Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 248 Watcher, Starlight!

Long Kongkong was still talking there, "At that time, Yu Tong said, let me choose a spiritual furnace at will, and I thought! What does it mean to choose at will? I don't know what I want! Of course, if there is a cousin, then I would never hesitate to plant a golden soup spiritual furnace. So I later decided to release the breath of my own core spiritual furnace, which is the Yuanvortex spiritual furnace, and see what spiritual furnace is compatible with it. If it can come A complementary effect, wouldn't it be perfect? ​​So, I just felt the aura of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, and then I felt the starry radiant spiritual furnace. In addition, it looks good, so I went... "

Before he could finish his words, suddenly, a golden light burst out from the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace in front of him. Long Kongkong, who was the closest, was naturally startled, while others had already focused their attention on the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace in front of him.

Just as Long Kongkong was talking, the starlight spiritual furnace integrated into the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace seemed to have melted, turning into countless tiny starlights and disintegrating into the Yuan Vortex, allowing the vortex to drive violent rotation. stand up.

At first, there was no strong energy, but soon, there were some strange changes. In the Yuan Vortex, the tiny bits of starlight are placed to release a special aura, which is a kind of rising spiritual energy. It makes everyone around them feel a sense of rising Qi, and even their moods seem to be lifted accordingly. It seemed to be rising.

The bright stars in the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace were also driven to rotate faster and faster. As the rapid rotation reached the extreme, a golden light composed of bright stars had already shot into the sky from the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. Get up and go straight into the sky.

Long Kongkong himself was startled. When he lowered his head to look at his Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace, he saw the starlight in the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace rushing towards the sky like a blowout, and the defensive formation was not touched at all.

Today's night was a bit dark, and there wasn't much light from the stars and the moon. But as this golden light pillar rose into the sky, starting from the sky straight upward in their small courtyard, the entire sky began to become clear. After cleaning up, dots of starlight began to be clearly visible in the sky. The dark night turned into a bright moonlit night with shining stars and moon.

A cool feeling came from Long Dangdang's chest. The next moment, the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, as white as jade, also emerged from his chest. It took on the power of the moonlight falling from the sky and restored its previous function of helping Long Dangdang merge with the Tiansha. The consumption of Shura Spiritual Furnace.

In the sky, countless starlights were also drawn by the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace and scattered. These starlights were integrated into the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace, and then integrated into Long Kongkong's body. Long Kongkong's body was suddenly rendered into a starry sky. Color itself is like a huge luminous body. When you grab it casually, a ball of starlight falls into your hand. In the dark, this seems to be a very strange energy. The power of the elements in the air is integrated into it. After this starlight energy, it became obviously purer.

There was originally a spirit-gathering array set up by Ling Menglu in the small courtyard. At this time, the elemental power condensed by the spirit-gathering array was affected by the starlight energy and suddenly became clear. All the magazines were purified in the starlight. , and there is an extra breath that was not there before.

What kind of energy is this? No one knows it, but there is no doubt that this is an extremely high-end energy existence.

Long Kongkong's feeling was different from others. He only felt that everything around him seemed to have slowed down. He could clearly feel the changes in his body, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to be being absorbed by the starlight. Rendered by the power of the world, it gradually melted into one, or was being replaced and filtered. He only felt that everything about him seemed to be changing. He could even feel that there was a deep purple in an unknown place. Only this purple was not affected by the starlight. On the contrary, when the starlight touched this purple, it would be like fear. retreated rapidly.

The power of the stars swept across, and Long Kongkong's hands swayed from time to time, pulling these strange powers, and he suddenly felt very fun. Others around him also made different movements. Ling Menglu seemed to be telling everyone to sit down and practice quickly to absorb this power. Then the others sat down very slowly to meditate. Yes, at least from Long Kongkong. From a perspective, everyone's movements were very slow, which he found very interesting.

What kind of power is this! Will the stars rising into the sky attract attention?

