Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 223 How did this trick work?

Long Dangdang came here to attack through Tianya, and Long Kongkong also came quickly under his guidance. On the other side, the other members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group were about to face the eighth-level deceased that Long Dangdang had faced before.

Without the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, after the eighth-level deceased reacted, it was already too late to rescue its companions. Its eyes dancing with scarlet flames were instantly locked on Ling Menglu.

Ling Menglu, who had used Praise of Light, had long been targeted by the dead. For the dead, she was the number one target to kill. The threat of her extremely pure divine attributes was too great, and Bi Zisan Liuying was even more feared by these dead.

The eighth-level dead man rushed towards Ling Menglu without any hesitation. At this time, only Yue Li and Tao Linlin were around Ling Menglu.

Tao Linlin relied on the newly obtained sky-stealing robe to release the two eighth-level monsters, the red-armored earth dragon and the storm dragon. At the same time, she also released her own summoned beast, the demon-suppressing tree, to guard Ling Menglu's side without joining. The battlefield on the other side. This is what Long Dangdang told him before.

However, at this time, facing the powerful pressure of the eighth-level powerhouse, how could they resist it with just their three legal professions?

For a moment, Tao Linlin's heart almost jumped out of her throat, but she still immediately ordered the storm demon dragon and the red-armored earth dragon to block the front.

A large number of wind blades erupted and swept across, and the red-armored earth dragon rushed towards the eighth-level deceased in the strong wind.

However, the eighth-level dead suddenly became atomized, and all the wind blade cuts could only pass through the gray mist, unable to stop it at all. The same was true of the impact of the red-armored earth dragon. It only felt a chill all over its body. The fog had already passed by, leaving large traces of corrosion on the thick scales of the red-armored earth dragon, causing it to scream in agony.

Not blocked!

Yue Li waved the staff of Song of Ice and Fire in his hand, and the sun and moon combined with the Hui Ling Furnace bloomed with dazzling light. The light wheel of ice and fire gathered together and blocked them in front of them.

The sharp light flashed away, and the light wheel broke open. The figure of the deceased in gray armor with spikes had appeared in front of them.


Li Hongche, who was quickly extinguishing his sacrifice flame, just turned around and looked this way. When he saw this scene, he was shocked, but he was too late to rescue. The legal profession is being attacked by melee fighters, and it is also up to the eighth level of close combat with the dead. How can we resist this?

What's more, these legal professions themselves are facing the suppression of the opponent's two eighth-level lichs.

Although their side has eliminated an eighth-level dead warrior, it still looks like their side is about to collapse! Li Hongche had tried his best in the recent outburst, but it also consumed a huge amount of himself, losing nearly half of his strength.

Just when he was even a little desperate. Suddenly, the eighth-level dead person in front of Ling Menglu seemed to have frozen. The gray sickle in its hand was clearly less than half a meter away from Ling Menglu, but it was stuck in mid-air and could not fall.

"Do you think I'm easy to bully?" Ling Menglu said calmly. The reason why the attack of the eighth-level deceased could not continue to fall was because there was an orange-red ball of light between it and Ling Menglu.

In Ling Menglu's eyes, golden flames danced. This was a skill sacrifice used by priests to sacrifice themselves to the God of Light, and gain more powerful power in a short period of time.

When she used the Forbidden Curse of Praise of Light, she did it in a sacrificial state. This is a more domineering skill than sacrifice, because the sacrifice is the power of the soul.

However, if the same skill is used by Ling Menglu, the cost is far less than that of an ordinary priest. The object of sacrifice is the God of Light, and at this time, she is the body of the God of Light! To a certain extent this is a sacrifice to the self. So although it would also consume her soul power, it was far less terrifying.

The orange-red light group was magnifying, and the next moment, the dead warrior who was in the atomized state of the undead and immune to physical attacks was also rendered in the same orange-red color.

Its body solidified again and returned to its original appearance of wearing armor, but what was beating in its eyes was no longer the red soul fire, but filled with orange.

