Looking at Long Dangdang with a smile on his face, Ah Jiu wanted to slap this kid. Moreover, he discovered that no matter whether it was a few people in Long Dangdang's own team or a few preparatory members of Zisang Liuying's team, they had no intention of speaking. Everything was dominated by Long Dangdang.

This is interesting. According to the information collected by the headquarters, among the seven preparatory temples, Long Dangdang is actually ranked lower and the last one. Yes, he is the last one, even Long Kongkong is ranked above him.

Ling Menglu ranked first, Zisang Liuying second, Long Kongkong ranked third, then Chu Yu, Tang Leiguang, Cai Caijuan, and finally Long Dangdang.

Yes, Long Kongkong ranked third. The reason is very simple. Although he is not strong, he is the successor of Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace! Although Long Dangdang also owns the Wisdom Spirit Furnace, it is a broken Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. It is likely that his achievements will be limited in the future, and it will be difficult to break through to a higher level like the owners of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace in historical records.

But now it seems that Long Dangdang has become the leader, and even Zi San Liuying's cold and arrogant character did not interrupt when he spoke. what does that mean? It's a bit intriguing.

"Just here, write a new report to me according to what you just said. I will apply to the headquarters and the federal government to revoke the punishment on you. Okay?" Ah Jiu said.

Long Dangdang scratched his head and looked a little surprised, "Minister of Wine, but we were really wrong! How dare we ask the federation to withdraw the punishment!"

Ah Jiu's eyes widened a little, "Aren't you satisfied with this?"

Long Dangdang waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, no. As ordinary low-level demon hunters, we fully support whatever the headquarters decides. We just don't want to cause trouble to the headquarters."

"Shut up, don't go too far! Originally, the punishment was just an explanation given on the surface. Did the headquarters really lose you? It's better for you, you don't have any trust in the headquarters, and you still come here to make trouble. On the surface, The rewards are not as great as yours and Zisang Liuying’s team’s meritorious deeds will be reduced by half when they are promoted to the next level in the future, do you want that?”

Long Dangdang said with a smile on his face: "What about the two Captain Li's teams?"

Ah Jiu glared at him and said: "Captain Li Hongche's team can get a deduction of fifty thousand for the same amount of merit. Li Yuqing's team can get a deduction of thirty thousand. Are you satisfied?"

Long Dangdang hurriedly said: "I dare not refuse the gift, thank you Minister of Wine. Then we will write a new report. If the headquarters determines that we did not make a mistake this time, will there be rewards for the previously punished merits and missions?"

Looking at the innocent smile on his face, Ah Jiu snorted, "Stop talking nonsense and write quickly." After saying that, he turned around and left. He was afraid that he really couldn't help but give this kid a good squeeze.

Watching the wine minister leave, everyone else's eyes invariably focused on Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang smiled and nodded to everyone, and praised: "The headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group is truly the home of our demon hunters. They always think about us. The Minister of Wine especially cares about us juniors. He is really a good example for us to respect for life."

After listening to Long Dangdang's words, Cai Caijuan couldn't help laughing. Zisang Liuying turned away, not wanting to look at him again. The corner of Tang Leiguang's mouth twitched. He had lost all three senses, including hearing, and just looked at Long Dangdang with some curiosity.

Long Dangdang was on his team's side, Long Kongkong raised his thumbs up and cheered for his brother, Ling Menglu just smiled, Wang Changxin was expressionless, as if nothing had happened, Ming Xi was in a daze, and Tao Linlin was smiling.

But everyone in the two teams, Li Hongche and Li Yuqing, was already overwhelmed by the huge surprise. Let's take a stand. It only took a few minutes. How come they got tens of thousands of meritorious deeds? This happiness came too suddenly. For Long Dangdang, they only have deep admiration at this time.

The mission report was naturally written by Long Dangdang, so he reported it again just as he had said to Ah Jiu before.

Li Hongche and Li Yuqing took their teammates and left in advance, but Zisang Liuying and her friends stayed.

"We were absolutely right about what happened this time. Those stubborn old men insisting on guarding these remains will only bring more casualties and dangers. They are just old fools." Zisan Liuying said angrily.

