Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 266 Terrifying Opponent

"Human?" Long Dangdang turned to look at Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong shook his head vigorously, "I must have been dazzled. But when the blue light shrank just now, I clearly seemed to see a person. Moreover, it seemed to be a woman."

Long Dangdang couldn't help but be speechless. How long has it been, and this guy is still so sensitive to women.

Just as they were talking, the dark blue light had completely disappeared.

Without any hesitation, the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group took action quickly, and the direction of travel was naturally the opposite direction of the dark blue skull. That skull must be the real strong man of the entire undead army, maybe even the leader. It is so much bigger than the skull that was able to compete with the federal army yesterday. What kind of existence can do that?

There is no need to think too much, staying away first is definitely the best choice, bar none.

Everyone marched in the opposite direction for hundreds of miles. Even if they encountered some lower-level undead creatures in the process, they chose to let them go. It wasn't until they were far enough away that they relaxed a little.

"Have you discovered a problem?" Tao Linlin said.

"What's the problem?" Ming Xi asked curiously.

Tao Linlin said: "We tracked the undead creatures along the way. Wherever we passed, there was not much damage to the vegetation. It was basically normal. Logically speaking, under the influence of the undead energy, all vitality should not be affected by them. Devour? According to what I know about dark magic and some records about undead creatures, it should be like this."

Long Kongkong said: "What's the matter? According to normal records, undead creatures should only move at night. Look at what we are facing, they are just as energetic during the day! The big skull just now even seemed to be talking to This is the energy cultivation generated when the sun just rises."

Yue Li frowned slightly and said, "Yes! This all seems a bit abnormal indeed. Regarding the big skull, we must report it when we return."

Long Kongkong's eyes lit up, "Maybe there will be a lot of meritorious deeds."

Long Dang said: "We will continue to observe, but the mission still needs to be carried out." They can be said to be cautious when they come out this time. Although they have not yet fought against powerful undead creatures, their understanding of undead creatures has also increased a lot through observation. few.

At this time, they were about 150 kilometers away from Jiyang City. They did not go all the way north, but after going north, they traveled east for a while.

After resting again, Ming Xi continued to explore, looking for lonely undead creatures. They didn't know whether Jiyang City would continue to fight. Their child spirit crystals could no longer contact the wartime headquarters from such a distance, so they could only rely on their own judgment.

This time, Long Dangdang was not in a hurry. The most correct approach was to observe more first, enhance his understanding of the undead creatures, and then slowly figure them out. The Kingdom of the Undead can force the Federation to such an extent that it requires a large army to attack. This obviously shows that completely annihilating the Kingdom of the Undead is not something that can be accomplished overnight. The best choice is to know more about this powerful enemy. They are not considered powerful now, and Long Dangdang doesn't want to experience the despair he felt when he faced the snake demon god Andumali in the demonic realm. In reality, they have no second life.

Throughout the morning, they successively killed some low-level undead. The number was not large, but flies were also meat, and they finally accumulated a little increase in spiritual power for everyone.

After lunch, it was midday. The sun is exceptionally bright today. They rested in a forest.

As Tao Linlin said, the natural environment here has not been damaged by the presence of the undead army. Instead, it appears lush and green, with fresh air. There is no cold feeling at night. Everyone even felt as if they were on vacation. Especially for the three professional members of the legal system who have never taken action before, this feeling is even more obvious.

The bright moon was in the sky, Ming Xi said: "Captain, the deceased has been found."

The sudden news made everyone who was relaxing in the woods immediately tense up. Long Dangdang stood up quickly, with the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang said: "What is the specific situation? How many dead people are there, can we judge the strength?"

With the bright moon in the sky, Ming Xi said: "Captain, there are two deceased people, one male and one female, both in their thirties. They look..., they look a bit like they are on a date... …”

After hearing Ming Xi's words, Long Dangdang couldn't help being slightly startled, and the mood of the others suddenly became weird. When did the undead date?

Ming Xi couldn't give any more information. She discovered the opponent through vision from a relatively far away vantage point. Because of the distance, she couldn't judge the opponent's true strength at all.

Long Dangdang and his friends quickly rushed to Ming Xi's location. Ming Xi was currently on top of the crown of a large tree growing on a hillside, so he could see it from a distance.

Everyone climbed up the big tree one after another and looked in the direction pointed by Ming Xi.

Sure enough, from this position, we can clearly see that there are two humanoid figures standing together about two kilometers away from here. We can only vaguely distinguish male and female, and our age can only be roughly judged. But from visual inspection, these two people are very tall, at least among humans. Don't know what I'm doing. The reason why Ming Xi said they met and were in love was because the female figure was leaning on the male figure's arms.

Long Kongkong suddenly turned his head and glanced at Ming Xi. The bright moon was in the sky, Long Kongkong said, "Ming Xi! Do you think there is such a possibility? What we see now is not the dead, but other members of the demon hunting group!" After all, with such a long distance, how can you be sure that they are not human beings but the dead?"

Ming Xi was stunned for a moment. The bright moon was in the sky. Ming Xi said, "Is this so? I thought that the humanoid creatures I met after going deep behind the undead army, and the ones that looked relatively clean were the dead."

The bright moon is in the sky and the dragon is in the sky. "Whether they are the dead or not, let's observe what they are going to do first."

Seven people, seven pairs of eyes, stared in the direction of the two figures. The two figures were in a hilly mountain col, which could be seen from where Long Dangdang and the others were now. If you miss this position, you may not be able to see clearly.

The two people just hugged each other quietly and made no other movements. Because of the distance, I couldn't feel the aura on their bodies and couldn't judge.

They observed each other for about a quarter of an hour. Long Kongkong blinked and said, "What's the point of them just hugging each other like this, without even kissing or anything?"

