Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 225 Sit-ins and Banners

The headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group.

Long Dangdang and his group of seven people came here in a very calm mood. Entering the headquarters, they walked directly in the direction of the mission office.

Arriving at the door of the mission office, but not going in, Long Dangdang nodded to Long Kongkong, who immediately took out a huge banner from his storage ring.

The two brothers pulled the banner apart one by one, and then sat down behind the banner with their friends.

There is only one line of words on the banner, which is not long, but each word is very large. It reads: We should not destroy the remains of heroic souls when performing missions. We were wrong.

Just one line. Nothing more.

Then the seven people sat there in silence.

The mission office is undoubtedly the busiest place in the headquarters of the demon hunting group. Not long after, a demon hunting group walked in from outside.

They generally looked to be in their twenties. When they came to the door of the mission office and saw Long Dangdang's banner in front of them, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? What are you doing?" The leading knight stepped forward and asked in confusion.

Long Dangdang said calmly: "When we were performing the mission, in order to prevent the remains of the heroic spirits from being taken away by undead creatures, we destroyed the remains. I am here to admit our mistake."

The knight's expression suddenly became a little strange. He was about to say something, but was pulled back by his companion behind him. Without asking any more questions, he led the team into the mission office.

Not long after, a middle-aged man walked out of the mission office quickly. As soon as he went out, he saw the seven Long Dangdang people. He couldn't help shouting angrily: "What are you doing? This is the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group. Who are you?" A demon hunting group?"

Long Dangdang stood up, crossed his right fist across his chest, and performed a knight's salute, "Hello, senior, we are the general-level demon hunting group 19115897. We destroyed many heroic relics in the previous emergency mission. Gu was punished by the headquarters and came here to admit his mistake."

After saying this, he sat down again.

The middle-aged man yelled angrily: "Nonsense. Who told you to admit your mistake? Do you know that you are making trouble? The mission office is an important place in the headquarters. Leave as soon as possible."

Long Dangdang shook his head and did not speak again.

"I'm warning you, get out of here quickly, or I'll ask the guards to take you away." The middle-aged man felt a little uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, another group of demon hunters came outside. They walked directly to the mission office, and then sat down behind Long Dangdang and the others without saying anything.

"What are you doing?" the middle-aged man asked in shock and anger.

"We are here to admit our mistakes in the mission we performed together with them." Zisan Liuying said calmly, and then sat down behind Long Dangdang.

"Nonsense!" The middle-aged man had already realized that something was wrong and wanted to call the guards. However, there were all demon hunters present. Every demon hunter is a hero of the Federation in a sense. His position in the headquarters is not too high. If Kanlong Dangdang and the others were not too young, he would not have spoken to them in this tone.

Without saying anything more, he hurriedly turned around and headed into the headquarters. He had to report what happened here immediately.

Ling Menglu turned around and smiled at Zi Sang Liuying, "It came very quickly."

Zisan Liuying said calmly: "You should get a lot of rewards for killing the eighth-level dead. It's okay to deduct 10,000 merit points. Our team's current merit points are negative. We can't live any longer."

Isn't it? The biggest achievement at that time was to kill two eighth-level dead. In addition to dealing with the lich on the opposite side, Zisang Liuying also had the elemental storm annihilate the remains of all the heroic spirits. As a destroyer, she received 15,000 merit deductions, more than Ling Menglu. I was suffocating in my heart when I was notified by Ling Menglu and rushed over immediately.

Long Dangdang's hand flashed with light, he took out the token of preparation for the temple, and gestured to Zi Sang Liuying, who immediately understood.

At the moment, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong, Ling Menglu, Zisang Liuying, Tang Leiguang, the first encounter who lost three senses, plus Cai Caijuan. Seven people each took out a token. They were arranged in a row in front of the banner. Then continue to sit still.

As soon as they finished doing this, people from the Demon Hunting Group arrived outside. They came in a hurry. The leader walked quickly towards the mission. When he saw Long Dangdang and others, he immediately quickened his pace. .

