Faced with the sword of light revenge thrown by the powerful dead man in front of him, Long Dangdang instantly felt the crisis of life and death. At this moment, he quickly made a comprehensive response.

Five figures separated from him instantly. Tulong Dangdang first had a gravity control fall on the heavy sword. At the same time, a wall of fire and a wall of water appeared in front of him. The gentle wind turned into a shield, which also bloomed in front of him.

This was a simultaneous attack of the four clones of water, fire, earth and wind, using low- to medium-level magic that could be cast instantly. During the period when Long Dangdang followed Wu Di, Wu Di mainly taught him not so powerful magic, but some very basic magic theories. For example, low-level magic is the most important part of magic. An excellent magician must be able to use low-level magic as his main means of combat. Because only low-level magic can be used more quickly and controlled better.

A ninth-level magic god can indeed use forbidden spells, but how long does it take to use a forbidden spell? How heavy the load is on oneself, and it is almost impossible to control the forbidden curse after it is cast. Although it has the power to destroy the world, a power that cannot be controlled cannot become a truly powerful force.

Therefore, magic does not mean that it is high-level and powerful. It also depends on how to use and control it, and how to produce the best effect while paying the minimum spiritual power and cost.

Just like in front of me, four clones instantly released four second- and third-level magics. This process is completed in just a split second. In this short period of time, there was no possibility for Long Dangdang to chant the spell.

The defensive effects produced by the four low-level magics were obviously not enough to block the fatal blow. But it can have a certain impact on it. Weaken the impact of this sword.

All the actual combat directions of the four magics are from left to right. The effect of gravity control is the strongest, because it also contains the Earth Spinosaurus talent skill, which is the most powerful, slightly deflecting it by half an inch, while the wall of fire and wall of water are the most powerful. The wind shields and wind shields were all blocked at an angle, although they were all penetrated at the first opportunity. However, the four low-level magics resisted as a whole, which weakened the impact of the heavy sword by 20% and deflected 15% of the original attack direction.

A darkness enveloped the surroundings, using low-level dark magic and light-eating techniques. It can temporarily absorb light, affecting vision, and has no offensive or defensive capabilities. But when it is used at this moment, it can prevent the powerful dead man from changing the direction of the heavy sword under the influence of low-level magic.

It all sounds slow to say, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye, and the deceased couldn't help but look surprised. Not only was he surprised by so many clones, but he was also surprised by Long Dangdang's quick reaction.

Taking advantage of this short period of respite, the azure armor has covered the whole body, holding up the magic robe on the body. Long Dangdang's figure swelled, and the silver wave magic in his hand shone with the brilliant light of the holy sword, and he struck out with a sword !

"Dang-" The curved heavy sword flew up, grazed the side of the armor transformed by Cangyue Angel, and brought up a dark blue ravine. Long Dangdang's body flew back like an electric shock, and at the same time he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful. Blood mist.

Even with so many obstacles and having completed the transformation into Cangyue Angel, he was still injured. This shows how powerful this sword is.

And at the same time that they completed this brief collision, the deceased female had also arrived. Her speed is inferior to that of the dead male, but her strength is definitely not low. Wang Changxin flapped her spiritual wings to block her way, and threw out the Tyrant Mallet with all her strength. The weapon of the deceased woman was also a sword. The long sword that looked a little slender shook illusoryly, and just clicked on the side of the Tyrant Mallet. There was a crisp "ding" sound.

Wang Changxin's strength suddenly went wrong. The Tyrant Hammer was shaken by this sword point. It felt like he had used the wrong force, and the accumulated strength was actually a little exhausted.

The dead woman was extremely fast. In a flash, she had already reached her side. The thin sword in her hand shook, and five sword rays shot out in an instant, intertwining into a five-pointed star-like brilliance in the air.

Wang Changxin flapped her spiritual wings to dodge backwards, but the five sword lights blocked all her escape routes, making her feel like she was trapped in the sword formation.