At this time, he couldn't help but feel proud in his heart. He recalled what his brother had said earlier. The Starlight Spiritual Furnace was useless to others. Perhaps that was because it had never been developed. But when it came to him, it was useless. It’s no longer useless!

very nice! It seems that he is the son of destiny and the one with profound blessings. What a pleasure!

More and more starlight gathered, and the entire small courtyard was filled with the soft starlight. This light was not dazzling, but it filtered all the elemental energy and presented different characteristics.

The power of the moonlight absorbed by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace also became obviously clearer. After the clear sky-blue moonlight power overflowed, it also drifted, interspersed with the starlight, and merged with each other. Then spread it into everyone's body. nourishing their bodies.

The one who felt the most profoundly was Wang Changxin. She worked hard all day long to practice the method of blood alchemy, and suffered tremendous pain almost every day. No matter how firm her willpower was, the pain was still painful, and these pains naturally caused a certain degree of damage to her nerves. harm.

No matter how good the healing magic is, it can heal the injury, but the stimulated nerves cannot be completely improved.

But at this moment, under the fusion of starlight and moonlight, she clearly felt that her body was becoming relaxed, and the nerve twitches accumulated by past stimulation disappeared like the tide.

How many years has it been since you had such a comfortable feeling? Wang Changxin's eyebrows could not help but gradually relax at any time, and her whole body slowly relaxed.

Others have similar feelings. After all, after practicing for so many years, everyone has some hidden diseases, but at this moment, under the baptism of the light of the stars and the moon, everything seems to be getting better. Indescribably comfortable.

Only Long Dangdang did not sit down and meditate, feeling the shining of the bright starlight. He left the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Stove behind and walked out of the small courtyard. He didn't know whether such a bright star would attract the attention of the temple, and he didn't know who would come to the temple. Others can practice, but he, as the group leader, cannot.

He ducked out of the small courtyard, and just as he was preparing to answer the questions that came back at any time, suddenly, there was a look of confusion in his eyes, and he turned around suddenly.

Behind him was the small courtyard where everything was normal. Standing outside the courtyard, he couldn't feel any difference. Looking up into the sky, the sky was still dark. There was no bright moon and stars, let alone the bright stars rising into the sky.

This is……

Why is this happening? Is it because of my cousin’s magic circle? So strong?

Long Dangdang quickly returned to the small courtyard, and as soon as he entered the small courtyard, he immediately felt the strong power of the stars and the moon rushing towards his face. Everything was still the same world as bright stars.

What's going on?

"Don't be surprised, the starlight is a projection, not the power of the stars that actually fell from the sky. It is the projected starlight that the spiritual furnace casts by relying on its own characteristics." Canghai's voice sounded obviously a little excited.

Long Dang said subconsciously: "Then these starlights are illusory?"

Canghai said: "No, it cannot be said to be illusory, but it is not completely real. This starlight was intercepted by the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace. At the beginning, when it was the most powerful, it could indeed attract real people. The power of stars. If it weren’t for the existence of the power of stars, perhaps this world would no longer exist.”

Long Dangdang hurriedly asked: "The Starlight Spiritual Furnace was also the former Twelve Watchers?" He had already thought of something.

Canghai said: "Yes, Starlight is the most core spiritual furnace among us. But the strange thing is that it did not give birth to its own wisdom. And after so many years, it is also one of the watchers I have ever seen. Among them, the only spiritual furnace that is not broken."

Long Dangdang was immediately surprised. He originally thought that the Twelve Watchers were all spiritual furnaces of wisdom, and they existed earlier than humans. Now it seems that they are not all spiritual furnaces of wisdom?

Sensing his doubts, Canghai explained: "Only the starlight is not the spiritual furnace of wisdom. But maybe it is because of this that it is not broken. Unexpectedly, your brother actually awakened the starlight and used the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace It mobilizes the power of the stars to a certain extent.”

