Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 283 The Goddess of Light

The first one to wake up from the breakthrough was also Yue Li who was the first to complete the breakthrough.

She lowered her head and looked at the Sun and Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace in front of her, which had not been able to break free from its restrictions and break through again. She felt somewhat regretful in her heart. If Sun Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace can take advantage of her opportunity to break through the seventh level, there will definitely be a huge increase. Let her strength increase dramatically.

But she is also satisfied, seventh level! How old is she this year? In the Magic Temple, those who can break through to the seventh level at her age can definitely be described as rare. Generally, only those graduates of the Spirit Furnace Academy have such a possibility. But now she has achieved such a breakthrough!

Taking back the spiritual furnace in front of her, Yue Li floated up. As she stood up, fire elements naturally followed her around her body. They can all be said to be geniuses. They are at the same seventh level, but they are very different from ordinary professionals. At this moment, she had various realizations in her heart, and many strange feelings emerged in her mind.

"Congratulations." Long Dangdang's voice came.

Yue Li looked up at him and smiled sweetly, "Thank you, captain. I didn't expect that I could reach the seventh level so quickly. I still feel a little unbelievable now." She has always been an absolute supporter of Long Dangdang. Without Long Dangdang helping her advance to the Sun Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace through the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, she would not be where she is now. The reason why the Sun and Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace failed to advance again today is because under normal circumstances, reaching the seventh level means that the spiritual furnace has completed an evolution, and all of this has been completed in advance with the help of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

Long Dangdang smiled slightly. Yue Li's ability was obvious to all, but she usually didn't take the initiative to express herself. He understood that this was because she was afraid of stealing her limelight. He had a good impression of this senior sister, who was wise and calm.

The second one to complete the breakthrough was Tao Linlin. As the Demon Suppressing Tree completely turned dark green, Tao Linlin's breakthrough was also completed. The green light doors around his body were completely integrated with his body. When he opened his eyes, even the color of his eyes turned green.

"I can't summon dragons anymore!" Tao Linlin said with a sad face.

Yes, when he completed the breakthrough, his direction had been confirmed. Because of the existence of the natal summoned beast of the Demon-Suppressing Tree, Tao Linlin has now officially become a plant-based summoner. In the future, he can only summon plants.

Yue Li chuckled softly, "Don't take advantage of it and behave well. Your spiritual furnace and the natal summoned beast are most compatible with the plant type. Now you are completely different from before. You have truly transformed. The plant type It’s powerful, don’t you know?”

Long Dangdang smiled and said: "With the summons full of life, it should be easier to fight against the undead creatures in the Kingdom of the Undead. Senior Peach, you should be able to be regarded as Plants vs. Zombies from now on."

Tao Linlin chuckled and said: "I should be stronger outside, and there will be some restrictions on me here. But indeed, I should be able to summon some more powerful plant-based summoned beasts now, which should be pretty good."

It can be seen that he is still in a very good mood. Although he knew that he would reach the seventh level Summoner sooner or later, he never expected it to be so soon! You know, although Long Dangdang calls him senior, in fact, he is not yet twenty years old this year. If you can reach the seventh level before the age of twenty, how many can there be in the Federation? You can definitely get more resource support by going back to the temple to register.

"Buzz--" At this moment, a buzz attracted their attention at the same time.

Tao Linlin turned her head and looked around, just in time to see Wang Changxin whose whole body was exuding a dark golden light, and her body had turned into a transparent dark golden color. The aura exuding from her body made Taolin Lindu turn pale, feeling timid from the bottom of his heart.

"Let me go, this is..., what kind of breakthrough method is this, Senior Sister Wang?" In fact, he and Wang Changxin are in the same grade, and it's unclear who is older in terms of age. But when Wang Changxin was in Linglu Academy, they always admired her invincible attitude in her grade, so they all called her Senior Sister. The eldest sister is older than the other sister.

