Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 256: Swallowing the Spirit Spilling Furnace Slowly

Long Dangdang looked around with some surprise. Everything here was so close. Everything seemed to be related to him. There was an endless pale golden ocean under his feet. It seemed that as long as he followed his will, everything around him would come naturally. Change as you wish.

The spiritual sea? The next moment he knew where he was. Although he didn't know how Canghai did it, he must have been brought into his own spiritual sea now.

In the next moment, three groups of light emerged around his body.

A dazzling but fierce red lotus, a sea of ​​blue halo exuding all over its body, and a ball of white light that is slowly taking shape.

It was a man, yes, a man. He has a tall and slender figure, with a white classical robe draped around his body. He looks a bit like an ancient scholar. His face is fair and beautiful, and his eyes are a little watery. Just looking at the face, this is definitely a very attractive appearance for women. But thinking back to his goosebump-inducing voice before, it was actually a bit chilling.

"Xiao Man, let's make it clear here." Canghai said.

The petals of the Shura Red Lotus suddenly opened, and a stream of sinister aura was released, which was fierce and majestic. It was obviously full of hostility towards the enchanting figure known as Xiaoman.

"What...what's wrong...well...why...don' ...I this way...I will be sad..." Xiaoman looked resentful... Looking in the direction of Shura Honglian, he still had that slow and eloquent and enchanting tone.

Long Dangdang just wants to scratch his body hard now. Listening to his voice, it really feels like heart-scratching and lung-scratching pain!

"Xiao Man, to be honest, there is nothing wrong with you. But you are made of the inert energy of heaven and earth. After being washed by the long river of time, you have controlled the power of slowness alone. Your existence will have an impact on almost everything around you. Including us. The reason why I chose starlight instead of you at first is because it is the power to control time and space, which is relatively higher level, and your existence can stabilize the plane. Shura is the condensed evil spirit, and you are the inertia. body, he will naturally reject you. Otherwise, you will make his evil spirit slow, inert, and even cause him to decline. Our host is a human body. If you join it, it will also have a great impact on his future improvement. A good influence, so we really can’t take you away, please understand. The best thing for you is to stay in a stable place and continue to absorb the inertia of the world."

Xiaoman was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head, and the resentful look in his eyes subsided a little. At this moment, his voice suddenly no longer slowed down, but became normal.

"Canghai, maybe everything you said is right. But have you ever thought about my feelings? We were the twelve watchers who were born together, and each controlled different characteristics of the plane. Although I am the weakest one One, but I am also one of the Twelve Watchers, and I treat you all like brothers. When the crisis came, you let me live alone and banned me. Do you know that I watched you face it at that time? How do I feel about the catastrophe? How painful is my heart? If we are human beings, then you are my relatives, but you let me watch my relatives die. Do you know, I felt so painful in my heart at that time. In fact, I have always known that my existence will have some impact on you, but in the same way, my existence can also neutralize many unstable factors. In fact, I know that you all dislike me, You dislike my characteristics, the way I speak, and my personality. They all don’t want to be with me. But do you know how hard I try to be with you? I also want to have a partner. We play together and have friends who like me. However, although you are all very nice to me, I can feel that you never regard me as a true partner."

"You said that my existence is more suitable in such a quiet place, silently releasing my characteristics to stabilize this plane. However, have you ever thought about my feelings? I am also an intelligent life form. Although I play an important role in this plane, I am also a high-level intelligence! I also have joys and sorrows. I also want to see the outside world. I also want to have my own life and feel all the beauty. With this Why did you deprive me of all this just because of my characteristics? Since you have already expelled me from the Twelve Watchers, then you are even less qualified to ask me for anything. I just choose to ask for it now. When we make a contract with this human being, even if he doesn't agree, as long as I'm with him, I can subtly infiltrate it. None of you can interfere. The more you are afraid of my influence, the more I will influence you. That's what I did. , what can you two broken guys do to me? You have been broken for ten thousand years, but I have been practicing for ten thousand years, huh, who is afraid of whom!"

The voice was still the same enchanting one, but now that it had slowed down, it didn't seem to sound that uncomfortable anymore. His words also gave Long Dangdang some understanding of this person, and he was also secretly surprised. It turns out that this person’s life experience sounds a bit pitiful!

Canghai was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something, and the aura on Shura Honglian also became somewhat restrained.

After a long while, Canghai sighed and said: "Yes, maybe we shouldn't decide anything for you, nor should we restrict your freedom. However, if you really appear freely in the world, then what you bring will It's not a help, but a negative impact. You can even easily make a city lazy and slow down the flow of time. Do you know what a terrible thing that is? But you are not wrong, in a sense Said, we really shouldn't make decisions for you. You also have your freedom. However, following Dangdang is the best opportunity for me to repair myself. Only by repairing myself can I have the possibility of getting Lantian back. Although I don’t know if he is still there. However, this is my only hope, and your existence will definitely have a negative impact, so I really can’t take you away. You are not suitable to make a contract with humans."

Xiaoman stared at him stubbornly and said, "Then what if I have to make a contract with him? You can't drive me away."

