Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 284 Fighting the Demon God Again

The figure was six meters tall and didn't even look as powerful as the previous big demon, but every step it took seemed to make everyone's heart beat faster.

Looking carefully, the figure walking out actually had a huge snake head, but his body was no different from a human form. As it slowly came out, the giant snake that was originally a statue on the huge Demonic Pillar behind it actually came to life, winding down and swimming behind it, lowering its head and carrying its huge body. He stood up, pushed the snake's head against it and suddenly accelerated, heading straight towards the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group.

"Snake Demon God, Andumari!" Long Dangdang said in a deep voice, reminding his friends of the identity of this demon god.

The seventy-two pillar demon gods are ranked last, the peak of the eighth level. But under the protection of the Demon God Pillar, even the ordinary ninth level cannot compare with it.

Last time, Long Dangdang's body was torn to pieces by it, which stimulated Long Kongkong's own bloodline fluctuations, and died together with him in the explosion. So, what about this time? With their improved strength, can they compete with it?

This answer doesn’t even exist in Longdangdang’s mind. The basic mission of their trip to the Demon Realm has been completed. The next step is whether they can draw chestnuts from the fire, truly defeat the Demon God in front of them, and obtain greater benefits from it.

Long Dangdang took a step forward, and the golden light door opened beside him, and Xiaoba walked out of it with his three big heads shaking. Long Dangdang held the beginning of the silver wave magic and jumped on Xiaoba's back. Around him, the aura of each partner changed accordingly, and the aura began to increase dramatically.

Ling Menglu stood at the back, raising the angelic power of the staff in her hand. But at this moment, the Angel of Light flew up, with four wings spread out behind him.

Ling Menglu was not seen reciting a spell, and the surrounding air suddenly began to change. The original oppression caused by darkness and fire was gone at this moment. Even the sky became a little brighter. The drizzle of rain falls from the sky. And it is these raindrops that illuminate the sky, raindrops filled with light.

Rain of light falls, dispersing the darkness.

The goddess who was promoted to the seventh level is no longer the goddess before.

The snake demon god, who was flying over the snake head at high speed, immediately focused on Ling Menglu. The air wherever he passed originally turned into dark purple, but as the rain of light fell, when the two came into contact, the pure dark element of the Snake Demon God actually made a "chichi" sound, and the darkness The aura then faded a bit, as if it was becoming thinner and peeling off layer by layer.

The corners of the Snake Demon God's mouth cracked slightly, and the snake hesitated, letting out a thin hiss, and the air instantly became thicker. The huge dark element rose again, and with the arrival of its body, overwhelming oppression came.

The dark blue halo behind Long Kongkong's head shone again, and the Touch of the Abyss was released without hesitation. Last time, he didn't even have a chance to devour each other in the actual combat field. He and his brother were already on the verge of death, but this time, everything has become different.

"Ang——" Xiaoba's three dragon heads simultaneously let out distant dragon roars, and each dragon's language magic was quickly released, facing Andumari. At the same time, Yue Li has also started chanting spells without using water and fire magic. After advancing, her understanding of magic and elements has made a qualitative leap.

The Sun and Moon Spiritual Furnace shimmered with strange brilliance, and the original double locks turned into crimson, and Yue Li's delicate body had also completed the crimson transformation at this moment, with the strong fire element accompanying her transparent body. Her delicate body burst out. A huge fire dragon slowly rose up behind her, baring its teeth and claws under the blessing of a spell.

Fire elemental body!

Under the influence of the sun and the moon, she can cast the water element body and the fire element body respectively.

The big snake under Andumari suddenly opened its mouth, spitting out a surging purple tide, and rushed straight towards the crowd. But at this moment, it was not Long Dangdang who was the first to rush forward.

The dark golden figure seemed to have cut open the entire space, and it was already above Andumali in an instant. Brilliant dark golden light exploded in the air with unparalleled momentum.

