Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 214 Epic! Holy Light Powerful Pill

What's happening here? When they saw the Holy Hammer being absorbed by the Light Power Pill, everyone couldn't help but look surprised. Even the middle-aged man at the exchange office had shock in his eyes at this time.

The first thing that shocked him was, was that, was that a spiritual furnace of wisdom? It’s not just a spiritual furnace of wisdom!

Also, what are they doing? This is obviously a sacrifice for refining equipment!

For ordinary professionals, they don't even know what sacrificial equipment is, but he has been dealing with various equipment for many years, so of course he understands what it means. Once a professional refines a piece of equipment, it is equivalent to signing a blood contract between the knight and the mount. From then on, the piece of equipment will become his or her natal equipment, and will even be promoted as her cultivation level increases. There are many requirements for refining equipment. First of all, the equipment must be at least legendary level before it can be refined, and it also requires the refiner to make a corresponding contribution. Although it is not a contract, it is equivalent to being bound to the equipment. From then on, unless the sacrificer dies, this piece of equipment will only be exclusive to it and no one can use it. It can even become one with the sacrificer.

Among the sacrificial refining equipment, the most overbearing and most effective one is to use your own spiritual furnace for refining, but the requirements are also extremely high. The properties of the spiritual furnace and the equipment must be consistent, and it also requires various complex techniques. Ritual, magic circle.

At this moment, the sacrifice presented in front of him looked so simple, yet it had a natural feeling. How could this middle-aged man not be shocked? And it is directly the highest level of spiritual furnace sacrifice.

Once the sacrifice is successful, the spiritual furnace and this piece of equipment will become one and will be indistinguishable from each other. Even if you are promoted, the spiritual furnace and equipment will be promoted together.

As the sacred hammer poured into the Light Power Pill, in an instant, the golden light emitted from the surface of the Light Power Pill suddenly changed and turned into an orange-red brilliance, rendering the entire exchange office ablaze. A layer of orange-red brilliance.

Along with the appearance of orange-red, there is also a soul-shaking feeling, as if a magnificent power is rushing out from the orange-red, rendering everything around it.

Everyone's mental strength was not weak, but at this moment they all fell into a brief trance. It was as if the powerful pill of light in front of them became even bigger, but they seemed so small in front of it.

The powerful pill of light is still spinning, and the speed of rotation is still accelerating, and the orange-red light is becoming more and more intense.

The middle-aged man had already opened his mouth wide at this time, and murmured: "Epic, epic..." His level is not enough to access the epic equipment of the Demon Hunting Group Headquarters, but it does not affect his understanding of the epic equipment. Knowledge of epic equipment. Under the artifact, the strongest existence!

A piece of legendary equipment that had just been extracted was directly promoted to epic level through sacrifice. This seems to have never happened before in the history of the Demon Hunting Group.

How did the trick work?

Ling Menglu was stunned at this moment. Her feeling was the most profound, because at this moment she was clearly feeling the scorching heat coming from her chest, and her own spiritual power was also rising rapidly, not only the inner spiritual power, but also the burning heat coming from her chest. The spiritual power that was constantly fed back from everywhere was tempering her external spiritual power, which was rapidly increasing. In addition to appearing on the surface of the Light Power Pill, the orange-red light was also overflowing from her chest!

Sacrifice and refining, recognize the Lord!

The Holy Hammer itself has concluded a contract with her, and now it is being refined together with the Power Pill of Light, which is equivalent to her own sacrifice of the Power Pill of Light!

The Holy Hammer had already completed its advancement the moment it was amplified by Yutong. This is the power of Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace. And when it was combined with the Light Power Pill, this advancement was directly solidified. More importantly, the Holy Hammer Spiritual Furnace is her most advantageous attack method. She usually uses it a lot, and it is already close to an advanced level. In the process of merging with the Daliwan of Light, she clearly felt that this spiritual furnace had actually completed another advancement. Upgraded two levels in a row.

Therefore, the Daliwan of Light is fused with the third-level Sacred Hammer Spiritual Furnace at this time. The epic brilliance became even more dazzling.

