Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 228 Three Golden Dragons

Looking at the scene before her eyes, Ling Menglu was extremely shocked. Although she had made vague guesses before, when everything was actually revealed, the shock was far beyond her imagination.

The entire training room has been completely filled with Xiaoba's body, which is much thicker than before, with thick limbs and powerful dragon claws. There was also an aura that was obviously too fierce. And the most important thing is that coming out from both sides of its neck are two huge dragon heads. Yes, it's the dragon head.

The dragon head is exactly the same as Xiaoba's original one, the only difference is the color of the eyes.

Xiaoba's eyes were brilliant gold, and the two dragon heads that came out, although their eyes were still confused, the colors of their pupils were red and blue respectively. The three elements of light, water, and fire began to surge violently in the room, demonstrating the changes in Xiaoba's own attributes.

Light, water, fire, three golden dragons?

Ling Menglu only felt that her scalp was slightly numb. The aura exuding from Xiaoba at this moment was beyond the explanation of the sixth level. This has clearly touched the threshold of the seventh level. In one evolution, it has gone from less than the sixth level to almost the seventh level. Moreover, it is definitely not as simple as the ordinary seventh level. This is the bloodline of the Dragon King! At this moment, it can truly turn Long Dangdang into a dragon knight! This is the most important change.

"A creation of heaven and earth, a creation of heaven and earth! Its potential should be higher than that of the normal golden dragon bloodline. This is what Dangdang's bloodline brings to it. I can't even see how special Dangdang's bloodline is. I didn't expect it. The Dragon King has noticed it. No wonder, no wonder it allows its son who was born with great difficulty to enter into a blood contract with Dangdang, it is really cunning."

At this time, Long Dangdang's aura was also undergoing amazing changes. His whole body seemed to become thicker and thicker, and the golden halo exuding from his body also underwent wonderful changes. What was even more special was that under his On both sides of the body, a figure squeezed out. It was the water dragon Dangdang and the fire dragon Dangdang in the clones. With the three bodies sitting cross-legged together, with their eyes closed, it was impossible to tell which one was the main body and which one was the clone.

Ling Menglu patted her already small chest, "It's really... it's really..."

She already didn't know how to describe the scene that happened in front of her.

"Are you okay? How are you?" Long Kongkong's voice came from outside, "Hey, my body seems to be heating up! It seems that the internal and external spiritual power has automatically increased a little. What's going on?"

"Stop bragging, it won't change the result of your team being at the bottom anyway." Tao Linlin said with a smile.

"Hmph, sister Taozi, don't be proud. It won't take long before I will surpass you. Don't forget, I am a genius with extraordinary talents, hahahaha!"

The sound outside was a bit noisy, so Ling Menglu rearranged a soundproof barrier to isolate everything from the outside world.

The three dragons Dangdang and Xiaoba who were sitting cross-legged seemed to have a kind of majesty that they didn't have before. Dragon's might, that was the aura of dragon's might that was aloof from the dragon clan.

Although she didn't know how much Long Dangdang had improved with Xiao Ba's evolution, she was sure that the improvement this time would not be small. If she was the strongest in the team before, then this time, Long Dangdang and Xiaoba have probably narrowed the gap between them significantly. An unprecedented three-headed golden dragon! And he has not yet entered adulthood. No one knows how powerful Xiaoba will be in the future.

Xiaoba seemed to be very tired. While his body was rapidly absorbing various elements in the air to replenish himself, he gradually closed his six eyes, but his three big heads were all facing the direction of Long Dangdang, as if this was the only way he could feel at ease. Similar.

After half an hour, Long Dangdang opened his eyes again. The three Long Dangdang opened their eyes at the same time. At that moment, their pupils actually stood up. The two Long Dangdangs on the left and right suddenly merged into Long Dangdang's body, and the three bodies merged into one. Long Dangdang's own breath converged. But the breath is obviously different.

"I'm worried about you." Long Dangdang stood up with a smile, and at the same time raised his hand to press out. A golden door of light opened, and Xiaoba, who was sleeping, was placed in the contract space.

