Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 222 Killing the Eighth-Level Dead

Li Hongche knew that he had lost control of this mission at this time, but at the same time, the fighting spirit in his heart expanded to the extreme. The only way to defeat the enemy in front of you is to fight to the death.

Streams of golden light caught up with the charging dragon Dangdang from behind and enveloped him one after another. The sacred blessing, the blessing of light, and the protection of holy light filled the Cangyue Angel's body with brilliant divine brilliance. Every ray of light greatly enhances its aura.

Long Dangdang, who is already at the sixth level, has a total spiritual power of more than 8,000, which is already close to the level of the seventh level. With the increase in Cangyue Angel's transformation, his cultivation level is close to the high level of the seventh level, plus the addition from Ling Menglu. This super powerful auxiliary magic has directly reached the peak of the seventh level.

A ray of white light shot out from Long Dangdang's chest, but the dead man's body suddenly flashed in mid-air and turned into two figures, rushing to both sides. He had no intention of colliding head-on with Long Dangdang, but instead wanted to bypass him and attack the legal profession in the rear. Obviously, the two powerful magics of Zi Sang Liuying and Ling Menglu made the dead deeply fearful. The seventh-level lich is still recovering from behind with purple-black smoke on his body, and seems to have temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

The white light released by Long Dangdang was of course the Holy Spiritual Furnace, but the deceased in front of him was extremely powerful, and even with his mental power he could not tell which of the two figures was his true form, so he could only use the Holy Spiritual Furnace. To pull one of them.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is in the sky: "The sky is right!"

Another white light shot out, and two white lights fell on the two clones of the eighth-level deceased at the same time. The figure that Long Dangdang hit disappeared like a bubble, but another white light accurately completed the pulling.

"Oh my god! Help." Long Kongkong jumped up on the spot in a very shameless manner. And the speed of the deceased was like lightning. I don't know when there was a huge scythe in his hand. The terrifying blade cut directly towards him. There was a gray spiritual energy on the blade, and even the air seemed to be like lightning. They all seemed to be corroded as it passed by, leaving a light black mark.

This sword was absolutely unstoppable to Long Kongkong.

However, at this moment, Long Kongkong's figure disappeared out of thin air. When he appeared again, he happened to appear between the approaching Long Dangdang and the eighth-level deceased.

The light of the Holy Spiritual Furnace was released again, and at the same time, Long Kongkong also interrupted his connection with the Holy Spiritual Furnace, completing an alternation perfectly. Jump boots play a key role in this moment.

On the other side, the eighth-level deceased had collided with Li Hongche, who was releasing sacrifice and wearing a mithril base armor. The golden-red radiance collided wildly with the gray edge, erupting into violent energy fluctuations. Li Hongche stopped him steadily.

In the distance, two other eighth-level deceased who were obviously members of the legal profession grabbed their staffs and pointed them towards this direction. A large green halo emerged in the air. The eighth-level legal profession was extremely terrifying. , scope coverage is simply inevitable.

The magicians and priests of the four demon hunting groups each released protective light shields, but they were quickly shattered in the green light. The difference in level became apparent in a short period of time, but two versus eight were completely suppressed and could only barely hold on.

Among the six seventh-level dead, except for the lich, the other five seventh-level dead had already rushed over with other dead. The remaining two knights and warriors from the four demon hunting groups came forward. Except for the knights and warriors of the handsome level demon hunting group who are at the seventh level, the other three demon hunting groups are all at the sixth level. Three assassins from the four demon hunting groups also had to step forward, and then they barely blocked the attacks of more than a dozen seventh- and sixth-level dead.

At this moment, the two sides actually fell into a temporary stalemate, but there was no doubt that the Demon Hunting Group was still the suppressed party. Once any one of them failed, a chain reaction would immediately lead to a complete collapse.

"Boom——" Cangyue Angel Long Dangdang used an ordinary knight sword to block the attack of the death scythe. The whole person was thrown away in response, and the knight's sword in his hand was also broken into pieces.

So strong!

With just one collision, Long Dangdang immediately felt the difference between the king he faced and those ninth-level monsters he faced.

