Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 255 The strange spiritual furnace

The crystal clear red lotus-shaped spiritual furnace slowly hovered above Long Dangdang's palm. It looked so colorful, but the aura it exuded was like a ferocious beast that was ready to devour people at any time.

As Long Dangdang took it into his hands, the reaction of those spiritual furnaces that did not retreat became significantly larger, and the light emitted by each became stronger.

The Shura Red Lotus exudes a red light that alternates between strong and weak, as if a king is inspecting his territory.

"Keng!" Suddenly, a metallic sound burst out from the Shura Red Lotus. The next moment, a bright red light burst out, and the red color instantly became deep. The dark red light directly enveloped Long Dangdang. Long Dangdang felt that his blood suddenly became boiling, an unprecedented feeling. Violence rushed into his body, and he felt that everything in him was rendered dark red at this moment. He subconsciously raised his right hand, the light of the Holy Glory Heart burst out, and the Holy Sword was released. But the holy sword was no longer holy white, not even a shadow of white. It was completely dark red, but it had an aura that was countless times more powerful than the previous holy sword.

Immediately afterwards, the holy sword that was triggered by Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace broke away from Long Dangdang's control and slashed diagonally forward. The dark red sword light drew a dark red arc of light with extremely fierce sword energy, and flashed over.

Just when Long Dangdang was inexplicably shocked, suddenly, a lazy voice suddenly sounded, "Stop making trouble..., what are you doing..." The voice sounded slow and leisurely, and it was impossible to distinguish between male and female, but The sound makes people feel goosebumps, and the somewhat enchanting tail note makes people feel as if their mood has become sluggish.

A layer of soft white halo rippled, and there was only a "buzz" sound. Such a fierce sword slashed directly into a ball of white halo, and then slowly melted away.

But after hearing that lazy voice, Shura's red lotus spiritual furnace seemed to be stimulated. The spiritual furnace suddenly vibrated and flew out in an instant. The petals of the red lotus suddenly bloomed out, and each petal was like a streak. The extremely sharp sword light shot straight towards the soft white light.

"Don't make trouble..., what's going on is..." the lazy voice sounded again. Then Long Dangdang saw a pair of white palms stretching out from the white light. The palms gently slapped in the air, creating pieces of white ripples. The white ripples were like spider webs, connecting those ones one after another. The red lotus sword glow stuck, and it seemed that it could not destroy the sword glow, but the sword glow could not go any deeper.

Long Dangdang has a contract with Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace. At this moment, he can clearly feel that his spiritual furnace is actually releasing a strange emotion. It was a strong sense of rejection, a strong sense of anger, and even a little bit of fear and trembling.

"I said... what... is this, yo yo... yo,... my... Brother Shura... actually has a... master... Don't make trouble...,... let me ...Look...your host...oh." The voice was slow, and Long Dangdang felt uncomfortable in his heart. He wanted to yell, "Can you hurry up?"

Wu Di, on the other hand, had a strange expression on his face, and the scene before his eyes was beyond his understanding. Because he knew that spiritual furnace, but it was by no means any powerful existence in his memory, and it had never made a sound before. According to the records of the Magic Temple, this is a spiritual furnace that emits a slow halo. As long as you get close to it, the speed seems to slow down, and no one can match it. Because you are within its range, and because everything is too slow, you cannot activate the contract at all, but you never expected that this spiritual furnace turned out to be a wisdom spiritual furnace, and it actually made a sound at this time.

"Buzz!" Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace seemed to be even more stimulated, struggling desperately, trying to launch an attack. However, the white halo emitted by the strange spiritual furnace seemed to be layer upon layer, dense and dense, preventing it from breaking out at all.

"Don't...make a fuss...when you...took...I...had no...thing to to... Why exclude... people... for?... People... don't... cause trouble... Actually..., people... have always... liked your... masculine... spirit... Shura elder brother……"

The sound of this wisdom furnace sounded so uncomfortable that Long Dangdang felt an indescribable awkwardness all over his body. If this was a real person, he would almost want to strangle the other person to death. It's no wonder that Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace would have a strong sense of rejection towards the other party.

"Teacher, this spiritual furnace is..." Long Dangdang looked at Wu Di and asked.

"I don't know either. Since the records of the temple, it has been a spiritual furnace that cannot be contracted but can release a slow halo. But I never knew that it would actually be a spiritual furnace of wisdom."

"Jing... said that... words! You... didn't ask... me..., don't... make trouble, Xiao An... An..." The spiritual stove blew a kiss in the direction of Wu Di. However, only two hands can be seen, while the body is just a ball of white light.

The corner of Wu Di's mouth twitched. The sound of the spiritual furnace seemed to have a strong stimulating effect. Hearing it, he only felt extremely awkward all over his body, and even his own spiritual power seemed to be a little out of control.

"Senior, I never knew you were the spiritual furnace of wisdom. If we have offended our Magic Temple in any way, please forgive me." Wu Di said while suppressing the discomfort.

These wisdom furnaces have existed for an unknown amount of time, so it is appropriate to call them "seniors".