The originally domineering and arrogant eyes of the Snake Demon God even showed a brief moment of consternation. When he looked up into the sky, what he saw was a slender figure and a giant hammer swinging, and behind him, a dark golden statue The spiritual furnace has been born out of nowhere.

Dominate the world! The unparalleled tyrant!

The dark golden light on Wang Changxin's body is not static, but flickers on and off. This is the unparalleled state brought to her by the Dominate World Spiritual Furnace. In this state, she is in a dominating body. The moment the giant mallet in his hand fell violently, the Snake Demon God and the big snake beneath him were forced to fall to the ground.

Andumali made a false grip with his right hand, and there was a purple snake spear in his palm. The snake spear was raised and hit Wang Changxin's Tyrant Hammer.

There was a crisp "ding" sound. Wang Changxin remained motionless, but the Snake Demon God's original charge was suppressed from the air.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but be stunned. This was too fierce. Overwhelm the devil!

At the same time, a brilliant golden-white light burst out from behind everyone. The golden-white light collided with the purple sprayed by the giant snake. The two forces disappeared at the same time, but the golden-white light shone on everyone at the same time. , everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group clearly felt that their bodies had become warmer, as if everyone had received an angel's blessing, and they felt indescribably comfortable.

At this moment, the fire dragon released by Yue Li was completed. A huge fire dragon with a length of fifteen meters appeared from the sky and rushed towards the Snake Demon God. While in the air, it continuously spit out fireballs from its mouth, like cannonballs. Bomb away.

At this moment, Long Dangdang really felt different, everything was different. At least, when facing the Snake Demon God, they are no longer as powerless as before.

With his eyes fixed, Long Dangdang held the magic of the silver wave in his hands, and slowly raised the long sword over his head. On his body, layers of air waves began to erupt one after another.

At this time, Long Kongkong's touch of the abyss had turned into a dark blue carpet and spread forward, spreading under the snake demon god and the giant snake, just covering them.

The devouring was fully launched in an instant. Long Kongkong tried his best this time, and he really used as much suction power as he could. But the first puff almost choked him to death.

Huge energy poured into Long Kongkong's body instantly through the touch of the abyss. Long Kongkong felt that a huge energy that was many times purer than the previous swallowed demons instantly filled his body. The meridians in his body suddenly trembled. Just can't bear it.

The Snake Demon God is worthy of being one of the seventy-two demon gods. When he felt the strong devouring power, not only did he not resist, but he directly transferred more of his energy in order to directly explode the dragon.

But at this moment, the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace showed its power as a wisdom spiritual furnace. The moment this huge energy entered Long Kongkong's body, the moon-white halo swept Long Kongkong's body from back to front. Completely covered, every meridian in Long Kongkong's body has a layer of gleaming moon-white halo.

A strange scene also took place at this moment, because Long Kongkong suddenly absorbed such a huge amount of energy, causing Long Kongkong's entire body to inflate like a balloon, as if he had gained hundreds of pounds in an instant, but the next moment , his body returned to normal again, and all the surging energy was absorbed by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace behind him, solving the urgent need.

Andumali's face in the distance changed slightly. He felt that the magic power in his body was being consumed at an alarming rate, so that the attack that just broke out was too weak to launch a counterattack against Wang Changxin in the air.

Wang Changxin took a deep breath in the air, and the dark golden light on her body became stronger in an instant, and the aura of domination burst out again. In the overlord state, she didn't even need to accumulate power at all, the Tyrant Hammer could explode. It has the power of the Great Hammer Tyrant, and in the original past, every strike was accompanied by the domineering spiritual power brought by the Dominate the World Spiritual Furnace.

It wasn't until this fusion that she truly understood the role of the Dominate the World Spiritual Furnace. After truly merging with this spiritual furnace, when she was in the Overlord state, the Dominate the World Spiritual Furnace would take the initiative to help her complete her attack. She instantly compresses her own spiritual power when charging up, and then unleashes a powerful attack that combines and compresses both internal and external spiritual power. Such power would far exceed her own level, but at the same time, the consumption would be huge.