"Do you know what's going on?" Ling Menglu asked curiously.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "Xiaoba's evolution should be related to me, but I don't know why this is the case. Senior Canghai, thank you."

Canghai waved his hand and said: "I didn't do anything. Xiaoba can also complete the evolution with Xiaoba himself, but the recovery time will be a little longer. You have created a new species! And as far as I can see, Xiaoba's evolutionary potential is still very huge. In the future, it may be possible for it to grow to a level that is not inferior to that of the Dragon King. But the premise is that you must be strong enough and stay alive."

There is a blood contract between Long Dangdang and Xiao Ba. If Long Dangdang's life is in danger, then Xiao Ba will also die. The blood contract cannot be violated.

After reminding Long Dangdang, Canghai swayed and turned into a ray of light and returned to Long Dangdang's body and disappeared.

Long Dangdang clenched his fists, and he could clearly feel the changes in his body. The sea of ​​​​spirit has expanded by one-third again, and its perception of the elements of light, water, and fire has changed dramatically compared to before. He now vaguely felt his cousin's understanding of the light element. It was no longer about guiding, but about leading.

At this time, the three elements of light, water, and fire will naturally surround him, and in the process of approaching him, a change similar to natural purification will be completed. This change is very special and strange. When integrated into Long Dangdang's body, the three elements have become the purest things.

At the same time, Long Dangdang's feelings about his clones also changed. The two clones of water and fire seemed to have really become entities. Through previous training, he could feel that these two clones were no longer the same. No longer limited by the summoning time, it can even exist in the outside world all the time. Moreover, the distance between you and him does not seem to be too restricted anymore. How far you can leave the body will only be known after trying it.

Good guy, really a good guy! Although Xiaoba had given him some feedback in terms of blood before, he had taken more from him, but this time it was different. He could clearly feel the huge changes in himself.

Taking out the Ziling Crystal and looking at the data on it, Long Dangdang's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

Long Dangdang’s external spiritual power is six thousand nine hundred and fourteen, and his internal spiritual power is six thousand and eighteen.

Yes, his internal and external spiritual power has both exceeded 6,000. Before Xiaoba evolved, his external spiritual power was less than 5,000, and his internal spiritual power was only about 4,200. These are the gains gained from recent practice. By absorbing the blood of dragon monsters, Long Dangdang's external spiritual power has increased by less than one thousand, and today, his internal and external spiritual power has increased by nearly two thousand. The total spiritual power is equivalent to a direct increase of fifty percent! It is now close to 13,000. Level six and level five! At this level, among the Zisang Liuying team, Cai Caijuan's inner spiritual power is probably about the same as his. What's more, he also has external spiritual power that they don't have.

Moreover, Long Dangdang also felt that when Xiaoba fed him back, the improvement of his internal and external spiritual power was not restricted by the rules of blood alchemy. Even if his current external spiritual power is not as high as his internal spiritual power, it should be able to improve together.

So, will this kind of feedback improvement be able to break through the limitations of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace in the future?

Thinking of this, Long Dangdang's heart couldn't help but feel warm. If it goes as expected, it would be perfect.

"Let's go out, don't let everyone worry." Ling Menglu said softly.

"Okay!" Long Dangdang turned to look at her. He was suddenly surprised to find that Ling Menglu seemed to have become a little shorter. Previously, my cousin was only half a head shorter than me, but now she seems to be no longer than her nose.

"Hey, you've grown taller, your shoulders seem to be a little wider." Ling Menglu also noticed the same thing. Yes, it's not that the goddess has become shorter, but that the dragon has grown taller.

After walking out of the training room, everyone was still waiting outside. Even Long Kongkong, who said he wasn't nervous, stayed outside and didn't leave.

Seeing Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu walking out, everyone visibly smiled.

"I said it's okay? I can feel that I have changed a little under the influence of my brother's blood. Hey, brother, why have you become taller? You are taller than me! This is not fair, why? Don’t I grow taller?”

