The thick spikes on the back of the red-armored earth dragon turned into powder almost instantly. This blow seemed to have caused its back to collapse.

Long Dangdang was behind the red-armored earth dragon at this time, and at the same time, his palm was still close to the red-armored earth dragon, instilling spiritual power into it. But at the moment when the red-armored earth dragon was hit, Long Dangdang clearly felt that an extremely terrifying force suddenly came to him through the body of the red-armored earth dragon.

Hunting cattle across the mountain? How could the ninth-level deceased be able to transmit his power through such a thick body of the red-armored earth dragon?

This thought just flashed through his mind. The next moment, the brilliance of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace bloomed on Long Dangdang's chest. He forcibly broke off the connection with the red-armored earth dragon, but even so, he The place where the palm was pressed exploded, and terrifying power mixed with the scales and flesh of the red-armored earth dragon poured out.

Although Long Dangdang had given the opponent a high estimate a long time ago, only after he actually took action did he understand how terrifying the strength of the ninth-level powerhouse was.

At this time, all he could do was lower his head, cross his arms in front of him, and use the armor of the Moon Angel to resist the impact.

At the same time, a layer of white light rippled out from Long Dangdang's dantian. The power of the ninth-level realm of the dead seemed to have no restriction on this white light. Everything around him suddenly became much slower. The attack that hit Long Dangdang's power in front of him was weakened by at least 70% at this moment. Despite this, his whole body was still blown away by the impact.

"Bang——" The huge body of the red-armored earth dragon suddenly fell into pieces, and the contract between it and Tao Linlin also collapsed in an instant. Such a powerful eighth-level monster could not even withstand a single encounter.

And the ninth-level deceased seemed to have just taken a step in the void, and the next moment, he was already in front of Long Dangdang.

Fast, too fast!

Only two seconds have passed since time reached this point.

On the other side, affected by the field, the attack stagnated slightly for a moment, before Ling Menglu's Powerful Light Hammer exploded first. The combination of epic equipment and spiritual furnace gives it super strong attack power. Even though Ling Menglu's Bright Angel Soul Furnace had already been given to Long Dangdang, at this moment, the attack it brought was still so powerful.

You know, Ling Menglu has single-handedly killed an eighth-level demon.

"Boom -" The dead woman felt as if her entire soul had been shaken apart in an instant. The most important power for the dead to survive came from the revived soul. At this moment, it seemed as if its soul had been crushed. Black smoke spewed out from the seven orifices at the same time, and a shrill scream could not help coming from his mouth.

When she screamed, it was at the same time that the red-armored earth dragon was shattered.

The male deceased who pounced on Long Dangdang subconsciously turned back to look at his companions, and the rage in his eyes turned into fear in an instant. Because, at this moment, he clearly felt that his lover was fatally threatened.

He wanted to rescue him, but under the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, he couldn't do it at all.

At the same time, Wang Changxin's Tyrant Hammer had been smashed down hard. The female deceased who was hit by the Powerful Hammer of Light could not resist at all. The long sword in her hand was smashed away, and the hammer hit her shoulder. Suddenly It can be seen that her shoulder has collapsed, and one of her arms has been blown down softly, and the armor covering her body has been shattered.

The spear of ice and thunder came through and shot directly into her right chest. Ming Xi's Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace completely shattered her armor.

After just one encounter, this female deceased, who was at the peak of the seventh level, was already on the verge of death.

Even the ninth-level deceased did not expect that the search situation would turn out to be like this. In his opinion, none of these human beings had reached the seventh level. As long as his lover could persist for a few seconds, he would kill the dragon by himself. Dangdang had time to go back for rescue, but he didn't expect that it would turn out like this.

"Stop!" The dagger in Ming Xi's hand was pressed against the temple of the dead woman, and the spear of ice and thunder that penetrated her body shone with dangerous light. As long as Yue Li detonated it, the dead woman would be transformed in an instant. All gods are destroyed.

