Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 285 Killing the Demon God

When Ling Menglu replaced Wang Changxin's position, Wang Changxin had already arrived at her previous position. What's even more strange is that after Wang Changxin changed his position, he immediately felt a surge of warmth. Ling Menglu actually left a healing magic in place and delayed its release.

Wang Changxin's dominance status undoubtedly shocked the entire audience. He was able to beat the Demon God for two rounds without falling behind. That was comparable to a ninth-level existence! This shows how domineering this world-dominated spiritual furnace is. But the magic Ling Menglu performed at this time was undoubtedly beyond the scope of a normal priest.

The breath of life condensed, the air changed slightly, and everything around was trembling slightly. They were green vines that intertwined with each other, and finally formed a tube-like object. It exists, with a length of five meters and a diameter of nearly half a meter. Its whole body is green and exudes vitality.

Tao Linlin's body also shone with the same brilliance of life. With his body as the center, in this world full of silence and darkness, patches of green grass actually grew. This is the effect of the Earth's Withering Spiritual Furnace. Not only that, he also inspired another of his spiritual furnaces, Praise of Life.

It wasn't until she was promoted to the seventh level that Tao Linlin truly felt the difference brought by these two spiritual furnaces. He is not just a plant summoner, but also a life summoner!

The giant cannon-like plant in front of him was transformed from the Spiritual Furnace of Praise of Life. The next moment, a ball of green light had been thrown out. There was no roar or majestic momentum, only the sound it passed by. The vitality brought by it everywhere, on its flying trajectory, the life scenes of green leaves and red flowers constantly emerge, even if it is just a glimpse, it seems to make this dark world full of vitality.

The golden-red brilliance also erupted at this moment. In front of Ling Menglu, the golden-red brilliance rose into the sky. The Bright Angel Soul Furnace on her shoulder suddenly surged and turned into a huge four-foot-tall tower. The winged angel holds an orange-red round-headed hammer, and its entire delicate body appears in an arched shape in the air.

The Snake Demon God felt an unprecedented crisis, and his body suddenly changed. He crawled downwards, and the giant snake beneath him actually merged into one body in an instant.

The giant snake violently erupted into purple-black light mist, forcibly dispersing the entangled fire dragon. Raising his head suddenly, a large puff of purple-black light mist spurted towards Ling Menglu and the Angel of Light.

But at this moment, the cannonball of praise with the brilliance of life arrived. The green life breath exploded instantly. At that moment, the green life breath burst into the purple-black thick fog with the explosion. The thick fog was like hot oil poured into the ice and snow. It collapsed and revealed the true form of the Snake Demon God again.

Life Salute Spirit Furnace, advanced form, Life Salute, comes with the demon-suppressing effect given by the Demon-Suppressing Tree.

There was a hint of astonishment in the eyes of the Snake Demon God, and then he watched helplessly as the huge orange-red hammer head went straight towards him and smashed down on him.

The Snake Demon God Pillar in the distance suddenly became shiny, and the body of the Snake Demon God Andumali also turned into a transparent purple.

"When--" The sound of violent collision resounded throughout the Demonic World, and at that moment, it seemed as if the whole world was shaking violently.

Ling Menglu's delicate body also turned into a transparent golden red. After advancing, she used the power of the Goddess of Light to activate her two spiritual furnaces and combined with the powerful blow of the Light Power Pill, she was penetrated almost instantly. The purple spiritual aura that penetrated Andumali's defense. On the surface of the huge snake head, the scales shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and were transmitted to the body.

At this moment, a crystal clear golden figure appeared above Andumali's head without any warning. Having just been hit by the Powerful Hammer of Light, it was in a state of severe mental shock and could not even react.

At this time, Long Dangdang's whole body was covered with crystal clear gold, and his appearance was even more sudden. At the beginning of the silver wave magic in his hand, the bright and pure light of the holy sword shone. Ling Menglu's delicate body became illusory at the same time, and her whole body turned into a golden light and shadow, flickering to Long Dangdang's side. At this moment, the two bodies seemed to have melted into one.