Long Dangdang stopped writing, looked up at her, and said: "Captain Zisang, there is actually no absolute right or wrong in this matter. We understand that these ancestors' bones will cause danger, don't the predecessors understand? They must understand too. . However, these ancestors have made outstanding contributions to the Federation, and their talents have been passed down. It is indeed difficult for the younger generations to crush their ancestors into ashes. It is understandable from the mood. .”

Zisang Liuying said: "But the problem is that the undead creatures continue to wreak havoc, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. More and more ancestors' remains have become part of the undead army, attacking humans. Should we just let it go on like this? This is not the case either It’s what the ancestors wanted to see. If we continue to guard this place, we don’t know how many living people will be sacrificed for the dead.”

Long Dangdang said: "I understand your feelings, and I understand it too. However, after all, our Temple Federation is an existence that has been inherited for more than 10,000 years. For more than 10,000 years, how many ancestors have buried their bones and can be remembered by undead creatures? They are the ancestors of the six temples who have made outstanding contributions to the Federation. It is indeed not an easy thing to let go emotionally. In fact, have you ever thought about it, this is actually brought about by the federal system The problem."

Zisang Liuying was stunned, "Problems caused by the federal system? What do you mean?"

Long Dangdang said: "What if the funeral method in our federation has been cremation from the beginning? Then, no matter how many years it lasts, this problem will not exist."

Ling Menglu's eyes lit up and she said, "You mean, we should promote it from this aspect?"

Long Dangdang said: "We are still talking lightly now, but I believe that the leaders of the six major temples and the Federation also know that the tombs of ancestors are the largest source of supplies for undead creatures. If you want to promote the cremation of ancestors, you must at least start from The policy is defensible, so we might as well settle on changing the funeral method first. It should be easier."

Long Kongkong said lazily: "There is another way."

Long Dangdang glanced at him, "Do you have any other ideas?"

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "When I get stronger, I can use the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace to absorb them all. If there are no undead creatures, won't it be no longer a problem?"

Naturally, all he can get from these words is a blank stare.

The mission report was quickly rewritten and left on the table. Long Dangdang left directly with his friends. As the Minister of Wine said, it’s enough if the goal is achieved, don’t go too far!

As for how this matter will develop in the future, it is not something they, "little people", need to consider.

Return to the station and rest.

While Ling Menglu was recuperating her spiritual sea, she began to build magic circles at the station. Shielding and isolating arrays are given priority, followed by spirit gathering arrays, protective arrays, etc.

The small courtyard dedicated to the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group had turned into a defensive center within a few days.

Everyone gathers in the courtyard to practice together every night. The help of the God Praying Cangyue Angel and the magic of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace are of great help to everyone's practice.

However, there are often screams in the small courtyard. That was the sound made by some people when they were practicing the Blood Alchemy Body.

The loudest ones were not Ling Menglu and Ming Xi, but Tao Linlin who started to try.

Only after he really tried it did he know how intense and violent the pain of the Blood Alchemy Body would be. During the first test, the scream was tragic. Then his nickname of Sister Taozi was confirmed. And Tao Linlin was helpless in response to the ridicule. Who said that he could not bear it as well as some other girls?

A week later, the notice from the Demon Hunting Group headquarters finally came.

Ling Menglu's forfeited 10,000 merit points came back. At the same time, the mission reward also had 8,000 merit points. No one knew whether this reward was missing, but they finally got back what they had lost.

The total number of meritorious service has exceeded 60,000. If the meritorious service of the Demon Hunting Group is halved for promotion to the next level as the Minister of Wine said last time, then they have actually achieved enough meritorious service to upgrade. Of course, strength is not enough.

If you want to become a handsome level demon hunting group, you need to break through the seventh level of collective cultivation. At present, they don't have even a seventh-level person.

Moreover, they are generally young. The strategy formulated by Long Dangdang is very simple, focusing on cultivation and completing tasks as a supplement. Even if it is not a mandatory task, there is no rush to complete it.

