Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 249 Magic Temple Assessment

Secret, this is definitely a secret that even the six major temples may not know!

Long Dangdang thought of it, Long Kongkong was still a little confused, and everyone else almost thought of who Canghai was talking about.

"Then what should we do?" Long Dangdang asked.

Canghai seemed to be smiling, "With Starlight, my repair will be greatly accelerated. With Starlight, you will all become different. However, you are still far from being able to use the true power of Starlight. I think, The reason why Xingguang chose Kongkong is because the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace can stimulate it to a certain extent. However, this is not enough. But it is already very good. Bathing in the star time and tempering yourself, this is what you can gain Huge benefits. I believe you have already felt some of them now, but it is far from enough. The power of the stars can make bottlenecks no longer bottlenecks, and can make your body sublime. Long-term stimulation can achieve the power of the stars. Body. There are many benefits. You will feel them one by one in the future. Just talk about the present. In the future, when it is there, the repair speed of our other damaged spiritual furnaces will be greatly improved, and for you, the side effects of the blood alchemy body will be compensated, so, I suggest that all of you can practice that technique. As for truly mobilizing the power of starlight, I'm afraid it requires Kong Kong's own strength to reach a higher level. At the same time, the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace also needs a higher level to be possible. You know, In the past, we, the Watchers, ranked among the top six, couldn't bear it even if we wanted to make a contract with you humans. So, improve your bodies as much as possible."

Long Kongkong's chest is almost reaching the sky now. What is character? This is character! The spiritual furnace that I live in is still higher than that of my brother. I was once ranked second among the twelve watchers. What a unique blessing! There is no way, a person is too good, what should I do? It seems that I am the real core of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group!

Long Dangdang ignored his brother's proud look and continued to ask Xiang Canghai: "Then why can't I feel the presence of starlight outside the hospital?"

Canghai said: "That's because you haven't activated much of the power of starlight. In fact, you don't have to go outside the hospital. If you pay close attention, you can find that the area it currently acts on is only ten meters in diameter. Beyond this range, the stars cannot be sensed. Yutong should be waking up soon, but please remind her not to let her increase her starlight, she won't be able to bear it. At least wait until she evolves to a higher level before considering it."

Ling Menglu said: "Is Starlight also an auxiliary spiritual furnace?"

Canghai said: "You can say it is, you can say it is not. It is very special. It cannot be regarded as a purely auxiliary spiritual furnace. Because we have never seen its limit. This is also the reason why it is not damaged. It can attract real people. When it comes to the power of stars, it is already a power that transcends the limits of the plane."

"I understand, thank you, senior."

"Every bit of star power is extremely precious. You should hurry up and practice. These star powers should have been stored in the starlight before, and are not infinite. In the future, you need to find a place that can truly attract starlight. Only by charging it can you make better use of its power. Now you must use the power of the stars sparingly and use it more to repair yourself."

"Where can I charge it?" Long Dang asked.

Canghai said: "The closer to the sky, the better."

Close to the sky? Isn’t that just about flying higher into the sky?

Canghai returned to the spiritual furnace body, and everyone continued to practice. No one expected that Long Dangdang and their harvest would be so great this time. The Starry Brilliant Spiritual Furnace and the Heavenly Evil Shura Spiritual Furnace were actually such powerful beings. The Knights Temple already had these two spiritual furnaces, but they didn't know it.

Although they are still unable to exert the true power of these spiritual furnaces, this foundation gives them more confidence in the war with the undead army.

After practicing for about an hour, the starlight brought by the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace gradually dimmed.

This is when Long Dangdang asked Long Kongkong to collect the starlight. Everyone's physical problems have been almost repaired. It is still necessary to use its power sparingly to allow everyone to better cultivate the blood alchemy body in the future.

In the next two days, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu were familiar with the new spiritual furnace. The most magical thing among them is the Starry Spiritual Furnace. After two days of exploring this spiritual furnace, they discovered that it still contained a lot of starlight, and the total amount was probably enough for all of them to practice together a dozen times. But charging obviously has to be put on the agenda. For places close to the sky, mountains are a good choice. I don't know if it is possible to fly into the air, but it is obviously not suitable to try it in the Holy City. Also, the Starry Spiritual Furnace does not respond during the day. In other words, its power can only be activated when night comes.

As for the Impenetrable Golden Soup Spiritual Furnace and the Heavenly Evil Asura Spiritual Furnace, their characteristics are mainly reflected in the attributes they represent. The Impenetrable Golden Soup Spiritual Furnace is easy to master, but the Heavenly Evil Asura Spiritual Furnace is extremely domineering. Long Dangdang vaguely felt that, The reason why he was able to subdue it was not because of the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace, but because the special nature of his own bloodline seemed to suppress this power. But when I think about it, it feels a bit incredible. After all, these are the top three existences among the Twelve Watchers!

Canghai said that day, the first six and the last six are different, but what about the first three? It must be an extremely terrifying existence! Especially the one who ranks first, think about it, what kind of power does his blood contain that can suppress such a terrifying and ferocious aura?

But no matter what, this spiritual furnace can indeed be used by him now, and there is no need to repair it like the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. With the existence of the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace, it is expected that with the continuous evolution, the Tiansha Shura Spiritual Furnace will gradually regain its spirituality.

On the third day, Long Dangdang's son Lingjing had already reacted, and the Magic Temple summoned him to accept the assessment.

When Long Dangdang received the summons, the first thought in his mind was that the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace was missing. How about going to the Magic Temple to replenish it?

