Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 247 The impregnable spiritual furnace

Ming Xi pouted, but Yue Li on the side said: "Then should I also practice the blood alchemy body? Since it does not affect the speed of our strength improvement, it should also be good for us to increase our physical strength."

Tao Linlin was startled and said: "You have to think about it! I have already tried it, and it is too painful. It is not a little bit of pain, but an extremely strong pain."

Previously, Yue Li had never thought of cultivating the Blood Alchemy Body because she was a magician, and she couldn't afford to delay it. Originally, she was in the team, so her cultivation level was not improved very quickly. But with a cultivation treasure like the Demon Realm, everything becomes different. Although Long Dangdang has already said that cultivating in a demonic realm can also purely improve your inner spiritual power. But she understood what it would mean if her external spiritual power was strong enough. Her ice and fire magic also places a heavy load on herself. A magician who has practiced blood alchemy may really have a chance to compete with a genius like the elemental saint woman San Liuying in the future!

Long Dangdang said: "I think you can give it a try. If you can bear the pain, it's not impossible. The blood alchemy body is indeed very painful, but equally, the benefits it brings are multi-faceted, not just Improving external spiritual power can also enhance willpower. Improving willpower itself is a way to enhance mental power. You are a magician yourself, so your mental power is very strong, and in turn, your ability to control your body to endure pain should be good too. . It's worth a try. There is no harm in it. However, if you really increase your external spiritual power to more than a thousand, I'm afraid your internal spiritual power will not be able to increase for a long time. This requires you to think about it yourself. Make your decision again.”

Yue Li nodded and said, "I'll think about it again. Anyway, this is a good thing."

Ling Menglu said: "Since the effect of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace is so good, then we should really help Kong Kong improve the level of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace as much as possible. Kong Kong, from now on, you can take us all to practice together every night, so that you The Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace can also be used all the time, which is very helpful to all of us and can also promote the evolution of your spiritual furnace."

Long Kongkong said with some pride: "Look, I'm just that important, no problem."

At this moment, Ming Xi on the side suddenly asked: "What kind of spiritual furnace did you get this time? Can you let us have a look, so that everyone can cooperate!"

Long Dangdang nodded and said, "Of course. Cousin, come first?"

Ling Menglu sat next to him and nodded slightly when she heard this. She also received her fourth spiritual furnace. As the body of the God of Light, after going through this assessment, she was actually not only appointed as the successor to the temple, but also the next head of the priest temple. However, she had no idea of ​​showing off, so she was not the one to be shown off before. Didn't tell anyone.

Ling Menglu said: "The new spiritual furnace I obtained is called the Impregnable Spiritual Furnace. It is a purely defensive spiritual furnace. At the first level, it can only perform personal defense. After it is upgraded, the defense range can be expanded."

When she said this, everyone understood that the Priest Temple was worried about her safety and gave her this spiritual furnace to protect her. She definitely did not choose it herself.

While speaking, Ling Menglu stood up, with golden light flashing behind her, and a delicate spiritual furnace flew out. This spiritual furnace was actually a rectangular shape like a city wall, with a pale golden mist rising above it. The next moment, it started again. Immediately after returning to Ling Menglu's body, Ling Menglu's whole body had turned into a brilliant golden color, as if a layer of gold foil had been inlaid on the surface of her body.

Wang Changxin looked surprised, "This, this seems to be the spiritual furnace of our warrior temple! It is impregnable, the strongest defense?"

Ling Menglu, who was in a state of pure gold, nodded and said: "It is indeed a spiritual furnace from the Warrior Temple. I don't know what price our temple paid for it."

Wang Changxin rarely showed a trace of envy, "The impregnable spiritual furnace is known as the strongest defensive spiritual furnace. It is not only the strongest defense of our warrior temple, but also the strongest defense among almost all spiritual furnaces. Pure. Focused on defense, very strong. In its defensive state, nearly indestructible."

