Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 253 Dark Awakening, Elemental Resonance

To the Dark Dharma God Wu Di, everything in front of him was so incredible. You know, if Zisang Liuying didn't have the same source of spiritual furnace, it would be almost impossible for the six elements to blend and complete each other. Elements with different attributes have different characteristics, and it is really difficult to make them into a whole. However, for Long Dangdang at this time, when the darkness awakened, everything seemed to be completed so naturally. He didn't seem to experience different effects due to different elements at all. Instead, directly after awakening the dark attribute, the six elements naturally completed the resonance.

Among them, there is a lack of help from beings like the Homogen Spiritual Furnace. The Origin Spiritual Furnace itself is like a core, which allows multiple elements to resonate through its own special frequency fluctuations, thereby achieving the purpose of resonance. But Long Dangdang seemed to be able to do this just by relying on his own body. This is extremely incredible for a powerful magic god like Wu Di. This can no longer be described as a simple talent, it is simply bizarre.

Therefore, even if the initiator was this Dharma God, at this moment, the Dharma God was completely stunned and could not believe his eyes.

How did he do that? Wu Di's heart was filled with a shocking feeling. He carefully felt the aura fluctuations on Long Dangdang's body, but he really didn't feel what Long Dangdang was doing. Everything seemed to fall into place so naturally. It was as if the six elements he had awakened naturally surrendered to him.

Such a talent..., such a talent! There is no doubt that it must be above Zisan Liuying, who is also known as the Saint of Elements!

Wu Di's heart instantly became hot. Zisang Liuying was hailed as a once-in-a-thousand-year genius, and the master of the palace accepted him as his disciple without hesitation. It is impossible to say that I am not envious. But he knows his own affairs. As the controller of darkness, he is indeed more suitable to give advice to San Liuying than the palace master. However, another opportunity has appeared in front of him so easily at this time, although it is incredible. , but at the same time, isn’t it also God’s favor?

Long Dangdang was not disturbed, and he was allowed to silently comprehend the newly added dark elements and the overall resonance of the six elements.

At this time, Long Dangdang's own feeling was also very strange. After the dark element awakened, he suddenly felt that his shortcomings had been compensated. A strange sense of harmony made his understanding of the elements instantly rise to a higher level.

The six major elements resonated, and the first thing he felt was their mutual characteristics and interrelationships, and even the principles of mutual transformation and mutual restraint. It all happened so naturally and so strangely.

He even had a feeling that if he performed the previous Dragon Flame Hell with sacrifice again, maybe he wouldn't die. The mysteries of light and darkness were told to him by witchcraft, but what he felt more profoundly at this time was the mystery of the relationship between elements, that is, cycle.

Fire and water are incompatible, but water can burn and become the nourishment of fire. The six elements seem to be able to produce wonderful changes in each other, forming a wonderful and stable cycle, which allows various elements to have wonderful connections with each other. In the process of circulation, it seems that they can naturally form a variety of permutations and combinations. Whether it's offensive, defensive, or auxiliary, it seems to be done easily.

This is completely different from the previous feeling when he could control four elements at the same time. It has become more relaxed and everything is more natural. And these various elements seem to naturally surround themselves. You are their core, and your own spiritual power is the direction they guide.

Immersed in this world of elements, it seems that there are different feelings coming every minute. This understanding is changing his understanding of the elements. It has nothing to do with magic, but it is constantly showing him the true meaning of the elemental world.

Even Long Dangdang himself didn't know how much time had passed until he seemed to have become a part of the elements. He seemed to be unable to feel his body anymore, and could only feel that he was made up of countless elements. And these elements naturally circled around him, and the core of himself seemed to be that familiar purple color that even made him feel a little palpitated.

The moment he felt the purple color, he suddenly woke up. The elements gathered around him naturally and quietly dispersed, creating a whirlwind around him.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, it was still the same room, it seemed that nothing had changed, and Wu Di was still in front of him.


Wu Di's expression seemed to have changed greatly from before. The smile on his old face became obviously much warmer, "Very good, you are really good. I didn't expect that you could feel it so easily." The mystery of elemental resonance." He didn't ask Long Dangdang how he did it, because it was not forced at all, everything happened naturally, so he himself probably didn't know how it was done. But he did just that.

"Thank you, teacher, for your guidance." Long Dangdang quickly stood up and bowed deeply to Wu Di respectfully. If it weren't for Wu Di's awakening, he didn't know how long it would take him to awaken to the control of the dark elements, let alone the control of the elements.

Wu Di smiled slightly and said: "I am just giving guidance to my own disciples. Dangdang, you are willing to truly become my disciple, and also my last disciple."

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously thought that it was because he had awakened the dark element that Wu Di was willing to accept him as his direct disciple, and he was also a closed disciple.

He already has two teachers, so one more would be better, not to mention that this one is one of the most powerful Dharma gods in the world.

Without hesitation, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "Disciple Long Dangdang pays homage to the teacher."

"Hahahaha!" Wu Di suddenly laughed loudly, with pride and indulgence in his laughter, which was very different from his usual gloomy appearance. Waving his right hand, a soft and cold elemental power naturally lifted the dragon up.

"Okay, okay, okay. Dangdang, I will definitely train you to become the strongest magician in the world. More than that son San Liuying."

When Long Dangdang looked at his teacher again, he found that Wu Di seemed to be a little younger at this time, and his eyebrows were actually a little lively.

Although he didn't quite understand Wu Di's state of mind at this time, he vaguely guessed that his talent should have attracted the teacher's attention.