Dragon Dangdang, Heart Glory Set Skills, Light Leap, Light Elemental Body. It's not the seventh level, it's better than the seventh level.

Ling Menglu, also made a leap of light, and then superimposed the divine descent, allowing her own power to merge with Long Dangdang's power in an instant.

The silver wave magic suddenly erupted with a dazzling and bright light, stabbing down and penetrating Andumarina's head, which had lost the protection of scales and spiritual weapons.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see Ling Menglu hugging Long Dangdang's body from behind, but the two figures had completely overlapped. At the moment when the snake's head was broken, thousands of Shura Red Lotus Sword Qi burst out from Long Dangdang's body instantly. Come out and drill into the wound.

Ming Xi's figure appeared silently in front of Andumali, and golden light like spikes burst out instantly, piercing his snake eyes and striking the spiritual furnace a thousand times.

Ming Xi had always known that her attacks were insufficient, and she had been waiting for an opportunity. It was at this last moment that he appeared quietly and attacked with all his strength to help Long Dangdang kill the snake demon god.

The purple-black light mist of the big hood and the big hood fluctuated unsteadily, but they were all suppressed by the sacred auras of Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu, and the touch of the abyss kept devouring them desperately. But the magic power in the Snake Demon God is so endless, as if there is no end.

Until this moment, Long Kongkong finally felt that the Snake Demon God was beginning to show signs of weakness, but he also devoured even harder. He vaguely felt that the spiritual power swallowed from this snake demon was purer than that of any previous demons. After being filtered by himself, there would be almost no loss. Undoubtedly, this is definitely a great supplement to Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace! It will definitely take his restoration a step further.

After a brief moment of stiffness, the snake demon god's body began to struggle violently. Even though he had suffered fatal injuries, he was still struggling desperately.

Ling Menglu did not hesitate to control the Angel of Light and gave it another hammer, advancing to the seventh level. Her control of the Light Powerful Hammer was no longer the one-shot deal it had been before.

With another roar, Long Dangdang would naturally not hesitate to add more sword energy into the body of the Snake Demon God. At this moment, he also had some strange feelings in his heart.

The last time he killed the Snake Demon God, it was because he was tortured by the Snake Demon God, which inspired Kong Kong's bloodline. According to Kong Kong, he killed the Snake Demon God in almost just one move, and even the Snake Demon God Pillar was damaged. This time, after their strength was greatly improved, they combined the power of everyone and the power of so many spiritual furnaces of wisdom to barely defeat the Snake Demon God. Even so, the opponent's strong vitality was still struggling. It can be seen that the power of blood in myself and my brother is so terrifying. I wonder if after breaking through the seventh level, I will be able to gradually and truly control the power of this blood in the future. If you can control it...

From the perspective of Long Dangdang's heart, he actually has a complicated mentality towards the power of this bloodline. He has desire for the powerful power it contains, but he is more concerned about it. Because he couldn't imagine at all why he and his brother had such special powers in their human bodies. If he hadn't been selected by the Dragon Emperor to become Xiaoba's contract knight because of his special bloodline, perhaps he would have been more worried. Among all the powerful people he had encountered, only the Dragon King seemed to know where his ability came from, but the Dragon King's secrecy made him even more strange.

The Snake Demon God's struggle continued fiercely, and the Snake Demon God Pillar in the distance continued to emit light, as if trying to help it break free, but Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu suppressed it tightly, and Ming Xi's attack did not stop. There are no areas of Andumari's body protected by scales.

Xiao Ba had also pounced down, his huge body pressing on the back of the Snake Demon God. Together, everyone was able to suppress the last of the seventy-two Demon Gods.

However, they did not excessively increase the damage. Compared with killing the snake demon, devouring more of its power is undoubtedly the best choice.

Long Kongkong gradually felt that the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace behind him was almost full. Of course, this was due to the unfiltered energy. He continued to devour and filter more of it. The spiritual power is passed on to the partners.