Because he had been watching for a long time, he spoke subconsciously and did not communicate with his companions through the Ziling Crystal. The moment he spoke, the two figures in the distance suddenly turned their heads towards them at the same time.

The moment they turned around, all seven of them felt a numbness in their scalps, and a cold aura swept over their place almost instantly.

"Not good. Be careful." Long Dangdang didn't care that he was still wearing a magic robe at the moment. He ducked and stood in the front.

The two figures in the distance seemed to be distorted in their field of vision, and then quickly enlarged in their field of vision at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bright moon is in the sky, the dragon is in the sky, "I'll go, it's really the dead."

At this time, no longer caring about hiding, Tao Linlin instantly opened the contract space and directly summoned the Storm Demon Dragon. The reason why the Storm Demonic Dragon is summoned is because if necessary, you can ride the Storm Demonic Dragon to escape.

Wang Changxin's spiritual wings spread out behind him, and the Tyrant Hammer in his hand instantly charged up. Ming Xi becomes invisible. The Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace on Long Kongkong's chest was fully activated, and with the assistance of the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, he directly released the Tianyuan Sea Domain. Black halos bloomed out, covering the surrounding space.

Long Kongkong held the Silver Wave Magic and stood in the front. The other party moved very quickly. Almost when they were making these preparations, the two figures had already crossed a distance of nearly two kilometers.

The male figure was the first to arrive. He was a full two meters away, his skin was covered with a layer of gray death, and there was a faint purple flicker in his eyes. Wearing complete armor and holding a large sword. This is also an important reason why Long Dangdang and the others could not tell whether this was a human being or the dead.

The spiritual wings behind him are black, a bit like wings, and are much larger than the spiritual wings of ordinary sixth-level human beings. With just a vigorous flapping, his figure suddenly rose up and he was directly in front of Long Dangdang and the others.

"Bang!" Wang Changxin's spiritual wings exploded from behind, and he swung the Tyrant Hammer in his hand and ran straight to meet the man.

Long Kongkong followed closely, but he deliberately lagged behind by half a beat. On his chest, the light of the Holy Spiritual Furnace flickered, and a white light fell on the man with great precision, pulling the opponent's attack target to himself, thus making him Wang Changxin was able to exert the power of this blow to his fullest.

The man's eyes instantly turned to Long Dangdang's direction, but it did not affect his ability to meet Wang Changxin's attack. He made a fist with his left hand and punched into the void.

At that moment, everyone felt as if the entire space had collapsed, and even Long Kongkong's Tianyuan Sea domain was dented. Wang Changxin was famous for his strength. The extremely powerful Tyrant Hammer was directly deflected by the collapsing void at this moment, and he could not control his body shape even with his spiritual wings in the air. You know, she is a sixth-level advanced warrior with both internal and external cultivation.

The Tyrant Hammer struck in the air, but the man's figure had already rushed past her. Drawn by the absolute establishment of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, his attack target could only be Long Dangdang.

And the moment he raised the heavy sword in his hand, Long Dangdang felt as if the energy, blood, and even soul in his body were about to be pulled out. At this moment, he immediately understood that the opponent he faced at this moment was by no means inferior to the existence of the snake demon god Andumari in the demon territory. It's not the ninth level but also the eighth level peak. And such strength is not what their demon hunting group can compete with at this moment!

At the critical moment of life and death, Long Dangdang didn't hesitate at all, and the light and slow soul-vomiting furnace in his dantian was instantly activated. A ball of white light rushed out, and two white palms condensed by white light grasped each other up and down in front of his Dantian. And in the center of these two palms, there is a flash of red light, which is like a lotus petal, but exudes a strong red light.

The next moment, the red lotus petals suddenly shot out. The moment it appeared, an extremely powerful and ferocious aura instantly erupted. It was like an ancient ferocious beast was suddenly released.

The bright moon is in the sky, the dragon is in the sky, "Cousin, tear up the scroll."

The man withdrew the heavy sword that he had originally slashed out, and then made an action that was very familiar to both Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. The heavy sword was held horizontally in front of him, blocking the path of the red lotus petals.

"Dang" there was a huge roar, and the heavy sword in the man's hand was bent directly by the impact, but his whole body instantly bloomed with dark golden light, and his body was pushed back for a full twenty meters. , and then stabilized his figure in the air. There was also a hint of surprise in his eyes. Obviously he didn't expect that he would be repelled.

On the other side, Ling Menglu had already torn apart a teleportation scroll immediately.

Ten seconds, it takes ten seconds for the scroll to take effect. In other words, they must resist each other for ten seconds.

When the opponent rushes out, there is no way to judge the opponent's true strength. But the moment the opponent took action, Long Dangdang understood that this was not something they could fight against. No matter how precious the teleportation scroll is, it is not as important as a small life! One can imagine the consequences of falling into the hands of the Kingdom of the Undead.

Long Kongkong was behind, and the effect of the Tianyuan Domain would not be weakened. Strips of light wrapped around the man's body and devoured him crazily.

It was completely different from swallowing those small fish and shrimps before. After just a moment of swallowing, Long Kongkong felt like he was going to be burst. Instantly transfer energy to everyone through the Soul Ascension Shield.

The man originally wanted to ask, but he saw the scroll that Ling Menglu had torn open at a glance. Without saying a word, the bent heavy sword in his hand came out and flew straight towards Long Dangdang. The dark golden light emerging from his body also poured into the heavy sword like running water. The dark golden light almost flashed before it arrived in front of Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang's eyes were still filled with shock, because the opponent just used to block a Shura Red Lotus Sword Intent that he had cultivated with the Light and Slow Breathing Spirit Furnace, which was the knight's signature skill Divine Block, and this Shi's sword still contains the power of revenge of light!

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