Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 260 Confrontation between the two armies

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" Ming Xi asked curiously.

Long Dangdang said: "The empty Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace has the ability to swallow all kinds of energy and convert it into pure energy. Among these energies, the energy of undead creatures and even the energy of demons can be transformed. We have gone through many After three attempts, I discovered last time in the demonic realm that any energy that devours life forms and is injected into ourselves can directly improve our cultivation, not just restore consumption. I told you these last time. So, I can tell you now What’s interesting is that the life energy of undead creatures also has this effect. Therefore, if used well, by devouring the energy of undead creatures this time, everyone’s cultivation will be greatly improved.”

"The power of the undead creatures must be very powerful now, otherwise, the Federation would not risk being known by the public and send troops. It can be seen from the size of the army that the undead creatures are already very difficult to deal with, so, This war is likely to be protracted, and for us, sufficient strength is the most important thing to protect ourselves. The battlefield is a challenge for us but it is also a very important opportunity. Here is an important moment for us to improve ourselves."

"However, Kong Kong's ability has been noticed by undead creatures before. This time if he continues to devour the energy of undead creatures and allows the undead energy to be transformed and absorbed by us, it is very likely that it will directly attract the attention of undead creatures and bring us harm. There is a great danger. Therefore, when performing tasks and fighting undead creatures, we must keep a low profile as much as possible. Kong Kong, when you absorb the energy of the undead, don’t be too fast. You must control a rhythm. We must Try to cover up all this as much as possible. So, in the formation, when you and your cousin are in the center, your cousin’s power of light will have a great cover-up effect on you. Let’s take our time and be as safe as possible. Benefit below."

After listening to Long Dangdang's words, everyone's eyes began to become a little eager. They have all experienced the magic of Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. Of course, it is impossible for him to have life energy to swallow him when he is practicing, but it is different here! This is a battlefield. The undead creatures, if not endless, are definitely everywhere in the mountains and plains. In this case, swallowing the energy of the undead will not only weaken the undead creatures, but also have great benefits in improving their strength. How else can it be said to be an opportunity?

Yue Li said: "Not only Kongkong must be careful, but also Captain, you and Monroe must be careful. You are a dragon knight, and Monroe is a goddess of the priest temple. You are both too good. Once you show too much, you will definitely It will attract the attention of the undead army and make us a target.”

Long Dangdang nodded slightly and said: "I will not let Xiao Ba out unless it is absolutely necessary. My mount is obviously Xiao Xie. Cousin, you should also keep a low profile and try not to use the Powerful Hammer of Light."

Ling Menglu also nodded.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said: "Actually, I'm just hiding. I'm good at this. Anyway, we just have to be careful."

Everyone agreed, Tao Linlin started cooking, while Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong went to renovate the washing space to create a pool that could soak the blood of Warcraft to practice the blood alchemy body.

This is not difficult, just use earth elements to reinforce it, make a bathtub-like dent, and then use fire magic to burn it to reinforce it.

Ling Menglu drew a spirit gathering array on the floor of the living room for everyone to practice at night. Ming Xi went out to observe the surrounding environment. Yue Li and Wang Changxin went to lead the army with food. Although they brought some of their own, they still had to prepare more to be prepared. Tao Linlin is naturally preparing to cook.

As everyone prepared in an orderly manner, night fell soon. It was completely dark.

After dinner, everyone moved the tables and chairs in the living room to the side and sat in a circle. Long Kongkong sat in the middle, which felt a bit like stars holding the moon.

Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace, Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, and now the Starlight Spiritual Furnace, the three major spiritual furnaces surround the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace. work together.

The starlight shone around, and the spiritual power surged and was pure, washing everyone's bodies and enhancing their spiritual power.

If Long Dangdang is the leader of the team when fighting, then Long Kongkong is the real core during the training process. With him and without him, everyone's cultivation efficiency is completely different. The Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace is now not only Long Kongkong's own core spiritual furnace, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the core spiritual furnace of the entire 19115897 Demon Hunting Group.

Starlight swirled around and slowly poured into everyone's bodies. But at the next moment, suddenly, a strange voice sounded.

"Don't... make trouble..., Xing...guang, Xingguang... how could this... guy... be... here...,... it...,... it... actually... also... still... ...exists...?...the sky...ah...!...the earth...ah...! ...! Mom...ah!"

This sudden sound startled everyone, and Long Dangdang also reacted immediately.

"Senior, yes, the Starlight Spiritual Furnace has made a contract with my brother."

"Why...why?...Why...everywhere...there,...there,...there is...I...don't... It...I...don't,...wuwu...wu...,,...Shura... …Brother…,…you…have to…make the decision for someone…family…ah…!…This person…is so…poor…ah…!”

Canghai was speechless for a while, "Xiaoman, can you please stop making trouble? Xingguang has not awakened his wisdom at all, what are you jealous of? You wanted to come out, and I brought you out. Can you be honest? I forgot how you promised Dangdang? Without his permission, you don’t have to use your voice to harass others, you have already affected everyone’s cultivation.”

"Hmph..., I...don't care. ...Anyway...there is...he...not...I...,...there is...I...not...him."

"Senior, do you think this is okay? Get some sleep. When we use the Brilliant Starlight Spiritual Furnace in the future, we will never use your ability to prevent you from appearing at the same time. Isn't this the same as having him without you, without you? Did he?"

"Don't... make trouble...,... eh,... but...,... it seems,... it seems...,... there is... a little... sense... Humph...,'s really...annoying,...the"

"Buzz!" Shura Honglian came out from Long Dangdang's vest, and his fierce breath made a low buzzing sound.