"What are you doing?" Li Hongche asked Long Dangdang helplessly.

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "Because we have been treated unfairly! Captain Li, we demon hunters can't bleed and shed tears, right?"

Li Hongche sighed and said: "It's really hard to tell what happened this time. Otherwise, I'll share my personal merits this time with you, forget it. Don't blame the headquarters. After all, this involves senior management. The game between."

Zisan Liuying said coldly: "Does the high-level game have to sacrifice little people like us?"

Li Hongche smiled bitterly and said: "Forget it, forget it, who asked us to carry out the mission together? Without you, we might have been wiped out long ago. Then let's do it together."

As he said that, he took his friends to the side and sat down.

"Wow, what is this?" A woman who looked like the youngest in Li Hongche's team suddenly said in surprise. This is the summoner in their team, and he is staring blankly at the tokens placed in front of Long Dangdang and the others.

It was only at this time that Li Hongche noticed. Looking at the obviously unfamiliar token on the ground, he couldn't help but be stunned. But when he looked carefully, his expression changed drastically, and he looked up at Long Dangdang and Zisang Liuying. When he joined the demon hunting group, his expression suddenly changed.

Little guy? You say you are a nobody?

He now finally understands why two such young demon hunting groups are already at the general level, and are powerful enough to kill the eighth-level dead.

What kind of little person is this? What are those seven tokens? Preparing the church?

You know, there are only thirty-six saints in the entire six major temples! Although the preparatory church may not necessarily become a real church, there is no doubt that they must be cultivated as a church.

In other words, the actions of Zisang Liuying and Ling Menglu in destroying the remains of heroic spirits in the previous mission represented the thoughts of the seven Preparatory Saints. They clearly stood on the side of advocating the cremation of heroic spirits.

The will of the two general-level demon-hunting groups can be taken less seriously, but what about the seven reserve saints? In the future, if they really become a temple, this will be equivalent to the influence of a temple!

With complicated emotions, Li Hongche and his teammates walked to the side and sat down.

He was trying to persuade this time. If the persuasion failed, he would still be the person in charge of the entire task, so what else could he do? We can only stand with the robes who live and die together! There was no other choice, otherwise he would have considered himself unworthy of being the temporary captain.

Less than a minute later, Li Yuqing and his teammates arrived. They didn't even say a word and sat down directly behind Zisang Liuying and the others. Before Long Dangdang came, he explained the situation to the emergency task group, so they naturally knew it.

Not to mention the unfair treatment this time, more importantly, the younger generation of demon hunters actually support the remains of the Second Spark Heroic Spirit. They have all performed the task of guarding tombs, and they are fully aware of the impact of the presence of these remains.

Four demon-hunting groups, one commander-level and three general-level, all twenty-five people sat in silence.

A huge banner is in front, and every word seems to be an admission of mistake, but it is so dazzling.

"Okay, stop making trouble." A somewhat lazy but helpless voice sounded. A person also walked out of the mission office.

Seeing this person, Long Dangdang stood up quickly, and others also stood up one after another, each saluting with the etiquette of this temple.

"I've seen the Minister of Wine." Long Dangdang placed his right fist across his chest and bowed slightly.

Ah Jiu glanced at the banner in front of him, then at the four demon hunting groups, "Stop your magical powers and come in with me."

"Okay." Long Dangdang agreed happily and put the banner away in three clicks. Zi Sang Liuying, who was behind him, was still a little surprised, but she saw Long Dangdang making a gesture to him with his hands behind his back.

Everyone followed Ah Jiu into the mission office and saw the middle-aged man from before. At this time, the middle-aged man looked very ugly.

Ah Jiu led them not to stop in the lobby of the mission office, but instead walked inside along a nearby corridor.

After walking for about a minute, they were taken to a spacious room. It seemed to be a conference room, with chairs on either side of a long table.

"Everyone, take a seat." Ah Jiu waved his hand.

Everyone sat down one after another, but their eyes fell on the deputy minister.