"Don't... make trouble, you are... quite... good... ah...! I... here... are... quite... good.... Here... these... little guys... …It’s all… good…, and I… feed my… elements all day long… and eat… happily… However,… in the future, I… will have better… food… ..., I won’t... play... with you... Shura... brother,... my sister will... just... follow you... from now on."

Just when Long Dangdang suddenly realized that something was wrong, the next moment, the previously extremely slow white light suddenly shook violently, and actually threw away all the red lotus sword lights. Then, it went straight towards Long Dangdang. It flew in the direction of Dangdang.

It seemed that its speed was not very fast, and Wu Di stood in front of Long Dangdang in a flash. But just when he blocked Long Dangdang, the white light came behind him, and even penetrated directly into Long Dangdang's dantian.

At this moment, a blue light flashed from Long Dangdang's chest, and a powerful blue light rushed down instantly, forcefully squeezing out the white light that had just entered Long Dangdang's body.

"Hey, Brother is Brother Lantian...?...Don't...make trouble...? ...Sister...ah?...I"

The Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace came out from Long Dangdang's chest, but when he heard the slow and indistinguishable male and female voice, it shook slightly, and a few drops of moonlight splashed out from it.

"Xiao Man, please don't make trouble, our place is not suitable for you." Cang Hai's voice was slightly trembling.

"Brother Canghai... you... also bullied... other people...?... back then... you... didn't want... other people's...,... originally... there were... other people...,...maybe...nothing...happens...ah...!'t...make trouble...that's' , me...again,...I"

Listening to the sound of this wisdom furnace, Long Dangdang couldn't bear it. The slow speed and the indistinguishable male and female voice were so awkward. He subconsciously took a step back and ducked behind Canghai.

Canghai smiled bitterly and said: "You are the youngest, and you are part of the time of this plane. If you die, the entire plane will be greatly affected. We are here to protect you."

"You actually said...those words...! That'' love with...Xingguang...that...coquettish...beautiful...bitch ...Young students...have to not!...disgusting...!"

Hearing this, Long Dangdang finally understood. The spiritual furnace in front of him was probably the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace, one of the original Twelve Watchers. Later, due to the addition of the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, it was squeezed out of the Twelve Watchers. ?

He also vaguely remembered that the Starlight Spiritual Furnace itself also had the power of time and space, and when Long Kongkong released its true power, everything around him also became sluggish. That means that the spiritual furnace in front of me is of the same type as the Brilliant Starry Spiritual Furnace?

Brilliant red light condensed around Canghai. It was the Shura Red Lotus. The looming red light kept flashing, and the ferocious aura kept emitting. But for some reason, Long Dangdang felt that it seemed to be a bit lustful and fierce.

Both Canghai and Shura seemed to be a little afraid of the spiritual furnace that was just presented as a ball of white light.

"Xiaoman, everyone really feels sorry for you, and it's for the sake of the plane that they didn't let you participate in that operation. Since you feel comfortable staying here, just stay here. This place is also suitable for you. Isn’t it?”

"No... I want... I... want... to go out. ... It's hard to... see... my... Shura... brother...,... I... will... never... again ...and help...him...mend... As long as...there"

"No!" Canghai almost blurted out.

But the white light group seemed to be very determined, flashing suddenly and rushing towards Long Dangdang's dantian again. At the same time, two white palms suddenly emerged from the white light, grabbing the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace and Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace respectively. At the same time, a layer of powerful white light suddenly bloomed outwards, making Wu Di's body become extremely slow as he was about to take action, and he was unable to complete the action immediately.

It can be said that this strange spiritual furnace is fighting against two major wardens and a senior magic god at the same time with its own strength.

And even they were helpless, and Long Dangdang was naturally unable to do anything. He could only watch the white light penetrate into his Dantian.

"No!" At this moment, a powerful thought suddenly burst out. Just when the white light had penetrated into Long Dangdang's Dantian, a strong repulsive force arose in his heart, forming such a word in his heart.

The white light that had begun to merge with his body suddenly stagnated. Although it still forced its way into Long Dangdang's Dantian, it failed to completely merge with him.

The contract between humans and spiritual furnaces requires mutual recognition. Long Dangdang could feel that both Shura and Canghai were so afraid of this person. How could he dare to let this person merge with his body?

But this person is indeed extraordinary. Even in this situation, he has already taken up residence in his Dantian.

Canghai and Shura also returned instantly, and the power of the two spiritual furnaces rushed into the dantian. But at this moment, the white spiritual furnace was completely stuck in Long Dangdang's dantian like brown sugar. As soon as the two spiritual furnaces rushed together, severe pain suddenly came from Long Dangdang's dantian, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. come out. The flow of time in the outside world has returned to normal at this moment.

"Don't... make trouble,... you... can't... do anything... to me...,... I... said... not... to go...,... just... no ...Let's go..." Xiaoman's voice was still so uncomfortable.

"You——" Canghai's voice was a little more angry.

The power of Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace fluctuated extremely unsteadily. If it weren't for the strange energy in Long Dangdang's body, I'm afraid it would explode completely now.

"Shura, calm down, I have a way!" Cang Hai's voice became solemn, and the next moment, the power of the blue moonlight had swept through Long Dangdang's body, sealing his entire body. Long Dangdang's eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized that he had entered a golden world.

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