Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 252 Elemental Perfection

When Wu Di first heard the name Dragon Flame Hell, he didn't even react at first. I just subconsciously thought that there should be no such magic in fire magic. But the next moment, he realized something, and his pupils shrank slightly, "Dragon language magic?"

It’s easy to talk to everyone with magic like this!

Long Dangdang just smiled implicitly.

Wu Di's eyes instantly became sharp, "You actually have a fire dragon as a mount?" His mood instantly became a little excited. As a senior magician, he knew what this meant.

Although human magicians may also be able to use forbidden spells after their cultivation reaches the ninth level, the magic cast by top human magicians is not inferior to that of giant dragons. However, dragon language magic has many unique advantages! The so-called human magicians can compete with the dragon language magic, but they must rely on the power of various equipment, even the power of artifacts. As for the truly top-notch dragons, casting forbidden spells and even their own load will not be too large. After all, they have physiques that humans simply cannot match.

Therefore, in the Magic Temple, magicians have always had a dream, that is, to have a giant dragon that can sign a contract, and to use dragon language magic through the contract with the dragon. Thus becoming a dragon magician.

Wu Di also never expected that his named disciple would actually do something that he had not accomplished. He also instantly understood why the Knights Temple had always attached great importance to Long Dangdang. Dragon Knight! The Knights Temple itself has dragon knights. If one more dragon knight is recognized by the Divine Seal Throne, it will be clear what it means to the Knights Temple.

How pitiful! This child also practiced magic, which was definitely an extremely important opportunity for the Magic Temple.

"Summon your dragon and let me see it." Wu Di said eagerly.

Long Dangdang hesitated for a moment before saying: "Teacher, I'm sorry. I promised the Knight Temple not to tell the Magic Temple about owning the dragon mount, so I can't..."

Wu Di understood it immediately, yes! There is no doubt about the importance of the Dragon Knights to the Knights Temple.

For a moment, he actually became a little anxious.

At the beginning, after Long Dangdang obtained the son of the Dragon Emperor as a mount, the two temple masters of the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple and a few temples or two knew about it, but Wu Di was not aware of it. Regarding this matter, the two major temples were strictly sealed.

But the Magic Temple has never changed its mind about Long Dangdang having to come for the test. Wu Di was also entrusted by the master of the Magic Temple to personally come to supervise the test of Long Dangdang, but he did not expect that he would bring such a big surprise to him.

Long Dangdang did not hide that he had a giant dragon mount. There was no need to hide it. The master of the Magic Temple already knew it. But the mount dragon was not summoned because the situation of the three golden dragons was hidden in accordance with the requirements of the Knights Temple.

Although he most wanted to be a magician when he was young, as he gradually grew up as a professional, he focused more on knights. The most important reason is that knights can truly protect, and magicians themselves are too fragile. Although its attack power is powerful, its own fragility is too obvious. What's more, the Divine Seal Throne is the most famous inherited artifact, who wouldn't have thoughts about it?

Wu Di frowned slightly, "You have a lot on your mind! Are you going to continue to work like this?"

Long Dangdang lowered his eyebrows and said submissively: "The original intention of the two palace masters was to wait until I solved the problem of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace before making a choice."

Wu Di's heart moved. He also knew about Long Dangdang's possession of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and understood the problem. I felt a little relieved in my heart. If it weren't for the restrictions of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, the identity of Dragon Mage alone would be enough for the Magic Temple to go all out.

"In this case, you must work hard to cultivate. Tell me, why did you choose Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace in the first place? If you were not affected by the spiritual furnace, you would have already..., forget it, don't say it. These. The Rod of Chaos belongs to you, as for other rewards, what else do you want?"

Long Dangdang said: "Teacher, I want all the magician's equipment. As you know, I can control the five series of magic now, but I am short of all kinds of equipment. Also, the Magic Temple gave me the equipment in the early years. The Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace has been fused with the new spiritual furnace given by the Knights Temple this time. I no longer have a spiritual furnace suitable for auxiliary magic. You see..."

Wu Di couldn't help but glare at him, "How dare you, kid! Find your own way to equip it. As for the spiritual furnace, based on your test results, I can give you one. You can choose it yourself."

Long Dangdang was immediately overjoyed. Fortunately, equipment and the like can be redeemed at the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group by completing missions, or you can go to the auction house to buy them, or even buy them. But the spiritual furnace is almost completely controlled by the six major temples, and the ones that appear in the auctions outside are also relatively ordinary beings. This time he and Long Kongkong each obtained a Watcher's Spiritual Furnace in the secret treasure of the Knights Temple. Although his was a bit broken, it also greatly increased his strength. Being able to obtain another spiritual furnace and increase the number of spiritual furnaces to four is naturally the basis for improving the strength.

"You should have a good rest first. Selecting a spiritual furnace requires sufficient mental concentration on your part. Unlike ordinary magicians, you have too many attributes that you control. You may even be able to control more attributes in the future, so you must choose something that can A spiritual furnace suitable for all attributes, not just one attribute. This is the best choice for you. The first choice is to improve spiritual power, and then to condense spiritual power. These two categories are relatively suitable for you, do you understand?" Wu Di reminded.

"Thank you, teacher." Long Dangdang said sincerely.

When Wu Di first started to support him, what he valued was his talent, which had nothing to do with Xiaoba. Although he was only accepted as a registered disciple, that was also the reason why he did not awaken his dark magic talent.

"Have you felt the dark element is close to you recently?" Wu Di suddenly asked.

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment. I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart. He fought against the demons twice in the demonic realm. In that world full of darkness and fire, let alone, he seemed to vaguely feel something.

