Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 236 Fierce battle with demons

Once the demon clan uses Demon Disintegration, it can double its strength in a short period of time, at the cost of death. Only demons at the demon king level and above can recover after using the demon disintegration method.

However, what it faced was five dragons erupting at full power, which was equivalent to facing five seventh-level knights at the same time.

Brilliant golden light burst out first. With the blessing of the light elemental body, the sacred aura bloomed by Long Dangdang's Son of Light's body was worse than Ling Menglu's, but it was by no means comparable to that of ordinary knights.

Five figures criss-crossed each other, and the body of the big demon who had used the Demon Disintegration was really disintegrated in an instant. But before it died, its body exploded, erupting with a strong energy shock.

The five dragons instantly merged into one, and the moment before the other big demons came to attack, they retreated violently.

It would be better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure five of them. Long Dangdang had already thought of his tactics from the very beginning. When the five figures merged into one, they also withdrew the sacrifice and explosion. Relying on the powerful external spiritual power, this momentary explosion consumed more spiritual power and did not harm the body. And the traction force behind him suddenly pulled him out of the circle surrounded by other big demons.

Where Long Dangdang was before, it was as if a dark storm had been touched, and terrifying energy of darkness and flames was raging.

What pulled Long Dangdang back was naturally Long Kongkong's Holy Spirit Furnace, and the Tianyuan Domain was also fully opened at this time. At the same time, it swallowed up various energy elements that exploded in the air, and covered the remaining eight great demons.

Xiao Ba jumped up. It and Long Dangdang had the same mind. At the same time as Long Dangdang exploded, it had already flown towards Long Kongkong. Long Dangdang was pulled back, and the two brothers landed directly on Xiao Ba's back. , Xiaoba flapped his wings and suddenly took off, rising into the sky.

The Rat King blinked his little eyes and watched as he flew away. He originally wanted to go up, but was pulled back by a swipe of Xiao Ba's tail.

"Me, me!" The Rat King shouted in Long Kongkong's heart. It was also a blood contract. It and Long Kongkong also had the same mind!

"Uh..." Long Kongkong looked back and saw the Rat King jumping upright.

Simply speaking, the big demons didn't seem to have any interest in the fat mice. They flapped their wings and flew up, chasing the dragons and them.

But at this moment, Xiaoba's magic arrived.

Forbidden air!

The big demons who had just taken off fell instantly. They hit the ground again, and coincidentally, when they fell, they happened to surround the Rat King in the center.

"You have the guts to die, long worm!" The Rat King cursed, and without any hesitation, he slapped his tail on the ground and disappeared in an instant.

Several heavy swords swung past where it was before and fell into the air.

"Xiao Ba!" Long Dangdang raised his hand and knocked Xiao Ba. On the other side, Long Kongkong hurriedly opened the contract space and quickly recalled the Rat King who had just used his short-sightedness.

"Ang Ang!" Xiao Ba shouted twice. He is very vindictive. After he was born, the first time he felt the crisis of life and death was when he saw the Rat King for the first time. That guy really wanted to eat him. ah!

If there was a chance now, how could he let this big rat go?

After this delay, Xiaoba, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong have distanced themselves from the big demons.

However, the forbidden air can only suppress existences of the level of big demons. After briefly losing the ability to fly, they ran after them on the ground. When they took off again, they broke away from the special effects of the forbidden air. The Dragon Clan's bloodline suppression has the best effect on Warcraft, but it has limited suppression on Demons, especially such top Demons.

The Great Demon is an all-out fighting race and is actually inferior to the Dragon Race in terms of flying, but this is at the same level. The big demon headed by him is a seventh-level peak powerhouse. With his tyrannical strength, he accelerates in the air faster than Xiaoba. It was already getting closer and closer.

As Xiaoba flew, he murmured a spell in his mouth. The dark red flames on the big demon were getting stronger and stronger, and Xiao Ba clearly felt that the air had become thicker, affecting its flying speed.

At this time, the role of Lingbao comes into play. The big devil obviously used dark magic to affect Xiaoba's flight, thereby achieving the purpose of restraining him. But Tianyuan Realm is open to all kinds of energy. If you release dark energy, I will swallow your dark energy, and then pass it to Long Dangdang through filtering. Long Dangdang will recover his own consumption and make up for it to the little one. eight.