Long Dangdang ignored him and said to his friends: "Xiaoba has evolved, and I have also received some feedback."

Wang Changxin looked at him with burning eyes, a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in her eyes, because she suddenly felt a sense of oppression from Long Dangdang.

She has been cultivating the Blood Alchemy Body for many years. When humans cultivate the Blood Alchemy Body, they are cultivating their own bloodline. Use the blood of Warcraft to nourish your body's blood to achieve the effect of improving physical abilities. Therefore, the level of blood alchemy body cultivation is actually the difference in the strength of one's own bloodline.

At this moment, the pressure she felt from Long Dangdang came from blood. what does that mean?

You know, after Wang Changxin broke through to the sixth level, she has been practicing hard on the Blood Alchemy Body. After nearly a year, her external spiritual power has exceeded 5,000, and her total spiritual power has exceeded 10,000. Although his inner spiritual power cannot be compared with Ling Menglu's, his total spiritual power ranks first in the team. Now I feel the suppression of the bloodline level from Long Dangdang, which means that Long Dangdang's blood alchemy body realm is probably already higher than hers!

Is this the help brought by the true dragon mount's feedback? Wang Changxin clenched her fists subconsciously. Having such a teammate makes people dare not relax even if they want to! However, isn’t this exactly the direction that motivates you to move forward?

Long Dangdang looked up at the sky, really wanting to try the feeling of riding Xiaoba and riding the wind, soaring into the clouds and mist. Xiaoba had never broken through to level seven before. Although he could fly, he was still unstable. After this breakthrough, it has been completely transformed, and Long Dangdang can truly become a dragon knight. The only thing missing is that he doesn't seem to have a weapon that he used as a dragon knight.

"Captain, do you want something to eat? Let me cook you something? You didn't eat much just now." Tao Linlin said with a smile. He was the happiest person when Xiao Ba evolved. In the Warcraft Forest, Xiao Ba's intimidation allowed him to sign a contract for two level 8 dragon monsters! After Xiaoba becomes more powerful, will he be able to sign a contract with a stronger World of Warcraft? The answer is obvious.

"Okay, I'll bother you then." Long Dangdang thought he was fine, but he was worried that Ling Menglu didn't have enough to eat either.

Not long after, Tao Linlin prepared a few more dishes. Everyone simply stopped practicing and sat around the table, watching Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu replenish their meals.

"Brother, how far has Xiaoba evolved? Can he fly?" Long Kongkong asked. He originally aspired to become a dragon knight. Now that I think about it, although I am not a dragon knight, my brother is, so that’s pretty much it! It’s okay for you and your brother to ride Xiaoba together. As for a certain rat king, he had already forgotten about it.

Long Dang said: "It should be able to fly."

Long Kongkong's eyes lit up and he said: "Great, then can't we fly back to Tenglong City? That would be much faster."

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Do you want the whole continent to know?"

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "Then we can't go to Jinyi Yexing. It doesn't matter if we let them know. Who will dare to bully us in the future? If we knew you were a dragon knight last time, we wouldn't have done it when we came back from the mission... "

Long Dangdang said calmly: "In that case, it is estimated that the ninth-level undead have already come to us. We have already demonstrated the ability to make undead creatures very fearful, and now they are probably inquiring about our situation. It is not too late to keep a low profile. What else do you want? Do you want to be more high-profile? Are you afraid of dying unhappy?"

Long Kongkong said a little unconvinced: "Then we can't stay here all the time. What should we do when we go home?"

Long Dangdang said: "My cousin said that there are some at the auction that can be transformed into disguises. Let's buy two later and then go home."

Ling Menglu nodded and said, "Yes, safety comes first."

At this moment, suddenly, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong, and Ling Menglu had expressions of astonishment on their faces. They subconsciously stretched out their right hands, and with a flash of light, a badge-like badge appeared in each of their hands. Token.

Long Kongkong said in surprise: "The temple wants to summon me, why?"

Ling Menglu and Long Dangdang looked at each other, and they did the same.

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