"Bang——" The orange-red flame exploded, and the powerful orange-red flame swallowed up the bodies of Ling Menglu and the eighth-level deceased at the same time.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There were three violent explosions in the air, but there was no explosion. The offensive of the two eighth-level lichs in the distance slowed down, and the soul fire in their eyes beat violently.

"Poof" a figure was thrown out. It was the eighth-level dead warrior who was swallowed by the orange-red light earlier. It was still wearing full armor and fell heavily more than ten meters away. It didn't seem to have any damage on its body. , however, the soul fire in the helmet has been extinguished.

Under the orange-red light, Ling Menglu's figure reappeared, bathing in the orange-red light that had not dissipated. At this time, she looked like a goddess descending.

All this happened so fast that those who wanted to rescue her, such as Zi Sang Liuying and Li Hongche, were shocked and stunned.

Single-handedly, head-on confrontation, kill the eighth-level dead warrior!

What a strength this is.

Even Long Dangdang, who had already used the Leap of Light to rush over again, his eyes were full of shock.

In his tactical plan, he helped Li Hongche deal with his opponent through a surprise attack at the end of the world, and then used the fire of Long Kongkong to swallow his soul in return, allowing him to quickly regain his strength. On the other side, let Ling Menglu activate the epic equipment of Divine Light Dali Pill and superimpose it with the third-level sacred hammer spiritual furnace, temporarily frightening and stopping another eighth-level dead warrior, waiting for his return.

However, he did not expect that his cousin was so powerful that he killed the dead warrior directly. Yes, killed!

"Ouch--" A harsh scream came from a distance. The bodies of the two eighth-level lichs burned with dazzling purple light, but that was not the attack they were about to unleash. The dead warriors who were fighting with everyone left two seventh-level kings behind and retreated instantly. Purple rays of light connected with them, assimilating them into purple, speeding up and escaping in an instant.

But at this moment, a hazy sword light suddenly flashed quietly without warning, and an aura full of the smell of death suddenly erupted. One of the Bajie Liches felt that the surrounding air seemed to be frozen, and a strong sense of crisis lingered in his heart. He quickly interrupted his undead magic to suppress the distance, and his body instantly became atomized. At the same time, the huge undead The power exploded, and a dark purple light suddenly solidified.

The gray-white light flashed twice in an instant, and the solid purple light suddenly shattered into fragments and disintegrated. But a ray of mist accelerated away with a scream, and appeared hundreds of meters away in an instant, but its breath had already fallen.

Undead magic and substitutionary death, this eighth-level lich used these powerful life-saving skills to escape. The other undead creatures all fled quickly, especially the several lichs in the distance, all of which turned into streams of light and quickly moved away.

Of course, the four demon hunting groups were not willing to let them go easily. After taking a breath, Li Hongche led everyone in pursuit and killed two seventh-level undead who had been cut off. However, the other undead creatures were too fast after all, and they could The power of physical attacks was greatly weakened, but he still escaped smoothly.

The heavy sword was placed on the ground, and the Mithril base armor was lifted off. Li Hongche was breathing heavily. The continuous use of sacrifice skills had taken a huge toll on him. At this time, the battle was over, and his face was already pale. Our team The priest is constantly throwing treatment and recovery skills on him.

Until now, Li Hongche's mind was still confused, and he still didn't quite understand how this trick worked.

The enemies were four eighth-level dead, including two eighth-level lichs, six seventh-level dead, and seven or eight sixth-level dead.

We have four demon hunting groups, three general-level demon hunting groups, and one commander-level demon hunting group. Not a single eighth level.

This is clearly a situation where the group will be destroyed! However, like a magic trick, he killed two eighth-level dead warriors of the opponent, seriously injured an eighth-level lich, and left behind several seventh- and sixth-level dead. Such a record can be described as incredible. At least he didn't understand.