There are no simple spiritual furnaces that can be named with four characters. For example, the wisdom spiritual furnaces that Long Dangdang and the others obtained before were all named with four characters. Of course, the same is true for some special spiritual furnaces, such as bright stars.

The golden light subsided, and Ling Menglu returned to her friends. "I can use it for about ten seconds each time. At least my current level of cultivation can only do this. Then I need to rest for ten minutes before I can use it again. After the upgrade, I still have no effect." Yes. It can be upgraded up to five times. It is said that after five evolutions, it can block forbidden spells. And it can actively defend when I am under attack, so I don’t have to worry about being attacked."

"Cousin, do you want to exchange it? I am willing to trade all the spiritual furnaces with you except Yutong for this, and Yuanwu can be exchanged for you." Long Kongkong looked at Ling Menglu longingly.

He really liked this impregnable spiritual furnace! He believed that his teacher must also like this spiritual furnace very much. This is the true meaning of safety first! If I can obtain this spiritual furnace, my life's safety will be greatly guaranteed. What a wonderful thing it would be!

Thinking of this, Long Kongkong's heart couldn't help but feel hot.

"Go aside." A big hand pressed on his face and pushed him aside.

Long Dangdang pushed his younger brother away while standing up on his own, "Congratulations, cousin, for obtaining the strongest defensive spiritual furnace. What you obtained is for defense. The spiritual furnace I obtained is for offense. It is also a rare spiritual furnace, but it is damaged. "

The corner of Ling Menglu's mouth trembled slightly, and she thought to herself, you are involved with the broken spiritual furnace! Isn’t a moonlit Canghai spiritual furnace enough? But she knew that the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace could sense everything in the outside world, so naturally she couldn't say it directly, she just looked at Long Dangdang.

The next moment, everyone's hearts tightened almost at the same time. Immediately afterwards, a feeling of scalp explosion instantly spread throughout the body, and almost everyone except Long Kongkong jumped up.

Fierce, they felt a powerful and ferocious aura that they had never seen before. This ferocious aura seemed to have the power to destroy the world and hit their faces. It was as if the person standing in front of them was no longer a human being, but a monster.

Behind Long Dangdang, streaks of red light shone brightly. The red light flickered and turned into huge lotus petals that opened behind him. Against the backdrop of the fierce red light, Long Dangdang at this time, originally His handsome face turned pale, and his aura had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ling Menglu even felt as if she had faced the snake demon god Andumali in the demonic realm before. Yes, Long Dangdang is like a demon at this time.

Long Dangdang raised his right hand, the holy light flashed, the heart of the holy glory bloomed with the light of the holy sword, and the next moment, a red light rose from behind and attached to the holy sword, covering the originally white holy sword. There was a layer of frightening blood color, and the aura suddenly changed greatly. The fierce light shot into the night, and it seemed that it was about to pierce the defensive formation of the small courtyard without him urging it.

Ling Menglu even felt that her impregnable spiritual furnace was touched, and she wanted to take the initiative to defend him.

"It's so powerful! I like it so much! This should be the spiritual furnace used by our assassins, right?" Ming Xi's eyes were red, shining like little stars. This feeling, this is the feeling! Among the Assassin Temple Spirit Furnaces she had seen, only the Assassin's First Reincarnation Spirit Furnace she met for the first time had given her such a feeling.

If the breath of the reincarnation spiritual furnace is decisive, then the spiritual furnace released by Long Dangdang at this time is almost crazy and ferocious. It's very scary, but isn't that what the assassin wants?

Fortunately, she wasn't like Long Kongkong, so she finally swallowed the words that came to her lips.

Long Dang said: "In order to fuse with this Heavenly Evil Shura Spiritual Furnace, my Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace was fused with it, so I still have three spiritual furnaces now."

Ling Menglu looked at Long Dangdang in surprise, "Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace? How come I haven't even heard of it?" As the granddaughter of the deputy master of the Priest Temple, her family has a rich family background, and her father is the owner of the largest auction house in the entire federation. The person in charge, what good thing have I never seen before? The spiritual furnace is the most important core resource of the six temples. She asked herself that she knew about all the spiritual furnaces, but she had never heard of this spiritual furnace.