Ajiu always had a faint smile on his face, "Whose idea was this? The seven preparatory church masters."

Long Dangdang stood up with a smile on his face without waiting for anyone else's reaction, "It's me, it's me. Minister of Wine, I feel deeply that I have caused trouble to the headquarters this time, so I came to the headquarters to admit my mistake and apologize. What?"

The smile on Ajiu's face finally couldn't be stretched any longer, and he laughed and scolded: "Are you here to admit your mistake and apologize? Are you here to force me to have a baby?"

Long Dangdang said with a surprised look on his face: "Of course not! Why don't you take a look at our banner again? We sincerely admit our mistake."

Ah Jiu said angrily: "Don't do this, you cunning boy. Do you think the headquarters is unfair to you this time? Do you know what kind of trouble there is in the Acropolis because of you this time? Already?"

Long Dangdang said with an aggrieved face: "Minister Jiu, there was nothing we could do about the situation at that time! Think about it, when we found out that the enemies were four eighth-level deceased, what was our reaction at that time? The four of us There is not even an eighth-level demon-hunting group in this group, and Captain Li and his teammates are already prepared to sacrifice themselves to buy time for our other three general-level demon-hunting groups to retreat. At that time, we simply can’t We can’t save the remains of the heroic spirits. In order to prevent these remains from being desecrated, we have to destroy them!”

Ah Jiu was slightly startled, then turned to look at Li Hongche, "Didn't your report say that the remains were destroyed first, and then you discovered the four eighth-level dead and the ambush?"

"Ah? I, did I say that?" Li Hongche was a little confused at the moment and turned to look at Long Dangdang.

Long Dang said: "Captain Li's report is correct. He did not discover the ambush at that time. But we actually discovered it in advance. After all, we have special spiritual furnaces that cannot be discovered by our abilities, but they are. is allowed."

He was actually telling lies with his eyes open. Unless it was a life-and-death crisis, the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace would not alert them to danger at all. Whether it was Yu Tong, Cang Hai or Xiao Ming, they all had this tacit understanding in common. But outsiders have no way of knowing this!

The higher-ups must have known that they had the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace, so his explanation was impeccable.

Ah Jiu looked at Long Dangdang and suddenly had a strange feeling. He knew clearly that this boy was talking nonsense and making strong excuses, but theoretically speaking, there was really no way to expose his lies.

Long Dangdang continued: "But we still realized our mistake. Although we were thinking about the heroic spirits not being desecrated by the dead, after all, we destroyed the remains of so many heroic spirits and caused a lot of damage to the seniors of Acropolis. We are traumatized, so we come here to admit our mistake. We are willing to show our sincere apology for a month. This will also make it easier for our headquarters to explain to the six major temples and the Federation."

"Bastard!" Ah Jiu finally couldn't bear it any longer. One month? Sitting in front of the mission office for a month? To show that they have been treated unfairly and let many demon hunting groups know, is this called an apology?

Ah Jiu couldn't help but feel a headache for this slippery yet difficult boy.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Ah Jiu said angrily.

Long Dangdang shook his head firmly and said: "We don't want anything! We are here to apologize to the headquarters for solving the trouble. You see, if you don't have any other instructions, we will continue?"

Li Hongche's dumbfounded expression turned into sincere admiration. This was the deputy director of the Demon Hunting Group's headquarters. This Minister of Wine was once a member of a title-level demon hunting group! He is a real strong man. Long Dangdang looked calm and composed when facing the minister. He was not affected by the other party's identity at all, and he talked eloquently. But his words were watertight.

The smile on Ah Jiu's face disappeared, and his nose was almost crooked with anger, but he had to admit that Long Dangdang's move made the headquarters a little helpless. When the two demon hunting groups, Long Dangdang and Zisan Liuying, were first formed, the headquarters attached great importance to them. The seven people preparing for the temple were no joke. They joined the Demon Hunting Group and were even trained by the Six Holy Temples in order to train future successors. When faced with the danger of an ambush this time, he showed great strength. It’s not easy!

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