The strongest thing is the first strike. In a world where the world is dominated, the first strike is to go all out. Therefore, with that blow just now, even the demon-level power that reached the peak of the eighth level was suppressed.

At this time, the Overlord Hammer was raised again. The compressed power of the Dominate the World Spiritual Furnace lost part of the consumed external spiritual power, but the internal spiritual power was definitely not lacking. The spiritual power transmitted from Long Kongkong instantly replenished the previous spiritual power. consumption.

At the same time as Wang Changxin exploded, Long Dangdang had also arrived. Yue Li released the fire dragon to burn the giant snake in Andumali. Long Dangdang was in the air at this time, and the surface of his body continued to erupt with strange brilliance. The light was like Fireworks burst into bloom. Layers of light of different colors burst out from him.

Deflagration, but this is not an ordinary deflagration, but a segmented deflagration developed by Long Dangdang based on the teachings of his teacher Mang Knight Hai Jifeng. The principle is to let each clone complete a deflagration and then merge together.

In the past, what Long Dangdang used most was to separate his clones and then attack together. With the increase in strength and the existence of several major spiritual furnaces in his own body, what he is doing now is to harmonize and blend these clones together, bursting out superimposed power.

His own aura was rising steadily, and the surface of the silver wave magic in his hand was bursting with bright brilliance of the holy sword at the beginning, but the light of the holy sword was a strange six-color color. Behind him, the red lotus of Shura bloomed with light, and thousands of red lotus sword energies bloomed. Together, they turned into a huge Shura Red Lotus Sword rising from behind Long Dangdang. The moment Long Dangdang slashed out with the six-power sword in his hand, the Shura Red Lotus Sword behind him also flew out. The two swords joined together and faced the rising storm, heading straight for the Snake Demon God and slashing him down on his head.

The powerful attack falling from the sky came almost instantly. The Tyrant Hammer smashed down with a powerful momentum. Andumali stabbed the snake spear in his hand again, and a scream broke out from his mouth. In the distance, the huge snake demon pillar shone brightly. Andumali's aura surged.

With a crisp sound of "dang", the Tyrant Hammer was swung up by the snake spear. At the same time, circles of dark ink-like vortexes appeared around Andumali's body, causing ripples that actually engulfed Wang Changxin's body. After forcefully absorbing it, the snake spear swept across and went straight to cut her neck.

This change was so fast that no one could react immediately and it was too late to rescue.

"When--" The dark golden light suddenly surged, and just when the snake spear cut into Wang Changxin's body, runes like mountains and rivers appeared on the surface of Wang Changxin's skin, and she actually blocked the blow. Although the dark gold color collapsed in the next moment, it was an attack comparable to that of a ninth-level powerhouse! She actually resisted with her own body, how incredible this was.

At this moment, Long Dangdang's attack had also arrived. The two swords combined to slash the snake demon from Wang Changxin's side. The sword light was completely restrained, and the six colors and red merged to form a strange dark red color in an instant. This sword is unparalleled!

Andumali felt the fatal threat, and did not bother to make up for Wang Changxin's attack, crossing the snake spear to block it. At the same time, a thick purple-black fog surged out from his body and spread to all directions.

"When--" In the violent roar, the Wushuang Blood Sword exploded, but a strange scene appeared. Another blood light suddenly separated from the sword light, and it instantly cut through Andumali's body.

Andumari's reaction was already very fast, and he quickly dodged sideways, but his left shoulder was still flashed by the bloody light, scales flew, and a sword mark with deep bones almost split open half of his chest on the left side.

The extremely sharp killing energy swarmed in, causing Andumari's body to freeze instantly while he roared, and the skills he had just released paused for a moment.

And at this moment, Wang Changxin, who was hit by his snake spear, suddenly burst out with dazzling golden light. The next moment, the light and shadow just flashed, and Wang Changxin suddenly changed his appearance. To be precise, he should be a different person.

Replacement of light! The beautiful Goddess of Light descended quietly.

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