Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 264 Tracking the Footprints of the Undead


"Ouch, why did you hit me on the head?" Long Kongkong screamed in pain.

Long Dangdang withdrew the Chaos Staff, "Why are you giggling? You're almost crying."

Long Kongkong snorted, "You're just a fool, don't care about me." But in his heart, he was thinking that when he becomes stronger in the future, he will become the strongest person in the team. Let's see how you continue to knock me out. It's my turn to protect you.

Naturally, Long Dangdang didn't know what Long Kongkong was thinking at the moment. His attention was on observing the surroundings. Xiao Xie had already released it in advance, but he didn't let it release the mental detection far away to avoid Discovered by powerful undead creatures.

After the day's battle, the undead army had retreated, and there were still some scattered corpses on the ground, but most of the undead creatures returned and became undead and their energy was recovered.

There is a cold atmosphere in the air. Outside Jiyang City, the Federation has not done too much purification. After all, the area north of here has almost been occupied by undead creatures. Purification is meaningless without defeating the undead army.

A group of seven people moved forward quietly, quickly following the traces left by the undead army. Relying on the special sealing effect of the Slow Breathing Furnace, they barely left any breath behind.

The army of the undead seemed to have completely retreated. They had marched for fifty miles and still had not seen any undead creatures.

They didn't get much information from the demon hunting group's headquarters during the war, because according to the intelligence brought back by other demon hunting groups, the undead army had no fixed location and no fixed camps. They would move and sweep from time to time. But most of the time, undead creatures still appear within a hundred miles north of Jiyang City.

This is the news from the general-level demon hunting group, and there is no more detailed news. I wonder if those handsome demon hunting groups have more explorations.

The members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group began to speed up and continue heading north. By the time it entered late at night, they had already left Jiyang City for more than a hundred miles.

At their speed, this distance is nothing under normal circumstances, but they have to take into account that they cannot be discovered by the enemy, so they have to be very careful while moving forward.

"The air continues to get colder, do you feel it?" Tao Linlin said softly.

Everyone nodded. It seems that the further north you go, the cooler the temperatures become, which is obviously not caused by climate. However, over a distance of a hundred miles, there is little difference in the temperature changes caused by climate. This is obviously related to the richness of the undead energy. That kind of cold feeling is really not that wonderful.

When they first came out, everyone was very careful because they were worried about undead creatures. However, after searching for so long and no undead creatures were found, everyone became a little anxious.

"Take a rest where you are and let's have something to eat." Long Dangdang still maintained his calm attitude and used his good state to influence his partners.

After simply eating something, Ming Xi scouted the surroundings while the others sat around.

Long Dang said: "We should not be far from the undead creatures. You can tell this from the changes in the air. This time the Federation sent troops and started a full-scale war with the undead country. It is obviously determined. We are not soldiers and do not know the specific situation. I understand, but the task given to us demon hunting groups is to weaken the overall strength of undead creatures. Although undead energy can be recovered, it is still not easy to give birth to high-level undead creatures, especially existences like the dead. We will find out later We only wander around the periphery of the undead creatures, looking for opportunities. In the middle of the empty space, others should be careful and try not to use magic attacks as much as possible."

Long Kongkong asked curiously: "Why are you wearing a mage robe if you don't use magic to attack?"

Long Dangdang said calmly: "This is a legendary mage robe. It will help me recover my spiritual power. Anyway, I don't have suitable armor. Besides, who stipulates that you can't use knight skills while wearing a mage robe." In his hand You also have the Xin Yao suit. You can replace your staff with the Silver Wave Magic at any time and become a knight wearing a mage's robe.

Ling Menglu said: "The night actually has a great bonus to undead creatures. I suggest that if you want to take action, dawn is a good time. After the sneak attack, we kept our distance and followed the undead army to continue looking for opportunities. There are those three teleportation scrolls Now, as long as we don’t get ambushed, there shouldn’t be much of a problem with safety.”

