"What is the ancient forbidden curse?" After hearing Ling Menglu's words, Long Kongkong couldn't help but asked curiously.

Ling Menglu said solemnly: "The ancient forbidden spell is a powerful magic handed down from ancient times. It was before the establishment of the Temple Federation and has a history of at least fifteen thousand years. Most of these ancient magics are incomplete. The Federation has always been committed to In order to study the characteristics of these forbidden curses, so as to perfect them and reproduce them in the world. I heard my grandfather say that this forbidden curse has been in the process of research, but I didn’t expect that it has actually been completed. Even so, it will take at least a lot of time. With the combined efforts of two saints, it is possible to accomplish this with the help of powerful equipment. Seeing you today is really..." At this point, her beautiful eyes were filled with excitement.

As the huge figure walked out of the light door, the entire sky was rendered golden, and the gray airflow that was originally overwhelming stagnated. When it touched the golden light, it was like an electric shock. Retract later.

The golden figure gradually became solid and clear. He looked like a handsome blond man, wearing golden armor, with six white wings on his back. As he walked out step by step, the whole sky was filled with a sacred atmosphere. , as if there was sweet music reverberating in the air, which raised the breath of all humans present by 10%.


The Seraph held a big sword in his hand and stepped out of the void step by step. The golden light bursting out from the center of his body also spread and expanded, suppressing the gray air flow released by the gray-black skull.

The ground was also illuminated by golden light. Wherever the golden light passed, the bodies of low-level undead creatures disintegrated one after another. The undead energy born after the disintegration of their bodies was purified in the golden light before it could be recovered.

Seeing this scene, the demon hunters on the observation deck couldn't help showing excitement. The Federation has really found a way to deal with undead energy. This is the most important thing!

Although Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace can also swallow the energy of the undead, he is still too weak now. On such a battlefield, such a huge amount of undead energy is simply not something he can handle. At this moment, with the arrival of this Seraph, the most troublesome problem of fighting undead creatures seems to be solved. If this is the case, the destruction of the Kingdom of the Undead is just around the corner.

The six-winged seraph moved forward step by step, and the powerful aura pressed step by step. He stared at the gray-black skull in the distance. The six white wings behind him slowly opened, and the sacred light aura in the air instantly became stronger. , even the Jiyang City behind was rendered golden.

If this six-winged Seraph were measured by spiritual power, what level would he be? Long Dangdang was thinking secretly in his heart. It's hard to define. This seems to be no longer a matter of pure spiritual power, but also the power of combining the power of heaven and earth. The Seraph is just a summoned forbidden spell. I hope it can last a little longer.

Large tracts of low-level undead creatures on the ground collapsed, and their undead energy was purified one after another. The front line that had been close to the two thousand meters of the human army quickly retreated, and was once again stretched to three thousand meters. And that one thousand meters The low-level undead creatures within the range were purified by the huge sacred energy as if they were erased by an eraser.

"Roar——" A low roar came from the mouth of the huge gray-black skull. The next moment, it raised its head and opened its mouth.

The moment it opened its mouth exaggeratedly, the low-level undead creatures on the ground no longer moved forward, but disintegrated one after another. Before being purified, a large amount of undead energy was recovered and sucked back into the gray-black skull. In the mouth. More than a third of the undead army that covered the mountains and plains fell almost in a moment.

A large number of undead creatures then bloomed with dazzling light, and a terrifying aura rose up. Not only did the remaining undead creatures not become weak, but they seemed to regain their energy because one third of them disappeared.

At this moment, a strange sound appeared on the battlefield.

"Tap tap tap, tap tap tap..." Slow and rhythmic. If I have to describe this sound, it seems to be... the sound of horse hooves!

The six-winged Seraph frowned slightly, stopped moving forward, and stared at the open mouth of the gray-black skull. Everyone's eyes followed his gaze, and they saw a big horse with a gray-black skull and a big mouth, completely black, with red flames shining in its pupils, slowly walked out, its hoofs stepping on it. Staring into the void, this is where the strange sound comes from. With every step it takes, a ball of gray flame will follow its horse's hooves in the air.

And on the back of this tall horse sat a knight. A knight covered in black armor and holding a heavy sword. The strange thing is that there is no head on the knight's neck, but only a black crown.

With its appearance, the Seraph's eyes became visibly serious, and he slowly raised the golden heavy sword in his hand.

"What is that? Is there any record?" Long Dangdang asked Ling Menglu.

Ling Menglu was also shocked at this time and shook her head quickly, "No, this kind of headless horseman has never appeared before."

"I didn't expect that a King of Fear would be born in this world, and you won't be able to leave him alone." The six-winged Seraph actually answered Long Dangdang's question, speaking in human words. The next moment, the six wings behind him suddenly flapped, leaving a series of white shadows in the sky. A huge golden sword light has split the sky, also cut the gray-black energy airflow, and headed straight for the King of Fear who walked out of the gray-black skull's mouth.

The King of Fear has no head, but the Nightmare Demon Horse he is riding on suddenly rushes forward. The moment it launches a sprint, its body and the body of the King of Fear are growing rapidly. A large amount of surrounding undead energy swarmed in and injected into the body of the fearful king. The distance between the two sides also quickly narrowed.


Terrifying roars resounded throughout the world. This roar caused a brief chaos in the human military formation for the first time. The professionals with weaker cultivation levels almost lost their hearing for a while, and they were staggering and unable to stand firm.

At this time, the sky, at the moment when the two sides collided, was actually divided into two parts, golden and black, with clear distinctions.

The two huge heavy swords did not bounce off due to the collision. Instead, they seemed to be stuck together, and the powerful impact swept across each other. The six-winged Seraph seemed to have the upper hand, and the golden light rolled downwards.