What Long Kongkong is least afraid of is a tug-of-war, and what he is most afraid of is being taken away by the opponent in an instant.

However, the big demon is too powerful, and its dark magic can still have a certain impact, and it is getting closer and closer.

Long Dangdang stood on Xiaoba's back, staring coldly at the approaching demon. Long Kongkong didn't have to worry about anything anyway, he just used his Tianyuan Domain with all his strength to devour all the energy around him.

The other big demons with lower cultivation levels had already been pulled away some distance at this time and were chasing further behind.

Seeing that the leader of the demons had already approached within fifty meters, its dark restraint began to have an increasing influence on Xiaoba.

Suddenly, Xiaoba suddenly turned around in the air and completed the body turn. The dragon language magic was completed and the air was forbidden!

The big demon who was close to the eighth level of cultivation also instantly sank in front of the forbidden air. At the same time, Long Dangdang's gravity control fell on it, causing its body to suddenly fall and temporarily lose its ability to fly.

With his previous experience, the big devil immediately used all his spiritual power to attack the magic restraint, but his fall in a short period of time was inevitable.

Long Dangdang's figure had disappeared at this time, leaving only a low roar in the sky.

The leap of light, gathering momentum, detonating, and sacrificing!

What followed was the breath released by Xiaoba's three dragon heads.

Three jets of dragon flames covered the big demon chasing behind. When Long Dangdang reappeared, he had already reached the big demon on the edge. He performed the Leap of Light when the dragon flames were spitting out, so the sight of these big demons was blocked by the dragon flames, and they did not immediately notice that he disappeared on the dragon's back.

By the time you feel threatened, it's too late. The light of the Holy Sword flashed across instantly, and with its tyrannical burst of strength, the big demon he attacked this time was split into two halves without even disintegrating the demon.

The swooping Little Eight Dragon Flames continued to spray wildly, suppressing the other big demons by themselves, and did not allow them to complete the siege of Long Dangdang in the air. At the same time, he cast another forbidden air, causing other big demons to fall at the same time.

Long Dangdang did not return. Four clones appeared again. The clones were suspended in mid-air. Each of them concentrated their spiritual power and released the holy sword. Long Dangdang's body quickly rushed towards a big demon. Before other big demons surrounded him, a golden lotus-like light appeared in the sky.

The spiritual furnace fusion technique, the golden lotus emerges from the ground!

The sudden burst of spiritual power took Long Dangdang and the big demon into the sky together, and they suddenly distanced themselves from other big demons under the influence of the forbidden air.

The four holy swords that had been waiting in the air for a long time flashed alternately. The only thing the big demon could do was to use the Demon Disintegration to fight to the death.

But in the face of absolute suppression, its explosion only shook Long Dangdang's clone away, and it was also torn into pieces by the holy sword.

Kill two big demons again. Xiao Ba has already rushed back, carrying Long Dangdang's body. The clone retracted and flew rapidly in the opposite direction again.

At this time, the most powerful demon had broken free from the restraints of the forbidden air and was chasing after him again, but the distance was once again widened.

From the beginning, Long Dangdang never thought about fighting these big demons head-on, because it was impossible to defeat them! Nine seventh-level experts, including Ling Menglu, it would be equally difficult for them to defeat each other head-on. Therefore, tactics have become very important, and there are only two cores of this tactic, burst and forbidden air.

Without Xiaoba's forbidden air, this battle is destined to be very tragic, and the possibility of their defeat is almost more than 90%. But with Xiaoba and Forbidden Sky, it's completely different.

Although the Great Demon is faster, it is greatly restricted under the influence of the Forbidden Sky. Even if the big demon named the leader only needs three seconds to break free from the forbidden air, it will still be greatly affected.

After getting rid of three out of nine, the pressure suddenly eased a lot.

With the supplement of Tianyuan Domain, Xiaoba's forbidden air continues in the same way. After a few rounds, only the strongest demon was still chasing after him.

However, Long Dangdang was not very happy. Although he killed his opponent, he did it instantly in order not to be entangled, so he did not swallow up much of the opponent's spiritual power at all. It was all seventh level, and it was a waste. !

"Xiao Ba, get down." Long Dangdang ordered Xiao Ba. There was only one opponent left. Through the previous entanglement, Long Dangdang was certain that the other party's cultivation level had not reached the eighth level because there was no Linggang level method available.

