Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 230 Fighting the Demons Again

What came into view was a dim world. The earth was gray-black. Not far away, there were cracks in the ground that oozed out dark red light. It was these weak lights that allowed them to barely see clearly. The surrounding scenery.

"Brother, why do I feel that this scene is a bit familiar? Do you feel this way?" Long Kongkong said doubtfully.

Long Dangdang said calmly: "Of course we are familiar with it. When we were at Spirit Furnace Academy, we experienced such a scene. Have you forgotten those demons?"

Long Kongkong just woke up, didn't he? The place that appeared in front of them was the place where they had faced the test of the demons. At that time, it took a lot of effort to fight against the demons. The strength of the demons also left a deep impression on them. Thousands of years ago, humans had to survive in the face of this powerful race. Finally, under the leadership of the first-generation federation chairman, they defeated the demons and allowed humans to regain their strength. Take control of the Holy Demon Continent. After that, it took thousands of years to drive away the negative influence of the demons on the Holy Demon Continent, and then there was peace for thousands of years.

"Brother, you have to protect me!" Long Kongkong immediately hid behind Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang said angrily: "How old are you? You are now at level five, and you also have a mount. Can you be the same as before?"

Long Kongkong blinked his eyes, "Yes, I am a fifth-level strongman, a fifth-level earth knight! A first-generation strong man with both internal and external spiritual power of the fifth level. A mere demon is nothing." As he spoke, he stood up Chest lifted.

"Well, fifth-level rat knight, not bad." Long Dangdang said with a smile.

Hearing the words Mouse Knight, Long Kongkong's face suddenly fell. you do not say? He is the Rat Knight, and the big rat doesn't quite listen to him.

Just as the two brothers were talking, a dense group of figures in the distance were already surging towards their direction.

He had faced demons before, and when he saw these guys again, Long Dangdang even felt a little familiar. Recalling the nervousness he felt for the first time, it was obvious that the difference between now and then was different.

"Don't kill too fast, keep a good rhythm, and use your Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace to control our recovery. Always keep us in the best condition."

"I received the spiritual treasure." Long Kongkong said with a smile, and then immediately turned around with his back to Long Dangdang. The two brothers' backs were close to each other. Light surged from Long Kongkong's chest, and the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace emerged, and the vortex A halo of light suddenly appeared.

Then he activated the second level of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, releasing the Devouring Domain.

Long Kongkong felt that the dark elements from the air began to gather rapidly in his direction. These dark elements were quickly integrated into his body through the filter of the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace and turned into part of his spiritual power.

His mental power had also improved a lot when he faced the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. His control over the spiritual furnace was no longer what it was back then. At this time, the Devouring Domain was unfolding, and he slowly expanded the scope of the domain, absorbing the spiritual energy. While replenishing his own power, he also injected it into Long Dangdang.

The dark element in this place is extremely rich, which makes the energy filtered by Long Kongkong's devouring very rich. When Long Dang absorbs the spiritual power transmitted by him and uses the spiritual power to replenish himself, he can clearly feel the concentration of spiritual power here. The effect is even better than when they practiced with the spirit gathering array.

Of course, he himself cannot absorb so much spiritual power, but these pure spiritual powers can be injected into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Although this is not the spiritual power he has cultivated himself, the spiritual power itself is very pure and can be absorbed by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, and then converted into the energy it needs. This process will waste a lot, but But it is what Long Dangdang can add to Canghai besides his cultivation.

He had always done this when practicing with Long Kongkong. According to Canghai, in this way, its recovery speed will be greatly improved. Long Dangdang didn't know exactly how much spiritual power he had added to Canghai now, and he didn't ask. After all, the number of two hundred thousand is an astronomical number. And it is also a number estimated by Canghai. The specific time when it can be completed depends on when Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace can complete its own repair.

The dark elements in the air were quickly swallowed up by the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. On the other side, Long Dangdang was ready to release magic. After Yinlang's magic was damaged at the beginning, he now doesn't have any suitable magic wand. He has no time to replenish it, so he can only cast magic with his bare hands.