Everything in front of me seems simple, but it is caused by the superposition of many kinds of unexpected things.

The Dali Pill of Light has epic heritage, blessed by the three spiritual furnaces of wisdom, plus the compatibility between the Divine Hammer Spiritual Furnace itself and the Dali Pill of Light. This was the scene in front of him.

Ling Menglu's skin gradually became covered with a layer of blush, and her whole body was as bright and moving as if carved from ruby. Her aura continued to rise, and the strong power of light continued to sublimate. As a being with the body of the God of Light, any equipment with light attributes is bound to be compatible with her. This is also the reason why Light Daliwan has such a glorious history but does not reject her in the slightest.

Refining equipment is equivalent to professionals refining themselves. Although Ling Menglu was completely passive in accomplishing all this, the effect was surprisingly good.

She has been practicing hard in the past nine months. Although there is no increase from the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace and the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, it is just the help of the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace and the blessing of the Light God's body itself. Her spiritual power has made great progress. At this time, the inner spiritual power was already as high as eight thousand. In the process of this sacrifice, she only felt that her spiritual power and spiritual power were being further compressed, purified, and promoted. It has obviously improved a lot, and it has even reached the point where you can feel the body of elements by touching it.

At this moment, suddenly, several people walked in from outside.

Although Long Dangdang had been watching the changes in the Light Power Pill, he reacted immediately when someone suddenly came outside. As soon as he dodged, he took the lead to block behind Ling Menglu, facing the person with his back to Ling Menglu.

Those who walked into the exchange office were a group of middle-aged people, all looking to be in their forties or fifties, four men and two women. At this time, they all looked surprised. The leader, a middle-aged man who was obviously dressed as a knight, waved his hand towards Long Dangdang, then stopped and did not move forward.

The auras exuded by these people did not have strong oppressive force, but Long Dangdang could clearly feel the concentration on each other with his superhuman mental strength. A very, very powerful being. A group of six is ​​also a demon hunting group?

"Good guy, this is epic! I'm a little envious!" A beautiful middle-aged woman looked in surprise at Ling Menglu, who was already being guarded in the middle.

"You have epic equipment at such a young age? What's going on?" A middle-aged man wearing a magic robe also said in surprise.

Another middle-aged woman wearing a priest's robe felt it silently and said: "What a pure power of light. I can't feel the slightest bit mixed."

The leading middle-aged knight sighed: "Young people are amazing!"

But until this moment, the light pill in front of Ling Menglu finally completed its final rotation, but the speed did not slow down. Instead, it soared into the air. Its huge size shrank rapidly in the air, and then with a "swish", it penetrated. Ling Menglu's chest disappeared.

That's right, the equipment that is successfully refined will become a part of the body itself. At this time, the Light Daliwan, or the Holy Hammer, the Light Daliwan and Ling Menglu have become inseparable from each other, and will become lifelong partners from now on.

The orange-red light slowly faded away, and Long Dangdang breathed a sigh of relief. He crossed his right fist across his chest and made a knightly salute to the middle-aged people. He is obviously a senior member of the Demon Hunting Group, so etiquette is indispensable.

The middle-aged knight named the leader returned the knight's salute, and then came over with his friends.

"Hello, I am Liu Shanghui, the leader of the 12677 Demon Hunting Group." This leader of the Demon Hunting Group, Liu Shanghui, is a handsome middle-aged man with short silvery hair combed very neatly, and his face With a warm smile.

What Long Dangdang noticed was the opponent's demon hunting group number. He knew exactly what five digits meant.

The number of the sergeant-level demon hunting group is eight digits, and the number of the general-level demon hunting group will be seven digits. Because these two levels of demon hunting groups are the largest in history. And when it reaches the next higher level, the handsome level demon hunting group, it will become six figures in front of you. Then there are the five-digit numbers of the king-level demon hunting groups. Some veteran king-level demon hunting groups even have four-digit numbers. In other words, the team in front of them is the king-level demon hunting group.

Higher-level emperor-level demon hunting groups have three-digit numbers. The highest title level demon hunting group does not have a number, only a title.

