The magic eye warlock never imagined that the bird demons who came to pick them up would face such terrifying magic as forbidden air. Seeing large, large swaths of bird demons falling from the sky. At first, I thought they were swooping down to respond. When the Magic Eye Warlock Legion discovered something was wrong, the bird demons were falling so fast that they made a roaring sound.

Why didn't Long Dangdang attack the bird demon with bolide? He was waiting for this moment.

The Magic Eye Warlock will definitely intercept the magic falling from the sky through magic light bullets as soon as possible, but what about the friendly troops falling from the sky? what to do?

The magic eye warlock's first reaction was to come to rescue him, but his second reaction was what happened to them? The third reaction was too late...

"Bang, bang, bang bang..." In a series of low roars, low-level bird demons fell from the sky and slammed into the Demon Eye Warlock Legion.

These third-level bird demons had no ability to resist at all under Xiaoba's forbidden air magic. They were like falling rocks from the sky. Their bodies are already very strong, and the Magic Eye Warlock is a legal profession, so it is obvious that his body is fragile. When they are hit by a bird demon falling from the sky, the outcome can be imagined.

In just a few breaths, the entire Magic Eye Warlock Legion was already in chaos.

As for the golden dragon Xiaoba, he hid directly on the two big bird demons and fell from the sky, following them into the army of magic-eyed warlocks.

Four dragon clones suddenly appeared, and an elemental stripping came directly in the center of the Magic Eye Warlock Legion!

The impact of four-element stripping on dark elements is worse than the four basic elements. But I can’t stand the level suppression!

Long Dangdang himself was already at the sixth level, and the power of the combined magic of the four clones was definitely above the seventh level. The sudden burst of elemental stripping caused hundreds of nearby magic eye warlocks to lose control of the dark elements.

Not only that, Long Dangdang's firepower was fully activated, and the light elemental body carried in the Xinyao suit was directly released, moving between the magic eye warlocks at extremely fast speeds.

What this kind of magic army fears most is being approached, not to mention blooming in the middle. Not only did the army of bird demons not turn them into a terrifying aerial magic army, but they became the dragon's magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was in chaos.

Long Kongkong was very simple. He released the Rat King, then opened the Tianyuan Domain and followed Long Dangdang behind him. The spiritual power was continuously passed to his brother through the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

Long Dangdang's spiritual power consumption is limited for one person, but with the four major clones, the consumption is actually very fast. But with Long Kongkong's endless supply of spiritual treasures, it would be different. Each clone almost bursts out with strength that is not inferior to the original body. Cooperate with Xiaoba, Xiaoxie, and the Rat King to kill everyone.

Ordinary magic eye warlocks are weak and fragile, unable to stop their killing. The high-level magic eye warlock is in front, and he cannot ignore his tribe and attack. Coupled with the death of the demon beasts that fell from the sky, the entire battlefield was not only chaotic for a while, but there were very few magic eye warlocks who could actually launch magic light bullets to counterattack.

Long Dangdang was very calm, with the four clones outside, him in front, and Long Kongkong sitting in the center. Xiaoba fell behind and stopped behind.

Xiaoba's huge body, coupled with the dragon flames spewed out by Dragon Language magic, is simply crushing against these middle and low-level demons.

After they broke through the Magic Eye Warlock Legion, the victory was basically established.

Counterattack and attack again. Don't give the Magic Eye Warlock a chance to organize his army. Prioritize killing those sixth-level magic eye warlocks. When they broke out of the enemy's formation again, there were very few demons still capable of fighting.

"How much energy is this! It's a waste, it's such a waste." Long Kongkong looked at the dead demons and said sadly.

Long Dangdang was also helpless. There was no way around it. We couldn't let the demons organized by these legions launch a unified attack, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

However, it is not all without gain. Even if they are dead, they still have some energy, not to mention that there are still many half-dead ones. While cleaning the battlefield, the two brothers looked for the bird demons that had fallen earlier.

Although they were trapped in the air and fell, the seventh-level demons were not that easy to die. Sure enough, the three golden bird demons were only seriously injured after falling, not fatal.