"Brother, wait a minute, I have a feeling that I can handle this low-level double-sword demon directly." Long Kongkong suddenly said.

The next moment, a halo surged in Long Kongkong's chest, and the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace was actively activated by him. The Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace immediately evolved, and the Devouring Domain turned into the Tianyuan Domain.

Huge black bands of light swept out, circling and surrounding the dragon's empty body like tentacles.

Some faster double-sword demons had already rushed within a hundred meters in front of them. At this moment, the invisible black light belt swept past. When the light belt came into contact with these double-sword demons, the double-sword demon's The body stiffened for a moment, and then the color on the surface of the body began to fade, quickly turning into gray-white, and then the body collapsed.

Long Dangdang leaned against Long Kongkong, and he clearly felt that the energy transformed by Long Kongkong's swallowing suddenly increased, and huge energy was continuously injected into his body.

At this time, the benefits of strong external spiritual power are revealed. Before changing to the Blood Alchemy Body, the external energy was too much, and he had no time to absorb it. The body would be unable to bear the huge energy and needed to pour it out immediately. Whether through magic or knightly combat skills, this excess energy must be released. This is also the reason why he was unable to convert too much of this energy into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

For normal professionals, the absorption of these external energies is equivalent to absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Through practice, the absorbed spiritual energy is transformed into one's own body and becomes part of one's own spiritual energy. This requires a process, but if the external energy is too huge and there is no time to complete this process, you can only disperse the external spiritual power to prevent your body from being unable to bear it.

The same goes for Long Dangdang's replenishing the spiritual power of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. He also needs to run the external spiritual power through his own body first, then transfer it to the acupoints on his chest and then inject it into Canghai. And during this process, if too much spiritual energy pours in, he can only control a small part of it, and he has to be distracted to release the excess quickly to prevent his body from being unable to bear it. In this distracted situation, There are even fewer people who can guide Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

And as his external spiritual power has become stronger and has now reached a level of more than 6,000, his body's ability to carry additional external spiritual power has greatly increased. Even if the tough meridians are temporarily stretched twice in size, there is no risk of rupture. Allowing him to calmly channel this energy, or even temporarily store it, for use in the outbreak of the next battle.

After Long Dangdang evolved into the three-headed golden dragon with Xiaoba, his body strength increased. This was the first time he felt this wonderful feeling. Although the spiritual power transmitted by Long Kongkong was very fast, the filtered spiritual power was very pure, and the impurities were dissolved by the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, making it very comfortable for him to absorb. While Long Dangdang temporarily stored it, he transferred the spiritual power that he could not absorb to the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace as quickly as possible. Although it would be wasted in the process, the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace itself also needed to transform and absorb, so it could not obtain all of it. But this method of injection does not consume Long Dangdang’s own spiritual power, nor does it affect his cultivation!

Each double-sword demon, covered by the Tianyuan Domain, will slowly disintegrate as long as it enters within a hundred meters. Long Dangdang didn't even need to take action as Long Kongkong had already completed all of this as he was completely swallowed up.

Long Kongkong's eyes widened as he watched the double-sword demons coming from all directions being annihilated under his Tianyuan domain. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his heart was gradually filled with a feeling of pride. He thought to himself: Am I already so powerful?

He is not worried at all about swallowing too much spiritual power. His own external spiritual power has reached more than 2,000, entering the fifth-level category. His endurance is much greater than before, not to mention that there is a brother behind him. In his feeling , Long Dangdang is like a bottomless pit. You can just pass your excess spiritual power directly to him, and there is no need to worry about him not being able to absorb it.

Hundreds of sword demons came forward one after another, and in just a few minutes, they all fell into the dust.

"Brother, am I strong?" Long Kongkong said proudly.

Long Dangdang ignored him. He was pouring all the external spiritual power into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. The dark elements here are extremely rich, and coupled with the spiritual power brought by devouring those demons, this is not the extra energy that can be obtained during daily practice. Convert more of this energy to Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, and you can save some time in the future!

