Now Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are practicing the blood alchemy body in the sky. At night, when the moon is bright and the Canghai Spiritual Furnace is most effective, they practice their inner spiritual power together.

During the recent period, Long Dangdang has been a little nervous. He had originally planned to go back to his home in Tenglong City with Long Kongkong, but he had some problems himself. For the sake of caution, he had to postpone his return home again. .

This situation did not occur to Long Dangdang himself, but to his mount partner. Xiaoba has undergone some strange changes recently, and even Long Dangdang is a little unsure of these changes. If Xiaoba hadn't been in a state of excitement, he would have even wanted to take it back to the Holy Mountain of Knights to see the Dragon King.

The blood in the bathtub gradually became transparent, and Long Dangdang's morning practice also ended. Vaguely, he felt that Xiaoba was a little restless in the contract space, and he was a little restless.

It seems that I will put it out and take another look at it this afternoon.

After walking out of the bathroom that specializes in blood alchemy, Long Kongkong sniffed his nose first and blurted out: "It smells so good!"

After arriving at the station, they initially decided to solve their daily food problems by buying takeaways. Their appetites were much larger than ordinary people, especially for melee professions. But later, someone in the team took the initiative to take on the responsibility of the chef, purchasing some very nutritious top-quality ingredients through the Ling family, and changing the types to make delicious meals for everyone. This chef is none other than Sister Tao Zi mentioned by Long Kongkong.

We all eat together, because there is a magic circle as a barrier, even if it rains outside, the rainwater cannot get into the yard. So everyone eats in the courtyard.

At this time, seven or eight large plates of dishes, mainly meat, were placed on the table in the courtyard. No one in their group, including the girls, likes to be vegetarian.

Seeing Tao Linlin walking out of the kitchen with another large pot of broth, Long Kongkong hurriedly greeted her with a smile and took the soup basin in his hand, "Sister Taozi is so virtuous and loves you."

Tao Linlin said angrily: "If you call me that again, you will cook tomorrow!" As a summoner, he is very familiar with the meat of various animals. He has liked cooking since he was a child. Before learning to be a summoner, He aspires to be a great chef.

Therefore, everyone will be blessed. Braised ground dragon meat, fish soup, and boiled eagle claw shrimp are all highly nutritious meals.

Perhaps because they smelled the fragrance, everyone who was practicing in the room had come out one after another and sat around.

"Thank you for your hard work, Senior Tao." Long Dangdang said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sister Taozi!" Ming Xi said with a smile.

Listening to everyone's thanks, although she was still not satisfied with the title, Tao Linlin still felt satisfied.

"Eat quickly, while it's hot." Tao Linlin also sat down, and everyone started to eat immediately. They were all young people and had nothing to be polite about, so the feast began immediately.

Ling Menglu and Yue Li were a little bit awkward, but even though their postures were more elegant, their speed was not slow at all. It has to be said that Tao Linlin's cooking skills are quite exquisite, and the excellent ingredients are never wasted in his hands.

Long Dangdang's food was also very delicious. He especially liked seafood-based food. After eating a few mouthfuls, he suddenly felt as if his heartbeat had skipped a beat. His whole body froze, and his heart It seemed as if there was a surge of warm blood, making his whole body feel dizzy for a short time.

Long Kongkong was sitting next to him. The two brothers had a heart-to-heart connection. They immediately felt that something was wrong with Long Dangdang and subconsciously turned to look at him, "What's wrong?"

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and stood up, "You guys eat first." After saying this, he stepped away and re-entered the room where the blood alchemy body was practiced.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and Long Kongkong said: "Maybe it's Xiaoba. Xiaoba has been very restless in the past few days, and he seems to be evolving. Let's eat first, and I'll go take a look after we finish."

"Stop eating, go and guard him, don't let anything happen." Ling Menglu took Long's empty plate and stared at him with her beautiful eyes.

