Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 250 Dragon Magician Long Dangdang

Looking at the smiling Long Dangdang, Wu Di couldn't help but feel a little funny. In the Magic Temple, no one even his direct disciples dared to talk to him like this. He has always been known for his majesty and cold arrogance. But facing this little guy who is not yet twenty years old, he just can't lose his temper.

"I'll give you a staff, nothing else." Wu Di waved his hand angrily, and a stream of light flew out from the ring with a huge dark purple gem on his right hand, directly in front of Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang quickly reached out to take it, and what fell into his hand was a long-handled staff. The staff is two meters long, and its entire body is a strange dark blue color. There is a huge transparent gem on the top of the dark blue staff. The gem itself is presented as irregular facets, with restrained brilliance and a somewhat unpretentious look. But as soon as he took it, Long Dangdang suddenly felt a strange feeling. The staff seemed to have become an extension of his mental power, and his thoughts became clearer.

He quickly held the staff in both hands and bowed deeply towards Wu Di, "Thank you, Teacher, for the staff."

Wu Di smiled and scolded: "Didn't you say I borrowed it? Who gave it to you last time?"

Long Dangdang said seriously: "The elder gave it to me and I dare not refuse it."

Wu Di pretended to be angry and said: "Go and take the test, don't be angry with me here. If you pass the test, I'll give you the staff. If you fail, just bring it back to me."

"Okay." Long Dangdang immediately agreed happily.

Wu Di waved his hand, and the portal flashed open next to him, which was obviously the way to the demonic realm.

"Teacher." Long Dangdang did not act immediately, but called again.

"What are you talking about?" Wu Di glared at him.

Long Dang said: "I would like to ask if my mount can be used?"

Wu Di said: "Magic can be used, but nothing else can."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you." Long Dangdang immediately felt relieved. As long as he could use the mount, it would not be difficult to pass the assessment.

Wu Di waved his hand, and Long Dangdang suddenly felt the surrounding elements rushing in like a tide. The next moment, his body was already involved in the portal, feeling the strange and bizarre world being transported.

Holding the staff tightly in his hand, Long Dangdang silently felt its breath, but Wu Di's voice came to his ears, "The staff of chaos increases mental power by 20%. Mental consumption is reduced by 30%."

Long Dangdang's heart moved, and he instantly understood the function of this magic wand. What does a magician rely on to mobilize the power of elements? It’s mental power! The benefit of a 20% increase in mental power is undoubted. It can mobilize more elemental power, and the magic power can naturally be greatly enhanced. The mental consumption is reduced by 30%, and the combat effectiveness is more durable.

Legend, this is undoubtedly a piece of legendary equipment. Although the improvement is not too big, what does it mean to simply improve mental power? This means that any magician with any attribute can use it! For a magician like Long Dangdang who has the ability to control multiple attribute elements, it is simply a small artifact. Obviously, this registered teacher did not come up on the spur of the moment, but had already prepared this staff for himself. What a good teacher who is cold-hearted and warm-hearted!

Long Dangdang also felt his brother's happy mood at this moment. The legendary staff can no longer be measured by value. No matter what, this magic staff cannot be returned!

After the transmission ended, the familiar sense of depression reappeared, and it was still the world of darkness and fire.

Holding the staff in hand, Long Dangdang directly opened the contract space and summoned both Xiaoba and Xiaoxie.

After the last experience in the Demon Realm, Xiaoba's figure has grown slightly, and the scales on his body have become thicker. The energy that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong couldn't absorb at that time was absorbed by it and Xiaoxie.

Xiao Xie's cultivation level at this time was close to the sixth level, and his huge eyeballs suddenly looked a little penetrating. He was floating precariously next to Long Dangdang, with tentacles swinging gently around his body.

Long Dangdang touched Xiaoxie and jumped onto Xiaoba's back. From this moment on, he is no longer a dragon knight, but a dragon magician!

Sixth level great mage, dragon mage, dragon dang dang!

Light and shadow flickered, and four clones appeared silently beside him. Long Dangdang handed the legendary staff Chaos Staff to Fire Dragon Dangdang. The main body and the other three clones sat down on Xiaoba's back.

Xiaoba's body twisted slightly, and he rose into the sky. His five claws stepped on the void, leading them into the air.

