The Bright Griffin knight said: "You shouldn't! As long as you are a knight and study in a regular college, you are eligible for selection. If you have an innate spiritual power of more than 60, you can enter the preliminary selection. Which college did you graduate from? "

Long Kongkong blinked, "Spiritual Furnace Academy."

The two Bright Griffin knights were silent for a moment, turned around at the same time, and walked towards the camp.

Long Dangdang slapped Long Kongkong on the back of the head angrily, "Be quiet." Then he quickly followed.

"I'm sorry, you two, he didn't mean anything else."

The bright gryphon knight on the left said: "No wonder you can become demon hunters at such a young age. It turns out that you are graduates of Spirit Furnace Academy. Come with us and take you to the demon hunter's camp."

The demon hunter camp is located in the west center of the entire Jiyang camp. Each tent is made of cooked cowhide. Each of the tall tents covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters and looks very spacious.

Two Bright Griffin knights brought them to a particularly huge tent and said, "You can go in and report. This is the reporting office of the Demon Hunting Group."

"Thank you both for leading the way." Long Dangdang thanked the two of them and led his companions into the large tent of the Demon Hunting Group's reporting office.

At this time, people were coming and going here, and it felt like there was an endless stream. The curtain in front of the big tent was opened and supported by two metal rods, revealing the spacious space inside.

There were no guards at the door, but those coming in and out were undoubtedly demon hunters. From the moment they arrived at the door to the moment they walked in, at least a dozen demon hunters had already entered and exited.

Long Dangdang led his friends into the big tent. I saw that it was divided into several areas. Once here, there was obviously strong fluctuation of magic elements. Facing the main door, there is a twenty-square-meter curtain. On the black curtain, there are characters formed by pale golden light, and these characters are constantly changing, showing different contents.

In front of the curtain was a counter that looked somewhat familiar, similar to the mission office at the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group. There are also two dedicated counters on the left and right sides. They are the redemption counter and the task delivery counter.

Long Dangdang led his friends to the front counter. Behind the counter were two middle-aged people and an old man, both of whom they had never seen before.

Long Dangdang took out his Ziling Crystal and handed it over, "The 19115897 Demon Hunting Group was ordered to report. Please give instructions from the headquarters."

The old man took his Zilingjing and said, "Welcome, wait a moment, I'll check it."

Soon, after checking the situation of Zilingjing, the old man couldn't help but look surprised when he looked at them again, "Are you a general-level demon hunting group?"

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of other staff in the big account. His eyes were focused on Long Dangdang and his friends, and while examining them, they all showed some surprise. It's really because they look too young.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are the youngest, only sixteen years old. Even the oldest Yue Li is about twenty years old. There is even a somewhat childish smell on his face. But they are already a general-level demon hunting group, how can we not be surprised?

Even among talented demon hunters, the average age of the general-level demon hunting group is around twenty-five to thirty years old. The sight of these young people, who were at most twenty years old, was really shocking.

"Is there any problem?" Long Dangdang asked.

"Sorry, Captain Long, I don't mean anything else. Welcome to Jiyang Camp. We are currently at war with the undead army, and it is when we need people. Compared to the army, our demon hunters' actions are relatively Free. You can accept tasks according to your team level. There are different levels of demon hunter tasks on the big screen at the back, as well as corresponding merit rewards. You can check them. I will arrange a place for you right away. This time Inviting many demon hunting groups to perform this mandatory mission, the requirements will be more special than usual. Each demon hunting group must complete at least three tasks of the corresponding level to be considered as completing this mandatory mission. Of course, if you are willing to take more initiative There is no cap on completing tasks. The merit rewards this time will also be higher than usual."

Long Dang said: "There is no special task for us, right?"

The old man shook his head.

Although he didn't say it, Long Dangdang also understood that at their level, there should be no tasks that they must complete. Not strong enough.

"You can browse the large mission screen first, and I will arrange a place for you." After speaking, the old man turned and walked aside.

The eyes of Long Dangdang and his friends then fell on the big screen in front of them.

The big screen continues to scroll. At this time, it has just completed a circle and starts again. The top one is a mission for the commander-level demon hunting group. There are about a dozen. Then there is the mission of the general-level demon hunting group. At the bottom are the missions of the sergeant-level demon hunting group, and there are more than a dozen in number. Relatively speaking, the missions of the general-level demon hunting group are the ones with the largest number. It can be seen that the number of general-level demon hunting groups coming to participate in the battle this time is the largest.

Look around and look at these tasks.

"Mission 1 of the general-level demon hunting group is to assassinate the dead. Note: Undead warriors who possess intelligence and fight in human form are called the dead. The mission requirements are to kill the dead of level six or above, at least ten. With their heads or The important parts of the body are delivered to the task. The reward for meritorious service is three thousand. The meritorious service will be calculated based on the number of kills and strength."

"Task 2 of the general-level demon hunting group, assassinate the lich. Note: At least lichs of level six or above are required to complete the task. Kill three or more to deliver the task. Merit calculation will be carried out based on the number of kills and strength. The basic reward is 3,000 Merit.”

Long Dangdang took a quick look and found that the tasks of the general-level demon hunting group were mainly assassinations. The mission of the commander-level demon hunting group is more mainly exploration and reconnaissance. It can be seen that such a task will be more difficult.

He asked why it was an assassination rather than a killing on a frontal battlefield. This is because the demon hunting group fights as a team and is not suitable for appearing directly on the frontal battlefield. Otherwise, it is likely to disrupt the deployment of the military, which will be counterproductive.

Through the mission wall, Long Dangdang also roughly understood how many undead creatures were worthy of the demon hunting group's action. They are at least six-level undead creatures, which differ according to their strength.

