Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 281 Big devils are all treasures

The eighth-level demon was even a little dazed at this moment. When the touch of the abyss fell on it, it did not feel any pain, but felt a little empty for an instant, as if there was a particularly comfortable world in front of him. It's like he's getting into it. And his previous crazy fighting spirit was swallowed up in this moment.

By the fourth level, the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace has devoured not only vitality and spiritual power, but also willpower and soul power.

Even Long Dangdang was a little shocked when he saw this scene. Has Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace even extinguished the hell flames of the great demon? A bit fierce!

Of course, he would not let go of such a good opportunity. While the big demon showed a brief delay, behind Long Dangdang, a red lotus bloomed instantly, and the aura of killing was filled with awe. A stream of Shura red lotus sword energy burst into the air. The layers merged together, and as the dragon rose up, it instantly became one with his body and sword.

In the past few months, Long Dangdang has not only cultivated spiritual power, he has also used this time to integrate and cultivate the abilities he currently possesses, especially the abilities of several major wisdom spiritual furnaces, and has basically mastered them. .

The Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace was the terrifying existence that dominated killing among the original twelve watchers. It had only one ability, which was attack, a pure attack, an attack with incomparable killing intent. Although it is now broken and has lost its wisdom, the invincible killing spirit is still there. When using it, the more murderous and relentless it is, the more terrifying the power it can unleash.

The gleaming light of the Holy Sword at the beginning of Yinlang's magic has now been rendered blood-colored by the Shura Red Lotus. The blood-colored Holy Sword moves from bottom to top, but it sets off Long Dangdang's blood-colored demonic killing aura.

"When--" A violent roar exploded in the air. The dragon flew back upside down, and the Shura Red Lotus Sword Qi circled around his body and cut wildly with the power of the big demon's explosion, but the big demon's whole body was flashing with red light and he also flew back. At this time, it only felt that the extremely sharp aura and the murderous aura that made its heart palpitate were impacting in the body, making it indescribably uncomfortable.

Long Dangdang used his sixth-level peak cultivation to defeat the eighth-level demon with one blow. Although he had the help of Long Kongkong, the other friends still looked at him with suspicion. This seems a bit strong! That's the eighth level! And it seemed that the big devil had suffered a loss, as Long Dangdang fell down smoothly.

The gap between the sixth level and the eighth level is indeed huge. But Long Dangdang himself is already close to the seventh level, and more importantly, don't forget, he has exerted the power of two spiritual furnaces of wisdom at the same time! Coupled with Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace and Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace, the power of the four major spiritual furnaces is superimposed on the two brothers. Although the eighth-level demon is powerful, it is not unstoppable.

On the other side, others have also taken action at the same time, facing eight seventh-level demons. Blocked all the enemies to protect Ling Menglu's breakthrough.

Although they usually spar, it is not like this kind of life-and-death struggle. At this time, not only did everyone not feel timid at all, but they all felt excited.

Long Dangdang's five clones blocked five seventh-level demons. Just for this reason, he is definitely the number one knight among his peers. His main body and clone share the spiritual power of his main body at the same time. Under normal circumstances, this level of fighting will definitely not last long, but he can't stand it with a spiritual treasure beside him! The spiritual power shared by Long Kongkong is endless. Now their brothers' cultivation levels are almost equal. The Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace is as high as the fourth level, and the spiritual power swallowed up is far more than what Long Dangdang is currently consuming.

Long should be careful to use multiple branches of his mind. His illusion of mind and distraction method has also made great progress in the past few months. Although there are still not enough clones to be able to fight independently, the overall control is still possible. Barely resisting the attacks of several big demons, at least blocking them for the time being is no problem.

In order to reduce the control as much as possible and obtain strong enough attack power, Long Dangdang asked his five clones to use the high-end skills of the Punishment Knight from the beginning. He learned this from the secret treasures of the Knights Temple. It was created by the powerful knight who once thought he controlled the throne of the Divine Seal of Killing and Punishment in the Knights Temple. It's called Dousha Xuanyuan Sword.

