in his hand, and then activated the skills on the gloves. Suddenly, the holy sword was covered, and the knight's sword was the center of the bloom. The sword glow was a little longer.

Long Dangdang tried to control the use of the holy sword again. This time, the radiance of the holy sword increased greatly, and there was an extra foot of sword radiance. The overall length of the sword light is more than five feet away, and its power far exceeds that of an ordinary holy sword.

Good equipment. Long Dangdang was overjoyed. He restrained the sword light in his hand, thanked Canghai, and then chose to teleport back.

Silver light flashed, and he returned to the front desk of the exchange office. But the next moment he was stunned, because he found that his friends were all gathered around, seeming to be looking at something. From his angle, he could see Long Kongkong's eyes, which were filled with surprise and confusion, and even his expression was a bit strange.

"What's wrong?" Long Dangdang asked quickly.

Everyone turned around subconsciously and looked at him at the same time.

Ling Menglu said helplessly: "I'm waiting for you to come back to discuss what to do. Come and take a look."

Long Dangdang hurriedly took a few steps forward and came to the crowd. Then he saw an object surrounded by everyone. To be precise, it should be a piece of equipment?

It was a huge golden sphere, emitting bright golden light. The diameter of this thing was one meter. If it were solid, wouldn't it weigh over a thousand kilograms?

There is a thick chain connected to the metal ball. You can vaguely feel some energy fluctuations from it, even with a bit of violence.

"What the hell is this?" Long Dangdang looked at Ling Menglu curiously.

Ling Menglu said angrily: "It's what you think, this is the equipment I drew."

Long Dangdang looked at the middle-aged man at the exchange desk, "Senior, are you sure this is the priest's equipment?"

The middle-aged man also said angrily: "Don't take advantage of it and sell it well. This is not only priest equipment, but it was even an epic equipment at one time. However, it was later demolished because part of it was dismantled." It has reached the legendary level. But even so, it is still the best existence among the legendary level. Moreover, it has a very famous historical legend. However, because of its special nature, it was not used later. "

Long Dangdang looked at Ling Menglu blankly, "Is this your priest's staff?"

Ling Menglu glared at him, "Bah, this is the weapon of the Discipline Priest. But even if it is a Discipline Priest, this..."

"It's very strange." Long Kongkong said immediately.

There is no doubt that Ling Menglu will not be able to use this priest equipment. With Ling Menglu's external spiritual power, even if she activates her internal spiritual power, it would be difficult to pick this thing up.

"Senior, what are the characteristics of this piece of equipment?" Long Dangdang asked.

The middle-aged man said: "Destroy the demon, crush it, explode it."

Ling Menglu looked at Long Dangdang and said, "If it doesn't work, I can take it to the auction house to auction it? Maybe someone will want it?"

Long Dangdang frowned slightly and said, "Can you get a price?"

Ling Menglu smiled bitterly and shook her head, saying: "It's hard to say. Nowadays, almost no priests choose to take the path of discipline priests. Then you might as well become a warrior. This equipment itself is definitely very good, but it is too special. It’s really not easy to use.”

Long Dangdang turned around and looked at Wang Changxin, who had the strongest spiritual power in the team and was also famous for his strength. "Senior Wang, can you use this equipment?"

Wang Changxin hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said: "It can be used. However, it is a bit too bulky. Besides, I am used to using a big hammer. It is a bit laborious to replace this chain hammer. Although it is of a higher level. But maybe It’s not as easy as my Tyrannical Hammer.”

Long Dangdang immediately understood what she meant.

"It can't be changed, right?" He really had a headache now.

The middle-aged man did not answer this question that obviously had an answer.

Long Dangdang looked at Ling Menglu with a strange expression, "Cousin! It seems that you can only use this."

Ling Menglu blinked her eyes and raised her hand to point at her beautiful face, "Me? I'm a girl, using such a thing?"

Long Dangdang couldn't help but laugh. Just thinking about it, he thought the picture was so beautiful.

"Why are you laughing? This piece of equipment is very good. Moreover, it is not too difficult to return to the epic level." At this moment, a voice sounded from Long Dangdang's chest. The next moment, Canghai turned into light and appeared beside him.

Long Dangdang was of course very convinced by his words, but still said: "The equipment must be very good, but it seems a little unsuitable for us."

Canghai said: "That's not necessarily true. If I remember correctly, this piece of equipment should be called the Light Power Pill. It is the most powerful discipline priest in the history of your six major temples. Your temple federation is number one. The human chairman should be called Long Haochen. At that time, he also belonged to a demon hunting group, titled Dawn of Light. This Discipline Priest was a member of his team. He could be a teammate of the holder of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. The main weapon, think about its power. What's more, there is God's will in the dark. Ling Menglu, release your light element angel."

Ling Menglu's heart moved slightly, and she quickly activated the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace. The little angel fluttered its wings and flew out. When it saw the sea, it was obviously respectful. They are both wisdom spiritual furnaces, but their levels are different. In a sense, among the nine spiritual furnaces of wisdom in the Spiritual Furnace Academy, the one with the lowest qualifications was the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace. And Canghai, an existence with a long history, is much higher than it in terms of seniority.

Canghai pointed at the legendary piece of equipment, the Daliwan of Light, and the next moment, the Angel of Light flew over and landed on it.

In an instant, the Light Power Pill burst into flames, emitting a golden light as bright as the sun. Everyone even saw that even the light elements on the Angel of Light were rapidly moving in its direction, making its light become stronger and stronger.

Canghai swayed, came to the top of it, and transformed into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace again, tilted sideways, and the soft power of the moon spirit poured out, landing on the surface of the Light Power Pill.

Suddenly, the light on the Light Power Pill suddenly blazed brightly, but then quickly began to converge. Faint magic patterns began to appear on the surface. The thick fluctuations of light elements make it look like an entity and shine brightly.

"Holy Hammer Spiritual Furnace." Canghai shouted in a deep voice.

Ling Menglu hurriedly released the Holy Hammer Spiritual Furnace again. The Holy Hammer flew directly in the direction of the Light Power Pill.

"Yutong, help us out." Canghai shouted again.

There was no need for Long Kongkong to do anything. The next moment, the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace flew out of thin air. Yutong put his hands in front, covered with a soft halo, and landed directly on the surface of the sacred hammer. Suddenly, both the volume and the aura of the Holy Hammer surged out of thin air. The fluctuations of his own sacred aura suddenly became stronger and stronger.

The angels help, the island trees increase, and the sea guides.

The next moment, the powerful pill of light started spinning, and the light on the surface was looming, which was very strange.

In its continuous high-speed rotation, a vortex-like existence gradually began to appear in the center of the Light Power Pill. A black hole gradually appeared in the center of the vortex. It seemed to have a magical attraction, and the next moment, with a "swish", the sacred hammer was sucked in.

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