Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 282 Seventh Level Seventh Level!

"Boom——" The big demon in the disintegrated state of the demon rushed out brazenly. There was no heavy sword, and even one of his arms was broken by the previous attack of the Tyrant Hammer, but it still broke out under the blessing of the secret method. With super strong fighting power, just one punch knocked Wang Changxin away with him and the mallet.

But at this moment, a white light was connected to it like a bolt, causing the big demon to stop charging at Wang Changxin for an instant.

Holy Spiritual Furnace.

Long Kongkong even waved in its direction, with a mean smile on his face.

The big demon's emotions were in a state of disintegration, and he was in a state of madness. He didn't even hesitate at all, but he immediately rushed back and rushed towards Long Kongkong. But the touch of the abyss acting on it has suddenly strengthened.

Long Kongkong slid under his feet at an extremely fast speed, his figure constantly flashing left and right, as slippery as a loach.

This is Gou Knight Naye's special skill, and Long Kongkong is also well versed in this. His mantra is safety first! What better situation could there be than such a safe escape? Therefore, he worked hard on the sliding step. With his current cultivation level at the sixth level, plus his own external spiritual power, which is also at the sixth level, he burst out with all his strength. The speed is so fast that it can almost be said that It's flying close to the ground.

Even so, in a pure competition of speed, he is definitely not as good as the big demon who disintegrated the demon, but the problem is that the best thing about sliding is not speed, but changing direction!

When Long Kongkong made a nearly 180-degree change of direction in an instant, the big demon was almost dodged, and his wings plowed a deep groove on the ground. Then he barely stopped his body and pursued Long Kongkong again. go.

And when it was about to catch up with Long Kongkong, Big Hammer Tyrant had already gathered its momentum, fell from the sky, and fought with it head-on, causing Long Kongkong to slide aside.

Not far away, summoned beasts were already rushing over. The first big demon to use the Demon Disintegration had no fighting power and could only fall to the ground and be gradually swallowed up by the touch of the abyss.

At this point in the battle, it has already entered the process of defeating them one by one. When Wang Changxin's opponent also fell, she naturally found Ming Xi's opponent.

One by one, the big demons gradually fell after the disintegration and outbreak of the demon. Until Long Kongkong exerted all his devouring power on the eighth-level demon, it was oppressed and also performed the Demon Disintegration.

The sudden explosion was indeed terrifying, but what faced it were all the clones of Long Dangdang who had their hands free. Stripping away an element will greatly reduce its two attributes of darkness and fire. And even if it breaks out, the eighth-level great demon cannot explode to the level of the ninth-level great demon. Under the siege of everyone, the Touch of the Abyss devoured it with all its strength, and finally slowly consumed it.

Everyone's faces were filled with excitement. For them, this battle was not just a training in actual combat. Even though they haven't really gone all out, and even without a core goddess, they can still defeat a big demon of this size, which is definitely something they should be proud of.

Putting aside the gains, their own strength is already completely different from when they were still in Linglu Academy. As long as you cross the threshold of the seventh level, you can be said to have become a high-level professional.

The big demons on the ground were still fluttering a little. This was because Long Kongkong deliberately kept them alive. One was to allow them to absorb the dark elements and slowly recover and devour them for a while. The other was to buy some time for his friends to break through.

Tao Linlin, Wang Changxin, and Yue Li were all sitting down cross-legged at this time. After the battle just now, their own energy, blood and spiritual power, all at the peak of the sixth level, had been fully stimulated, and they kicked out the final kick. The time has come.

Long Kongkong himself is not in a hurry to break through. He has devoured so much spiritual power now, mainly for everyone to transform and absorb. His breakthrough was not rushed.

The hymn shining on Ling Menglu was still loud, the angels were still dancing, and the white beam of light even became a little bigger, but her breakthrough was still not completed.