At this moment, the fist of the ninth-level deceased was already in front of Long Dangdang's body, but it had to freeze in the air.

Long Dangdang's Cangyue Angel armor had become pitted due to the previous impact, and he spat out a mouthful of blood again. If it weren't for the guardianship of the Spirit Breathing Furnace, he would probably be dead with the blow just now.

This is the gap in strength. The combat effectiveness of the two sides is simply not proportional. The terror of the ninth-level dead was beyond what he could contend with, but he made the right bet after all.

These dead people have great wisdom. They can capture their lover and regain the initiative by relying on the characteristics of the spiritual furnace. If the other party kills him, his lover will definitely not be saved.

The eyes of the ninth-level deceased flashed with an extremely dangerous light, and he roared, "Let her go!"

Long Dangdang spread his hands and said: "As long as we leave your lover, we will be safe. Senior, I don't know why you are willing to become a dead person, but I can see your demeanor as a knight from you. Why Want to target humans as a dead person? Have you forgotten your glory as a knight?"

Just as he was speaking, the five seconds were finally up, and the light connected to the scrolls on everyone's bodies began to flicker with a faint golden color. The soft golden light made their bodies begin to become illusory.

"Yueli, take away the magic." Long Dangdang suddenly said to Yueli.

Yue Li looked at him in astonishment. Even if they teleported away, as long as the ice and thunder spear exploded when they left, the female deceased would still be killed.

But she didn't ask, she just followed Long Dangdang's words, withdrew the power of the Ice and Thunder Spear, and controlled the magic to slowly drill out from the opponent's chest. Of course, the opponent's life was still in Ming Xi's hands. After being hit by the powerful hammer of light, the deceased woman had not yet woken up.

Long Dangdang stared at the ninth-level deceased with burning eyes. Seeing Long Dangdang letting Yue Li withdraw his magic, the rage in his eyes weakened a bit, and he let out a low roar, "I want to be with her." Together, even if we sell our souls..."

Long Dangdang couldn't hear the next words. The effect of the scroll had appeared. The transmission started, golden light flashed, and the next moment, seven figures disappeared at the same time.

The effect of the Holy Spiritual Furnace connected to the ninth-level deceased naturally disappeared. His figure suddenly flashed in the air and he quickly caught his fallen lover. Feeling that his lover's life was not in danger, he breathed a sigh of relief.

While he was injecting the undead energy into his lover to heal his wounds, there was a look of confusion in his eyes, "Sacrifice soul, county soul..., the glory of a knight? Compared with her, glory is nothing..."

The golden light flickered, and when their eyes became clear again, Longdang had returned to the familiar tent. Ling Menglu previously set the return location of the teleportation scroll here.

With a "bang" sound, Long Dangdang's armor instantly disintegrated and turned into little streams of light, returning to the three spiritual furnaces.

Long Dangdang sat down on the ground, panting heavily, and couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.

Ling Menglu quickly cast another healing spell on him to stabilize his injuries.

The previous battle was equivalent to Long Dangdang facing the ninth-level dead on his own, bearing most of the pressure.

Everyone's eyes were still filled with fear at this time. The strength of the ninth-level deceased was simply too strong. If it weren't for the teleportation scroll, maybe they would all be there today. Even if Long Dangdang summons Xiaoba, it would be impossible to withstand the terrifying combat power of the entangled dead.

"It's a loss, it's a loss, it's a big loss this time. Not a single task was completed, and a teleportation scroll was set up." Long Kongkong murmured. His whole body was still very full, and he was constantly going through the ascension process. The spiritual shield quickly filters the absorbed energy and passes it on to everyone.

Everyone's faces looked a little ugly. They were already very cautious during this trip. In order to avoid risks, they always look for some lone low-level undead creatures to attack. But who could have imagined that in the end they would encounter an existence like the ninth-level dead that was completely beyond their ability to contend. It is already very difficult to escape unscathed. But they all know how precious a teleportation scroll is. These three teleportation scrolls were obtained specifically for Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. I was really unwilling to use up one of them even though I didn't have much gain.