"Buzz -" A low buzz sounded on Wang Changxin, and at the same time, an unparalleled domineering aura suddenly bloomed from her body.

In an instant, Wang Changxin's figure obviously did not change, but it gave people a feeling of being upright. The Tyrant Hammer in his hand suddenly became one with his body. When the sword light struck upwards, her whole body erupted with a dark golden light, shattering the sword light into pieces. At the same time, the Tyrant Hammer instantly completed its second charge, and blasted out with one hammer. .

"Boom -" Amidst the fierce roar, the power erupted by Wang Changxin's hammer was so amazing that the female deceased had to duck away. The dead man couldn't help but turn around, and grabbed the dead woman with his right hand, giving the dead woman a pulling force and pulling her out of the range covered by the hammer.


With the burst of dark golden light, a space like a black hole was punched out of the sky. The power that exploded at that moment, as well as the extremely wild and domineering aura, gave people a sense of self-sacrifice between heaven and earth. Whose feeling.

"Hey, Xiong...Ba...Brother...Brother..." A long-sounding voice sounded from Long Dangdang's Dantian.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath, and was able to regain his composure a little after being infused with the endless flow of spiritual power from the Ascension Spirit Shield. Despite this, there was still a feeling of irritation in my chest. If it weren't for his sixth-level external spiritual power, it would have been impossible to withstand the blow just now.

A ray of holy light fell on him, healing his wounds. At the same time, the orange-red light in front of Ling Menglu had also condensed.

In the face of this kind of life and death crisis, they naturally can no longer hide anything. Only by going all out can they gain a chance to escape from the battlefield.

"Ang——" The storm demon dragon swept over with a strong wind, and countless huge blue wind blades burst out, flying straight towards the two dead people.

After exploding a blow, Wang Changxin, who used the Dominating World Spiritual Furnace and the Humming Spiritual Furnace at the same time, turned pale, and the spiritual wings behind her became a little illusory, which showed how much the blow had consumed her. Even until now, she has not been able to truly control the power of the world-dominating spiritual furnace.

"Boom--" In the wailing sound, all the wind blades in the air were shattered almost simultaneously, and the huge body of the Storm Demonic Dragon was sent flying backwards by the punch of the male deceased. The terrifying spirit gang was raging in the air, and there was a bit of coldness in the eyes of the male deceased.

The light of the scroll has begun to take shape, and under Ling Menglu's control, it is connected to everyone. In five seconds, the teleportation can take them away.

But for everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group, they had never felt that five seconds could be so long.

The male deceased took a step in the void, and with his body as the center, the surrounding space actually began to collapse. In just an instant, a field like a big net was formed. The seven Long Dangdang people in this area all felt as if their bodies were being absorbed.

field! Ninth level!

Yes, at this moment, Long Dangdang could finally confirm that the male deceased they were facing was a very upright ninth-level existence! Moreover, he was probably a ninth-level knight when he was alive. Even if he turned into the dead, he still remembered some of the knight's skills during his lifetime.

Domain is the symbol of the ninth level. This is completely different from the realm that Long Dangdang released with the help of the spiritual furnace. A ninth-level powerhouse is in his own domain. Unless the other party also has the same ninth-level domain, he can only be exploited.

It took less than a second to release the domain, and the next moment, two dead people burst out at the same time. The target of the male deceased is still Long Dangdang, with the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace. Even if his cultivation level far exceeds that of Long Dangdang, he cannot attack others before killing Long Dangdang.

The female deceased approached Wang Changxin again. The blow just now frightened her, but it also made her murderous.

The brilliant light bloomed at this moment. On Ling Menglu's chest, the orange-red light finally condensed and took shape, and the bright and powerful hammer burst out with epic power. The one who attacked was not the male deceased. Instead, he headed straight for the female deceased.

Attack the enemy and save him!

The strength of the deceased woman should be around the peak of the seventh level, and she also had superb fighting skills. Although this kind of strength is still superior to anyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group, it is not invincible.