Long Dangdang could vaguely feel that Ling Menglu at this time could not simply be described as a breakthrough, but could even be described as a transformation. Her entire vital signs were undergoing earth-shaking changes. Her skin became more radiant and shiny, and her long hair was spread behind her head. Every strand of hair seemed to be emitting golden light. The loud hymn baptized her body and soul. Even just looking at her, there would be a feeling. A feeling of tranquility.

The spiritual power brought by the nine great demons is extremely huge. Although there are many legion-level demons in front of them, the quality of the energy of the truth is not as good as that brought by these nine great demons. This huge spiritual power just allowed Long Kongkong to transform for a while longer.

This level is not their final goal. They have come, and of course they will strive for as many benefits as they can.

Looking at the four partners who were making a breakthrough, to be honest, Long Dangdang felt a little envious. He knew the difference between the sixth level and the seventh level very well. This is an important watershed! Even more so for him. Once he can reach the state of the elemental body, the strength of each of his clones will be greatly enhanced, whether it is continuous combat ability, recovery ability, or explosive power.

Like his teacher, the reckless knight Hai Jifeng, some truly powerful skills can only be used after reaching the seventh level, because only the body of the elemental body can withstand the explosion of that level.

However, he could not go any further before completing the repair of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. After gently shaking the Silver Wave Magic in his hand, Long Dangdang calmed down his mind. Then just wait until the day when Canghai is completely restored.

Although this process is a bit painful for me, once Canghai's repair is completed, it means that I will have a truly complete Twelve Watcher partner. Although the Light Tun Slow Breathing Spiritual Furnace is also at this level, it is not a true watcher after all, and the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace also needs to be repaired. Canghai told him that as a top-level auxiliary spiritual furnace, if he could recover, he would not only have the ability to find partners, but also help Shura repair. At that time, perhaps it would be his time to accumulate more resources.

Turning his head to look at Long Kongkong, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and channeling his spiritual power to filter, Long Dangdang couldn't help but feel something strange in his heart.

Although it seems that he is the one who takes the initiative to bear most of the pressure today, in fact, among the four elements, in all the battles today, the real core is his younger brother.

With the three spiritual furnaces of Yuanwu, Shenqiyutong and Starlight, he has not only caught up with himself in strength, but is even on the verge of surpassing him. Although he doesn't like head-on combat, who can deny how powerful he is now? The fourth-level Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace has such an obvious effect on the eighth-level demon. What if it works on professionals? Who dares to say that these teammates can stop them?

Long Dangdang is heartily happy that his younger brother has become stronger. Long Kongkong has long been the focus of the Kingdom of the Undead because of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. As his own strength increases, he will naturally be able to better protect himself.

While Long Dangdang was thinking in his mind, suddenly, a clear buzz sounded, attracting his attention. I saw two spiraling rays of light rising into the sky, and in an instant, a strange image appeared in the sky.

This ray of light appeared directly from Yue Li's body in the sky, and what was blended in the light column was the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

The Sun and Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace was quietly suspended in Yue Li's chest, and the soft light of the sun and moon reflected each other in the sky. Until now, Yue Li's presence in the team has not been particularly strong. Long Dangdang is also a magician herself, and most of the time she just follows Long Dangdang's orders. But today, at this moment, she was the first to achieve a breakthrough.

In the beam of light, the sunlight and the moonlight complement each other, entangled yet distinct. The spiritual furnace in front of her vibrated slightly, as if she was trying to break away from something, but couldn't completely break free.

Water and fire blend, ice and thunder blend. The aura on Yue Li's body began to rise significantly, and the fluctuations of the surrounding elements became obviously more and more intense.

There were only dark elements and fire elements in the demonic realm, but at this moment, from the sun and moon spiritual furnace, more water elements flew out and merged into her body. Yue Li's delicate body became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye, a strange light shone on her body, and the soft brilliance continued to rise. The aura of the spiritual furnace is also increasing, but it seems to be blocked by some invisible force from completing a qualitative leap.