"Everyone transform your spiritual power first." Long Dangdang didn't say much and immediately signaled to everyone.

At this time, when they returned to the tent, in a safe environment, everyone could naturally let go and transform the spiritual power that Long Kongkong had swallowed previously. Long Kongkong's external spiritual power is now quite strong, and his body can withstand more spiritual power. In addition, the energy of the ninth-level deceased is extremely pure, and the absorption and transformation actually took less than half an hour to complete. Everyone's faces also looked much better.

The spiritual power swallowed by the dragon in the last battle was transformed and absorbed by everyone. On average, each person's internal spiritual power increased by about a hundred. For other teams, this would be a pretty good improvement. Not too much for them, but still acceptable. Of course, compared with the teleportation scroll, it is still a bit distressing.

After completing the absorption and transformation of all spiritual power, check the record of the spiritual crystal. Long Dangdang couldn't help but frowned. None of the tasks they accepted had been completed. Not only the complete tasks, but even the high-level undead required to be killed by the tasks. There are only military merit bracelets that record some meritorious deeds, and the number is of course very limited. After all, the meritorious value of low-level undead is also limited.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Long Dangdang. Ling Menglu said: "This time it was an accident. After all, none of us expected to encounter such a powerful dead person in the wild. It is already good to be able to escape unscathed. Just be more careful later. . It can be regarded as a test against a strong person."

Ming Xi said a little heartlessly: "I didn't expect that we could escape in front of the ninth level. It seems that we have really become stronger!"

If you think about it from her perspective, it seems that this is really the case. Being able to escape from the hands of a ninth-level expert really proves that they have become stronger as a whole. If we were facing an eighth-level dead person, it was hard to say who would win and who would lose. After all, Ling Menglu has epic equipment.

"Take a day off and let's start again." Long Dangdang didn't say much. He didn't gain much this time, so he'll find it next time.

However, through this time, he also gained a lot of experience. Facing the undead army is completely different from being in a demonic realm. First of all, the mentality is different. The biggest advantage is that the devil will not really die, and the enemies come in waves, so there is plenty of time to take advantage of them. Facing the undead army is a completely different situation. The first thing is to ensure safety, and then not to touch too many undead creatures. Otherwise, even if you kill them, you won't have time to swallow up so much energy, which will lead to a situation where the gain outweighs the loss. This makes them a little timid in taking action.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest. Long Dangdang himself had been thinking about how to maximize the benefits in this situation, instead of wasting precious teleportation slots by teleporting back in despair like before.

With their strength, they shouldn't just kill some low-level undead and be done with it.

If you want to gain enough benefits and truly weaken undead creatures, what are the problems that need to be solved?

Long Dangdang began to list several problems they were facing now in his mind. The most important thing is of course your own safety. Only by ensuring your own safety can you better kill the enemy. The second is how to completely devour and absorb the undead energy after killing the undead creatures.

Although Long Kongkong's devouring ability is now much stronger than before, it can hold more energy. But it's still limited. After all, he was only at level five, not even level six. The total amount of spiritual power is there, even if the external spiritual power is very strong.

This restricts them from killing a large number of undead creatures at once, and it is useless to kill them. Most of the undead energy has been recovered, and it will not take long before there is another undead army. This forced Long Dangdang to give up the idea of ​​using large-scale magic to kill dead and alive creatures. Moreover, the energy fluctuations caused by the large-scale magic itself are difficult to conceal from detection.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm stuck in a knot.

If you can't figure it out yourself, then simply stop thinking about it and ask the spiritual furnace when you are in trouble. There are so many wise spiritual furnaces with tens of thousands of years of experience. If you consult them at critical moments, you might gain something.

The bright moon is in the sky, Long Dangdang chats privately with Long Kongkong, "Come to my place."

The bright moon was in the sky, Long Kongkong chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Has your conscience been discovered? Let me sleep in the house?"

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