"Come with me, I will help you choose a spiritual furnace that suits you first." As he said that, Wu Di's chest suddenly emitted a dark purple halo, which directly enveloped him and Long Dangdang. Before Long Dangdang could react, there were already distorted spatial fluctuations around him.

After just a moment, I felt down to earth again, but there was no dizzy feeling like when I was teleporting in the past. But they have come to a place where the elemental fluctuations are more intense than that of the Magic Temple.

The viscous elemental power makes people feel like they are soaking in a hot spring. Even a simple walk will be affected by the power of these elements.

A dark purple halo naturally formed around Wu Di's body, attracting and absorbing the dark elements among the elements. But Long Dangdang felt like a fish entering the sea. He only felt that his body was surrounded by joyful elemental power. These elemental powers naturally washed his body, making his skin seem to become crystal clear. When it is clear, it looks like a gem.

"This is where our Magic Temple stores spiritual furnaces. Do you know how many spiritual furnaces a human body can have?" Wu Di said.

Long Dang said: "The nine spiritual furnaces are stored in the eyebrows, chest, Dantian, top of the head, vest, as well as the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet."

Wu Di nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, that's exactly the case. Among the nine spiritual furnaces, the core five are the most important, and the four of them are the most difficult to fuse."

Long Dangdang nodded, he already knew this before. There is no doubt about the importance of the five core spiritual furnaces. The reason why the spiritual furnace of the limbs is difficult to fuse is that it must be sufficiently compatible with oneself, and it is not easy to find a spiritual furnace that fits the limbs.

"Before you reach the ninth level, there are actually some issues that you won't notice. For example, what is the spiritual furnace you fused with and how are they related to each other? These are not that important. However, after reaching the ninth level, But it's different. Whether the spiritual furnace is compatible with you often determines your future upper limit."

Wu Di taught earnestly: "Among the professionals, there is a saying that after the ninth level, start all over again. The entry threshold for the ninth level is one hundred thousand spiritual power. Compared with the eighth level, it is actually only doubled. It’s just a little more. It’s nothing. However, even a small step out of the ninth level is a change in the superposition of spiritual power. The second level of the ninth level and the first level of the ninth level sound similar, but they are It is the difference between one hundred thousand spiritual power and two hundred thousand spiritual power. And the difference in total spiritual power will make the strength of the two sides fundamentally different. A ninth-level and second-level professional, even if he faces four ninth-level first-level ones at the same time, A level professional can also win this battle."

Long Dangdang listened carefully. He was not at all impatient because the ninth level was too far away from him now. After all, this was the path he hoped he could take in the future.

Wu Di continued: "After the ninth level, if you want to improve your cultivation, the most important thing is to sort out, sort out what you have learned, and sort out what you have. The better the foundation, the easier this process will become. So, I think If you want to truly become a top powerhouse, then you must lay a good foundation for yourself before the ninth level. If the foundation is solid enough, you will have enough upper limit in the future."

"Na Ye is your brother's teacher, you should know him too."

Long Dangdang nodded, "I have received guidance from Teacher Na Ye."

Wu Di said: "It is actually a pity that he could have become the fourth dragon knight of the Knights Temple, but due to his own problems, the upper limit was insufficient. Because of his character problems, his foundation was not solid. Don't look at him now. He was already a ninth-level holy knight at a young age, but in his lifetime, being able to climb to the ninth-level and second level was already his limit. This is also the reason why, as a dragon knight, he did not become a holy knight. The other three dragon knights of the Knights Temple are all Templars. This is because they did not have enough choices and accumulation when they were young."

"After the ninth level, internal and external coordination is the top priority. In other words, you must have a strong enough body or a strong enough spiritual sea to carry huge spiritual power. For melee professions The body that carries spiritual power is the body. For our legal profession, it is the sea of ​​spirit. If your carrier is insufficient, no matter how much you practice, the power you gain will only overflow. If you block it, you may even detonate yourself. possible."

"In this process of internal and external reconciliation, spiritual furnaces can often play a great role. Many people believe that as long as they obtain a powerful enough, or even enough spiritual furnace, their future will be strong. This belief It’s completely wrong.”

Hearing this, Long Dangdang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. In his understanding, he also believed that as long as it suited him, the more spiritual furnaces, the better.

"Wouldn't it be better to have more spiritual furnaces suitable for you?" Long Dangdang asked.

Wu Di shook his head and said: "Look, your understanding is also problematic. Yes, normally the more spiritual furnaces that suit you, the better, but there is a question that you have thought about. Every spiritual furnace When the furnace fuses with you, it is carried out separately. The compatibility between it and you is only with your body, but does not include other spiritual furnaces. In other words, the spiritual furnace that is suitable for you is not necessarily It is suitable to be together with other spiritual furnaces that you have merged with. Do you understand?"

Long Dangdang understood instantly and nodded quickly.

"Therefore, when choosing a spiritual furnace, especially when you already own multiple spiritual furnaces, it is particularly important to see whether the relationship between the spiritual furnaces is consistent with each other, and even whether they can complement each other. This is especially reflected in the core five spiritual furnaces. Up. You now have three spiritual furnaces, and one of them is a fusion spiritual furnace. So, whether these spiritual furnaces are compatible with each other, and what kind of relationship changes will occur between the other spiritual furnaces you fuse with them? They are all important. They will determine the speed and height of your future growth."

Only then did Long Dangdang fully understand what Wu Di meant by telling him so much.

"So, I need to first understand your current spiritual furnace, and then look at how to choose the fourth spiritual furnace for you to fuse with you. The Shengyin Spiritual Furnace and the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace are not needed. The main thing is to look at the latest one you have. This one integrates the characteristics of the spiritual furnace. I am more worried that there is something wrong with your spiritual furnace."

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