Just before that moment, Long Dangdang had already laid out his tactics through the Ziling Crystal.

It was not only Ling Menglu who exploded at the same time, but also Wang Changxin who wielded the Tyrant Hammer again. She could no longer use the Dominant Spiritual Furnace, but it did not prevent her from using her sixth-level external spiritual power and sixth-level internal spiritual power at the same time. break out. A hammer that goes all out still has an attack power comparable to that of a seventh-level powerhouse.

At the same time, Ming Xi appeared silently behind the dead woman. The Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace attack bloomed. With the unique piercing power of the lightning thorn, it went straight to cover the back of the dead woman.

A ray of blue-purple light arrived first, the Ice and Thunder Spear magic had been completed long ago, and it exploded when it was needed most.

At this critical moment, the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group concentrated the power of four people, including the most powerful Ling Menglu, and chose to attack the opponent's weak point.

This was indeed something the two dead men did not expect, so much so that the male dead man couldn't help but froze for a moment while attacking Xiang Long Dangdang.

Affected by the domain, everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group was weakened. But the power of the domain is more targeted at Cangyue Angel Long Dangdang, who exudes the strongest aura. So much so that when Ling Menglu exploded with the Powerful Hammer of Light, she temporarily used the power of the fusion of the epic equipment and the spiritual furnace to temporarily open a gap in the realm, giving everyone a chance to besiege the deceased woman.

This was the decision Long Dangdang made the moment he discovered that the deceased male was indeed a ninth-level powerhouse.

With their strength, they definitely have no chance against a ninth-level powerhouse. Can't even hold it for five seconds. At least it's impossible for everyone to escape intact. Then, they must disturb each other's mind, win in danger and seek a glimmer of hope.

On one side, he must capture the female deceased as much as possible, and on the other side, Long Dangdang must withstand the male deceased being pulled by the Holy Soul Furnace and launching an all-out attack on him out of rage.

One side is four against one, and the other side, the only support Long Dangdang has here is Long Kongkong and Tao Linlin.

Long Dangdang was very calm when he gave the command, because he knew clearly that when it came to a life-or-death crisis, the strange purple energy in his body might burst out to save them.

Sure enough, when he suddenly discovered that his companion was being attacked, the male deceased's eyes suddenly changed, and a more terrifying power suddenly burst out from his body. Under his control, the domain seemed to have collapsed. The field instantly strengthened, limiting the four attacking Ling Menglus on the other side, and almost solidifying Long Dangdang's body on this side.

But at this moment, a door of light suddenly opened in front of Long Dangdang, and the Storm Dragon on the other side had quietly withdrawn. It had already been injured after receiving a blow from the male deceased.

Accompanied by a low roaring dragon roar, the red-armored earth dragon covered with thick scales boldly appeared between the dragon Dangdang and the male deceased.

The male deceased's punch seemed to be able to destroy the world, and the target of the attack also became the extremely strong red-armored earth dragon at this moment.

The red-armored earth dragon was controlled by Tao Linlin, and it made a full defense posture as soon as it appeared.

Long Dangdang never thought that with his current strength, he could withstand the furious attacks of the ninth-level strongman, but this did not affect his tactics.

The red-armored earth dragon is an eighth-level monster and is known for its defensive power. Coupled with its huge size, as soon as it appeared, it filled the space between Long Dangdang and its opponent.

Long Dangdang was affected by the domain, and his movements became much slower, but he still put a palm print on the back of the red-armored dragon. Inject a large amount of the spiritual power absorbed by Long Kongkong into the body of the red-armored earth dragon.

The scales all over the body of the red-armored earth dragon burst out with blazing red light. He lowered his head and used the spikes on his back to meet the attack of the ninth-level dead.

Dark golden light burst out from the body of the ninth-level deceased, and his eyes were filled with strong killing intent. When he punched out, there was a looming shadow behind him, which seemed to be a sad voice. The light and shadow of the unicorn with two wings flashed away. The next moment, his fist had already slammed into the red-armored earth dragon.

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