Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 257 The ability to be contemptuous

Canghai's mood at this time was a bit complicated, for spiritual furnaces like them, especially the wisdom spiritual furnace. Evolution itself is a very long process, and during the evolution process, almost all spiritual furnaces will choose to evolve according to their original characteristics, because this will not only make evolution easier, but also maximize their own abilities.

However, the Qingtunsuo Lingtuo Furnace took ten thousand years to complete two evolutions that had nothing to do with its own characteristics. This is incredibly incredible from a normal perspective. But what makes Canghai feel a little uncomfortable is that from these two evolutionary characteristics, it can be seen how unwilling he was to swallow the spiritual furnace lightly.

"Xiaoman, I'm sorry." Canghai sighed softly and said seriously.

Qingtuo Lingluo was silent for a while, "Brother Canghai, there is no need to apologize, I know my own problems. So, I have never blamed you, and you are also doing it for my own good. But this time, can you take me away? I I really want to go out and see the outside world like a normal spiritual furnace."

The red light flashed, and the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace disappeared silently.

"Dangdang." Canghai turned to Long Dangdang, "Xiaoman was also one of the Twelve Watchers. His original characteristics did have some problems, but the ability he has evolved now should be able to make up for this problem. He can block and compress Energy of almost all attributes can also release a slow halo that affects all directions. If used well, it is a very powerful existence."

Long Dangdang turned to look at Qingtuo Lingtuo, looking at the desire in his eyes, "Senior Qingtuo, I only have one request."

Xiaoman's eyes turned hot, "You say it, you say it."

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "As long as you don't speak slowly like before, I should be able to do it." The tone of voice before was simply a killer! It was really painful to hear.

"This may not work! That is the characteristic of my spiritual furnace. Now I am forcibly using the power of the ban to change my own characteristics to talk to you, but if I keep talking like this, it will cause damage to myself. Therefore, I am normal Under the circumstances, you still have to speak like that." Scorn suddenly became a little embarrassed.

The corners of Canghai's mouth twitched and he said, "Then it's okay if you just don't speak?"

Xiaoman said resentfully: "How can you not speak? Don't make trouble..."

here we go again……

Long Dangdang was also speechless, but he also sympathized with the suffering of the slow-tempered Soul-voting Furnace. Moreover, there was no doubt about the strength of this being who could even make Canghai and Shura fear him.

Suddenly, he had an idea and said: "Senior, can you do this? If we are facing an opponent, you can let go and chat with each other, and then don't let us hear your voice. Do you think it is okay? Then we can talk normally. Could you please control your speaking speed?"

Qing slowly blinked his eyes and said: "This, it seems, it seems, maybe that's okay. Well, as long as you are willing to make a contract with me, that's up to you. If you tell me who I can talk to, I will talk to him."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Wu Di looked at Long Dangdang, whose whole body was surrounded by a blue halo, feeling a little anxious in his heart. He did not expect that such a situation would suddenly occur. The sudden wisdom furnace was very powerful and had very special characteristics. He was really afraid that something would go wrong with Long Dangdang.

At this moment, suddenly, the blue halo on Long Dangdang's body began to shrink. At the same time, in his Dantian, circles of milky white ripples rippled. This ripple looked very peaceful, but it made everything around him... Become slow. It was during this slow change that Long Dangdang's own aura began to become introverted, so that all the fluctuations in spiritual energy quietly disappeared.

The soft swallowing and slow breathing furnace has the special feature of hiding the breath.

This is not his own ability, but because of his slowness, the aura of Long Dangdang's spiritual power is also slowed down. Therefore, if you just feel it directly, you can't feel the fluctuations of his spiritual power.

Long Dangdang's temperament also became a little more gentle and a little less sharp, but nothing else changed.

Is this a contract? Was it forced into a contract? Wu Di came to Long Dangdang in a flash and raised his hand to press on his Dantian.

"It's okay." A ball of blue light surged out, blocking Wu Di's palm.

Wu Di frowned slightly, and at this moment, Long Dangdang opened his eyes.

"Teacher." Seeing Wu Di's concerned eyes, he called out quickly.