But the nightmare horse suddenly exerted force, the gray-black flames under its feet rose up, and the surging undead energy surged upwards, helping the King of Fear to firmly block the sword of the six-winged Seraph.

The two sides' auras clashed, and it lasted for more than ten seconds before they separated with a deafening roar.

The six wings behind the six-winged seraph flapped, and the huge power of sacred light condensed towards it. However, its figure soared up and flew straight into the sky. During the soaring process, the clouds in the sky cleared and the mist dispersed, the sun's rays bathed him, and his aura rapidly strengthened and improved.

The King of Fear seemed to feel something, and without even a moment's pause, he stepped off the Nightmare Demon Horse and jumped into the air, chasing after the Six-Winged Seraph. The two sides quickly climbed to an altitude of several thousand meters.

The King of Fear did not dare to let the Six-Winged Seraph accumulate power, and the Six-Winged Seraph led it high into the sky because he was worried that the too powerful collision between the two sides would affect the human warriors on the ground.

As the two powerful men took off, the war on the ground did not stop. The dark red soul fire in the eyes of the gray-black skull jumped, and he looked towards the human army again. The undead creatures on the ground seemed to be endless, and they launched a charge again.

The humans did not know what the King of Fear was, but they watched helplessly as the King of Fear actually blocked the Six-Winged Seraph.

Although it is not known how the Dread King was formed, it is obvious that the Seraphim are temporarily unable to engage in ground battles.

The magician group released magic again, and this time, a large amount of gray-black mist began to fill the undead army, covering the sky and spreading like a sun. No matter what kind of magic it is, once it touches the gray-black mist, The airflow will disintegrate as the ice disappears, unable to cause harm to the undead army. But under the shroud of gray-black airflow, the combat effectiveness of the undead army continued to surge.

Doors of light opened on the vast plains, and the Summoner Legion of the Summoner Temple was launched. From each space door, summoned creatures of different types appeared one after another, facing the undead army. The magic on the side of the magician group is still continuing. In the direction of Jiyang City, the purifying light from the priest's temple continues to burst out.

However, the light of purification cannot completely purify the gray-black mist, it can only alleviate its impact.

Everyone on the observation deck understood that if both sides stopped sending high-end combat forces, they would soon enter a close-quarters battle.

The Terror King and the Six-Winged Seraphim in the sky are both absolutely top-notch combat powers, and the spiritual power they mobilize is probably more than half a million. There are not many of this level in the entire Temple Federation. There is such a powerful existence in the Kingdom of the Undead. It seems that it is not easy to defeat the opponent.

The only good news is that the Seraphim does have the ability to purify the energy of the undead, making the energy of the undead no longer unbearable.

The battle between the two sides was absolutely tragic for the undead army. From the beginning of the battle to now, at least more than 100,000 undead army have been destroyed. However, their numbers still seem to be increasing.

Although there seemed to be no casualties on the Temple Federation side, the magician group, the summoner group, and even the powerful priests and temples on top of Jiyang City continued to consume. It's hard to say who among the two sides will be unable to resist such continuous consumption. Obviously, both sides have reservations and are not going all out.

At high altitude, all that can be seen at this time is the constant collision of gold and black, and then they continue to separate. It is impossible to see the extent of the battle between the Six-Winged Seraph and the King of Fear. But judging from their current distance from the ground, they are unable to affect the ground for the time being.

The summoned creatures can no longer resist the undead creatures that are coming one after another. The magicians also need to take a breath and recover the consumed spiritual power.

The knights on the backs of the Earth Dragon Knights of the Knights Temple finally began to lift their lances, and the heavy infantry regiments on both sides were also ready to face the enemy.

Ten seconds later, a pitch-black skeleton was the first to break through the blockade of summoned creatures and rush toward the federal army. Another scary thing about undead creatures is that they are not afraid of death, or in other words, they don't know what fear is at all. Even though it was just a small skeleton facing thousands of troops, it still charged with all its strength and rushed towards the human army.

"Bang!" A knight from the Earth Dragon Knights suddenly rushed forward and launched a short sprint of less than ten meters. The lance in his hand struck the black skeleton hard. Beat its body to pieces.

The undead energy was then recycled back, and the Earth Dragon Knights also launched a charge at this moment.

Standing still in battle is never suitable for a knight, whether he is a heavily armored knight or a lightly armored knight. The terrifying impact force exploded with all its strength at this moment, five hundred Earth Spinosaurus galloped, and the earth roared.

They were like a tide, rushing into the undead army. At the same time, earth-yellow light burst out from the feet of the Earth Spinosaurus, and the innate magic released by the five hundred Earth Spinosaurus seemed to melt into one. Every knight and the Earth Spinosaurus were covered in that earthy yellow light. Wherever it passed, the undead creatures became sluggish, but the Earth Spinosaurus continued to speed up. He rushed straight into the undead army like a hot knife cutting through butter. The undead army surging forward like a tidal wave was directly cut open by the impact.

As expected of the Knights Temple's famous Earth Dragon Legion, they showed great combat power just once they took action.

But at this moment, the undead army seemed to have received the order and quickly separated to both sides. From the gray-black mist, a group of extremely large undead creatures rushed out. They were all ten meters tall. Besides, the body is extremely fat. The whole body seemed to be made of accumulated fat, and the skin was a dead gray color. There was only one eye on the head, and dark green smoke spread around the body. There were only more than a hundred in number, but they rushed towards the Earth Spinosaurus Knights.

The body of Terrestrial Spinosaurus is already very large, but it seems a bit underwhelming when faced with these fat men over ten meters tall. There is no doubt that this is another new undead creature entering the battlefield.

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