Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 261 Magnificent Battlefield

In the direction of the undead army, affected by the gray mist, it was even difficult to see their classification. Different from the uniform formations on the Temple Federation side, various races were mixed together in the undead army, which blocked the sky and the sun. The general undead death energy spreads forward like a plague. Just looking at it, you can clearly feel the strong sense of oppression that follows.

The Temple Federation army is like a towering fortress, but the undead army keeps advancing as if it has no control at all. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

As the distance between the two sides got closer, the demon hunters standing on the observation deck couldn't help but become nervous. They were all the best in their professions, and only then could they become demon hunters. However, when they actually came to this battlefield, they clearly felt how insignificant they were. Yes, even if I am small, I can only describe myself as small. Compared with this army of thousands, the strength of an individual is like a drop in the ocean.

At this time, all the demon hunters watching the battle clearly felt what they were facing when the headquarters asked them to come to watch the battle. If they have not faced such a war personally, I am afraid that when they face so many undead, they will feel trembling because of the strong sense of oppression on the battlefield.

This was a real battlefield, unlike any simulated battlefield they had faced before. On such a battlefield, individual lives seem so insignificant.

"Buzz--" At this moment, a buzz that seemed to come from between heaven and earth suddenly sounded. This buzzing sound was enough to last throughout the battlefield, allowing everyone to hear it clearly.

Listening to this sound, one can't help but feel dizzy. Everyone's heart can't help but feel tense.

A layer of golden halo spread from Ling Menglu's body, enveloping the companions. Affected by the sacred aura, everyone's mood became more stable. But at this time, the undead army has changed its appearance.

Among the vast undead army, all the undead creatures stopped at the same time. They looked up at the sky, not knowing what they were watching. At this moment, behind the undead army, a thick gray-black mass suddenly rose up. Even if you watch it from a very long distance, you will still be shocked by the thickness of the gray-black.

The gray-black aura was just like a mist at first, but soon the gray-black condensed and formed in mid-air, turning into a huge gray-black skull hundreds of meters high. Viewed from a distance, this scene is so terrifying. And at the next moment, the dim eyes of all the undead creatures below suddenly lit up with lights of different colors. That seems to be the fire of their souls.

"Roar——" The huge gray-black skull suddenly opened its mouth and let out a low roar. The dizziness was stronger than before and instantly spread throughout the entire human army. And in the huge eye sockets of the gray-black skull, two dark red flames suddenly jumped, and an unparalleled terrifying aura came overwhelmingly.

Fear deters!

Long Dangdang has seen similar skills before. There is such power among the demons. For example, the snake demon god Andumari that he and his brother faced has such power.

But the fear and intimidation they faced at this moment was not at the same level at all. It turned out to be a powerful aura that could stretch across the entire battlefield. This is..., the forbidden curse version of fear and intimidation!

On such a huge battlefield, with the power that can affect all existence, what else can there be except the forbidden curse?

As the fear and intimidation spread, the undead army suddenly moved. They did not make any shouts, but raised the bone knives in their hands. The broken-looking weapons pointed in the direction of the Temple Federation army. They suddenly accelerated and charged straight towards the human army.

"Dingle bell!" At this moment, a clear bell suddenly rang above the head of Jiyang City, and a white halo visible to the naked eye rippled from the head of Jiyang City. The human army had just The strong dizziness caused by the ringing of the bell suddenly made me shiver like an enlightenment. Then I woke up and felt refreshed and alert. There is something sacred in his heart, and his fighting spirit suddenly rises.

"The Holy Bell, it's the Holy Bell." Ling Menglu murmured softly.

Long Dangdang turned to look at her, "A divine weapon?"

Ling Menglu nodded slightly. The Holy Bell was one of the artifacts controlled by the Priest Temple. This war had just begun, but both sides had already used the power of the forbidden spell and artifact. You can imagine what a fierce battle this is!

The white halo continued to ripple from the top of Jiyang City along with the ringing of bells. Against the fear and intimidation of the undead army, the Temple Federation Legion finally took action.

The low chanting of spells could not make out the specific content of the spell, but the heavy chanting could be heard. The first one to activate was the fire magician group. The collective chanting of five hundred fire magicians instantly gave the battlefield a fiery feeling. Thick fire elements condensed between the sky and the earth, and red clouds visible to the naked eye gradually condensed and formed above the heads of the fire magicians.

A powerful aura circulated in the air, and the blazing pressure immediately gave people a heavy feeling in their hearts.

There was no spell that was chanted for too long, and soon, the overwhelming shower of meteors and fire was heading in the direction of the undead army. At this time, the undead army had rushed within three thousand meters of the human army.

It is already very difficult for the meteors and fire showers cast by ordinary magicians to attack five hundred meters away, but at this moment, the meteors and fire showers all over the sky covered less than half of the battlefield ahead.

"Boom -" Along with the first roar, the fiery roar soon resounded throughout the battlefield, and the violent fire element was raging. Swallowing each undead creature into the scorching flames. A large number of low-level undead creatures were destroyed in the meteor shower.

But at this moment, the huge gray-black skull suddenly slowly raised its head and made a breath-holding movement toward the air.

Suddenly, a large gray cloud ejected from its mouth. Under the cloud, it went straight towards the bolide in the sky and covered it.

When the meteors and fire showers touch the gray-black clouds, they are instantly annihilated like ice and snow melting. The number of meteors and fire showers that can fall becomes less and less as the clouds spread.

What's even more weird is that the bodies of dead undead creatures on the ground will turn into gray air currents and surge up, heading straight for the huge gray-black skull in the distance, blending into it. However, the army of undead on the ground continued to increase unabated and continued to charge rapidly towards the initiator in front.