The dominating spiritual furnace in the sky turned into a jet of black-gold light and fell from the sky. It merged into Wang Changxin's body and disappeared without a trace. Wang Changxin's whole person seemed to have undergone an astonishing transformation. Her delicate body became a little more slender, and she seemed a little more slender. On the surface of the Tyrant Hammer beside her, a dark golden light flickered. Even this weapon changed along with everything during her advancement process. Such a situation is undoubtedly very rare. The weapon evolves together. What is this? Magical operation?

But everyone can keenly feel the difference in Wang Changxin. Her aura is different. This kind of aura was only possessed by Ling Menglu, who had over 100 innate spiritual powers among the entire team previously. It's a feeling that transcends professionalism.

Wang Changxin opened her eyes in the next moment. In the dark demon world, there seemed to be two golden electric lights passing by. The strong sense of oppression even made people feel that she was more like a powerful demon than a human being.

She immediately looked in the direction of Long Kongkong and nodded to him.

Long Kongkong grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

Wang Changxin, who has truly integrated the world-dominating spiritual furnace, is no longer what he used to be. He has truly entered the ranks of top geniuses such as Ling Menglu, Zisang Liuying, Tang Leiguang, Chu Yu, and Cai Caijuan.

In terms of pure talent, if the mysterious purple-gold bloodline is not taken into account, both Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are still a little short of this level. Of course, this is without considering the integration of the intelligent spiritual furnace.

"Thank you, I'm fine." Wang Changxin clenched her fists subconsciously, feeling that she had received different powers, and what flashed through her eyes was a strong edge.

"Brother, I'm almost done here! Those big demons can't hold on any longer. When will cousin get better?" Long Kongkong said to Long Dangdang.

Ling Menglu was the first to start to break through. She had already started before the big devil arrived, but until now, a full hour has passed, and her breakthrough has not been completed yet. Only the sweet chant is still in everyone's ears. The edge echoes.

Everyone's eyes were unanimously focused on Ling Menglu, and what they saw was the brilliance of her body becoming more and more sacred.

Long Dangdang said to Long Kongkong: "Try to control it for a while longer. We must wait until cousin breaks through before ending."

In the next level, they will face the snake demon god Andumali. Unless his bloodline is stimulated, it will be difficult to defeat that guy. Although this is a virtual space, no one can say what the consequences will be if Ling Menglu is disturbed during her breakthrough. The key point is that no one expected that it would take so long for her to break through to the seventh level. Even if you break through the ninth level, you have never heard of it taking so long. The promotion of professionals is more important than the accumulation before breakthrough. As long as there is enough accumulation, breakthrough will be a natural process. Even if it is to integrate the wisdom spiritual furnace, Wang Changxin can only do it for a while.

"I'll try my best." Long Kongkong also understood the seriousness of the matter and agreed, carefully slowing down the devouring process as much as possible. The reason why these big demons cannot hold back is actually mainly because the disintegration of the demons was too domineering, and their energy was swallowed up by the dragon Kongkong. Their vitality was rapidly passing away after they failed to protect their lives in time. He was about to die.

Long Dangdang was also a little nervous at this time. It really didn't work. If his cousin couldn't complete the breakthrough, he and his brother would really have to fight desperately to see if they could stimulate the power of blood to kill Andumari.

But the problem is, even if they pass this level, they don’t know what kind of demons they will face later! But it must be a more powerful demon, probably a higher-ranked demon. That's not something they can contend with now.

Just when Long Dangdang was getting more and more worried, the light pillar full of sacred aura suddenly changed.

The originally pure white beam of light suddenly turned into gold at this moment, the kind of gold that completely changed. Immediately afterwards, at the top of the light pillar, where the sky connected to the earth, six golden lights and shadows faintly emerged. Among the six lights and shadows, the soft golden color gradually condensed and took shape. Transformed into six figures.

They all made the same move, with their right hands touching their chests, and bowing slightly towards Ling Menglu on the ground, as if they were saluting.

what is that?