Naturally, Long Kongkong didn't go with him this time, but he actually still hoped to take his younger brother with him. He had also improved some external spiritual power in the past two days. But this thought only flashed through my mind. After all, Long Kongkong had no reason to go to the Magic Temple to accept the assessment. He should wait to exchange his merits for the opportunity to enter the magic realm in the future.

Leaving his friends to practice at the station, Long Dangdang came to the temple headquarters alone. Because it was the agreed time, there were already people from the Magic Temple waiting for him here.

Wearing a white magic robe trimmed with gold, he could tell from the magic badge on his chest that what was waiting for him was a seventh-level great mage.

Magicians are different from other professions, and the seventh level is even more important to magicians than the other five professions. When the elemental bodies of knights, warriors, and assassins come to the magician, their special transformation is called an elementalist. As the name suggests, they are messengers who control the elements. Only after reaching the seventh level can the magician's spiritual power be enough to support the magic for a long time, and can he cast magic that is powerful enough. Below the seventh level, in the process of casting magic, spiritual power will continue to be consumed and the recovery is far less than the consumption. After becoming an elementalist, the power of the elements will naturally gather, allowing the magician to have lasting combat effectiveness and can also use some more powerful weapons. Magic.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Great Magister, I am Long Dangdang." Long Dangdang stepped forward and saluted. The magician's etiquette is to put his right palm on his chest and bow slightly.

The great mage seemed to have a very gentle personality. He returned the salute to Long Dangdang and said: "Hello, I am Yawei from the magic group. Please come with me."

Under the leadership of the Great Magister Yawei, Long Dangdang followed him towards the headquarters area of ​​the Magic Temple.

Long Dangdang is now a sixth-level great mage, but since he became a professional, he has actually been acting more as a knight. His magic practice is not as diligent as that of a knight, mainly because he is with his younger brother. The Spiritual Furnace Academy is also a knight class, so there is no more time. But deep down in Long Dangdang's heart, when he was a child, his dream was to become a magician. This is why the Knights Temple gave him such good conditions and why he was unwilling to give up his identity as a magician.

As soon as he entered the area of ​​the Magic Temple, Long Dangdang immediately felt that the magic elements in the air began to become richer, rich and pure, pure and sticky. This feeling was very wonderful, making him feel as if his whole body was immersed in the ocean of elements. The spiritual power in the body also fluctuates quietly along with the fluctuation of elements. It seems that every pore in the body begins to open, absorbing the power of elements from the air.

This is not the first time he has come here. He has come here before to look for Zi Tianwu, but this time he doesn't know why, but he seems to feel obviously different. Perhaps it was also the reason for the improvement of his own cultivation.

However, the biggest problem for him is that it will be very troublesome to enter the seventh level due to the influence of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. If you can solve this problem and become an elementalist, you will definitely have a different feeling.

Arriving at the depths of magic, he was taken to a hall that was somewhat similar to the Knights Temple. The elemental power in the air became even richer, so rich that he felt as if he was swallowing the elements when he breathed. .

And here Long Dangdang was surprised to see the familiar figure wearing a dark golden magic robe waiting there.

"Teacher." Long Dangdang hurriedly took a few steps forward and saluted respectfully.

This teacher is not his magic mentor Zi Tianwu, but the master he worships as a registered disciple. One of the six holy temples that plays a decisive role in the magic temple, Dharma God Wuyi.

Seeing Long Dangdang, Wu Di showed a rare smile on his old face. He nodded to him and said, "How was the test at the Knights Temple?"

Long Dang said: "It went smoothly, and I was rewarded with a spiritual furnace."

Wu Di laughed and scolded: "Are you reminding me that I also want to reward you with a spiritual furnace? You are such a little slippery man."

Long Dangdang chuckled. At this time, his smile even looked a bit like Long Kongkong's, "No, no, teacher, I didn't mean that. It's just that the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace that our Magic Temple gave me at the earliest time, I was swallowed up by this new spiritual furnace given to me by the Knights Temple. Considering that the spiritual furnaces on my body are all related to knights, I do feel a little less like a magician."

Wu Di said angrily: "That depends on your performance in the assessment."

Long Dangdang was overjoyed and asked, "Teacher, are we also going to enter the Demon Realm to be tested?"

Wu Di nodded slightly, "The six major temples have the same test for young people like you, but there are some differences between you and others."

Long Dangdang was stunned, "What's the difference?"

Wu Di said: "On our side, you are required to only use magic during the assessment in the Demon Realm, and you are not allowed to use skills related to knights. Otherwise, it will be considered cheating."

After hearing what he said, Long Dangdang immediately understood that what the Magic Temple wanted to see was his talent in magic. If he passed the test with the ability of a knight, it would be of little significance to the Magic Temple.


Wu Di looked at him with burning eyes and said, "Are you sure?"

Long Dangdang scratched his head, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Not sure. Teacher, although I am also a magician, I actually don't even have the equipment that belongs to a magician. I still lack basic equipment such as magic wands and magic robes. So there is really no certainty.”

The magician's dependence on equipment exceeds that of the melee profession. To put it simply, the magic system relies more on equipment than melee combat, because whether it is spiritual power recovery, magic amplification, or sustained combat effectiveness, there is a huge difference between having equipment and not having equipment. The reason why many powerful magicians can cast magic with devastating power requires the support of equipment.

"Little slippery man, what's wrong? You haven't taken the test yet, do you want something first?" Wu Di's eyes widened, and an invisible pressure suddenly came from him.

Feeling the not very strong pressure, Long Dang said: "No, no. I just want to ask you if I can borrow some magician equipment, so that I won't embarrass you during the assessment."

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