After spending 10,000 merits, some treasures for making magic arrays were exchanged from the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group. Ling Menglu made better spirit gathering arrays at the station for everyone to practice. As long as it is not a mandatory task, Long Dangdang has no intention of taking his friends to complete it.

In any profession, cultivation and growth will be the fastest in young years, because at this stage, the human body is the most active, not to mention that there are existences like the three spiritual furnaces of wisdom, and their cultivation speed is absolutely unmatched by anyone. Improving your strength first is more important than anything else. As for the remaining meritorious deeds, I kept them for the time being and did not exchange them for equipment. With their current equipment, it is enough for the time being.

Ling Menglu also brought back news from home. The church knew about their sit-in at the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group, but the church seemed to have remained silent about this. But Mr. Ling also reminded them to keep a low profile.

They really kept a low profile, so low-key that no one even showed up. Except for going out to purchase supplies, the seven of them almost never left home and practiced hard at their residence. Except for Long Kongkong who couldn't help but wanted to sneak out a few times and was caught by Long Dangdang, everyone else was happy with it.

For the other four, this speed of cultivation is unprecedented for them. It’s great to feel that my strength is improving every day.

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and Long Dangdang was lying calmly in the bathtub, silently feeling the blood of the dragon monster infiltrating his body, and a faint purple halo gradually appeared on the surface of his skin.

From the initial discomfort when the purple lines appeared, they have become accustomed to it now. He and Long Kongkong are now able to deal with it calmly.

As cultivation deepens, these purple lines seem to be changing to a certain extent. The most important change is that the lines themselves have become more complicated. From the beginning, there were only lines outlining rhombus shapes one by one. It becomes different shades, has a three-dimensional effect, and is faintly glowing. And their own strength is also constantly growing in this process.

Because you have cultivated the Blood Alchemy Body, the progress of your inner spiritual power is restricted by the external spiritual power. If the external spiritual power does not reach the inner spiritual power, you cannot continue to improve. But on the other hand, the cultivation of external spiritual power is not affected by this aspect and can be continuously improved.

After the transaction with the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group, the huge amount of beast blood they obtained can be used for a long time, and the Ling family has also continued to purchase through large auctions, and has accumulated a lot, especially the blood of demon beasts with dragon bloodline. , accumulate a lot.

Long Kongkong's recent progress in external spiritual power has been very rapid, because the blood level of the dragon-type monster he is currently using is higher, one level higher than his own cultivation. The progress of external spiritual power can even be described as a thousand miles a day, in just over a week. In time, the external spiritual power not only broke through the fifth level, but also continued to improve. It was already close to three thousand. Although the speed of improvement cannot be compared with before, if it continues, it will not take long, up to a month, and it will be improved. to the sixth level. This level of improvement speed can definitely be described as appalling.

Because the blood of the Earth Demon Dragon was used most at first, Long Kongkong also used a ton of the Earth Demon Dragon's blood first, and also gained the skill of gravity control. Then I started using the second type of dragon blood.

Compared with Long Kongkong, Long Dangdang's current progress is much slower. After entering the sixth level, perhaps the physical level and the spiritual power level have become different. In the process of training, although he is absorbing a large amount of dragon-type monster blood, his external spiritual power can be improved more slowly than before. to describe. Of course, this is also related to the fact that Long Dangdang uses the blood of level 7 monsters instead of the blood of level 8 monsters.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the blood of eighth-level monsters to increase his external spiritual power. That would indeed be faster. However, after the external spiritual power increases to a certain level, the blood of low-level monsters will become ineffective. Wouldn’t the blood of the seventh-level dragon monster obtained from the Demon Hunting Group headquarters be wasted? Moreover, it will also waste the talents and skills that Long Dangdang values.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry now. It doesn't matter if the improvement is slower, but he plans to use the blood of seventh-level monsters to increase his external spiritual power from the sixth level to the seventh level, so that he can gain more talents of dragon-type monsters. Skill. At the same time, there is another reason for the slow improvement of his external spiritual power, that is, the golden dragon Xiaoba is actually following him to absorb the dragon blood for purification, but Xiaoba is very picky, each batch of dragon blood only absorbs some of the best essence. part.

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