The five clones each held heavy swords and rotated at high speed, like five hurricanes releasing different attributes. The five oppressive demons were retreating steadily, and they had to continue to use powerful attacks that consumed a lot of spiritual power to barely resist.

The red-armored earth dragon also blocked a big demon. Although it was soon scarred, with its strong body, it was not easy for the big demon to kill it.

Taolinlin's summons continued, and the summoning doors continued to open, and some fifth- and sixth-level monsters rushed out from them. The individual strength of these monsters was nothing, but their numbers were increasing. For Chi Jia While the Earth Dragon provides escort, it can also harass other great demons to a certain extent.

Ming Xi appeared quietly next to a big demon. Although the stealth attack failed to succeed immediately, it still traumatized the opponent. With high-speed and high-frequency attacks, it was considered a fight with a seventh-level big demon. of sound and color.

The only person with an oppressive advantage on the battlefield was Wang Changxin. Wang Changxin held the Tyrant Hammer, and the hammer that had already been charged up came out violently. He fought a seventh-level demon seven times in a row and smashed it in the middle. The suppressed opponent is losing ground, and victory is only a matter of time.

Yue Li served as the rear guard, guarding in front of Ling Menglu. The sun and the moon were shining together. The spear of ice and thunder was ready. She glanced over and finally selected the big demon that the red-armored earth dragon faced. , because this is the direction where you least need to worry about accidental injury.

Accompanied by a flying shot that burst out like a blue-purple thunder, the big demon was entangled by multiple summoned beasts headed by the red-armored earth dragon. He had no way to escape and was severely injured in one blow. The direction of the battlefield began to tilt instantly.

Every time they reached this level before, it was quite thrilling for Long Dangdang and the others, but this time it was obviously different. With pure force, they blocked such a powerful enemy. The only thing that can be proved is that, Their current strength is no longer what it used to be.

The eighth-level demon has already fought hard with Long Dangdang several times. It has obviously reached the powerful power of Ling Gang, coupled with the increase in attributes of its own demon clan, but it can't suppress the demon who is not yet at the sixth level. opponent. Whenever its spiritual power explodes, the suction force acting on its body will instantly increase, making it feel empty for a moment, and then it will be blocked back by Long Dangdang. What makes it even more difficult to accept is that after the collision, its own The dark attribute does not have a great impact on the opponent. On the contrary, the murderous aura penetrated into one's body by the opponent has a great impact on oneself. The extremely sharp murderous aura impacts vertically and horizontally in one's body, not only affecting one's own soul. His strength and even his spiritual will were affected by the murderous aura and began to become chaotic.

The big devil understood that the real threat to him was the guy behind him. The power of that spiritual furnace is really too powerful. In just such a short time, at least half of my spiritual energy has been swallowed up by it. As long as the time lasts a little longer, one will ebb and flow, and he will be finished.

What it doesn't understand is why this little human can swallow so much of its own spiritual power. Wouldn't it be burst?

The huge demon wings behind the big demon spread out, swallowing and absorbing the two elements of darkness and fire in the air. However, the speed it swallowed and absorbed was not faster than its own consumption. The impact of the killing energy gradually appeared. Feeling weak, its eyes gradually began to turn red.

At this moment, not far away, there was a sudden "boom" and a shocking burst of flames.

Long Kongkong has been paying attention to the entire audience. After his Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was enhanced to the fourth level, the touch of the abyss not only acted on the eighth-level demon in front of him, but also quietly branched out. Although the one that fell on other big demons was not as strong as the one that fell on the eighth-level big demon, it still continued to devour it.

At this time, it was the big demon that was hit by the ice and thunder spear that suddenly erupted into shocking flames. When it felt that its own life was in danger, it exploded instantly, and the demon's disintegration method reappeared in the world.

Before embarking on this journey to the Demon Realm, everyone had already made careful plans. Among them, the current level is the most important.