After resting for about half an hour, everyone set off again. This time, Yue Li was guided by the difference in temperature, heading towards a place where the cold and cold air was stronger. Everyone has a spiritual furnace on their body, and the spiritual furnace is the gathering of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, so they are not too afraid of these cold energies.

Continue to march until the sky gradually begins to change, and when the sky begins to change from pitch black to dark blue, the Zilingjing suddenly starts to move.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said, "We found undead creatures. At eleven o'clock, there is a group of skeletons wandering around."

The bright moon is shining in the sky, and the dragon is shining brightly. "Are there any other higher-level undead creatures?"

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said, "There shouldn't be any within one kilometer nearby. They look like a bunch of lone skeleton soldiers."

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is in the sky. "Let's go and deal with these skeleton soldiers. Kong Kong is ready to devour them."

The reason why he made the immediate decision to let Long Kongkong prepare to start devouring him was naturally because the energy intensity of low-level skeleton soldiers was very weak and it was difficult to attract attention.

Under Ming Xi's guidance, they soon discovered this group of skeleton soldiers. The number of these skeleton soldiers was not too large, probably more than a hundred, and many of them had broken bodies. One by one, they were swaying and heading in the same direction. I don't know what to do.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is in the sky. "Me, Senior Sister Wang, and Ming Xi will do it together. Kongkong, you are ready to devour it, along with the guardian cousin and the others."

Haoyue Dangkong Kongkong said, "This kind of skeleton is of the first or second level, right? Can I just devour it soon?"

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is dang. "No, for the sake of caution, you can't let the undead creatures see your Yuanvortex Spirit Furnace taking action. Kill it first. Take action."

As he spoke, Long Dangdang was the first to rush out. His figure flashed in the air and split into six parts in an instant.

Wang Changxin followed closely behind with a big mallet in hand. The spiritual wings spread out behind him and suddenly flapped, rushing into the skeleton formation like a whirlwind.

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said, "Save some for me."

It is indeed easy to deal with these low-level undead creatures. Hundreds of skeleton soldiers have been turned into fragments in just ten seconds.

The weak undead energy was about to escape when it rose into the air. Long Kongkong quietly opened the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace to sweep away the undead energy.

There is not much energy, and it is not even enough to replenish what everyone has consumed previously, but devouring a little undead energy like this is equivalent to weakening the kingdom of the undead in a sense, and it is good to add up to a small amount. Of course, there is no merit reward for such low-level undead creatures from the Demon Hunting Group. But there may be some rewards on the military merit bracelet that represents military merit.

"The energy is a bit low!" Long Kongkong said unwillingly.

Long Dangdang said: "Don't be anxious, add up a little and make a big difference. Safety is the most important thing." Even when there was less energy, he still used the Light and Slow Spirit Breathing Furnace to interfere with the changes in time around him, thereby concealing it. the goal of.

Ming Xi continued to search. Since low-level skeleton soldiers had appeared, it meant that they had entered an area with undead creatures. They had to be cautious, but it also meant that they were about to start taking action.

"If we encounter undead creatures later, if they are not very strong, I, Ming Xi, and Senior Sister Wang will take action as much as possible. If the enemy encountered is stronger, Senior Tao will take action, then Yue Li, and finally Cousin. Cousin Try not to take action if you can. Your light energy is too pure and can easily attract powerful enemies. And once my cousin takes action, no matter what our situation is against the enemy, we must withdraw as soon as possible and prepare to use the teleportation scroll. , you must make a decisive decision at the critical moment." Long Dangdang said to his partners.

The movement in melee combat must be relatively small. Melee professionals have inherent abilities. Unlike legal professions, which do not release their spiritual power externally, they must also communicate the power of elements between heaven and earth.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said: "At nine o'clock in front of the leader, 1,100 meters away, there is a mixed group of undead creatures. They are mainly skeletons and zombies, and no strong ones have been found yet."