A king-level demon hunting group! He was definitely a big shot in the demon hunting group.

In the early years of the demon hunting group, the evaluation requirement was that all members of the king-level demon hunting group must be at level seven or above, and they need to pay one million merit points before they can be promoted. With the development of the times, the talent and cultivation speed of professionals have become easier than in the early years. The current king-level demon hunting group requires at least half of them to be at the eighth level before they can be promoted.

In other words, at least half of the six people in front of them are powerful people above the eighth level. Even if they are all eighth level, it is not impossible. If you want to advance from the King level to the Emperor level, it will take a long process. Who knows how many years these people in front of you have been at the King level.

"Hello, senior, I am Long Dangdang, the leader of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group." Long Dangdang saluted again.

Liu Shang glanced at him with a meaningful look and said: "The new demon hunting group will have epic equipment. You have a bright future! Congratulations."

Long Dang said: "It's just a fluke."

Liu Shanghua nodded to him and then led his friends towards the front desk. At this time, everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group had already arrived at Long Dangdang's side.

"King level! When can we become king level?" Tao Linlin said with envy.

Ming Xi said: "Let's become a general first and then talk about it. People in the same class as ours are already generals."

Long Dangdang glanced at his companions and said, "General level, is it difficult?"

Yue Li blinked and said, "It seems that our merits combined are close to ten thousand, right?"

They had received quite a lot of various rewards during the previous training. In addition, they were awarded two thousand meritorious deeds this time. They should indeed be close to ten thousand meritorious deeds.

According to the previous agreement, everyone transferred all their merits to Long Dangdang. Then everyone's expressions became strange.

Dragon dang dang, meritorious service: nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-five.

Yes, after all the merits are summed up, it is just shy of reaching 10,000.

Long Kongkong said: "Are you kidding us? Can you take on a mission to make up the numbers? Brother."

The mood of the others was a bit complicated at this time. It could be said that they had not completed a single task, but the total number of meritorious deeds was already close to 10,000. This is definitely a surprise, but after all, I am still a little short of promotion, and I am a little unwilling to do so.

Long Kongkong shook his head and said: "I have a way. You guys wait for me here."

As he spoke, he walked back to the front desk of the exchange office.

At this time, Liu Shanghui was leading his teammates to exchange. The sub-spirit crystals they presented were obviously different. Not only did they look crystal clear, the inside of the jade even looked like there was a halo like smoke.

The exchange here is still going on, and Long Dangdang is simply waiting nearby. Not long after, three people in Liu Shanghui's team were teleported and disappeared. The middle-aged man at the exchange office also disappeared with them. Obviously something was selected for exchange.

Liu Shanghua looked at Long Dangdang with great interest, "Brother Long, do you want to exchange anything?"

Long Dangdang pondered for a moment and said: "Senior, if I have some gains from cultivation, can I exchange my merits with our demon hunting group?"

Liu Shanghua smiled and said: "It depends on what kind of gains you have. But generally speaking, it is difficult. The six major temples of the Federation have been researching this profession for tens of thousands of years, and they can find out and fill in the gaps. There are very few opportunities. Of course, if you really succeed, you will definitely have a lot of merit. Can you tell me what it is about? I can help you judge. "

Long Dangdang had nothing to hide, "If I had a way to allow us human professionals to possess the innate skills of Warcraft, how much merit would this exchange for?"

Liu Shang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Are you talking about our knight profession, the skills of knights using their mounts? There should be no skills in this, and it still depends on the compatibility between the knight and the mount."

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "No, senior. This method of mine, no matter occupation, no matter World of Warcraft. As long as you meet some specific conditions, you can have the talent skills of World of Warcraft." What he wants to exchange is of course what he discovered. The secret of the blood alchemy body. He had also thought about making a deal with the Warrior Temple before. But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that it would be better to report it directly to the Demon Hunting Group. One is because the merits of the Demon Hunting Group are a direct reward to them and can directly improve their strength. The other is because he's now a demon hunter. The headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group has a transcendent status in the Temple Federation.

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