Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 231 The Rat King comes out again

Long Kongkong defeated and devoured the four green double-sword demons by himself, and he suddenly felt as if he had stood up. When the two green double-sword demons that he had repelled rushed over again, their speed was obviously even slower. Affected by the Tianyuan realm, their speed and power will only become slower and slower.

Long Dangdang on the other side was observing the battlefield situation while quickly absorbing the spiritual power transmitted from Long Kongkong. He roughly calculated that the spiritual power transmitted by Long Kongkong, excluding the filtered part, plus the part consumed by himself and Yueming's Canghai Spiritual Furnace, in just this moment, is equivalent to giving Yueming real money. The Canghai Spiritual Furnace was filled with more than five hundred spiritual powers.

It doesn't sound like much, but normally Long Dangdang can only increase his spiritual power by a few dozen points after practicing for one night. If he practices with Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu, with the support of the God Praying Cangyue Angel, the effect will be better. Some. But at that time, he couldn't transfer the spiritual power he cultivated to Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, because Canghai was already increasing his cultivation. If you want to transfer the spiritual power to the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace so that it can repair itself, then the spiritual furnace itself needs to be in a quiet state.

Therefore, since obtaining the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, Long Dangdang has occasionally transferred some spiritual power to Canghai, but the amount is not much. The total amount is less than 1,000 so far, which is a drop in the bucket of 200,000. Canghai told him that he would wait until he reached the peak of the sixth level, so there was no need to rush.

But in this state, as his external spiritual power can withstand it, and with Long Kongkong's support, he has brought five hundred spiritual powers to Canghai in just ten minutes. How fast is this speed? If this could continue like this, two hundred thousand spiritual power would no longer seem to be an astronomical figure.

Long Dangdang was operating at full strength here, desperately injecting Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Long Kongkong was not in a hurry. After being continuously weakened, the four green double-sword demons could no longer pose any threat to him. They could only be any Devoured by him, gradually weakening in being devoured.

Long Kongkong himself could also use this power to practice, but he couldn't absorb most of it. He couldn't absorb most of it. Most of it was given to Long Dangdang, and some of it was passed on to the Rat King. At the same time, it also nourishes its three spiritual furnaces.

Ten minutes later, the green on the four green double-sword demons gradually turned to gray, and they lay on the ground like the ordinary double-sword demons before, and gradually disappeared.

"Done! Do you want to show off or not?" Long Kongkong said proudly.

Long Dangdang ignored him at this moment, just sitting there and running his spiritual power. More than 800 were injected into Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. He could even feel the joy of the Moonlight Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

"Brother, I feel like this is a bit different from the scene when we were at Spirit Furnace Academy. There seems to be plains all around, and there is no terrain to use. I don't know what the next wave will be? I'll go, the invisible one!"

As Long Kongkong muttered, he felt something was wrong, because suddenly a large amount of spiritual energy poured into his body, making his body that was no longer full suddenly become full again, which shocked him. Then he discovered that within the Tianyuan domain, blurry figures emerged one after another. Aren't they the invisible people of the Dike clan among the demon clan?

The individual combat effectiveness of this thing is not as good as the green double-sword demon. Its strength is only at the fourth level, but it is good at being invisible and cannot be defended against. Because he hadn't fought against the demons for a long time, Long Kongkong also forgot to insert the Eye of Truth on the ground. But his Tianyuan Domain discovered these guys through devouring them immediately.

Sixteen, exactly sixteen Invisible Men of the Dike tribe, attacked from all directions in their direction.

Although it is not as fierce as before in terms of intensity and speed, there are many!

Long Kongkong immediately rushed to Long Dangdang's side. He didn't ask for help from Long Dangdang, but he still had confidence in these little minions.

He raised the Spirit Ascension Shield in his hand and used the third-level knight skill Holy Light Guard. The advantage of this skill is that it can be used quickly, but its protective power is relatively limited. But I can’t stand it now that Long Kongkong’s spiritual power is too rich! A layer of Holy Light Guard defense can't stop several invisible attacks, but what about layer after layer?

