Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 221 Trap, desperate situation?

Holy magic is the sublimation of light magic. Just like ice magic is the sublimation of water magic. Divine magic is known as one of the most powerful magical attributes.

Ordinary light magic cannot restrain undead creatures. These undead creatures that can move freely under the sun are extremely powerful. Only sacred magic can exert some restraint on it.

When ordinary light magicians cast light magic, if they can add a touch of divine attributes to their magic, their power will be greatly enhanced. The strength of the sacred attributes contained in the magic of light magicians often determines their talents and potential.

However, Li Hongche had never even heard of such pure divine attributes. Because he couldn't even feel the light in this magic, all he felt was the sublime holiness.

Such a powerful priest?

At this time, a strange sound suddenly appeared in the air, and a ball of light flashing with strange colors passed through the air, with a harsh roar, heading straight for the lich who was struggling in the Praise of Light. Fly away.

The ball of light contains six colors: blue, red, yellow, cyan, gold, and black. During the flight, it even trembled a little unstablely.

Ling Menglu, who had just finished the Praise of Light, subconsciously turned her head and looked into the distance. As the most outstanding and proud woman of her generation, there has always been an inexplicable comparison between her and her.

A strange buzz suddenly sounded in the air.

When the lich saw the ball of light flying toward him, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. It did not choose to hit it head-on, and flew backwards almost instantly. However, affected by the Praise of Light, although Ling Menglu was more focused on the undead array below, the sacred aura of this magic was too powerful, so powerful that it affected its speed and soul.

"Whoosh!" In the air, terrifying elemental fluctuations bloomed almost the next moment.

The six-color ball of light paused in the air for an instant as if frozen, and then, six colors of terrifying light erupted around it.

The center point of the explosion covered the Lich and all the heroic spirits below, even Li Hongche and the deceased.

Li Hongche's expression changed, and his figure instantly retreated. At the same time, a silver light bloomed from his feet, and the layers of silver armor quickly rolled up. Before the terrifying elemental storm descended on him, his body It was completely covered by the silver armor that exuded a powerful aura. Yes, that's right, the armor on his body is one of the most powerful core powers of the Knights Temple, the Mithril Base Armor. Li Hongche is not only a demon hunter, but also one of the seventy-two Mithril Pedestal Knights of the Knights Temple.

The elemental storm erupted in an extremely manic manner, and the remains of the heroic spirits that had just been baptized by the weakened version of the Praise of Light were immediately shattered by the raging storm.

In Zisang Liuying's view, the key to this mission is to prevent undead creatures from taking away these powerful seniors who have only their remains, and destroying these remains is the best respect for these ancestors. So that they will not be tortured after death. Along with the various tasks related to undead creatures she has faced in the nine months since she became a demon hunter, she fully supports the cremation of the remains of all ancestors. It is precisely because of the tombs of so many heroic spirits that the living people are exhausted and They continue to fall in battles, and what is even more painful is that once the remains of the heroic spirits are snatched away by the undead creatures, it will not take long before they become part of the undead army, and they will inevitably become powerful dead people, which will further increase the strength of the undead creatures.

The strong men of the older generation, and even those in charge of the six major temples, cherish the remains of their ancestors very much. It is their toughness that has led to the current unfavorable situation of having to constantly guard the tombs. Therefore, when an opportunity arises, Zisang Liuying immediately used his actions to swear his opinion.

Li Hongche was dumbfounded as he watched the bones being damaged in the elemental storm and their bodies flying back under the protection of the mithril base armor. Although the mission did not explicitly say that these bones should be protected and brought back properly, she was clearly targeting the bones directly! Even the main attack point is not on the lich.

The bones are broken and activated in the elemental storm, which means that the power of the soul is purified in the praise of light. The group of bones that originally looked very scary were swept away in an instant along with the undead array on the ground, leaving no trace behind.

Ling Menglu, who was suspended in the air, and Zi Sang Liuying on the other side were shining with dazzling brilliance like twin stars.

However, at the next moment, suddenly, an extremely strong sense of depression suddenly appeared.

The brilliance of the Praise of Light and the explosion of the elemental storm gradually faded away, but at some point, the sky darkened.

A strong sense of depression lingered in the hearts of the four demon hunting groups that had fallen to the ground, and an unpleasant feeling also emerged.

In the distance, the dozen or so dead people who had previously fled at the front all stopped and walked slowly towards their direction. Among these dead people, there were four dead people walking in front. The suppressed breath came from them. released from them.

Two of the dead raised their hands and waved into the air. Suddenly, the sky became darker, and large, large dark clouds gathered, blocking the brilliance of the sun. The aura on their bodies also began to burst out and rise like a blowout, and an extremely powerful sense of power fluctuated violently in the air.

Is this an escaped undead? still……

"Trap." Long Dangdang said in a deep voice with a gloomy face. At this time, he and his friends had already got off Qingpeng and came to Ling Menglu who was recovering after completing a big magic.

A bolt of ice-blue light shot out and flew straight towards the dead in the distance. It was the Spear of Ice and Thunder that Yue Li had just completed. Under the dazzling electric light burst, the ice and thunder spear came down almost instantly like thunder.

However, the dead man in the middle of the opponent suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the Ice and Thunder Spear. Just when the Ice Explosion Technique and Thunder were about to erupt, a dark, ink-like light spread from his palm, covering it. The entire spear was destroyed, causing all the magic elements on it to be annihilated.

You know, this is a dual-type mixed single-target attack magic that is powerful enough to reach the seventh level! But he was wiped out so easily. What was the strength of the other party?

Li Hongche also realized the problem. This emergency mission looked more like a fishing trap at this time.

More than a dozen dead people have slowly surrounded them, trying to escape? It's definitely too late.