"Go, destroy them." Long Dangdang immediately ordered.

Flies are also meat, and with Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace around, every time they kill an undead creature, they are equivalent to weakening the kingdom of the undead. As he said, a little adds up.

The three people still took the main action in close combat, while the others swept through the formation. After killing them in a short time, the dragon finished and swallowed them in the air.

After two rounds of killing undead creatures, he has begun to release excess energy to everyone through transformation. However, the total amount is still small. It is enough to supply everyone, but it is nothing to improve.

In the next half hour, they wiped out three more groups of low-level undead. The undead are distributed over a large area. However, through Ming Xi's reconnaissance, it can be found that the level of undead creatures will be higher in the colder the place.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is dangdang: "Ming Xi, go deeper. See if there are any undead creatures with a higher level that are alone. Be careful. If you encounter undead creatures such as resentful spirits, avoid them first." Through previous simulations against undead creatures, Long Dangdang knew that the spiritual power of the resentful spirits was relatively strong, and it was very likely that they could send out a signal for help and attract stronger undead creatures. That was not what he wanted to see happen. When first breaking in, it's best to kill as many enemies as possible while staying safe. Don't rush for success.

Ming Xi continued to move forward along the colder place, perhaps because they had begun to enter the realm of the undead army. Soon, news came back, "A group of undead creatures were found, thirteen in total, including six A large skeleton wearing simple armor was over two and a half meters tall. The rest were zombies with green fur on their bodies, all over two meters tall, and looked very strong. They should be higher-level undead creatures."

Regarding the levels of undead creatures, even now, the Federation is still collecting them and cannot completely determine the overall types of undead creatures. For professionals, they can naturally judge the strength of the enemy through their own perception. Demon hunters have an ongoing mission to find all undead creatures and record their levels. If they report to the headquarters If there is no overlapping report and a newly discovered undead creature is discovered, there will be certain merit rewards. The higher the level of the undead creature, the more generous the reward will be.

The reason why the Federation did not take the initiative and instead used Jiyang City as a barrier was to observe and collect information about undead creatures, thereby improving the information base on undead creatures. Only by understanding the enemy well first can we better annihilate the enemy.

"We'll be there right away." Everyone moved forward quietly and quickly approached.

About a hundred meters away from the thirteen undead, Long Dangdang also saw them. These undead people gathered on a hillside, seemingly resting. The soul fire in the skull's eye sockets was beating slightly, but the green-haired zombies seemed to be breathing in and out. What they were inhaling was the cold air in the air. They look even more eerie and ferocious at night.

Compared with those low-level undead, what they saw in front of them was obviously much stronger. If they relied solely on perception, they were at least around the fourth level of strength. The specific combat power can only be discovered after fighting.

Long Dangdang nodded gently to Wang Changxin beside him, and the next moment, their figures rushed out at the same time.

Long Dangdang completed the clones in an instant. The five clones plus the main body made a total of six figures. The main body held the beginning of the Silver Wave Magic, and the clones each held fine knight swords and charged towards the undead creatures like lightning.

The higher-level undead creatures were indeed different from the low-level undead creatures they had killed before. Almost immediately, the four large skeletons reacted. The armor on their bodies was actually made of bones, but they looked much stronger. Two skeletons held huge bones as weapons, and the other two It holds spike-like bones, somewhat similar to a bone gun.

The soul fire in their eye sockets burned instantly, and the lavender flames flickered as they faced Long Dangdang and Wang Changxin at the same time.

All the green-haired zombies reacted a little slower, but they also burst into flames at the second moment and jumped out. They jump very fast and very far, with their arms stretched out straight, and the three-inch-long sharp claws on their fingers are like daggers, poking straight at them.

Just when all the attention of these undead creatures fell on Long Dangdang and Wang Changxin, behind them, an illusory figure flashed for an instant. The next moment, rays of light burst out and turned into countless flying lightnings. Shoot and arrive.

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