Everyone looked closely and were shocked to see that each of the six golden figures had six wings behind them. Although it is blurry from a distance, this is absolutely certain.

Six wings? Seraph?

Not long ago, on the battlefield in Jiyang City, they had just seen how powerful the six-winged seraphs were summoned. That was a summons that the Priest Temple could complete with the help of artifacts! At this moment, they actually saw six six-winged seraphs appearing at the same time. If these six come at the same time, let alone one demon, even three or five can solve it, right? What is going on?

Before anyone could think about it, the six golden figures in the sky quietly disappeared, and the golden light in the sky suddenly rushed towards Ling Menglu like an ocean embracing hundreds of rivers.

A golden figure separated from her body, and it turned out to be the Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace. However, at this moment, this golden little angel has obviously grown up a bit, and the pair of wings on its back have suddenly turned into two pairs.

This kind of thing has appeared before when the Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace increased its power. However, the body of the Angel of Light amplified by Yutong will not become larger, but the number of wings will be increased. There is no doubt that this means that the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace, this wisdom spiritual furnace, has advanced!

Ling Menglu's delicate body slowly floated up, and her whole body gave people a feeling of majesty. When all the golden light was integrated into her delicate body, her whole body suddenly burst out with golden light like the rising sun. With a peaceful smile on her face, she slowly opened her eyes.

"Goddess of Light!" Tao Linlin murmured with eyes blank.

Yes, at this moment, similar voices seemed to emerge in everyone's hearts, as if only this title could be worthy of her.

When she was in the academy, the goddess Monroe was already famous, but it was mostly from kind praise. But at this moment, she seemed to have become a real goddess. It was no longer just a title. She is!

Level 7, Cardinal, Goddess of Light Ling Menglu!

The Angel of Light Spiritual Furnace landed lightly on Ling Menglu's shoulders, with four wings spread out behind her, and a soft golden halo naturally appeared behind her head like a halo. In this demonic world that clearly does not have any light elements, for some reason, everyone can feel that the aura exuding from Ling Menglu's body seems to be able to transform even dark elements into light elements by her.

Ling Menglu's eyes met Long Dangdang's, and she smiled sweetly, "I'm fine, I didn't let everyone worry."

"Cousin is mighty!" Long Kongkong's voice came from the other side, "Then I'll finish it!"

The final devouring of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace was completed, and the great demons finally took their last breath.

And at this moment, overwhelming pressure came from a distance.

At this moment, everyone seemed to feel that their heartbeats seemed to have missed a beat, and their eyes were frozen.

A purple light rose into the sky. When it appeared, it seemed to become the center of the entire world in an instant. The pressure was so strong that everyone had difficulty breathing.

If you look carefully, the rising purple light seems to be a huge pillar. Because of the purple light surrounding it, some couldn't see its appearance clearly, but what could be felt was the overwhelming pressure.

"Devil Pillar?" Tao Linlin blurted out. While her eyes were shocked, there was no fear, but more excitement.

For their generation, the Seventy-Two Demon Gods are more of an existence in legends. This was the first time for several of them to actually see the Demon God Pillar.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong also had completely different feelings this time. When they faced this scene for the first time, they were so oppressed that they could hardly breathe. But at this moment, they were surrounded by four partners who had just broken through to the seventh level. They were protected by the spiritual furnace of wisdom. Facing the oppression, They seem to be able to take it.

The huge purple light gradually converged, and vaguely, they were finally able to see the real situation. It was indeed a huge pillar with a sinister sculpture on it. It was a giant snake, coiled around the pillar, and a pair of huge snake eyes shining with purple light stared in the direction where they were. Although it is just a sculpture, the terrifying oppression is exactly what it brings.

There is no doubt that this is the Demon God Pillar.

Under the huge demon pillar, a figure seemed to be walking out of the darkness, surrounded by a purple halo. With every step, everyone could hear crisp footsteps. This is almost exactly the same as what Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong saw last time.

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