"Hey...ah, I know...,...if you...don'''m...sleeping..."

The sound of the soft and slow breathing of the spiritual furnace finally disappeared, and Long Dangdang breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone else looked like they had seen a ghost.

Long Dangdang was somewhat helpless and briefly recounted the process of collecting the Soul Breathing Furnace at the Magic Temple. Previously, everyone only knew that he had an extra spiritual furnace, but they didn't know that this spiritual furnace was so..., well, special. Now after listening to it, I understand that this slow and slow spitting furnace is really extraordinary! But although this voice is really chilling, it is still a former watcher after all!

After re-entering the cultivation state, everyone continued to absorb starlight and external energy. However, due to the influence of the strange sound of the Qingtuo Lingtuo Furnace, it actually took some time to enter the meditative state.

A night of silence.

"Woo-woo--" A low buzzing sound echoed in the air, and the entire military camp trembled slightly.

Because the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group was reminded yesterday to listen to the sound of bugles, they did not set up soundproof barriers when practicing.

As the night came to an end, the light of the starry spiritual furnace had long since faded, but the effects of Cang Yue Angel's training were still there. After one night, everyone can clearly feel the improvement in their own cultivation.

Although no one usually said anything, they all understood that with the help of these spiritual furnaces, they would all be able to enter the ninth level in the future. This has also made this small team very united, and Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu have undoubtedly become the most important core of the team.

Everyone simply washed up, ate something and left the tent.

At this time, military bugles sounded from time to time in the direction of the Temple Federal Army barracks. Although the Demon Hunting Group is stationed alone, as soon as everyone leaves the tent, they can clearly feel the almost scorching energy and blood fluctuations not far away, as well as the extremely rich elemental fluctuations. This is obviously the army being mobilized.

"The demon hunting group is gathering here to watch the battle." At this moment, a staff member was greeting them.

Of course, the demon hunting group that went to watch the battle was not just Long Dangdang's group, there were also many other demon hunting groups. However, while Long Dangdang was searching around, he didn't see any familiar figures, nor did he see Zi Sang Liuying's team.

Everyone followed the other demon hunting groups and gathered to the north of the station. Then they were taken to several observation towers on the north side.

The height of the observation tower is thirty meters, and it is specially used to observe the situation in the distance. After all, it is impossible for the flying troops to patrol the air all the time. At the same time, there are various warning devices on the observation deck.

Under the guidance of the staff, everyone quickly climbed to the observation deck.

The height of thirty meters is definitely enough to climb up and see from afar. When we came to the observation deck, our view suddenly became clearer.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards their own military camp first.

In the military camp, federal troops were quickly gathering. Among them, the heavily armored soldier riding a mount was in the middle, walking neatly but slowly out of the military camp.

The square array in the center is the most eye-catching. A total of 500 Terrestrial Spinosaurus, which are very familiar to the two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, are arranged in neat rows and walk out with a "clang, clatter".

These Terrestrial Spinosaurus are all covered in heavy metal armor, with sharp spikes on the head and tail armor. With their weight-bearing capabilities, this weight is nothing to them.

On the back of each Spinosaurus sat a heavily armored knight. Their weapon was a heavy lance that was eight meters long. Part of the lance was connected to the back of the Spinosaurus. There is no doubt that this is the very famous Earth Dragon Legion of the Knights Temple. This time when we came to the front line to fight, the Earth Dragon Legion also came.

On both sides of the Earth Dragon Legion were two phalanxes of 5,000 heavy infantry, basically a heavy shield warrior paired with a heavy ax warrior.

On both sides are speed troops composed of light cavalry. Most of their mounts are level four wind-type magical beasts, the Gale Wind Horse. This kind of monster is extremely fast, running like a strong wind, and its innate skill is the blast technique. Able to travel 1,500 miles a day without getting tired.

In addition, at the rear, a full four mage groups slowly walked out of the military camp. The mage group is surrounded by melee legions guarding the Warrior Temple.

The different professions they belong to can be identified from the color of the magic robes. Among them, there is a legion of magicians in the middle, each magician is wearing a fiery red magic robe. On the front battlefield, the destructive power of the fire magicians is unquestionable.

In addition, the other three magician groups are the wind magician army, the earth magician army and a summoner army.

Such a lineup is not unpowerful. Among the six major temples, except for the strong men of the Assassin Temple who are unknown somewhere, the other five major temples can be said to be all elite. Although this cannot be said to be the strongest lineup of the six temples, it can definitely be called the backbone.

However, the Bright Griffin Knights have not seen it yet. They should be a mobile force and will not enter the battlefield as soon as they come up.

The army on the Temple Federation side gives people the impression that it is majestic and has a very neat military appearance.

Long Dangdang just glanced at his own side, then turned around and looked at the enemy formation in the distance.

Compared with the army of the Temple Federation, the lineup of the undead army seems very chaotic. However, chaos is chaos, but this undead army seems to be all over the mountains and plains, and there is a feeling that there is no end in sight.

Looking into the distance from the observation deck, everything in sight is gray. This gray area full of death seems endless, spreading to the end of the horizon. At this moment, Long Dangdang suddenly understood that today's battlefield was not initiated by the Federation, but that the undead army happened to march here, or it was an attack initiated on its own initiative.

Although everyone has not directly participated in this war, adrenaline has begun to secrete uncontrollably. A war is about to begin!

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