Long Kongkong couldn't help but feel helpless, "Cousin, if you keep doing this, should I call you sister-in-law? If you think my brother can't handle it, what can I do if I go? It's not a bad thing."

Ling Menglu blushed, glared at him, stood up and said, "You guys eat first, I'll go take a look." She didn't care to avoid suspicion. The moment Long Dangdang's body stiffened, she clearly saw that Long Dangdang's face was pale. For a moment.

Long Dangdang rushed into the bathroom, where there was still some faint smell of blood. It was inevitable to practice the blood alchemy body.

Without any delay, Long Dangdang released Xiaoba directly.

When Xiaoba's already somewhat huge body came out of the contract space, his big head began to twist, as if he was in extreme pain.

After constantly following Long Dangdang to improve, especially during the three months of training, Xiaoba made rapid progress and gradually caught up with Long Dangdang's footsteps. Now, it is more than eight meters long. It does not have the wings of an ordinary dragon, but the five claws under its belly have become stronger and sharper. The golden scales on its body are shining brightly. The only change is that on its neck On both sides of the chest, there was a big bulge on each side.

This was discovered by Long Dangdang after nine months of retreat in the Zhengxin Hall. Before that, Xiaoba was only about six meters long. He seemed to have grown a lot in these nine months, and his cultivation aura was already close to the seventh level. World of Warcraft level. The two bulges on its neck grew very fast. Long Dangdang didn't know what they were, but Xiaoba seemed to know it and showed excitement. Long Dangdang didn't worry too much. But now it seemed that the two bulges were one-third larger than a few days ago, and the scales on the surface were stretched to the point of cracks. Coupled with Xiaoba's painful expression at this time, Long Dangdang also followed suit. Get nervous.

Ling Menglu rushed in almost immediately after her. The area of ​​the training room was not too big. As soon as Xiaoba came out, his huge body almost filled the training room. Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang could only stand in the corner. Watching it twist its body in pain.

"What should I do? What's wrong with Xiaoba? Do you want me to treat it?" Ling Menglu asked eagerly.

Long Dangdang frowned, "I don't know what's wrong with it, but it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. This situation has happened before." As he spoke, he put his right hand on his chest, and the white jade moonlight Canghai Spiritual Furnace floated. It flew out and appeared in front of him.

"Senior Canghai, do you know what happened to Xiaoba?" Long Dangdang asked.

Light and shadow flickered, Canghai appeared next to Long Dangdang, looked at Xiaoba in front of him, and said: "I have never seen it like this. The Dragon Clan is the master of Warcraft. Since I can remember, all living things have Among them, the dragon clan is the most powerful. In terms of talent and body, you humans are far behind. And the golden dragon is the emperor among the dragon clan. Except that it is very difficult to give birth to offspring, they are almost invulnerable. The Dragon King is the most It is an existence close to the level of a god, but it has good control and will not take that step. Because your mount companion signed a blood contract with you, its bloodline is actually blended with yours. It will improve as your strength increases, and it will have your characteristics. In turn, its characteristics will also affect you in reverse. But because it has not caught up with your level before, your The feeling should not be obvious. It should be in the process of evolution at this time. The reason why the situation before you appears should be related to you. Only because of your influence, its evolution will appear in line with that of the species. Whether the deviation is good or bad can only be known after it completes its evolution. But my guess is that it is most likely good. If it evolves with you, it will be affected. The Dragon Emperor will never entrust his heirs to it. As for you, you don’t have to do anything now, just sit cross-legged and meditate. If it really evolves, it will definitely feed you back."

After hearing Canghai's explanation, Long Dangdang breathed a sigh of relief, sat down cross-legged, and began to meditate.

Ling Menglu did not leave, but stood guard. She was about to ask Canghai if he wanted to help Xiaoba, but Canghai shook his head at her.

Xiaoba's body twisted more and more violently. Gradually, the fluctuations of Qi and blood in his body began to become stronger and stronger, as did the energy fluctuations. Although Ling Menglu couldn't help it complete its evolution, she could stabilize the protective array in the training room so that the impact of its twisting body would not destroy the array.