"Four green double-sword demons are coming soon, and they are all yours." Long Dangdang's mental power swept over him, and he immediately felt four more figures rushing towards them from four directions.

"That's no problem, watch me suck them to death." Long Kongkong stood up, the Tianyuan Domain continued to open, holding the Soul Ascension Shield, without even holding a weapon. He glanced around and saw four green double-sword demons running towards them at high speed. They rushed over here.

The green double-sword demon is much larger than the ordinary double-sword demon. Its whole body is green, and its pair of sickle-like forelimbs are their most powerful weapons. Speed, strength, and explosion are all extremely strong, and he is especially good at close combat.

Long Kongkong was still a little nervous when facing four green double-sword demons alone. He quickly injected a large amount of the spiritual power he had devoured into the Tianyuan realm, and the black light belt in the realm suddenly became more intense.

The four green double-sword demons marched very rhythmically, and they rushed into the Tianyuan domain almost at the same time.

The fighting power of the green double-sword demons themselves is at level five. Compared with humans, they have higher physical strength. The disadvantage is that they have no equipment. They fight by instinct, which is the combination of speed and strength, without many other skills.

The moment they entered the Tianyuan territory, the ferocious momentum of the four green double-sword demons suddenly slowed down, and they felt as if they had rushed into a quagmire. They waved their sickle-like forelimbs in an attempt to split these sticky forces, but it was not that easy, and their speed was reduced by at least half.

At the same time, their own energy began to pour out from the black band of light.

The four green double-sword demons looked up at Long Kongkong almost at the same time. Looking at the initiator of this field, they no longer tried to cut away the light belt, but rushed directly towards Long Kongkong. Although the speed was much slower, it was still full of viciousness, bloodthirsty and madness, and swung the sickle at Long Kongkong.

The light on Long Kongkong's chest flashed, and the Holy Spiritual Furnace was activated, directly pulling it on the green double-sword demon closest to Long Dangdang. When he felt that these enemies were affected by the Tianyuan Realm, their abilities in all aspects declined, and they did not seem so scary, so he naturally became bolder. He asked himself that there was nothing wrong with bullying the "weak".

At the same time, he took a sliding step with his feet, took the knight's charge skill with his sliding step, and suddenly rushed towards the green double-sword demon closest to him.

The green double-sword demon immediately swung a pair of forelimbs towards Long Kongkong, and Long Kongkong raised the spiritual shield in his hand and struck violently.

With a "bang", the green double-sword demon was directly hit by him and flew out for dozens of meters. Even the bones made a faint sound of breaking.

Long Dangdang was slightly startled, am I so fierce? yes! My inner and outer spiritual power exceeds two thousand, and my total spiritual power is actually comparable to the sixth level. And these green double-sword demons are only equivalent to the fifth level at most, and they have been weakened by their own Tianyuan domain. What a piece of shit!

Thinking of this, his confidence naturally increased greatly. He jumped into the air on tiptoes. The next moment, his body disappeared in the distance. When he reappeared, he happened to be behind another green double-sword demon, slashing horizontally with the spiritual shield in his hand. Use the shield as a sword and cut with the sun!

In the brilliant light, the green double-sword demon was directly thrown away, half of its body was broken, and it seemed that it lost its ability to fight. Long Kongkong ignored the green double-sword demon that rushed towards him due to the pull of the Holy Spiritual Furnace. He turned halfway and threw the Ascending Spirit Shield in his hand. The Ascending Spirit Shield drew a beautiful arc and hit it accurately. He caught the third green double-sword demon and knocked it away. At the same time, he slipped and avoided the pull of the green double-sword demon that was attacking him. He dodged behind the opponent, and a large number of dark and ink-like light bands wrapped around him. , devouring its energy crazily.

Suddenly, Long Kongkong felt that the spiritual power in his body had surged again, and it was somewhat unsustainable with the level of his external spiritual power.

The light of the Holy Spiritual Furnace was thrown out, but this time it fell on Long Dangdang. Through the traction of the spiritual furnace, he directly poured the spiritual power that he could not bear into his brother.

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