Two hours later, when all the demons in the two demon legions died, Long Dangdang had accumulated more than 6,000 spiritual powers for the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. This does not include his own improvement and the improvement of his contract partners.

Long Kongkong's internal spiritual power has reached a bottleneck. If his external spiritual power does not continue to improve, his internal spiritual power will no longer be able to improve. This made him very depressed.

But here, there was no chance for him and Long Dangdang to soak in the blood of the monsters.

"Brother! Let's get our external spiritual power up quickly when we go back. Hurry up and get the external spiritual power to the eighth or ninth level, and then come here to practice the inner spiritual power. I think it won't be long before the teacher is no match for us."

Long Dangdang glanced at him and said: "I asked you to read the book carefully but you just didn't read it. Is this how the blood alchemy body is trained? When the external spiritual power reaches a new stage, the inner spiritual power also needs to keep up. Even if your external spiritual power is Once you reach the sixth level, your inner spiritual power cannot continue to improve even if it is lower than the sixth level. You have to eat your food one bite at a time, and don’t aim too high."

Long Kongkong blinked, and then he chuckled and said: "You can't blame me! Who made us improve too fast? I admit, I was inflated. But in such a short time, I have been promoted It’s been several levels, who would dare to believe it?”

Isn't it? The same is true for Long Dangdang himself. He is also limited by external spiritual power and his internal spiritual power cannot be improved. But if you include the spiritual power given to Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Six thousand, that’s it! Six thousand spiritual power is already the total internal spiritual power of a sixth-level or third-level professional.

He also had some regrets in his heart. If he could improve his external spiritual power more fully, he should not upgrade too fast in a place like this.

Long Kongkong is indeed a little proud at the moment! Don't look at Long Dangdang being able to upgrade himself, two mounts and Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace at the same time. But Long Kongkong's income was much more than him. While his own cultivation level was improving, he was also running the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace and the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. If a spiritual furnace wants to evolve, it must keep operating, and it must operate in a way that suits itself to achieve the best results.

The Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace not only needs to be activated, but also has something to do with the intensity and amount of energy it absorbs.

Just like during normal practice, the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace is also absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, but the energy and various elements of heaven and earth in the air cannot be compared to directly swallowing life forms. Therefore, after these rounds of devouring, Long Kongkong clearly felt that his Tianyuan Domain had become smoother in the process of opening, and even the power of the domain had been enhanced. If he continues to practice at this rate, it won't be long before he can catch up with his other partners in terms of cultivation, and he will no longer be a team shortcoming.

"Be careful, the next round is coming." Long Dangdang brought Long Kongkong back from his thoughts, and the two brothers looked into the distance at the same time.

Figures appeared in the distance, and they were tall and tall beings. They don't seem to be moving very fast, but the pressure they bring in the air when they appear is unmatched by any previous demon army.

Their bodies were burning with dark red flames, and they had a pair of huge wings on their backs. They were six meters tall, and the first one was over eight meters tall. There are nine of them in total, and they are all existences with extremely strong auras.

Long Dangdang's eyes suddenly became solemn. If those who came in the previous rounds were the regular troops of the Demons, then what appeared in this round were the top races of the Demons. Demon clan, nine great demons.

The demon clan ranges from ordinary little demons to demon kings. Not only are they huge in number, but they are also extremely powerful individually. The demon king ranks fourth among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan. The existence next to the top three is the real ruling class.

Judging from the auras of the nine great demons in front of them, they are all existences of at least the seventh level. The leader may have touched the threshold of the eighth level.

Also at the seventh level, the Great Demon is definitely different from the previous Beta Flying Demon and Golden Bird Demon. There is a huge difference in the strength of the race and the strength of the bloodline.

The body shape of demons is very similar to humans, except that they are huge, have wings on their backs, and have horns on their heads. They are good at all forms of combat, all-terrain combat, and have no shortcomings. Existences at the level of the Great Demon are often the commanders of low-level demons. There were nine at once, which shows how strong this intensity is.

"Can you beat this?" Long Kongkong said with some anxiety.

