Back when Long Dangdang had not yet reached the sixth level, he was able to deal with these Beta flying demons through the restricted air, not to mention that now his strength has reached the peak of the sixth level, and Xiaoba is continuing to evolve. The same forbidden air is also completely different.

In addition, with Ling Menglu here this time, the Spiritual Shock of the Sacred Hammer Soul Furnace combined with the epic-level equipment has not even been able to destroy the eighth-level powerhouse, let alone the seventh-level one. Even if it is scattered, it can severely damage the bloodthirsty beta. There is no problem in the spiritual world either. Unable to control his fall from a high altitude, the seventh level is not a god, and he cannot complete the elemental transformation because he cannot control himself during the falling process. Is it still okay?

As a result, this level passed in a shorter time than the previous level, and it took no effort at all.

Long Kongkong began to continue to devour, his main job was this, and Long Dangdang had already landed on Xiaoba again.

"The dragon knight is so handsome, so strong." Ming Xi looked at Long Dangdang, his eyes shining brightly.

Ling Menglu blocked her view intentionally or unintentionally, "Am I not handsome?"

"He's handsome, too." Ming Xi chuckled.

Devour and devour. Canghai secretly calculated while storing it. With the energy he was devouring now, after being transformed by Long Kongkong, he could already replenish himself nearly 10,000 spiritual power. This was not over yet. At this rate, my own repair is really just around the corner! What a beautiful thing this is!

Moreover, this journey to the devil's land is not over yet.

"Everyone, get on Xiaoba's back." After Long Kongkong finished devouring it, Long Dangdang immediately called his friends to get on Xiaoba's back. With Xiaoba's current size, he can already fly with them.

Everyone had just settled down when Xiaoba twisted his body and flew into the air.

Long Kongkong sat behind Long Dangdang and said excitedly: "Can I also be regarded as a dragon knight? Brother, let's discuss it and lend me Xiaoba in the future. Let me show my face at the critical moment."

Long Dangdang said angrily: "If you're not afraid of Xiaoba throwing you down, just give it a try."

At this time, as Xiaoba ascended into the sky, a new batch of demons in the distance could already be seen.

On the ground, the Magic Eye Warlock Legion was heading towards them in neat formation. Once the medium and long-range attack demons form a legion level, collective attacks are no joke.

But this is not the first time Long Dangdang has dealt with this kind of demon, and he is very experienced. With the emergence of the Bird Demon Legion, Long Dangdang still used the best old tricks to deal with the demons organized by these two legions. Raising it to a high altitude, a height beyond the reach of the Magic Eye Warlock's attack, he guided the Bird Demon Legion to aim at the direction of the Magic Eye Warlock Legion below, and finally closed the air.

The bird demon falling from the sky, like a meteorite falling, became the best attack weapon. Yue Li added another large-scale attack magic, and the battle ended.

The two legions didn't even have time to rush to the location where the demon-suppressing tree was planted, and they were already in disarray. The next step is just the finishing work.

"There's still one round left before we get to the Demon God, right?" Ling Menglu asked Long Dangdang.

Everyone rode Xiaoba to the ground again, and Long Kongkong was already busy and continued to devour.

Long Dangdang nodded, "There should be a group of strong demons, and then they will face the demon."

"Then I'll break through first." Ling Menglu smiled sweetly.

As soon as she said this, everyone's eyes immediately fell on her. In terms of talent, she is undoubtedly the tallest among them all, but she is so relaxed when it comes to breakthroughs. For all professionals, this is a watershed breakthrough! But in her opinion, it seemed that it just happened naturally.

"Okay, let's protect you, and I will make Kongkong swallow it slower." Long Dangdang said.

"Okay." Ling Menglu said no more, but sat down cross-legged to absorb the spiritual power transmitted by Long Kongkong.

A faint golden halo surrounds her body. Every time she practices, others will have the feeling that Ling Menglu is as solemn as a treasure during practice. Even in this world without light elements, the energy on her body The brilliance has never diminished.