Moreover, the invisible beings of the Dike tribe are not good at defense. In the Tianyuan field, they are far less durable than the green double magic swords, and their speed is reduced even more. When the attack came, its own strength had been reduced a lot. Long Kongkong laid down five layers of holy light protection. After only being cut through three levels, these dozen invisible people from the Earth Ke clan fell down under the Tianyuan Domain.

Long Dangdang couldn't bear it now. Long Kongkong really used him as an energy storage tank, devouring all the spiritual power that he couldn't bear and giving it to him. Although he was trying his best to transform and transmit it to the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, he still couldn't withstand the amount of energy coming from Long Kongkong!

However, this feeling was really good. In just a few moments, he had already passed on thousands of pure spiritual powers to the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and provided them to the spiritual furnace for repair.

"Is it powerful? I can block three levels alone." Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang who opened his eyes with some pride.

Long Dangdang raised his hand and pointed in the distance.

Long Kongkong also took a breath of cold air. The overwhelming demon clan was rushing towards them from one direction quickly.

He recognized this race as the Nurbo tribe among the demons, also known as the mad demons. The mad demons themselves looked a bit like humans, but their hands were like spikes. Ordinary mad demons are at the third level of strength, advanced bloodthirsty mad demons are at the fifth level, and higher-level red-blooded mad demons can reach the sixth or even seventh level of strength. It is one of the main fighting races among the demons.

At this moment, at a glance, the number of mad demons exceeds five hundred. Among them, some are tall and bloodthirsty mad demons, and there are more than twenty. And sitting in the center, there is a person who is five meters tall, with a red body, and there seems to be blazing flames burning around the body. It seems, it seems, it may be a red-blooded demon.

"Is the intensity increased so high all at once? Brother, it's time for you to show off your power!" Long Kongkong hid behind Long Dangdang without hesitation.

Long Dangdang was still sitting where he was, with no intention of getting up, "Maintain your Tianyuan territory."

"Okay." Long Kongkong quickly agreed and continued to maintain the state of his own domain.

The mad demon has already begun to charge. He is truly worthy of the title of mad demon. The charge is full of violence. Several bloodthirsty mad demons rushed in front, followed closely by ordinary mad demons. Only the most powerful red-blooded mad demon stared at them with cold eyes.

Long Dangdang had already noticed that, just as Long Kongkong said, there was no danger to defend where they were this time, and they were surrounded by plains. This means that they are likely to be attacked from both sides, and may even encounter enemies in the air later.

Facing many crazy demons, he did not use magic to conduct long-range attacks to weaken the opponent's strength. Instead, he allowed these crazy demons to get closer while releasing Xiao Xie.

When Xiao Xie's round body came out of the contract space, he blinked his eyes first, and then rubbed Long Dangdang's legs with his tentacles with some joy. Although it itself has mainly spiritual attributes, it also has dark attributes.

Long Dangdang transferred part of his excess spiritual power to it, and Xiao Xie's eyes suddenly lit up.

It has been evolving with Long Dangdang, especially when they faced the test of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord in Long Dangdang, its progress was rapid. It has also broken through to the fifth level. Although it has not reached the sixth level, it has exceeded the middle of the fifth level. Now its body is one and a half meters in diameter, and its pupils are glowing with a faint blue.

Crazy devils have no brains, this is what Ling Menglu said to Long Dangdang before. No brain naturally means poor mental strength, this is obvious.

In the distance, seeing the crazy demons approaching quickly, Long Dangdang was still sitting cross-legged on the ground. Long Kongkong opened the Tianyuan realm. No demons were devouring it, but the dark elements in the air could also be filtered and absorbed by him.

After Long Dangdang gave Xiao Xie's orders, he continued to transform his spiritual power into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Opportunities like this don't come often. Although I don’t know how the temple made this kind of trial so realistic, I guess it requires a huge amount of energy, so you can’t miss this opportunity!

The mad demon rushing at the front was about to enter the Tianyuan realm.