Long Dangdang said calmly: "You won't know until after the fight. Release your Tianyuan Domain, protect yourself, and leave the rest to me."

"Okay, boss, you are the most reliable. Come on, I will cheer for you!" Long Kongkong shrank behind his brother without hesitation. At the same time, the Rat King was released.

The Rat King sniffed as soon as he came out, and then he saw the big devil in the distance, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes. Although the big devil was more powerful, in its sensory system, the smell was indeed worse. It really doesn’t want to eat it! The dragon next to it smells so fragrant that I really want to take a bite.

Perhaps sensing its malice, Xiaoba turned his three heads around at the same time and looked at the big mouse with the same malice.

The big mouse grinned, revealing a hint of sneer. This dragon was really a bit weak after evolving.

The light on Long Dangdang's body flashed, and four clones appeared at the same time, each with a heavy sword in their hands. His own aura also began to improve. Five body shapes, the main body directly releases the holy sword skills attached to the gloves, the five bodies are stagnant at the same time, the knight skills, and the momentum!

Long Kongkong hid behind his brother, and immediately felt that the aura on his body began to become different. His whole body was like a mountain rising from the ground, becoming more and more towering.

Long Dangdang's body began to become transparent, equipped with skills and a light elemental body.

Facing such a powerful demon, he no longer had any reservations.

Long Kongkong released the Tianyuan Domain, and at the same time opened the Holy Spiritual Furnace and connected it to Longdangdang's body, so that no matter how he moved, he could immediately show his role in charging spiritual treasures.

When the nine great demons were still two hundred meters away from them, they finally started to accelerate. The leading demon held a heavy sword and ran towards the direction of Long Dangdang with long strides. Every step he took was able to cross. The distance of tens of meters, two hundred meters is just a few breaths.

"Ang——" Xiaoba's three big heads simultaneously let out a deafening dragon roar, and his breath spurted out, directly covering all the demons.

The leader of the big demon raised his heavy sword high, holding it with both hands, and slashed directly. The dark red flames on its body surged instantly, and it slashed forward like a stormy wave, actually forcibly cutting a passage for the dragon's flame breath. When he took another step forward, he had already charged towards Long Dangdang.

Golden light flashed, Xiaoba's huge figure rose up, his three big heads lowered slightly, and they collided brazenly.

The big demon deflected, and swung the heavy sword in his hand like a storm, and went straight towards Xiao Ba. The other eight big demons had also arrived, and each of them rushed towards Xiao Ba with their heavy swords.

Although Xiaoba has reached a cultivation level close to the seventh level and has evolved three heads, if he is really besieged by so many high-level demons, he may be cut into pieces in a short time.

And at this moment, five figures rose into the sky at the same time, and above the five figures, dazzling red light burst out at the same time.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A strong roar sounded in the air, and the five rising figures were like five suns, bursting out with brilliant brilliance.

Xiaoba also turned around, his huge tail swept across, and at the same time the golden light on his body surged, protected by the holy light!

The leader of the big demon's heavy sword slashed at Xiao Ba's dragon tail, making a "clang" sound and swinging Xiao Ba's tail away, but he was also staggered by Xiao Ba's whip and fell sideways. And the five dragons arrived at this time.

Facing such a powerful enemy, Long Dangdang would not hold back at all, sacrificing and detonating. This was the first time he used the explosion he was best at after his external spiritual power was greatly improved.

The three major superpositions of accumulation, sacrifice, and explosion, coupled with Long Dangdang's own internal and external spiritual power, which has already exceeded 10,000. Especially the main body, with the blessing of the light elemental body, he is by no means inferior to any seventh-level knight at this time.

Five figures crisscrossed each other, and the five holy swords shone brightly.

In the face of that ferocious momentum, even the big demons couldn't help but stagnate slightly. Except for the most powerful demon, the one at the front instantly felt the fatal crisis. Its eyes instantly turned blood red, and without hesitation, it displayed the demon's native skill. The skin all over its body suddenly swelled, and a terrifying aura erupted. The two demon horns on its head exploded at the same time, and in exchange for What's more is a sudden increase in strength and an almost crazy sense of oppression.

The demon is disintegrated!

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