It's hard to say to what extent it is specific, but at least for him, it seems that in perception, the dark attribute is really different from before. When asked by Wu Di, he subconsciously looked at the teacher. Immediately afterwards, he felt a deep aura that seemed to be solidified blooming from Wu Di.

Dark is the opposite of light but it does not represent evil. Where there is light, there is darkness, and the end of darkness is light. And the dark aura released by his teacher was clearly not just ordinary darkness. The profound smell was as bottomless as an abyss and unfathomably powerful, as if he himself was the endless night sky.

Long Dang subconsciously mobilized his mental power and used his mental tentacles to lightly touch the dark aura on Wu Di's body.

His spiritual sea recovered very quickly. Because of Xiao Xie, his mental power has been fed back by the little evil eye. As Xiao Xie evolved, his mental power became stronger and stronger. .

When his spiritual tentacles came into contact with Wu Di's body, suddenly his whole body shook slightly, and his whole aura also changed accordingly. He felt not only the depth, but also the mysterious flavor. It seemed that at that moment, everything around him became quiet, quiet and profound, revealing mystery in the depth.

A faint dark element soaked into his purification tentacles, transmitting the silent darkness to his body.

Silently feeling this change, Long Dangdang also began to experience strange changes. His spirit became somewhat trance-like. Deep in his eyes, a faint purple light flickered vaguely. His breath began to become condensed, and his skin began to turn pale, as if he had turned into an existence that never saw the light of day and was immersed in darkness.

Wu Di was also very surprised by the changes in Long Dangdang. This change came too fast. He had just asked, but he seemed to have already realized it? No, this is no longer as simple as realization. Not only is his spiritual tentacles sensing the dark elements in his body, but he himself is also beginning to exude a faint aura of darkness.

As the most powerful dark magician among humans today, Wu Di is so sensitive to dark elements. He could clearly feel that the dark element aura emanating from Long Dangdang was very pure, and even the color of his pupils was changing.

Has this kid really awakened to his dark attributes? Wouldn't it be the same as Zisang Liuying, who has to control the six elements at the same time?

Zisang Liuying had already been accepted as a direct disciple by the palace master. So, is this child in front of me really his chance? In an instant, Wu Di's mind began to undergo some changes.

"What is darkness?" Wu Di's voice sounded directly deep in Long Dangdang's heart.

Long Dangdang was also slightly startled, what is darkness? Is it profound? Is it mysterious? Is it the opposite of light?

But at this moment, Wu Di was suddenly asked and answered: "Darkness is exploration, the exploration of the endless unknown."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed a finger at Long Dangdang's forehead.


Darkness is exploration! It is an exploration of the endless unknown.

What is that light? Is light a desire? It is the desire of human nature and the desire for the endless unknown.

In an instant, Long Dangdang felt that a brand new door suddenly opened in front of him, and streams of radiance began to bloom from his body.

The magic elements that were originally very strong in the Magic Temple suddenly gathered in his direction at an alarming speed, gathering around his body with unprecedented joy.

The six visible colors of red, blue, cyan, yellow, gold and black came together like a torrent and surrounded his body. They were both distinct and blended into each other. The aura on Long Dangdang's body is also constantly changing, sometimes as light as wind, sometimes as aggressive as fire, sometimes as steady as earth, sometimes as gentle as water. Another example is the depth of the endless void and the brilliance of the endless starlight. His whole aura began to undergo earth-shaking changes, with six different elements constantly blending and changing with his body.

Wu Di retracted his finger and saw the scene in front of him that he had seen with his own eyes a few years ago. And that time, it happened to Zisan Liuying, known as the Elemental Saint.

There have always been six basic elements in this world. In addition to water, fire, earth and wind, there are also light and darkness. Just like this world has southeast, northwest, sky and earth. Six foundations are indispensable.

When all six are complete, the foundation is complete, which also means that the own elemental world is complete.

In the world of magicians, there are always a lot of eighth-level magicians, even more than the eighth-level paladins in the Knights Temple. However, the number of ninth-level magicians is always rare.

If you want to achieve the ninth level, you must achieve the power of the domain and have the domain you control. For magicians, the areas they need to control are different from other professions. They must achieve the perfection of their own elements, that is, they must be truly recognized by the elements and be flawless to achieve success.

How to perfect one's own elements? For most magicians, the best way is to specialize in one element. Only by specializing can one avoid flaws to the greatest extent. But the kind of achievement that can be achieved completely, in the entire Magic Temple, is basically the limit of the witchcraft, which is revered as the Emperor. This is because his attribute is darkness.

If the two attributes can be perfected, for example, water and fire have the same origin, then the possibility of achievement will be higher. Of course, the danger in the process of cultivation will also be greater.

Above that is the perfection of the four attributes. This has only happened a handful of times in the history of the Magic Temple.

As for the perfection of the six elements, Zisang Liuying was the first person in history. Yes, the first person. Masters of the six elements have appeared before, but there has never been one who can achieve the perfection of the six elements. Zisang Liuying finally achieved a miracle with the help of the Holy Spirit Furnace given by the Magic Temple. This is why she is known as the strongest genius in the history of the Magic Temple. In the future, as long as she can reach the ninth level, she will be the next master of the Magic Temple. She will also be the first being in the history of the Magic Temple who has the potential to touch the pinnacle of mankind. She will even be expected to lead the Magic Temple to surpass the Knight Temple. hope.

However, who would have thought that just a few years later, Wu Di would make an impromptu inquiry. Moreover, a young man who has never shown how powerful his magical talent is, and whose control of elements was not even balanced before, has actually achieved elemental balance.

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