Not to mention those who have already broken through the seventh level, Ming Xi, who has not yet broken through the seventh level, can also absorb more at this time to enhance his inner spiritual power and advance towards the seventh level. Although others are affected by the Blood Alchemy Body and cannot continue to improve their internal spiritual power for the time being, they are perfect for stabilizing their newly achieved breakthroughs.

Finally, Andumari's struggle gradually became lighter, and his body gradually became unreal under the suppression of everyone.

The eighth level is finally passed.

In the distance, the brilliance of the Snake Demon Pillar also gradually dimmed. Long Kongkong was carrying out the final finishing work. With his supplements, everyone's spiritual power was maintained at its best, and at this time, they all felt in their hearts. Somewhat curious. After killing the Snake Demon God, who will be the next opponent you will face in this demonic realm? The 71st Pillar Demon God?

The Snake Demon God disappeared quietly, but there was a faint smell of more solemnity in the air.

Everyone gathered together and waited quietly. Unlike before, the demons would immediately appear in the next level after each level was passed. This time, they waited for ten minutes before there was any movement again.

In the distance, in the sky, a faint purple-black color emerged silently, and soft purple light flowed in the air, but in the purple, there was a faint and heavy oppression reverberating.

The Snake Demon God Pillar quietly disappeared and no new Demon God Pillar appeared.

"Ang——" Xiaoba seemed to have sensed something. He suddenly looked up at the sky and let out a loud dragon roar.

And the next moment it let out a dragon roar, a head suddenly poked out from among the layers of purple-black clouds. A huge and ferocious dragon head, covered with huge purple-black spikes.

This is……

"The Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan!" Ling Menglu suddenly exclaimed.

What is the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan? Long Kongkong was even a little confused, and Long Dangdang was stunned for a moment before he understood.

Among the demons that once invaded the Holy Demon Continent, there is one race that has always been the strongest force of the demons. Their leader is the leader of the demons for generations and is revered as the Demon God Emperor.

The Demon God Emperor's true form, that is, the race to which he belongs, is the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon Clan. This race is also the strongest existence among the demons, bar none.

Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, the illustrious reputation of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan is still as clear as before. Everyone in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group never expected that they could encounter such existences as the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan in this demonic world. .

"Roar——" A low roar echoed in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoba, who was under Long Dangdang, also raised his head to the sky and let out a dragon roar, "Ang——"

When the demons came, it was not just humans who oppressed. All races struggled to survive under their oppression. The demonic beasts headed by the dragons were also deeply poisoned. Some of the heaven-defying demonic dragons even mutated after infecting and devouring the dragons. . Therefore, the dragon clan has an unforgettable hatred for the heaven-defying demon dragon clan that runs deep into their blood.

Although Xiaoba was still underage, when he felt the aura of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, he still couldn't help but roar and challenge the opponent.

Moreover, this dragon roar is also full of the dragon's innate ability, forbidden air!

But something shocking happened to Long Dangdang. The Forbidden Sky, which had been invincible ever since it was possessed, actually failed when it landed on the heaven-defying demonic dragon in the sky. But the purple-black clouds and mist slowly dispersed, revealing the true form of the heaven-defying demonic dragon.

It is more than a hundred meters long, with countless purple-black spikes on its body, and thick dark purple scales covering its body. It also has no wings, and its huge body hovers back and forth in the sky, carrying strong malice and tyrannical power. Pressing, roaring and roaring.

Long Kongkong looked up at the sky, "Isn't this thing from the ninth level?"

Long Dang said: "If you can put it behind the Demon God, what is it if it's not the ninth level?"

Although everyone had just defeated the snake demon god Andumali, they had already tried their best. Long Kongkong could replenish their spiritual power, but they were already a little tired mentally. Facing such a powerful Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, everyone could not help but feel a little depressed at this time.

Long Kongkong chuckled and said, "That's it. Anyway, the basic purpose has been achieved. It's okay to suck it a little. You block it, I'll suck it."

After listening to his words, everyone's tense mentality suddenly relaxed a lot, yes! The basic goal has been achieved, just give it a try.

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