Long Dang said: "This spiritual furnace has never been used before. It should have been passed down from ancient times. Senior Canghai knows about it. In order to integrate it, Senior Canghai temporarily fell asleep, so I still don't know its origin."

After hearing Long Dangdang's words, Ling Menglu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. No wonder the ancient spiritual furnace was broken again. This is really...

Looking at Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu, there is no doubt that the appearance of these two spiritual furnaces has once again improved the strength of the entire team.

Ming Xi touched Long Kongkong beside him and said, "What about you? What kind of spiritual furnace are you? Are you so powerful?"

Long Kongkong's expression stiffened slightly, but he still said firmly: "That's also very powerful. It can play a great role in some critical moments."

"Let's release that piece and have a look!" Ming Xi said excitedly.

The corner of Long Kongkong's mouth twitched, but he still raised his hand and patted the top of his head. The next moment, a ball of gold rushed out from the spiritual platform above his head, turning into a golden five-pointed star floating above his head. In terms of appearance alone, the bright golden light illuminated the entire small courtyard in an instant, as if the stars in the sky were really captured by Long Kongkong, which was spectacular.

"Wow, it looks so strong. What is its function?" Ming Xi asked.

The two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were already handsome, but at this moment, Long Kongkong looked even more ethereal and sacred against the backdrop of the stars.

"Function, lighting." Long Dangdang said calmly from the side, the corner of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a smile.

"What? What kind of powerful ability is lighting?" Tao Linlin asked doubtfully.

Long Dang said: "As the name suggests."

Only then did everyone react, looking at the stars above Long Kongkong's head, they couldn't help but gradually show strange expressions.

Long Kongkong felt the strange atmosphere around him and couldn't help but said angrily: "What do you mean? What happened to the lighting? Don't you need lighting in the dark night? I am the brightest star in the night , my spiritual furnace also has four characters, its name is Brilliant Starlight! Just look cool and that’s it.”

Ming Xi looked at him with her mouth wide open, and it took her a long time to hold back a sentence, "That's an oil lamp. You made a spiritual furnace that is almost as effective as an oil lamp? You, you are really a talent!"

Long Kongkong suddenly lost his temper and said angrily: "I didn't choose this! It was the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace that chose it myself. This Starlight Spirit Furnace deliberately became close to my Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, and then I thought It must be particularly useful, and it looked so spiritual at the time that you would definitely have chosen it if it were replaced."

Tao Linlin added: "That won't happen. Without clear understanding of its characteristics, you will definitely not choose such a spiritual furnace easily."

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, it's already like this anyway. Yuanwu, come out and tell me, what's going on?"

As he spoke, he patted his chest and released the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace.

The plain-looking Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace came out, and the halo rotating inside was like deep chaos. As soon as this second-level spiritual furnace appeared, various attribute elements in the surrounding air naturally gathered towards it. It has to be said that this spiritual furnace is the most frequently used among everyone.

With the appearance of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, suddenly, the starlight spiritual furnace above Long Dangdang's head trembled slightly. The next moment, it had flown down from above Long Kongkong's head and landed steadily. In the chaos of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace.

"Look, look. Let me just say that Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace chose it by itself. Look at it, it came down on its own. It was also like this at the time, so I made such a choice out of helplessness. You can’t blame me!”

Long Kongkong was still defending, but the eyes of Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu had already fallen on the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace.

At this moment, they suddenly seemed to feel something. Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, which was originally black, actually experienced some wonderful changes.

With the integration of the starlight spiritual furnace, the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace itself began to tremble slightly, and the black surface was also rendered by the starlight, covering it with a light golden color. A layer of faint golden lines appeared silently on the surface of the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. The lines were dotted with golden light, as if the stars were falling on it, exuding a sense of mystery and magnificence, setting off Long Kongkong. It has a bit more mysterious charm.

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