"What's going on?" Wu Di asked.

Long Dang said: "I have signed a contract with Senior Qingtunmandu Lingtuo." At that moment, he briefly explained the characteristics of Qingtunmandu Lingtuo.

After listening to his words, Wu Di's eyes suddenly changed. "Doesn't that mean that with this spiritual furnace, the backlash of all skills will be slowed down and resolved on you?"

Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, he realized something.

For example, when he sacrifices using knight skills, what is burning is his own life fire. At that time, his strength will increase dramatically, but his vitality will decrease over time, causing damage to the body. But if at this time, his strength increases, but the burning speed of the fire of life is slowed down, wouldn't it mean that the time for sacrificing skills can be extended, or the degree of physical damage will be reduced?

Perhaps the side effect will be excessive consumption after the sacrifice is completed, but that is smaller than the cost of burning the fire of life!

Also, when casting powerful magic, it puts a lot of pressure on the magician's mental strength. Can the slowness also relieve the mental pressure, so that the pressure can be shared for a longer period of time, so that the magician himself will suffer the backlash? decrease.

Wu Di's reminder immediately seemed to open a brand new door for Long Dangdang, giving him a different understanding of the slow and gentle soul-breathing furnace. Of course, he would only know this after trying it.

After taking Long Dangdang out of the magic temple spiritual furnace storage place, Wu Di did not let him leave, but kept him. As a teacher, he wanted to teach Long Dangdang for a period of time to stabilize his six-element resonance. At the same time, he also wanted to let him truly understand the characteristics of his spiritual furnace and add these characteristics to his own strength.

The bright moon is in the sky over the small courtyard.

"The Knights Temple came again to ask if my brother is back. It seems that he is really taken seriously!" Long Kongkong lay leisurely on the deck chair in the yard and looked at Tao who was placing food on the dining table. Lin Lin said.

Tao Linlin said: "The Magic Temple said that Dharma God Wu Di has accepted Dangdang as his direct disciple. I guess the Knight Temple is anxious. Who let Dangdang have a dragon? Let them fight. It's good, and there are many benefits. . However, it has been a week, and we don’t know when he will come back. There is news from the Demon Hunting Group headquarters that many Demon Hunting Groups have already set off to the front line to perform tasks."

Long Kongkong said: "Yes! I heard that the army has quietly left, and I don't know what the situation is on the front line now. But it's okay for us to stay in the Holy City. It's so safe and pleasant here. As long as we practice and practice every day, alright."

Taolinlin said: "What's the point of being safe in a corner? The safety of all mankind is the most important. I would rather join the battlefield earlier. This is the moment for us professionals to make contributions!"

Long Kongkong chuckled, "Isn't it just to earn more merit?"

Tao Linlin smiled and said: "Of course. The more merits we have, the stronger we will become, and we will be able to do more things in the future. Get up quickly and tell everyone to eat."

"Okay, thank you Sister Taozi. Hahaha, there is delicious food again. The happiest moment every day is this." Before being chased by Tao Linlin, he turned over and slipped out with a slip of his feet. More than ten meters.

At this time, the small courtyard in the bright moon is already like a small home to everyone. Tao Linlin cooks the best and takes the initiative to take on the heavy responsibility of cooking. Others will also do what they can. Only Long Kongkong, the lazy guy, did nothing. But no one had any objections to this. After all, Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace and Starlight Brilliant Spiritual Furnace were of great help to everyone's cultivation. With him, everyone's training can be done twice with half the effort, especially after the addition of the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, it will be of great help to everyone's practice of blood alchemy. Now Long Kongkong is simply like the most important assistant in the team, even the goddess is here No one can compare to him in this aspect.

Everyone quickly walked out of their respective rooms. Tao Linlin's cooking skills are well-known, and she cooks delicious food for everyone in different ways every day, so she is naturally very popular.

Just as everyone was sitting together and preparing to eat, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the door with doubts. Long Kongkong stood up, slid to the door, and opened the courtyard door.

There is a familiar figure standing outside the door. Isn't it the staff member from the mission office of the Demon Hunting Group's headquarters?