Yes, although they were both former Watchers, the two broken Watchers remained intact in the face of it, and had even evolved over thousands of years. It was impossible to drive it away. Unless Shura and Canghai don't care about Long Dangdang's life or death.

"Xiaoman, don't be like this, let's discuss it carefully, okay?" Canghai even said as if he was pleading.

Xiaoman shook his head firmly, and now his voice seemed to become a little more masculine, "No, I just want to make a contract with him. I want to go out and see the outside world. "

Canghai's breath gradually became colder, "Do you think you are violating the rules we established back then by being so desperate?"

Xiao Man said coldly: "The rules established back then were to restrain the Twelve Watchers. Am I still the same?"

Canghai couldn't help but was speechless. He was silent for a long time before he said: "Does it have to be like this? In fact, if Dangdang doesn't want to, you can't sign a contract with him. I brought you here because I'm afraid he won't be able to control it. Really? It hurts you.”

Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled. His smile was so enchanting, but it was a bit unbearable to look at, because it was clearly a female-like smile, and his tone became slow again, " Don't...make trouble...,, I'"

Long Dangdang felt as if his heart was twitching. This sound was really scary. Just from this voice, he understood why Canghai and Shura were unwilling to be with this person. Who would be willing?

Canghai's originally somewhat illusory figure obviously became an afterimage for a moment, and he was obviously greatly stimulated. But the next moment, he came to Long Dangdang and patted him gently on the shoulder.

A coolness was introduced into the body to push away the discomfort that had just occurred. At the same time, Long Dangdang felt that the color around his body suddenly changed.

"Dangdang, although no one can control your special bloodline power now, in the sea of ​​​​spirits, I can barely let it show some characteristics. You control it and don't let it go." Canghai's voice echoed in Long Dangdang's voice. sounded in his consciousness.

"Ah——" At this moment, a scream came from the direction of Xiaoman.

His figure as a scholar in white clothes instantly turned into white light again, and suddenly escaped a long distance, trembling even more.

"Impossible, this is impossible. How could there be such a terrifying aura of destruction? You, you are not human." Xiaoman spoke faster.

Canghai sighed and said: "If it weren't for his specialness, how do you think a human body could contract Shura? It is precisely because he has this special power of blood that he can suppress Shura's ferocity. And if you insist on forcibly If you make a contract with him, this bloodline power will definitely be stimulated. When the time comes, no one can protect you. You should feel that in front of this power, we are all fragile and will be destroyed directly. I brought you here to make it clear, just to avoid this situation from happening. Don’t I know your character? You will be stubborn and have to do what you are determined to do. "

"Cang...Hai...Brother...Brother..." Transformed into a human form again, Xiaoman looked at Canghai pitifully, looking like he was about to cry.

Canghai let go of his hand on Long Dangdang's shoulder and said angrily: "Speak nicely."

"Yeah, brother Canghai, please take me away. Okay?" Xiaoman changed his previous stubbornness and toughness and suddenly became "gentle".

Canghai smiled bitterly and said: "I have made it very clear just now. It's not that I don't want to take you away, but because when you go to the outside world, it will have a great impact on the outside world, and it will also be the same on my host. Such a negative impact is What we can't afford. If the host makes a contract with you, your inertia will make him dull and lazy, what do you want us to do?"

"No, Brother Canghai, listen to me. I have evolved twice more in the past ten thousand years. I am no longer the same as before. Think about it, why am I collected here by the Magic Temple, even though I I am the weakest among our Watchers, but if I want to leave, who can restrain me? The reason why I stay here is to be nourished by other spiritual furnaces and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from them to replenish me. My own shortcomings. Don’t I know my own problem? I know it very well. That’s why I try to find ways to change it!”

Canghai was stunned for a moment, "Have you evolved again? In what direction?"

Xiao Man said: "My name is Qing Henan Tui, and my nature is affected by slowness and inertia, so I am disliked by you. I don't want to be like this. So, I will start in this area. My own characteristics cannot be changed. Yes, but I can restrain my inertia and compress it. Slowness is not bad. In addition to being able to control time, I can also cultivate it. My two evolutions have been about confinement of myself and cultivation. Two characteristics.”

"Yunyang? What do you mean by Yunyu?" Canghai asked curiously.

Xiaoman said: "Brother Shura, can you give me a little bit of your power?" He waved to Shura Honglian.

Shura Honglian trembled slightly, but the next moment, a red sword energy came to Xiaoman.

"The reason why I was able to restrain Brother Shura before was because of my power of sealing. My power of sealing has an effect on all spiritual powers. If I didn't have the ability to restrain, how could I speak faster?" As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a soft white light enveloped the Shura red light. The fierce energy became sluggish in the red light and could not be released quickly.

Xiaoman seemed to rub his hands together, and the Shura red light began to shrink under the white light. However, the size was shrinking, but the light became more and more intense.

The next moment, the red light suddenly shot out and went straight to Shura Honglian, "Give it back to you."

The moment it reappeared, the entire spiritual sea instantly stirred up waves, and the fierce evil aura was significantly stronger than before.

Xiaoman smiled and said, "Compressed with inert gas, no matter how violent the force is, it cannot resist. This is the power of my inert gas. Human brother, do you think it is very useful? Please make a contract with me now. .Love you!”

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