"Senior, can you tell me more clearly what happened back then?" Long Dangdang asked curiously.

At this time, listening to their conversation, others gradually woke up from meditation. Among them, Long Kongkong felt the most peculiar. He could also hear the conversation between Long Dangdang and Canghai, but in his perception, their conversation was very slow and sounded a bit weird.

Canghai said in a deep voice: "The great catastrophe ten thousand years ago. It was not you humans who first faced the catastrophe. It was us. We have existed for a very long time, and we have always controlled various spiritual furnaces. We are the best in this world. But we have no desires or desires. We only hope that this world’s spiritual energy is so powerful that one day we can even be promoted to a higher-level world, allowing us to have greater freedom and more authority. We twelve The Watchers were the twelve most powerful spiritual furnaces in that era, eleven of which were wise."

"In terms of individual abilities, my partner Lan Tian and I are the weakest. But we can become one. After we become one, our abilities will rank among the top three."

Ming Xi couldn't help but said: "You are all one of the Twelve Watchers, but when combined, you only have the power of the top three?"

Canghai was not angry because of her words, but just smiled slightly and said: "Although they are both Twelve Watchers, in fact, they are still quite different from each other. Moreover, sometimes strength cannot be used to measure everything. Different spiritual furnaces The focus is also different. Lan Tian and I actually play more of a supporting role. For example, Wang Changxin’s Dominant Spiritual Furnace ranks sixth among the Twelve Watchers. Don’t underestimate this sixth place! If you can enter the top six, then They are completely different from our last six. But I didn’t expect that this time we could see the two spiritual furnaces ranked second and third being born at the same time. It’s really disappointing.”

Long Dangdang's pupils contracted, second and third? Starlight and Tiansha Shura? Who is second? Who is third?

Before he could ask, Cang Hai continued, "The Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace is the second-ranked spiritual furnace among the Twelve Watchers. If it can give birth to spiritual intelligence, it might be the first-ranked spiritual furnace."

Needless to say, Tiansha Shura is naturally the third.

Canghai continued: "Starlight is very special. Do you know what this star power means?"

Having said this, he turned to the direction of Long Kongkong, "I believe he has already felt it. Yes, the power of stars controls time and space. That is the power of time and space. When the great disaster came, it was the eleven of us who mobilized Starlight, with the help of the power of stars, weakened the impact of the Demon God Pillar on the Holy Demon Continent, thus preventing this world from being directly destroyed. Otherwise, it would not have been able to bear it at that time. But because of this, our twelve damaged Some were damaged or completely destroyed. I didn’t expect to see Starlight and Shura again, which is really sad.”

Long Dang said: "The Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace is also broken. How does it need to be repaired?"

Canghai said: "I have just felt its power, and its brokenness is different from mine. My body is broken, and my spiritual power leaks out, resulting in great spiritual loss, but my wisdom is still there. The broken part of Shura should be wisdom . It was originally formed by absorbing the evil energy of heaven and earth, and its power is very powerful. But at the same time, it is impulsive. At that time, it rushed the most fiercely, which caused its own intelligence to be destroyed. I don't know that as your strength grows, it After it evolves, will it be able to revive its consciousness?"

"That's it." Long Dangdang finally understood.

Long Kongkong's dull voice suddenly came, "Who is the Spirit Furnace that ranks first?"

Canghai glanced at him and said: "In fact, you all know and recognize the number one among the Twelve Watchers. In fact, except that Starlight may barely be able to compare with it after evolving into a spiritual furnace of wisdom, Compared with it, we are far behind. This spiritual furnace is in your Knight Temple."

"Ah?" After hearing his words, everyone was stunned.

Long Dangdang's pupils gradually dilated, "What you are saying is..."

Canghai nodded and said: "Yes, it's what you think. I don't know whether it is broken or not. But if it hadn't been there, you humans would have been destroyed for a long time. It's because of its presence that you humans are what we are today. . It can be said that it is the savior that truly protects you humans."

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