On the other side, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and other partners gathered together. Long Kongkong held a spiritual shield, and a large amount of spiritual power from his body continued to spurt out and penetrated into the bodies of everyone, mainly Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu. . In just a few minutes, the spiritual energy consumed by everyone had been replenished, and more spiritual energy was injected into the body, which improved their condition.

The other teams, including Zisang Liuying and the others, were all exhausted. Those who had ambushed the eighth-level lich before were undoubtedly their first encounters. The cost of using the Six Paths of Reincarnation Soul Furnace twice was quite huge. At this time, he had returned to his friends, but he was standing there like a zombie, with Tang Leiguang guarding him. It would take at least fourteen days for him to recover from using the spiritual furnace twice. This is the price of the strongest spiritual furnace in the Assassin Temple, but he also severely damaged an eighth-level lich with a strength of less than seventh level, which is enough to be proud of.

Long Dangdang glanced at his own child spirit crystal, and looked at each other again with Ling Menglu. The values ​​recorded in the child spirit crystal could only be described as shocking. Especially Ling Menglu, she can be said to have killed an eighth-level deceased by herself! Although the mental energy consumption was huge at this time, with Long Kongkong's continuous replenishment, the spiritual energy fed back the spiritual energy, which had changed slightly, but his eyes were still dim, showing pain from time to time.

The epic power of the Holy Light Power Pill is currently beyond her control. She was able to use it with the help of a brief burst of the power of sacrifice. But its side effects were even more powerful than when Long Dangdang first used Cangyue Angel to transform.

Fortunately, during the three months of training, facing the oppression of the Evil Eye Tyrant, their mental strength became very tough. Coupled with her own powerful talent as a god of light, she has divine blessing. This will prevent him from having a mental breakdown, but he will need to rest for at least seven days before he can recover.

In the distance, Zi Sang Liuying's eyes were looking over here, looking at Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang and others. Her eyes were even a little stunned.

After nine months of not seeing each other, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were banned in the Zhengxin Palace for nine months. Why did they not only not lose strength when they saw them again, but they felt even more powerful? And Ling Menglu relied on an instant burst to kill an eighth-level undead warrior. How did she do this? Directly destroying the soul level, at that moment Ling Menglu's brilliance definitely overshadowed everyone present.

For the first time, Zisan Liuying had doubts about herself. Is Monroe's talent really better than hers? She has become so powerful?

Li Hongche, who gradually recovered a little under the treatment of the priest, brought the priest of his team to the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group and asked the priest to perform several powerful healing spells on Ling Menglu, mainly to heal her. Mental trauma and the like. The healing ability of the seventh-level priest is quite strong, and this female priest has been staring at Ling Menglu.

"Thank you." Ling Menglu said weakly, and then stopped the other party from continuing to use healing magic. She had hurt her spiritual origin a little. This could not be restored by ordinary treatment, so she could only go back and repair it slowly by herself.

"Can I ask you a question?" The seventh-level cardinal couldn't help but ask.

Ling Menglu said: "You tell me."

The cardinal said: "Why is your attribute so pure that it doesn't even need to be transformed? Your holy light aura is the strongest among the priests I have ever seen. Even the saints, simply from In terms of purity of attributes, I am not as good as you."

Ling Menglu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Maybe my talent is better and I am favored by the God of Light."

The cardinal said: "Did you use a sacrifice just now? This will affect your future!"

Of course, Ling Menglu would not explain that she was the body of the God of Light. Even if she was sacrificed, it would not really affect her potential. She just said: "At that time, I just wanted to survive first. After all, in such a situation, if I was killed by the opponent's eighth-level dead If the soldiers break into the formation, we will be finished."

Yes, it seemed like a complete victory, but looking at it on the other hand, if it was the eighth-level deceased who killed Ling Menglu and then rushed into many legal professions to kill, then everything would be different.

Li Hongche's eyes were staring at Long Dangdang at this time. How could his eyes not be complicated? As a seventh-level Templar and a leading Templar with a mithril base armor, he didn't even understand how Long Dangdang, who was also a knight, fought.

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