The double-sword demon has begun to appear in the distance, coming quickly towards their direction. It was exactly the same as the previous assessment at the Knights Temple. Four green double-sword demons came with many ordinary double-sword demons. Last time, they died directly after being swallowed by Long Kongkong, and turned into absorbable energy and became part of the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. But this time, what they were greeted by were fireballs falling from the sky.

For these low-level double-sword demons, magic strikes in the air are completely dimensionality-reducing strikes. They can't fly at all. The green double-sword demon also tried to use its amazing jumping ability to rush into the air, but it was obvious that no matter how good their jumping ability was, it couldn't compare with flying. In just a few minutes, the army of double-sword demons below had been reduced to ashes.

such a pity! This is also energy! Long Dangdang was distracted while controlling the fire dragon Dangdang to cast a series of fireballs, while sighing in his heart. The other three clones were meditating at this time, silently recovering their spiritual power.

All clones share the spiritual power of the main body. If it breaks out at the same time, although the combat power is powerful, the consumption is also huge. At this time, Long Dangdang only attacks with Fire Dragon Dangdang, while the main body and other clones are recovering through meditation, and their continuous combat effectiveness is naturally stronger.

The Rod of Chaos is so easy to use. Not only is the power of the continuous fireball greatly increased, but also, in this demon world where the fire element is abundant, the fire dragon Dangdang attracts the fire element and its recovery speed is quite fast, and you can't feel anything too special. Big consumption. A legend is a legend!

There is no need to absorb energy and there is no need to waste more time. The next round of Invisible Dirks is also not a flying race. What greets them is still a barrage of fireballs, and their physical strength is not even as strong as the double-sword demon. As for detecting their location, it couldn't be easier.

Without Long Kongkong's True Eye, Long Dangdang directly turned on the Holy Light to protect himself, allowing the invisible people of the Dike tribe to attack, and the fireballs in the air bombarded around him. It didn't take a while to get rid of these invisible guys.

In the third round, the crazy demons still used aerial strikes. Long Dangdang was not in a hurry. He just used low-level fireballs to clean up the low-level crazy demons first, and then used a powerful magic to clean up the red-blooded madmen. Demons and bloodthirsty demons. The third level passed smoothly in about 20 minutes. And he himself consumes almost nothing.

It has to be said that in terms of lethality, the magician always ranks first among the six professions.

Looking at the Rod of Chaos in his hand, Long Dang made up his mind to get another magic robe later. Magicians can also have a lot of equipment, but the most basic and most useful ones are magic robes and magic wands. As for other necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc., we will talk about it later.

The real test begins in the fourth round. In the distance, when four seventh-level and thirty fifth-level beta flying demons appeared in the distance, Long Dangdang also began to become serious. Gently patting Xiaoba underneath him, Xiaoba immediately swung his body and flew higher into the sky.

Many Beta Flying Demons were chasing after them quickly. Long Dangdang controlled Xiaoba to keep a distance from them, but guided them to fly higher and higher.

This fourth level is actually an important level for the Six Temples to distinguish geniuses from ordinary talents. When professionals below the seventh level face such darkness and wind attributes, and there are four seventh-level demons, it is almost impossible to win. Only those geniuses with special means and super talents can defeat such opponents.

And Long Dangdang naturally has special means.

I have faced such an opponent before, and I feel much more calm when facing it again.

When the distance increased to an altitude of more than two thousand meters, Xiaoba's flight began to seem sluggish. After all, the air in the higher sky is thinner, and there are fewer places to borrow strength, and more strength is needed to control it. .

The four seventh-level Beta Flying Demons have been chasing closer and closer, and you can already feel the dark aura they release. From time to time, there will be strong wind blades slashing at them. Xiaoba dexterously swings his body and continues to dodge. Go around in circles with them.

The fifth-level Beta flying demons have separated from the battle group. Their maximum flying altitude is only about a thousand meters. An altitude of two thousand meters is not an area they can reach.

"Start your performance." Long Dangdang patted Xiaoba.

The next moment, Xiaoba and Xiaoxie activated almost at the same time. The first one to start was Xiaoba. The passionate roar of the dragon echoed high in the sky.