Not at the eighth level, he still has confidence in himself. What's more, there is only this last one left, so it must not be wasted!

Xiaoba dived downwards, and the big demon behind him chased after him.

Just when he was about to land, Long Dangdang suddenly rose up, the heart of Shengyao flashed, and the Holy Sword!

The big demon raised the heavy sword in his hand and went straight towards the dragon to chop it away.

"Boom -" Long Dangdang was thrown into the air and flew backwards. He did not use sacrifice at this time, but only used deflagration. There is a clear gap between his own cultivation and his opponent's.

The great demon's sword was powerful and heavy. In addition to his amazing internal spiritual power, his external spiritual power was definitely not weak either. Moreover, its attacks also contain strong corrosive properties of darkness, which are hot, corrosive, and extremely oppressive.

Long Kongkong's tentacles from the Tianyuan realm quickly wrapped around each other, fell directly on the big demon, and devoured it with all its strength.

Dark red flames danced in the eyes of the big demon. He took a step forward, spread his wings behind his back, and the dark elements in the air suddenly accelerated towards him. The heavy sword in his hand brought up a huge dark red flame that was more than ten meters long and went straight towards the dragon.

Long Dangdang swayed, and four clones appeared at the same time, entangled with each other from four directions. Xiaoba's dragon flame breath has also arrived. Blast towards the big devil's body.

The defensive light of the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace rose around Long Dangdang's body. At the same time, he held the Holy Sword with both hands and used Divine Control to block.

"Boom -" Long Dangdang was knocked upside down again, but the four clones and the four holy swords had already gone up. Xiaoba's dragon flame breath also bombarded the big demon, who had to release magic to resist.

Not only was the opponent's strength strong, but his combat skills were not comparable to those of the demons he had faced before. Facing such an opponent is the perfect time to practice.

Long Dangdang is a disciple of Mang Knight, and what he is best at is fighting head-on. Although his opponent is obviously stronger than him, with the help of his clone and Xiaoba, he is not afraid, and breaks out again and again, rushing towards the opponent. The power of the holy sword bloomed again and again.

The big demon felt painful at this time. It was clear that no one was its opponent, but it was extremely difficult to deal with. What he hated most was not Long Dangdang and his clones, but hiding in the distance and constantly using the Tianyuan Domain to devour it. The dragon of power is empty.

Although the big devil can restore his cultivation very quickly with his wings. But it can’t stop Tianyuan Domain from swallowing it up faster!

Under the influence of Tianyuan Domain, its body is getting weaker and weaker, but its opponent has no intention of weakening at all. His own breath has begun to slip away uncontrollably. If this continues, defeat is the inevitable outcome.

The flames in the big demon's eyes began to burst out with dazzling brilliance, and the surface of the body began to flow with a light like magma, as if the skin had been torn apart.

Long Dangdang's heart trembled, he understood that this big devil was going to fight for his life. With his strength close to the eighth level, once he uses Heavenly Demon Disintegration, he will definitely be able to enter the eighth level. Facing an eighth-level powerhouse, his current combat power cannot withstand it.

In the blink of an eye, the light around Long Dangdang flickered, opening the contract space again.

Just a moment before the big demon was about to explode, it suddenly felt a sudden pain in its head and lost consciousness for a moment.

If the demon disintegrates and wants to use it, it needs to explode its own life, which requires strong thoughts. Although this mental thrust was not too strong for it, it still had an interrupting effect, causing the big demon to lose consciousness for a moment and interrupt the disintegration of the demon that was about to start.

Long Dangdang didn't dare to let it really explode. The red light flashed and was ignited. His body was spinning like a top and slashing out. The other four clones also used the sacrificial skill, Holy Sword plus Sun Slash, bursting out with all their strength.

Xiao Ba also gave up Long Yan's huge body and pounced from behind, striking the big demon's body with his sharp dragon claws.

The big demon failed to perform the disintegration of the demon, so he surrounded himself with heavy swords and slashed while roaring madly.

"Dang-dang-dang-dang!" Amidst the five roars, with all his strength, even if the demon didn't disintegrate, the power the big demon unleashed was quite terrifying. Long Dangdang and his clones were all blown away.

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