With the same eighth-level strength, this dead man is obviously more than one level stronger than the Warcraft in the use of power. The key is that he has a routine, which is almost no different from the eighth-level strong human beings. This was because he had the auxiliary magic cast by Ling Menglu to restrain the opponent's undead aura and prevent it from being eroded.

The eighth-level dead man was like a gray mist. He didn't even have a chance to breathe, and rushed over again in an instant. The gray sickle slashed across an area of ​​more than ten square meters, making it impossible to avoid.

Long Dangdang's hands lit up at the same time at this moment, and the gloves of Holy Glory Heart and Brilliant Heart each released their own skills, Holy Light Medicine, and Brilliant Bloom!

At the same time, the set of skills is released, the light elemental body.

Long Dangdang's body and Cangyue Angel's armor turned into dazzling bright light at the same time. The next moment, his whole body moved forward instantly, the speed was almost the same as teleportation, and a strange parabola was drawn in the air. In an instant, he crossed the gray sickle edge and reached diagonally above the eighth-level deceased. Leap of light.

Long Dangdang already had another knight's sword in his hand, and the brilliant sword light burst out instantly. The Heart of Holy Glory comes with the skill Holy Sword!

This change was extremely fast, and he fully unleashed the effects of legendary equipment.

So much so that the reaction of the eighth-level deceased was a beat too slow, and he subconsciously raised the long handle of the sickle in his hand to resist. At the same time, the body curled up, and a cloud of gray mist suddenly erupted from the whole body. In this state, physical damage can be greatly reduced. Caught off guard, it chose to defend with all its might. After all, the holy sword with the aura of divine light cannot be easily attacked.

However, at this moment, the light of the Cangyue Angel Armor on Long Dangdang flashed again, and his body disappeared out of thin air. The attack of the holy sword did not fall on the eighth-level deceased at all, and even connected to The holy spiritual furnace on it was broken.

The eighth-level deceased couldn't help but be stunned, and at the same time, he subconsciously waved the sickle and surrounded his body, emitting a large blade light. Losing traces of the enemy, the first thing it thinks of is protecting itself.

But others could see clearly that the disappeared Long Dangdang had appeared on another battlefield fifty meters away.

Li Hongche was fighting head-on with the eighth-level dead. The mithril base armor gave him a powerful boost. Coupled with the sacrifice state, although the strength he burst out at this time did not have the spiritual power, the power was no longer at all. Under the opponent, he was even vaguely able to suppress the opponent.

However, Li Hongche became more and more anxious, because the state of sacrifice could not last forever. Once his spiritual power and vitality were burned out, his side would immediately collapse.

When the sacrificial skill reaches his level, it will give priority to burning spiritual power when it is used. The speed of spiritual power consumption is almost five times higher than normal, and a small amount of life force is burned at the same time. As the spiritual power weakens, the burning of vitality will become stronger and stronger. Once the burning of vitality exceeds half, there is no way to stop it.

The opponent is stronger than imagined. He is definitely not the eighth-level one for the first time, and the weapons in his hands are also extraordinary. The gray sickle and the armor on his body have strong amplification capabilities. The undead aura is so powerful that through the spiritual gang The method continuously penetrated into Li Hongche's body. Under this situation of penetration, his sacrifice would burn faster, so that he did not dare to use other explosive functions at the same time.

Now, he can resist his opponent and even suppress his opponent to a certain extent, but he cannot defeat him. And as time goes by, it will become even more disadvantageous.

what to do?

Emergency mission group, Long Dangdang: "Leader, break out!"

He didn't call him Captain Li because Li Yuqing, Captain Li, was still there. But there is only one team leader for this mission.

The sudden sound of the Ziling Crystal was felt by everyone. In the state of sacrifice, all Li Hongche's perceptions were at their most acute, so he reacted immediately.

Although he didn't know what Long Dangdang was going to do, Long Dangdang blocked the eighth-level opponent on the other side, and that was a powerful partner worthy of trust. Therefore, he did not hesitate and the golden light suddenly bloomed in his body. A necklace around his neck suddenly exploded, and a dark red light penetrated into his body. In an instant, his whole body expanded a little, and his eyes instantly turned into a blur. blood red.

Disposable equipment, bloodthirsty necklace. It can give him bloodthirsty skills for a short period of time.