The big demons are different from the previous demons. They are truly high-level demons. In addition to their natural skills, they also have powerful explosive and recovery abilities. And this will undoubtedly bring more benefits to everyone, making Long Kongkong's devouring power more useful. Therefore, Long Dangdang changed his approach of explosive attacks and just fought with his friends against these big demons, forcing them to absorb more dark elements and forcing them to gradually explode. In order for Long Kongkong to gain more benefits, the opportunity gained by seven thousand meritorious deeds must of course be fully utilized.

At this time, the first big demon chose the explosive attack of the disintegration of the demon. Long Kongkong immediately adjusted his touch of the abyss. The strongest one that originally acted on the eighth-level demon turned instantly and landed on the spot where the demon disintegrated. side.

When a seventh-level demon uses such a secret method to explode, it can even temporarily reach the eighth level. Its body is like a furnace, stimulating and burning its own demon blood, and it is also a bit like the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace. The swallowing absorbs the dark elements and fire elements in the air, thereby achieving the purpose of leapfrog explosion. This skill cannot last long, but when it explodes, it is really powerful.

Unfortunately, what it was facing at this moment was Long Kongkong's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, which had reached the fourth level.

It had just begun to erupt like a ignited furnace, and the suction force acting on its body increased sharply. The energy condensed through the disintegration of the demon was released to a large extent, allowing it to explode suddenly when it was seriously injured. There was a pause. The surrounding summoned beasts came one after another, blocking its way. Although it was brave enough to kill a few of them, it was still unable to break out of the summoned beasts. The huge energy brought by the disintegration of the demon was constantly being devoured and absorbed.

Long Kongkong feels so good right now! After activating the Touch of the Abyss, the energy absorbed at the same time was so huge that the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace behind him had already revealed its true form, and Canghai's figure had disappeared, leaving only the moon-white spiritual furnace behind him. Kongkong was spinning behind him. While spinning, the spiritual furnace was getting bigger and bigger, and there was even a turbulent sound coming from inside. The sea was open to all rivers, and no matter how much energy Long Kongkong swallowed and absorbed, it would follow the order. Receive it all and waste nothing.

The smile on Long Dangdang's face became more and more intense. The beginning of the Silver Wave Magic in his hand was already in his left hand, driving the edge of the Shura Red Lotus to continuously block the eighth-level demon in front of him. The Holy Glory Heart Glove in his right hand continued to release. With the brilliance of the Holy Sword, he doesn't use explosive skills. He sticks to his opponent without letting him explode. It always seemed like he was losing ground, but the eighth-level demon just couldn't get out of his way.

The same goes for the five clones. Dousha Xuanyuan Sword is like a barrier, sweeping and impacting, but not oppressing. What he is doing now is to prevent all the big demons from breaking out at the same time because they feel the crisis. The skill of Demonic Disintegration is capable of injuring an enemy by one thousand and damaging itself by eight hundred. Once used, it will cause nearly irrecoverable damage and even endanger life. Therefore, these big demons will not use it unless absolutely necessary. What's more, they are also virtual existences in the demonic realm, and their own intelligence is not comparable to that of the real demons from thousands of years ago.

Gradually, the aura of the first big demon that exploded into the disintegration of the demon gradually became weaker, and the effect of the disintegration of the demon began to fade away. But at this time, Long Kongkong relaxed some of his devouring power and redirected the most devouring power to the eighth-level demon, devouring his spiritual power and sharing the pressure for Long Dangdang.

In this situation of fighting, all partners receive continuous recovery and support of spiritual power from Long Kongkong, and there is no need to worry about their own consumption. The reserves in the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace are rising rapidly. Although These are still spiritual powers that have not been transformed, but the advantage is that they are huge in number!

"Boom -" The second blazing flame erupted at this moment. It erupted from a deep pit on the ground. It was Wang Changxin's opponent, the big demon who was smashed into the ground by her hammer.

Wang Changxin used her Tyrant Hammer to tell this seventh-level demon what it means to be tough! And Long Kongkong's touch of the abyss arrived on time. The big demons are all treasures, and no one can be missing!

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