In an instant, the bodies of the four seventh-order Beta flying demons froze at the same time. The magic they had prepared was immediately interrupted, and their huge bodies suddenly fell.

The golden dragon's innate skills, the Dragon King's bloodline, and the forbidden air!

Xiaoba was now close to the seventh level. As soon as he came out of the forbidden air, the seventh-level beta flying demon couldn't resist, and his body suddenly turned into a free fall and fell from the sky. This is Long Dangdang's most effective way to deal with the flying demons. This is why the height is increased.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Xie's mental shock arrived.

Affected by the forbidden air, the seventh-order Beta Flying Demon instantly lost control of his body and flapped his wings vigorously. He was already in a panic. The mental impact took advantage of the situation, causing their pupils to temporarily lose their luster, and their bodies fell even more uncontrollably.

With previous experience, Long Dangdang knew that pure air restriction could only limit the seventh-order beta flying demons for a short period of time. They would be able to recover before falling to the ground and would not really be killed. But if mental shock is added to it, it will undoubtedly increase the effect of the air ban. At this moment, Xiao Xie was holding the Rod of Chaos in his tentacles, and his mental power increased by 30%. Its spiritual impact power is greatly increased.

Long Dangdang could even clearly feel Xiao Xie's desire for the white gem on the Rod of Chaos. This thing should be a rare gem that increases mental power.

As the four Beta Flying Demons descended from the sky, Xiaoba suddenly swooped down and the staff was already in the hands of Tu Long Dangdang. The blood talent from the Earth Spinosaurus was displayed by Tu Long Dangdang, doubling the power and controlling gravity!

The forbidden air, mental shock, and gravity control instantly gave the four seventh-order Beta flying demons a super strong acceleration of gravity, and they fell from the sky like meteorites from an altitude of two thousand meters.

Before the fifth-level Beta flying demons below understood what was going on, they had already watched four leaders fall from the sky and directly smashed into their camp.

Just as the seventh-level Beta Flying Demon was about to break free from the forbidden air, Xiaoba's second level forbidden air was already released.

After the last assessment, Long Dangdang discovered that Xiaoba's forbidden air can be used three times in a row because it has three heads. This is where Xiaoba is uniquely endowed. Even if it were replaced by its father, the Dragon King, at its level, it would take a period of time to cool down after using the Forbidden Sky before it could be used again. But with its three heads, this innate skill can be used continuously.

This time, the forbidden air not only affects the seventh-order beta flying demons, but also affects the fifth-order beta flying demons. In an instant, more than thirty Beta Flying Demons fell towards the ground like dumplings falling from the sky.

White light flashed on Long Dangdang's chest, and a beam of light that looked like a bolt of light directly enveloped a fifth-level Beta flying demon. Xiao Xie immediately released a mental shock, putting it in a coma.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..." In a series of penetrating low roars, the Beta flying demon army had already crashed to the ground. Even a seventh-level Beta Flying Demon would be thrown into pieces in a free fall from an altitude of two thousand meters with the increase in gravity controlled by gravity. After a series of dull roars, everything returned to calm. The only Beta Flying Demon still alive is the one being led by Long Dangdang's Holy Spiritual Furnace.

The power of the spiritual furnace is not considered a knight's skill. At least that's what Long Dangdang thinks.

Keep one just to give yourself time to reply. This is a skill that must be mastered in the process of passing the Demon Realm assessment, otherwise if it continues to be consumed, he who is not yet at level 7 will definitely not be able to bear it.

Rest, especially let Xiaoba spend the cooldown time of Forbidden Sky. Long Dangdang killed the last Beta Flying Demon and faced the challenge from the fifth round.

Compared with the last time I came here, although Long Kongkong was missing this time, there was no need to retain the lives of these demons to devour and absorb them. Long Dangdang could handle it more calmly and quickly.

The opponent in the fifth round was actually easier for him to deal with.

The magic eye warlock army plus the bird demon army, an open-land combination. The method is still the old method. Raise it into the air to a height beyond the reach of the magic eye warlock's magic light bullet, and then continuously block the air for the army of bird demons. There is no need to save their lives this time. The bird demons falling in the air themselves become the dragon's means of attack. The fall was accompanied by a shower of meteors and fire after the chanting of incantations.

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