"Puff puff puff puff..." A series of muffled sounds. Almost all the skeletons and green-haired zombies were hit in the back of the head. The flying light was so precise that it covered all thirteen undead creatures.

The jumping bodies of the nine green-haired zombies suddenly fell. Five of them had their heads smashed, and their bodies twitched and fell to the ground. Although the heads of the other several were also partially broken, they were actually immortal and had extremely strong vitality. Struggling to get up.

The defense of the four skeletons was obviously much stronger. The head was hit and the body staggered, but the defense was not completely broken.

At this moment, an invisible ripple spread instantly and crashed into the four skeletons at the same time. The bodies of the four skeletons suddenly stiffened, and the soul fire in their eyes trembled violently.

Xiao Xie's spirit was shocked. These undead creatures that control their bodies with soul fire are most afraid of attacks such as spiritual shock.

Long Dangdang and Wang Changxin were already close at this time. After a criss-crossing, all thirteen undead creatures fell to the ground.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is dangdang: "This large skeleton has peak strength of the fourth level. The green-haired zombie should be the third level. Yue Li will record it and report it back."

Long Kongkong had already taken over happily at this time. After finally encountering a higher-level undead creature, the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace was quietly turned on. In order to better hide it, he did not use the power of the domain and just transformed into strips of black light. It is connected to these undead creatures through the spiritual furnace, and quickly begins to devour them, swallowing their energy back into the spiritual furnace for filtering.

The bones of the large skeletons that were devoured by him quickly turned from the previous bright white to gray, losing their luster and strength. The zombies quickly dried up, and their bodies were obviously shriveled and withered.

Energy that was obviously richer than before poured into his body, and Long Kongkong immediately connected with his partners through the Spirit Ascension Shield, passing on this energy with the breath of life to everyone.

This wave of energy, which was obviously more than before, immediately made everyone's eyes look a little more surprised. Everyone's inner spiritual power has increased by about 20 to 30 points. Even with the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace and Cang Yue Angel, after practicing normally for a night, their improvement would only be so much most of the time. How long does it take to kill this wave of undead creatures? And it's not a very strong undead creature. A lot of undead energy will be lost when filtered, but the energy with the breath of life produced after being filtered can be directly absorbed, and the effect is still quite good.

This wave of supplements immediately boosted everyone's spirits, and also gave Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong a bit of the feeling they had when they were in the Demon Realm. The only difference is that in the Demon Realm, they can be unscrupulous because there is no life safety problem, but here they must be careful to avoid being discovered by the undead powerhouse and losing their lives.

"I will continue to explore." Ming Xi had previously used the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace to attack from behind and quickly kill the undead creatures. Now he became more and more eager to fight, and immediately disappeared and escaped silently. Stealth, a required skill for assassins.

Long Dangdang and the others rested in place and maintained their condition.

Ming Xi had only been there for less than five minutes this time, and Zi Lingjing immediately heard her voice.

The bright moon is in the sky, Ming Xi: "Oh my god, it's huge. Boss, I found countless undead creatures. They seem to be the main force of the undead army. I don't know how many there are, there are too many to count. They are all so dark and dense. .”

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is shining: "We will go over to where you are. Be careful not to disturb those undead creatures."

Although they had known for a long time that following the footsteps of the undead creatures, they would definitely find the undead army, but when they really discovered it, everyone still became nervous in unison. Long Dangdang took the initiative to control the Light and Slow Spirit Breathing Furnace to make its interference with the surrounding time stronger. Then he led his companions to move quickly and approach Ming Xi according to her direction.

After passing through a low bush and then a hilly area of ​​about 500 meters, the terrain ahead suddenly changed some strangely, and the entire terrain began to extend diagonally downward. Soon, Long Dangdang and the others completed the rendezvous with Ming Xi.

Even though everyone had gathered together, Ming Xi used the Ziling Crystal to communicate with everyone. With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said: "There is a valley in front of you, and there are many undead creatures in it. I went a little deeper to explore earlier, and there are almost no people in the valley. It was full of them. It should be one of the stations of the undead army. But the undead energy inside was very strong, and I couldn't bear the coldness. After observing it, I immediately withdrew."

The bright moon is in the sky, and the dragon is dazzling: "What level are the undead creatures in the valley? Are there any of the powerful undead creatures we saw during the day?"

Bright Moon in the Sky Ming Xi: "It's hard to say, I didn't dare to go too deep, so I can't see clearly and can't judge the type of undead creatures. But at least I can be sure that I didn't see the big fat man on the battlefield today."

Long Dangdang nodded slightly, his brain thinking rapidly. There must be a lot of undead creatures in this valley. Although Ming Xi cannot judge clearly now, among so many undead creatures, there must be leaders and strong ones. There are so many undead creatures that they cannot fight against. To take a step back, even if a forbidden spell is really thrown in to kill a large number of undead creatures, it will not be of any benefit to them, let alone whether they can escape.

Coming to participate in the battle this time, in addition to completing the mission of the demon hunting group, Long Dangdang also cherishes this opportunity. This is a great opportunity to improve the overall strength of his partners. If the opportunity is right, it can greatly help everyone improve their cultivation level quickly. . If you kill a large number of undead creatures at once but cannot swallow the undead energy, the undead energy will also be recovered by the kingdom of the undead. It won't be long before undead creatures can be born. This is only if they can barely complete a forbidden spell. There will be so much movement in the future, and the undead creatures are not really dead. The strong ones among them will definitely be able to detect that the outside movement is wrong and react. Once an attack is launched, it will not be something they can withstand.