The scales on Xiaoba's body were constantly shaking as they twisted, and the surface of the scales exuded unstable golden light. Every time the golden light flashed, its body seemed to expand a little again. Seeing that its length is approaching ten meters, and it is getting thicker, the bathroom can no longer hold it.

Ling Menglu continued to strengthen the protective shield inside the room, which would squeeze Xiaoba's body to a certain extent, but there was nothing that could be done about it. If it broke through the protective shield, the house would be destroyed, and the magic circle would also be destroyed. If it is broken, when a dragon suddenly bursts out from this small neighborhood, won't it cause a sensation in the Holy City?

Suddenly, Long Dangdang's body shook again, and the feeling that his heartbeat had skipped a beat appeared again, and his whole body trembled slightly. Xiaoba's body, which was still twisting before, seemed to suddenly freeze. Only the two huge bulges on both sides of his neck began to tremble violently. The scales on the raised surface even fell down with a "pop". Those are the scales of the golden dragon! Every piece can be said to be a treasure.

On the bulge, blood holes began to appear one after another, as if something was about to rush out. The traces of blood dripping did not fall to the ground but flew towards Long Dangdang's body. , fell on Long Dangdang's body one after another, and quickly integrated through the skin, making Long Dangdang's body gradually glow with a layer of pale golden brilliance.

Long Dangdang's body trembled slightly. At this moment, he only felt that his whole body was hot, and his whole body seemed to have a strange feeling. His perception became clearer, and the external spiritual power that had previously progressed slowly seemed to begin to increase linearly. , a powerful sense of power spread throughout his body, and more importantly, his spiritual sea also expanded, and his perception of various elements increased rapidly than before.

Vaguely, Long Dangdang seemed to hear a special voice whispering in his ear. It was a voice that seemed to be singing. Sometimes the voice was majestic, sometimes gentle and low, but to him, these voices were... Gradually, it is as if it is imprinted in the bones. It is extremely strange and deeply remembered in the depths of the spiritual sea, as if there is such an exclusive area in the spiritual sea.

"Puff!" Two muffled sounds suddenly sounded, and Ling Menglu on the side almost screamed in surprise. Because she watched with helpless eyes, the two huge bulges on both sides of Xiaoba's neck suddenly exploded, and large amounts of blood mist surged out. Every drop of blood was golden red. The blood did not scatter in all directions, but spread in the air. After flying out, it quickly condensed towards Long Dangdang's body, fell directly on him, and blended into his skin. The golden color on Long Dangdang's body became more and more intense.

In the entire training room, the previous bloody smell was swept away, replaced by a strange fragrance like orchid and musk.

"True dragon's blood!" Ling Menglu's heart was shocked. Moreover, this is not an ordinary true dragon, but the true dragon's blood brought by the Dragon King's bloodline!

"Ang -" Xiao Ba groaned in pain, and the two holes on both sides of his neck were squirming rapidly, and something was slowly coming out of them.

Ling Menglu's pupils gradually dilated, her eyes filled with incredible color.

Not only her, but Canghai on the other side also trembled in surprise, but he did not hesitate at all, floated up, and directed his right hand towards the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, and a large amount of moon spirit power swayed out, directly It splashed on Xiaoba.

Nourished by the power of the moon spirit, Xiaoba's pain seemed to be alleviated a lot. His body suddenly straightened up, allowing the beings in the breach to squeeze out harder. When they were completely drilled out of the breach, the previous breach was actually the same. The drilled parts fit together perfectly, and the golden light released from Xiao Ba suddenly increased dramatically. Even every scale on its body is becoming more dazzling. The scales gradually swelled and became thicker and more solid than before. The aura fluctuations on its body also began to increase dramatically, along with the aura on Long Dangdang's body. Dramatic changes also began to occur.

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