After roughly reading it, Long Dangdang directly accepted five assassination missions. It targets all undead creatures of the sixth and seventh levels.

The staff were not surprised by this, as many demon hunting groups did this. Sneaking into the undead army once, no one is sure what kind of undead creatures they will encounter, so naturally they will kill whatever is available.

After receiving the mission, their residences have been assigned.

This area of ​​the Demon Hunting Group's residence is specially designated. It was the big tents they saw when they came here. At the same time, there is also a special exit from the Demon Hunting Group to leave the camp and go to the front line. Of course, the air ban laws are still universal. It's just that the Demon Hunting Group is a dedicated area and is not subject to unified deployment by the army. The military will contact the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group to arrange some tasks for the Demon Hunting Group to complete.

Long Dangdang and his friends found the tent they were assigned according to the number on the tent. Tent No. 033.

Opening the thick cowhide curtain, Long Dangdang led his friends inside. Because the cowhide curtains were all drawn down, the air inside seemed a little stuffy. Everyone then opened all the curtains, and the entire tent was revealed in front of them.

The tent was very large and was divided into several areas. The central area was shared by everyone and was considered a public area. It had a round table and six chairs, occupying about forty square meters. There is a circular metal ring on the top of the tent. The metal ring extends around and pulls out several metal edges to divide the public space into seven areas. They are also separated by cooked cowhide to distinguish the six spaces. Each space is like a separate room, and one of them is a public space for washing and convenience. Equipped with a dedicated magic toilet, as long as a magician is around, he can naturally solve bathing and convenience problems through it.

Among the military, the most popular ones have always been water and fire magicians. Water magicians can meet the needs of life, and fire magicians are most convenient for cooking and destroying some grains and reincarnations. When the two work together, they naturally complement each other.

The 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is definitely a good match in this regard. Both Long Dangdang and Yue Li have the ability to control both water and fire magic.

However, now the problem arises. In addition to the public space, only six rooms can be occupied. The accommodation is very simple. This is a military camp after all. There is only a simple bed in each space and no bedding or anything else. The Demon Hunting Group must have carried it themselves. If you didn’t bring it, you can go get it.

However, there is one less room! The 19115897 Demon Hunting Group consists of seven people, instead of the six members of the normal Demon Hunting Group. There is one more dragon Kongkong.

With the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Ling Menglu, "Cousin, look, there are only six rooms, what should we do? There is no place to live in Kong Kong."

Under the bright moon in the sky, Ling Menglu chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "You are the leader, you ask me?"

With the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Ling Menglu, "How about I squeeze in with you? Free up a room?"

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes at Long Dangdang, turned around, twisted her slender waist, found a room and went in.

Others also entered a room respectively, leaving two brothers, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, in the living room.

Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang pitifully and said, "Brother, you won't leave your poor brother outside, right? After all, I am still useful, right?"

The corners of Long Dangdang's mouth turned up slightly, showing a standard smile with only eight teeth showing. He pointed to the chairs next to the table, "Six chairs, are they long enough when put together?"

"So heartless?" Long Kongkong froze.

Long Dangdang ignored him and walked directly to the last room. The next moment, a person slid out from beside him like a whirlwind, suddenly rushed into the room, and immediately pulled down the covering of cooked cowhide, blocking him out.

"Long Kongkong——"

ten minutes later……

The final decision was that the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong took turns sleeping in the room and chairs. The decision is made by my cousin, Goddess Monroe! impartial.

At this moment, the "ding-a-ling" bell sounded. This is a magic bell that hangs outside the tent and acts as a doorbell.

Long Dangdang walked over and opened the tent door. A middle-aged man wearing the work clothes of the Demon Hunting Group outside said: "The 19115897 Demon Hunting Group, right?"

"Yes, hello, I am the leader Long Dangdang." Long Dangdang said.

"There will be a head-on battle tomorrow. Our army will go out to attack the undead army. When you first arrive, the headquarters invites you to watch the battle to understand the situation of the undead creatures. Listen to the military bugle and leave the camp tomorrow."

"Okay." Long Dangdang's heart tightened slightly, a head-on war? Don't know what it will be like.

After closing the door curtain again, Long Dangdang called his friends to the living room.

"We have accepted the mission, and the headquarters asked us to watch the battle tomorrow. The mission should be carried out after that. This is definitely not an exercise, and there will be no chance of resurrection. Everyone has only one life, and the seven of us are here together. , I hope that after the mission is completed, everyone can go back together. Therefore, I emphasize a few things. During the execution of the mission, I hope that everyone can fully obey my orders. Especially in battle, you should not be impulsive. , safety should be placed more important than completing the mission.”

As he spoke, his eyes first fell on Ming Xi. Regarding safety first, Long Kongkong didn't need to worry about him, but Ming Xi's sense of justice was too strong. If he got the upper hand on the battlefield, It’s hard to say.

"I know! Do I listen to you?" Ming Xi also knew her situation and agreed immediately.

Ling Menglu said: "Dangdang is right, this is a battlefield. Although it is the first time for us to set foot on the battlefield. But we have faced it before in simulated battlefields in the academy and the temple. The battlefield is changing rapidly. We are a team and can only have one voice. In the previous running-in process, Dangdang has fully proved his command ability. This time we completely obey his command."

Everyone nodded in agreement. This is a battlefield, not a joke. Although no one took the initiative to say it, in fact, from the moment they stepped into the camp, they still felt a little nervous unconsciously. This is a normal situation. After all, it is the first time for them to set foot on the battlefield and face such a situation for the first time.

Long Dangdang continued: "Also, on the battlefield, we must try our best to conceal our true strength and have reservations, especially Kongkong. We must conceal his abilities. At the same time, this war is against It’s also an important opportunity for us.”

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