On the observation deck, Long Kongkong touched Long Dangdang gently.

The bright moon is in the sky, the dragon is in the sky, "My Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace is already hungry and thirsty."

Long Dangdang's heart also moved. He understood that the gray air flow must be swallowed by Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, and it must also be life energy that can be transformed like the demons. Who said undead creatures have no life energy? Their soul power itself is a manifestation of life energy.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is shining: "Be patient, be patient. Be honest."

On such a majestic battlefield, what will be the consequences of being targeted as an individual? You can guess it with your toes. If you don't want to die, you must keep a low profile.

Long Kongkong spread his hands, showing a helpless look.

On the human side, the wind magician group also launched. Tornadoes and hurricanes rose from the ground, turning into barriers and sweeping in the direction of the undead creatures. At the top of Jiyang City, golden lights rose into the sky, and the holy The light lingers and gathers in the air, seeming to be condensing some powerful force.

The Temple Federation has been dealing with undead creatures for more than a day or two. Of course, the leaders know that simply killing undead creatures is meaningless. After the energy of those undead creatures is recycled, new undead creatures can be born. The overall strength will not be greatly damaged. Only when the elite dead sent by the heroic spirits are killed will the power of some of the undead army be weakened. But at this time, these undead creatures sent by the undead army are only low-level undead from the first to third levels, just to consume the power of the Temple Federation.

The tactical arrangements can be seen from the composition of the Temple Federation's army this time. No ordinary troops were mobilized to fight against the undead creatures. Otherwise, even if the federation mobilized millions of troops, it would not be a problem. But if you do that, you may end up endorsing your enemy. Once a human dies, he will soon be transformed into an undead creature by the other party and become part of the other party's power.

Therefore, those who participated in the battle this time were all elite professionals from the six major temples. There is no low-end combat power. The purpose is to minimize losses while causing enough trauma to the enemy.

As the hurricane swept through, the advance of the undead army was suddenly stopped, but the huge gray-black skull behind it blew out another cloud of air. Wherever it passed, the wind element withered, once again cracking the magician group's control. attack.

The undead creatures on the ground are nothing more than cannon fodder. The real battle and collision are the top combat forces of both sides. It's just that no one is attacking with all their strength now, they are all testing each other's strength.

The blazing flames spread on the ground and turned into walls of fire across the path of the undead army. Each low-level undead creature was turned into fly ash, but the flames still could not really destroy the undead energy in them, and they would still be destroyed. Regression convergence.

On the human side, the three major magician groups took turns taking action. On the other side of the undead army, the huge gray-black skull continued to spit out clouds and consume the magical power here. The two sides seemed to be in a stalemate balance.

On the entire battlefield, the elemental fluctuations became extremely intense. From the observation deck, you can clearly feel the pressure coming towards your face.

Long Dangdang followed Ling Menglu's eyes and was looking in the direction of Jiyang City. At the top of Jiyang City, the golden light was becoming more and more intense. The power that was constantly accumulating was like a golden beam of light that coincided with the sun. It generally shocks everyone's mind so that the minds of humans will not be affected. The power of the Holy Bell is also constantly rippling outward. In addition to helping one's own mind be pure and righteous, undead creatures that approach a certain range will also Affected, the traveling speed is greatly reduced.

This is the power of an artifact, an artifact that can affect the entire battlefield.

"Is that magic?" Long Dangdang asked Ling Menglu softly.

Ling Menglu nodded, "It is the saints who are using magic. If you want to truly deal with these undead creatures, it is not enough to rely solely on frontal destructive power. You must find a way to purify the energy of the undead. In this regard, we can only It is our Priest Temple who has figured out a way, and now we should have a certain way to deal with it, otherwise, we would not have launched this war."

Long Dang said: "Did we bring this attack from the Kingdom of the Undead?"

Ling Menglu said: "I heard yes, it seems that our demon hunting group went deep into the Kingdom of the Undead, killed the top strong men in the Kingdom of the Undead, and then lured them out. Before that, the Kingdom of the Undead seemed not They don’t mean to go to war with us outright, they just want to accumulate strength in the northeastern region. We don’t know exactly what they are doing, but it is definitely not a good thing.”

Long Dangdang nodded and continued to pay attention to the direction of Jiyang City. He also wanted to know what means the Priest Temple had to deal with the Kingdom of the Undead.

The Temple Federation has existed for more than 10,000 years, and the accumulation of human beings over the past 10,000 years is extraordinary. It not only has spiritual furnaces, but also artifacts, and many powerful men. This overall accumulated power is very huge. As long as the problem of undead creatures resurrecting from the dead and being able to recover undead energy can be solved. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with the Kingdom of the Undead.

Just when he was thinking about it, suddenly, a blazing golden light suddenly made him have to squint his eyes, unable to look directly.

Above Jiyang City, the golden light that had been condensed for some time suddenly bloomed with brilliance. At this moment, even the sun in the sky lost its light. The golden light slowly cracked open, revealing an existence like a huge light door hundreds of meters high. The extremely strong sacred aura spurted out from the portal.

Perhaps feeling the threat it brought, the huge gray-black skeleton facing the undead army in the distance suddenly raised its head. The gray-black airflow on its body became more and more intense, and the red soul fire in its eyes beat violently. There was a piercing scream.

The moment this scream appeared, the entire human army on the battlefield couldn't help but tremble, and all the magic being cast on the battlefield collapsed. But at this moment, golden light swirled, and a huge light and shadow stepped out from the light gate.

Ling Menglu suddenly lost her voice and said: "I know, this is an ancient forbidden curse, the coming of the Seraph Angel."

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