Pure and soft light elements surrounded Ling Menglu's body. In front of her, the light flashed, and the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace flew out. The soft golden light fell and bathed Ling Menglu's body, adding a bit of divine color to her.

What's even more strange is that in this world where there is no light element, a gap seems to open in the sky. A soft white halo falls from the sky and slowly falls on Ling Menglu. A slight but pleasant buzzing sound follows. begins to appear.

Long Kongkong suddenly felt that Ling Menglu's rate of absorbing his filtered energy began to accelerate. The soft light elements shuttled through her body, and the buzzing sound began to continue to increase.

"Hymn? Is this a hymn?" Tao Linlin said in surprise.

There has always been a legend in the Priest Temple that when a priest who is truly recognized by the God of Light breaks through the ninth level, an archangel will come to bless him, and hymns will be blared to congratulate him.

But the number of ninth-level experts who can truly attract these two is less than one among the saints still alive in the Priest Temple. At this moment, Ling Menglu has only broken through the seventh level! Why are there hymns being played?

The soft chants began to become louder and louder, and the white holy light falling from the sky began to become more and more intense, as if it was a light that transcended planes, even in a dark world, It will still shine on her.

The headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group.

"The surveillance over the Demon Realm found that a large amount of energy was lost in the Demon Realm, and the rate of loss was very abnormal."

"Then just let them continue to inject energy. Aren't they supported by spiritual crystals?"

"It's been injected, but it's still being consumed very quickly. It's completely abnormally fast."

"How many people are practicing in the Demon Realm now?"

"It seems that there is only one demon hunting group here. I took a look and it is the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group, general level."

"What about Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu? What did they do? That caused the energy to be lost so quickly?"

"I don't know the details. We can't ask until they come out. What should we do now?"

"Add another batch of spiritual crystals to maintain the demonic realm. How much difference is their current consumption compared with normal?"

"It's seven times worse."

"What? This is impossible. Could it be that they can draw spiritual power directly from the demon realm? Even if the demons in the demon realm are killed, the energy will return to the plane itself, and the demons will be reborn next time."

"I'm not sure exactly, but this situation seems to have happened before, but it's not as serious as this time. I'll check when was the last time this happened."

"No matter what, we must first support the stability of the Demon Realm. We must not let the Demon Realm be damaged."


The Magic Eye Warlock Legion and the Bird Demon Legion were quickly devoured. But everyone's attention was focused on the loud hymn.

The holy light falling from the sky has turned into a white light pillar with a diameter of ten meters. The light pillars are connected to the sky. What is even more strange is that around the light pillars, there are many lovely white angels dancing in the sky.

Except for Yue Li, everyone else is a genius student who graduated from Lingluo Academy. Lingluo Academy can learn much more than ordinary academies, but they have also never heard of a priest who breaks through the seventh level. Such a scene appears.

Breaking through the seventh level and transforming the body into elemental form, although there will be some obvious changes, it won't be such a big battle, right? This is also a bit exaggerated.

"What should we do, brother? I've almost eaten everything here." Long Kongkong said to Long Dangdang.

It obviously took longer for Ling Menglu to break through to the seventh level than everyone thought. It seemed that it was still unknown how long it would take. But after Long Kongkong finishes devouring it, subsequent attacks will come.

Long Dangdang remembered what Ling Menglu asked him just now, and he understood something in his heart, and said: "It's okay, we will deal with the demons behind. Don't affect Menglu's breakthrough. Everyone, prepare to fight."

Back then, only he and Long Kongkong could face the demon clan, let alone now that they had so many partners.

Tao Linlin and Yue Li began to prepare spells, and the others were also ready.

As the life energy of a bird demon was devoured, tall figures began to appear in the distance.

It was a tall and tall person. They didn't seem to be moving very fast, but when they appeared, the pressure they brought in the air was unmatched by any previous demon army.