Therefore, after a brief thought, Long Dangdang already shook his head and said: "We can't go deep here. We still have to be conservative. Let's go around, from the outside of the valley, we continue to go deeper to the left. The number of the undead army this time I don’t know how many there are, but it’s definitely not something that such a valley can accommodate. We still try our best to find lone undead creatures to deal with.”

There was a bit of regret on Ming Xi's face, this was an undead creature from the valley! How much energy is this! What a just thing it would be if we could annihilate them all!

However, she is not the same as when she just became a demon hunter. After suffering some setbacks, especially after seeing her partners being stronger than herself, she is now much more restrained than before, especially when it comes to dragons. You can still listen to Dangdang's orders.

Ming Xi quietly left to the left to investigate, while Long Dangdang stared into the valley without getting closer. But he could faintly feel the extremely strong cold atmosphere in the valley. The undead energy here is extremely abundant. Even if they don't kill the undead creatures, just for what they are doing now, Long Kongkong can use the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace to devour them. Of course, this must be an act of seeking death.

Pulling the somewhat unwilling Long Kongkong, Long Dangdang also sneaked out towards the left with his friends.

A full kilometer away from the valley, the strong cold atmosphere in the air weakened a little. Ling Menglu transferred some of the power of light to everyone to get rid of the influence of the cold air on her partners.

After leaving the valley for some distance, Ming Xi discovered another group of weaker low-level undead and wiped them out again, but the harvest was not too great.

The bright moon is in the sky, the dragon is in the sky, "Brother, this speed is a bit too slow. If we don't find stronger undead to do it, it won't be as fast as if we directly practice at home."

Long Dangdang glared at Long Kongkong, and Long Kongkong grinned. He was actually a little anxious to return to the Holy City, because counting the time, his goddess should be back soon! As long as they successfully complete three tasks, they are actually equivalent to completing the mandatory task of the Demon Hunting Group Headquarters and can return to the Holy City at any time. This is the good thing about demon hunters, they are not an army, they can come and go as they please as long as they make enough contributions.

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said, "I also feel that the stronger undead creatures should be in places like the valley before. The ones swimming outside should be weaker undead creatures that are not qualified to enter the valley." Commander, should we take a look around the valley again?"

Long Dangdang shook his head without hesitation. The bright moon was in the sky, Long Dangdang said, "You remember, for us, safety is more important than anything else. As the leader, I first want to ensure that everyone can go back safely, even more than completing the mission. Important. We still have opportunities in the future, so we must not act too hastily. Even if the harvest is lower than expected, as long as it is safe, it will be no problem."

Ming Xi didn't say anything else. Ling Menglu and Yue Li both nodded. Wang Changxin remained silent as before, and Tao Linlin silently handed over some prepared food to everyone. At this time, the sky was gradually getting brighter. , there is already a touch of fish-belly white on the distant horizon, and it is dawn.

Everyone was eating and resting in place. Long Dangdang was also thinking about what to do next.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he has always had some strange feelings about the army of the undead. Normally, shouldn't these dark undead creatures be active at night? Daytime should have a big impact on them. However, the undead army they faced did not seem to be like this. Even the previous attack on Jiyang City was during the day. In other words, the undead army was not only not afraid of the sunlight during the day, but was even unaffected and did not reduce its combat effectiveness. What's going on?

While Long Dangdang was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a strange feeling and subconsciously turned his head to look in one direction. Not only did he feel it, but everyone else also felt it. They turned back instantly and looked in that direction together.

At this sight, everyone's breath suddenly froze.

In the distance, in the direction of the rising sun, they vaguely saw a huge dark blue light slowly rising into the sky. As the dark blue light rose, it gradually condensed into a huge dark blue skull. This was much larger than the skull they saw leading the undead army that day on the battlefield, at least ten times larger.

The skull slowly turned after rising, facing the direction of the rising sun at dawn, as if it was hesitating to breathe. The original dark blue was transforming towards sky blue between breaths, and with the inhalation, the whole body turned into dark blue again. Strange and huge energy reverberated between heaven and earth. The huge skull kept breathing towards the rising sun. It could be seen that faint white light was converging on it. Yes, it is white light visible to the naked eye, with a hint of purple in the white. When this energy is swallowed, the dark blue skull will gradually turn into sky blue.

The space in the air, which was originally cold due to the large number of undead creatures around it, seemed to be getting warmer with the breathing of the huge skull, as if the rays of the sun were beginning to bring warmth to the earth.

Everyone watched the scene in front of them. The place where the huge skull rose was at least dozens of kilometers away from them, or even hundreds of kilometers away. However, because it is so big, they can clearly see it even from where they are at this time.

The whole process lasted for half an hour. It was not until the sun fully rose that the surface of the huge skull began to be covered with a light golden color, and its breathing was completed. Immediately afterwards, the huge skull slowly moved inward, turning into dark blue energy and slowly contracted, quickly collapsing inward.

The surrounding air began to buzz slightly, as if hundreds of kilometers in radius were being affected by its movements.

How powerful does it take to do this? This is definitely not something that can only be accomplished at the ninth level. Could it be that the legendary million spiritual power, which is the limit of this plane, really exists?

Finally, the dark blue light collapsed into a point in the distance, like a dark blue halo, much smaller than the previous huge skull. Even from the direction of Long Dangdang and the others, it was somewhat difficult to see the dark blue light clearly.

"Why do you look like a person!" Long Kongkong suddenly said blankly. His eyesight has always been very good, and he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a figure in the dark blue light wheel, a figure that looked like a human being.

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