Without any hesitation, Li Hongche activated the Ziling Crystal on his body and sent out a signal for help. However, this place is in the wilderness, far away from the city. With the communication ability of Zilingjing, even if the signal for help can be sent back, it will probably take at least half an hour for rescue to arrive.

Li Hongche took a deep breath, a look of determination flashed in his eyes. The day he became a demon hunter, he was ready to sacrifice at any time. I just didn't expect that this day would come so quickly. They had just been promoted to the commander-level demon hunting group and had a bright future.

"Everyone, come closer to me." Li Hongche shouted. Not far behind him, the team's priest had already amplified one auxiliary magic after another on him.

The priest who had reached level 7 of Cardinal Cultivation used the Eye of Insight and said in a deep voice: "The enemy has four level 8 dead, and among the remaining dead there are six level 7, and the others are level 6. They should have used Some special equipment masks the aura. We are in trouble."

The dozen or so dead people didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. They were still nearly 300 meters away from them, but they were walking towards them step by step. But everyone knew that once they tried to escape, these dead people would immediately start to spread out as quickly as possible. Attack them at a high speed.

"Long Dangdang, Zisang Liuying, and Li Yuqing obey the order." Li Hongche looked unusually calm at this time.

"Yes." The three group leaders responded at the same time.

Li Hongche took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Waiting a moment, my teammates and I will launch an all-out attack and hold them back at all costs. You immediately ride on the Qingpeng and evacuate. Don't worry about us. Don't look back. Do you understand?" "

Listening to the determination in his voice, Long Dangdang and the other three instantly felt goosebumps all over their bodies, because they immediately understood that this Templar, who had looked down on them from the beginning, was ready to fight with him. His team is prepared to die as a martyr. Without a moment's hesitation, he had already made his decision. Facing the undead powerhouses led by four eighth-level powerhouses, the 112117 Demon Hunting Group was bound to be wiped out. However, he had no hesitation.

"Captain Li..." Li Yuqing couldn't help shouting anxiously.

Li Hongche suddenly laughed, his visor opened, revealing a relieved smile, "You remember, follow the rules of the demon hunting group. If multiple demon hunting groups are in danger together, the highest level demon hunting group must We must fight for the opportunity for other demon hunting groups to evacuate and sacrifice without fear! This is the tradition of the demon hunting group. It’s us today, maybe it will be you next time.”

Having said this, his eyes swept over Zisang Liuying and Ling Menglu, "I looked down on you because you were young. You are better than I thought, and you must grow up. Also, what you did before Very good, perhaps, this way our dead ancestors will not be disturbed, let alone destroy the human world they once guarded with their lives."

At this point, his voice suddenly became louder, "The moment I rush out, you must evacuate immediately, without any mistake."

"Bang——" A deep muffled sound burst out from him, and a brilliant red light ignited on his body.

No one is more familiar with this kind of light than Long Dangdang. It is the light of sacrifice, which is ignited by his own spiritual power and his own life flame.

The bright silver armor was burning with red flames, and Li Hongche's own aura was rising crazily. The teammates around him didn't say a word from beginning to end, and everyone's eyes were firm and decisive. Yes, these are demon hunters, demon hunters whose mission is to protect humanity and the Federation.

Li Hongche finally turned around and looked at Long Dangdang, "Captain Long, you and I are both knights. If, I mean if, you are strong enough in the future, please find a way to help me take back the mithril base armor. I can't let you take it away now, because without it, I'm not strong enough to stop these dead, please."

Among the four captains, he and Long Dangdang are knights. The mithril base armor is not only a piece of equipment for the Knights Temple, but also one of the symbols of knights.

"Captain Li." Seeing that Li Hongche had turned around, Long Dangdang suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

Li Hongche frowned. Just when he was about to turn around, he suddenly found that there was another person beside him, standing side by side with him. It was Long Dangdang. Then he saw a spiritual furnace as white as jade emerging from Long Dangdang's chest, and then two more spiritual furnaces floated in and came to him respectively.

The three spiritual furnaces overlapped in an instant, and then suddenly fell on him. The crystal clear ice blue armor quickly appeared on him as his body expanded. His aura also began to surge, and his eyes began to exude a brilliant golden light.

What's this?

"You will not lose the mithril base armor." Long Dangdang's voice sounded.

Looking at Cangyue Angel Long Dangdang, who was more than one meter taller than him, Li Hongche couldn't help but choke for a moment, and the next second he shouted angrily: "What a nonsense, prepare to retreat."

"We won't leave." Zi Sang Liuying's cold voice sounded, and she said faintly: "There are so many eighth-level undead, how much merit is this!" As she said that, she had also arrived on the other side of Li Hongche. The knights in the team also stood in front.

"If I die in battle, please destroy my body as soon as possible to prevent it from being taken away by undead creatures." Li Yuqing said lightly.

No one who can become a demon hunter is afraid of death. They have all gone through countless tests and experienced the journey of righteousness in the Hall of Righteous Heart. Deep in their hearts, they all have a firm belief, which is to protect!

Although Li Hongche was extremely anxious at this time, there were waves of warmth surging in his heart.

And at this moment, as if they felt the change in the momentum of the demon hunters, the dozen or so dead people on the opposite side suddenly moved.

Among the four eighth-level dead, two who had not previously released the clouds suddenly burst out. Behind them, a pair of gray wings appeared each. The wings flapped hard, and in the next moment, with violent wind, they had already Come straight to the crowd.

Eighth-level undead also have spiritual auras.

Long Dangdang turned to look at Li Hongche and said with a smile: "Captain Li, one of us." After saying this, the two pairs of light wings behind him suddenly flapped, and the next moment, the person flew out like a shooting star.

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