With her transparent body, the runes of the sun and the moon gradually appeared on Yue Li's forehead, and her aura began to surge accordingly. This is the process of elementalization of the body, and is a symbol of the professional entering the seventh level.

From this moment on, Yue Li has advanced from a sixth-level great mage to a seventh-level great mage, becoming a truly powerful magician.

It’s level seven, so great! Long Dangdang admired from the bottom of his heart.

The seventh-level great mage, the sun and the moon shine together and the moon separates.

At this moment, suddenly, the world seemed to shake slightly, and an extremely domineering aura suddenly rushed out. Long Dangdang's eyes were then attracted, and he saw a dark golden light rising into the sky, and then there appeared a huge spiritual furnace full of majestic aura, with exquisite reliefs of mountains and rivers on it.

After the spiritual furnace appeared, it immediately rose up in the storm, and in an instant it turned into a huge existence ten meters in diameter, as if it was about to swallow the world, slowly rotating in the air, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

Wisps of dark golden mist flowed out from it, injected downwards, and integrated into Wang Changxin's body. Wang Changxin's body began to become transparent in an instant, but it was not a change in any element, but the entire body began to turn into a transparent dark golden color.

Is this the dominating spiritual furnace among the Twelve Watchers? Long Dangdang was shocked. The domineering aura bursting out from the dark golden spiritual furnace was a bit scornful of the world. Just as soon as it appeared, it was like the core of heaven and earth, rejecting everything around it. Only Wang Changxin below was empowered by the dark golden light it released.

This is not any elemental attribute, but the domineering spirit blooming from the world-dominated spiritual furnace, and what Wang Changxin is about to achieve is not the body of elements, but the body of a tyrant.

Wang Changxin has a very fit figure, and is even a bit taller than most boys. At this moment, with the injection of the aura of dominance, her body looks a bit slender, but the whole body exudes The dark golden color of her hair gives people an extremely dangerous feeling. The long hair slides down the sides of her cheeks. Although she is just sitting there cross-legged, it gives people a majestic feeling.

Long Dangdang vaguely understood that this process seemed to be the beginning of Wang Changxin's complete integration with the world-dominated spiritual furnace. Yes, she was finally going to fully integrate with this spiritual furnace. Previously, she could only borrow a little bit of the power of the spiritual furnace, but now, it was the spiritual furnace's real recognition of her.

The seventh level war king, the overlord Wang Changxin!

As if affected by the Overlord's aura, Taolinlin, who was also making a breakthrough not far away, also began to change. His changes were relatively more natural. Behind him, the Demon-Suppressing Tree, which had already taken root, began to grow rapidly. Each branch bloomed with green brilliance. Doors of light flickered around Tao Linlin's body. The Demon-Suppressing Tree emitted The aura seemed to be affected by the aura of the world-dominating spiritual furnace and became larger. When the surrounding dark elements came into contact with the demon-suppressing tree, they would collapse on their own. The Demon Suppressing Tree seems to be absorbing these collapsed dark elements into its own body, and the green color begins to develop into dark green.

Tao Linlin's body began to release a strong breath of life. His elemental body is itself a body of life. He has a plant-based summoned beast and has begun to transform at this moment. The branches of the Demon-Suppressing Tree penetrated into his body like an illusion, and the flickering light gates around Tao Linlin's body began to change to green.

The seventh level of the summoner is even more important than other professions, because only at the seventh level can they truly have enough spiritual power to summon more summoned beasts continuously. At the same time, the seventh level summoner , only then can you really fix your main attack summoning direction, instead of being able to summon anything. It seems to be restricted, but in fact, only after entering this level can the quality of the summons make a leap and truly become unique.

Yes, he is also at the seventh level, and he can see the bright moon when the clouds open.

A seventh-level spiritual guide, Tao Linlin suppresses demons.

Seeing the breakthrough of the three partners, Long Dangdang showed a sincere smile on his face, happy for them, and at the same time secretly motivating himself in his heart, Level 7, come quickly!

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