"Hey!" Long Kongkong was surprised.

But this one said: "19115897 Demon Hunting Group, accepting supplies."

Long Kongkong asked doubtfully: "What supplies?"

The other party handed over a cloth bag and said: "This is given to you by the headquarters. You must keep it confidential. Even other demon hunting groups cannot disclose it, so I made a special trip. Inside are three directional teleportation scrolls. Can Teleport the living beings within a ten-meter diameter area to the designated location. Soon, you will go to the front line to perform tasks. Keep these three scrolls and open them when you are in danger. After opening, teleport in ten seconds."

At this time, other people had already walked over.

Ling Menglu asked: "Hello, when will we have a mission?"

The staff member said: "Wait for the notification from Zi Lingjing. It won't be more than half a month. Make preparations earlier. Remember, when you encounter danger, you must open the teleportation scroll as soon as possible, and it will take you Get somewhere safe. Got it?"

"Okay, thank you." Ling Menglu nodded in agreement.

After the staff left, everyone closed the courtyard door again and opened the cloth bag first, regardless of eating.

Sure enough, there were three exquisite scrolls inside. There were exquisite patterns on the surface of the scrolls, and the looming elemental fluctuations were obscure and profound.

Ling Menglu sensed it slightly, "Space fluctuation. This kind of teleportation scroll is very precious! It was given to three of us at once."

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "This is because we attach great importance to us. We are afraid that we will be in danger. Cousin, if my brother is not here, you can take it first."

Ling Menglu was not polite and put away the scroll, "It seems that the situation on the front line is probably very urgent. Kong Kong, after dinner, I will take you to the Knights Temple. Your brother has not come back, so you should go and learn skills first." After your cultivation has improved, your skills are obviously insufficient. Learn more skills. Everyone has been working hard recently, and I will try to see if I can get some equipment. We have to get ready."

Long Kongkong said: "What should I do about my brother? What if he hasn't come back yet when the mission comes?"

Ling Menglu said: "No. The mission of the Demon Hunting Group has a high priority. When the mission is released to us, Dangdang's Ziling Crystal will also receive it, and he will come back. You should hurry up and use all your skills first. Just learn it well.”

"All right."

Ten days later.

"For a mandatory mission, the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is ordered to go to Jiyang City to participate in the war. The specific mission will be assigned by the wartime division of the Demon Hunting Group after arriving in Jiyang City and go immediately. It needs to arrive within a week."

After receiving Zi Lingjing's order, the atmosphere in Haoyue Dangkong's small courtyard suddenly became a little tense.

"Where is Jiyang City?" Long Kongkong asked in confusion.

Ling Menglu said: "Jiyang City is located in the northeast of the mainland. It is an important town in the northeast. It is adjacent to the Kunbai Mountains, the largest mountain range in the northeast of the continent. According to the news we know so far, the undead army of the Kingdom of the Undead mainly gathers in the north and northeast of the mainland. . Jiyang City is the only way to enter the inland. It is also the gathering place for our army to fight against the Kingdom of the Dead this time. Everyone, please prepare, the distance is not close, and a week will be a bit rushed. Senior Tao, when the time comes I also need you to use your summoned beast to take everyone on a journey."

Tao Linlin nodded and said, "Leave it to me. The leader should also have received the news, right?"

Ling Menglu nodded and said, "We will wait for him to come back and set off at any time."

Meanwhile, the Magic Temple.

In front of Long Dangdang, a group of dark purple light fluctuated regularly, and around this group of light, five different haloes surrounded, and strange white light continued to pour out from his Dantian, steadily injecting these elements. among them, blending with each other.

"Blessed by nature, truly blessed by nature! I never thought that such a magical spiritual furnace could exist in the world." In just half a month, Wu Di, the Dark Dharma God, seems to have become much younger.

"Teacher, I received a mandatory mission from the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group." Long Dangdang suddenly turned around and said.

"Don't be distracted, this is the power of the forbidden curse. Even if the sky falls, you must complete the forbidden curse first!" Wu Di shouted.

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