As a guardian knight, he is better at defense under normal circumstances, but at this time, he took the initiative to let go of the shield in his left hand. He shouldered the eighth-level dead man's sickle with his left shoulder, then held the sword with both hands. He spun around and used the two skills of Holy Explosion and Holy Sword at the same time. The scarlet Holy Sword sword light erupted for ten feet. Yu, instantly swept towards the deceased in front of him.

This was the strongest explosive method he had reserved. He had already been prepared to use it at any time, but he had been struggling to find an opportunity. Long Dangdang's sudden voice made him use it without hesitation, because if he delayed it any longer, he would use it. There couldn't be a better time.

At the same time as he suddenly broke out, without any warning, Long Dangdang's body appeared behind the eighth-level deceased. The holy sword that had previously slashed at his opponent had already slashed at another eighth-level deceased in front of him, completing a front-to-back pincer attack with Li Hongche.

All this happened so fast that even the eighth level powerhouse did not react for a moment. But its strong strength gives it a certain premonition of crisis. The body suddenly atomized and rotated rapidly at the same time. A powerful centrifugal force burst out from it, driving the sickle to resist the attacks of two people at the same time.

But at this moment, a ferocious roar sounded, and a golden light door suddenly opened in the sky. A ball of golden light fell from the sky inside the light door and exploded instantly. The light ball fell on the gray fog, causing the gray fog to visibly freeze for a moment, and the body of the eighth-level deceased was not completely atomized.

A huge lion's head then poked out from the light door, the light griffon! Li Hongche's riding partner.

Not only that, since Long Dangdang chose to take action at this time, he had no intention of holding back. The light of sacrifice also burst out from his body, and the light of the holy sword blooming on the Heart of Saint Glory also released a brilliance as bright as a galaxy. The seventh-level knight skill was surrounded by a galaxy!

This is the secret technique that Long Dangdang learned in the Knight Temple. Based on the Holy Sword, it inspires thousands of sword lights to gather the brilliance of the galaxy. It is the explosive secret technique of superimposing the Holy Sword. The knight who developed this secret skill back then was nicknamed the Galaxy Sword Master.

This secret skill is very difficult to practice, it requires strong mental and external spiritual power to support, and it puts a huge load on the body. In the internal evaluation of the Knights Temple, it is not recommended for seventh-level Templars to learn, because it is easy to injure themselves. At this time, Long Dangdang relied on the transformation of Cangyue Angel, coupled with his own powerful external spiritual power and the sudden burst of sacrifice, to use it directly.

"Gah——" A scream sounded from the mouth of the eighth-level deceased. Under the baptism of the stars surrounding it, the gray mist on its body was instantly dispersed, and the starlight formed by countless sword lights appeared around its body, which was extremely gorgeous, but its body was also locked at this moment.

Scarlet sword light suddenly penetrated from the chest, and bloodlust, sacrifice, holy explosion, and holy sword broke out in full force.

Blinding rays of light shot out from the armor of the eighth-level deceased. The next moment, its armor exploded, and at the same time, gray-black bones exploded.

A wisp of gray flame shot out and was about to escape into the distance.

But at this moment, a black light belt swept in silently, blocking its path with incomparable accuracy. Sweeping under it, the gray flame was pulled and unable to escape.

The Cang Yue Angel armor on Long Dangdang was also quickly lifted at this moment, turning into rays of light that swept out and fell on another identical body not far behind.

Long Kongkong's body expanded, Cangyue Angel transformed and possessed him, and the three spiritual furnaces concentrated on him. The Tianyuan Domain exploded with all its strength, pulling the gray flame to prevent it from escaping.

Long Dangdang turned around and came to Long Kongkong's side, sticking close to his back back to back. Huge spiritual power was immediately transmitted from Long Kongkong's body, making up for his previous huge consumption.

He was able to instantly teleport from his opponent's side to this side before, using the Cang Yue Angel's skill Cang Hai Yue Hua Zhi Tian Ya. The Leap of Light can only be used once in a short period of time, and the distance is not enough. Although the cost of being so close to the end of the world is huge, the effect is also excellent. He teamed up with the Templar Knight Li Hongche, who exploded with all his strength, and actually killed an eighth-level deceased.

However, the situation did not get better at this time, but seemed to get worse.

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