Their bodies were burning with dark red flames, and they had a pair of huge wings on their backs. They were six meters tall, and the first one was over eight meters tall. There are nine of them in total, and they are all existences with extremely strong auras.

The big demon in the center is more than eight meters tall, as if he came out of the flame hell, eighth level!

Every time I reach this level, it is not easy. Especially the eighth-level demon is very difficult to deal with.

At this moment, a dark golden light door quietly emerged from the side of the crowd, and with a low roar, a powerful figure walked out of it.

This figure is somewhat familiar to everyone, a seventh-level, red-armored earth dragon.

But this red-armored earth dragon is obviously not the same one as before. The one that Zeng Jin had died in battle, but this is the magical beast that Tao Linlin can summon after reaching the peak of the sixth level.

The red-armored earth dragon let out a deep roar. With its power, it might not even be able to defeat the seventh-level demon on the opposite side, but it was better because of its rough skin and thick flesh. It could withstand the attack of the demon for a period of time without any problem. .

Ming Xi's figure has disappeared and entered an invisible state.

Long Dangdang said in a deep voice: "Leave the eighth-level one to me and Kongkong, and leave the rest to everyone." As he spoke, he walked forward slowly. As he moved forward, a strange scene appeared. .

Behind Long Dangdang, like afterimages, there were figures left behind, but those figures quickly solidified and turned into real people. Each of them had two spirit demon-level knight swords in their hands, which Long Dangdang had only acquired recently. A total of five figures stood side by side with Wang Changxin.

The five Long Dangdang clones, plus Wang Changxin, Tao Linlin, and Ming Xi, were fighting against eight seventh-level great demons. As for the eighth-level big demon in the center, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong face it together.

At this moment, the nine great demons on the opposite side spread their wings behind them and accelerated suddenly, charging straight in the direction of everyone.

In the past, when facing this level, Long Dangdang had to rack his brains and use various tactics to fight, but this time, he did not and directly chose to fight head-on.

Long Kongkong slid down, his spiritual wings spread out behind him, and he followed Long Dangdang closely. Xiaoba was not summoned. The two brothers faced the eighth level.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. Long Dangdang's chest flashed with white light, and the light of the Holy Spirit Furnace was instantly connected to the eighth-level demon.

The big demon's eyes flashed with ferocious light, and the wings behind its back flapped suddenly. The next moment, it rose into the sky with a powerful momentum that seemed to squeeze out all the surrounding dark energy, and its own dark power was instantly injected into the heavy sword in its hand. In an instant, all the power of darkness within a radius of a kilometer was concentrated on its heavy sword, facing the dragon and slashing it down head-on.

The chaos staff in Long Dangdang's hand was replaced by the beginning of Yinlang Magic. Faced with such a powerful blow, he did not panic at all. A layer of white halo floated out from the dantian, and the soft, waxy, androgynous voice seemed to echo in the air, "Don't... make trouble..."

The power of darkness that fell from the air became sluggish almost instantly, and everything slowed down a lot. Even if this big demon was an eighth-level powerhouse, he still had to slow down when facing the light and slow soul-breathing furnace.

Behind Long Dangdang, the golden light on Long Kongkong's chest flashed, as if something poured into his chest. The next moment, the dark blue halo that was originally on his chest suddenly enlarged and turned into a halo directly in his head. Then, immediately after, a dark blue light passed over Long Dangdang and directly enveloped the eighth-level demon.

The fourth-level Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace finally appeared.

Under the amplification of Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace, the skill released by the fourth-level Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace at this time is called: Touch of the Abyss.

The touch of the abyss is absolutely established, devouring it like crazy!

As long as the opponent is locked mentally, this is an unavoidable skill.

The violent aura of the eighth-level demon, the moment it was hit by the touch of the abyss, the hell flames around it in the air and around its body were extinguished in an instant, while the Canghai behind Long Kongkong suddenly lit up.

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