The seven or eight bloodthirsty demons at the front rushed in immediately. Their physical strength was even stronger than the green double-sword demon in the explosive state. Stepping into the Tianyuan realm, their speed was immediately affected, but the next moment, they burst out their innate skills without hesitation, bloodthirsty!

The bodies of the bloodthirsty demons swelled obviously. Although their own energy would be swallowed up even more by the Tianyuan realm, under this consumption, their strength and speed also increased dramatically. He rushed towards Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong.

"Buzz--" Invisible ripples erupted at this moment.

The bloodthirsty demons staggered in their wild steps and stayed in place. The next moment, they held their heads in their hands and were relieved from the bloodthirsty state.

Evil eye tyrant, mental shock!

The Xieyan lineage is best at dealing with such brainless opponents. Those with weak mental strength are more likely to be taken advantage of by them.

Although the bloodthirsty demons were also at the fifth level, they were completely unable to withstand this overwhelming mental impact, and they fell to the ground one by one. Not to mention the ordinary crazy demons behind. Originally, their speed was greatly restricted in the Tianyuan realm. Although they were not able to jump directly into the street like the double-sword demons, they still had difficulty in moving. At this time, being swept away by this spiritual storm, it was natural that large areas fell down like wheat.

Another group of bloodthirsty demons rushed up from the other side, but their steps suddenly became sluggish. A figure split from Long Dangdang's body. As they walked forward, yellow blood surged on their body. light.

The earth dragon is in control of gravity!

Long Dangdang, whose cultivation has been promoted to the sixth level, is not only a sixth-level shining knight, but also a sixth-level great mage.

Earth Dragon Dangdang uses the innate skill Gravity Control absorbed from the Earth Spinosaurus to target these bloodthirsty demons and ordinary demons of the third and fifth levels of the Angry Wave Tribe. It would be no problem to slow them down significantly.

I didn’t choose to kill them as quickly as possible because Long Dangdang couldn’t bear to part with them! This is all energy and spiritual power. Absorb slowly. How wonderful it would be! If you can replenish the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace one more point, you can save a lot of time in the future.

"Call your Rat King out, stop that red-blooded madman, and just fight." Long Dangdang said.

"The rat king is coming out soon. There is something delicious." Although Long Kongkong didn't like his big rat very much, he still listened to his brother and called it. Although he didn't think that the Rat King could stop the red-blooded madman who was comparable to a seventh-level professional.

When the fat body squeezed out of the contract space, Long Kongkong was a little stunned.

This rat king's body is obviously much fatter than the last time he saw it. The body is two meters long, the waist must be more than three meters, and the long tail is close to four meters. The dark golden hair is shiny and smooth, and a pair of small eyes are wandering around.

The moment it came out, the surrounding crazy demons and bloodthirsty demons visibly stiffened.

The Rat King suddenly opened its mouth. Its originally small mouth quickly opened to an exaggerated angle. In just one mouthful, a bloodthirsty demon over three meters tall was swallowed by its big mouth. .

The next moment, it chirped and said, "It doesn't taste good. It stinks."

Long Dangdang raised his hand and pointed to the red-blooded madman who had already sensed something was wrong in the distance. He strode towards this side and said: "Your opponent is there, entangle it, but don't kill it. If you want to eat, just eat slowly." Eat a little. Do you understand?"

The Rat King raised his head and looked in the direction of the Red-Blooded Crazy Demon. His little eyes suddenly lit up. Although it didn't like eating demons and it tasted bad, it couldn't stand it. This was a seventh-level demon with plenty of energy!

Affected by Long Kongkong's strength, its evolution can exceed Long Kongkong's one level at most, which is only double the total spiritual power. Although it hasn't come out these days, it has quietly returned to the sixth level of strength. But with the improvement of Long Kong Kongwai's spiritual power, the total spiritual power now exceeds four thousand, which means it has exceeded the standard of six thousand. Therefore, it can continue to evolve towards ten thousand spiritual power. Isn't this a good goal right now? He was not at all afraid because the other party was one step ahead of him.

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