Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 286: Suck like a heaven-defying demonic dragon

"Roar——" The monstrous demonic flames fell from the sky.

Only when you really face the heaven-defying demon dragon can you deeply feel how terrifying this race that once dominated the Holy Demon Continent is. It's just that the breath of dragon flames even brings the oppressive feeling of a forbidden curse.

The entire world seems to have been filled with darkness, and the vast dragon flames are like falling from the sky, directly oppressing them.

Ling Menglu took a step forward and raised the legendary staff Angel's Power in her hand. The Angel of Light instantly blended into her delicate body from behind, causing four holy angel wings to sprout from her back.

The Goddess of Light looked up at the sky, and saw a little golden light between her eyebrows. Immediately afterwards, a loud chant began to reverberate around her body, and the staff in her hand drew mysterious tracks in the air, intertwining into a picture. A brilliant network of strange light enveloped everyone.

Holy Light Spiritual Array!

This is a skill that a priest can master after the third level, but it is still the top defensive magic at the ninth level, because it will increase in power as the priest grows.

At this time, the Holy Light Spiritual Array used by Ling Menglu had already far exceeded the ability of ordinary seventh-level cardinals. The loud chants surrounding it and the rich sacred aura greatly amplified the effect of the array.

Circles of green light came from behind at this moment, and under the baptism of the life-filled breath, everyone immediately felt that the sense of oppression on their bodies was reduced a lot. And when these green rays of light were injected into Ling Menglu's Holy Light Spiritual Array, the Holy Light Spiritual Array suddenly became blazing brightly, like firewood being thrown into the furnace, and it burned more vigorously in an instant.

This is the life force transmitted from the Demon Suppressing Tree. From the beginning when Tao Linlin and Ling Menglu practiced together, the Demon Suppressing Tree's vitality can provide excellent nourishment to the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace, and the Demon Suppressing Tree can also bathe in it. Evolve yourself in the light. The Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace's ability to complete promotion so quickly has a lot to do with the nourishment of the Demon Suppressing Tree.

At this time, nourished by the life force of the Demon Suppressing Tree, Ling Menglu's sacred aura suddenly became more powerful. She doesn't need to worry about the consumption of spiritual power now. With Long Kongkong's continuous replenishment, her spiritual power will not be exhausted at all, even in this world without light elements.

The dragon flames fell on the Holy Light Spiritual Array, just like strong oil added to ice water. It instantly aroused a strong reaction. A large amount of purple-black mist evaporated. The surface of the Holy Light Spiritual Array swayed, but the chant But still loud and clear.

The giant 100-meter-long body of the heaven-defying demon dragon has begun to dive downwards, and the sense of oppression has become stronger and stronger as it approaches.

When Long Dangdang held the Silver Wave Magic in his hand, his body once again lit up with layers of explosive light. As the leader, he must stand at the front at all times.

But just when Long Dangdang was preparing to attack, a dark golden figure took the lead and rose up. Even though her body looked so small compared to the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, her impact was still so irresistible.

The world-dominating spiritual furnace appeared in mid-air again. Even a strong man like the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, when this spiritual furnace appeared, his momentum was forcibly suppressed.

"Drink-" Wang Changxin shouted loudly and smashed out the big mallet in his hand. And at this moment, rays of golden light instantly attached to her body, including divine blessing, angelic glory, and brilliant judgment. The seventh-level amplification skills of the three major priests are almost instantaneous.

At the same time, Long Dangdang's figure had also appeared in the air. He was only half a beat slower than Wang Changxin, and red flames rose from his body. Sacrifice!

From the side, a looming figure also emerged, and thousands of streams of light shot out. Even though she knew that her actions would have no effect, at this moment, the girl who was full of justice still decided to stand with her friends.

As the sun and moon rotated, a strange white light shot out. It was a strange light called dawn, the light of the glorious dawn when the sun and the moon overlapped!

A bright light bloomed in the sky like fireworks, and a layer of purple-black light suddenly burst out from the heaven-defying demon dragon. The air suddenly became thicker, as if all the evil thoughts in the world were bursting out at this moment.

Yes, the ninth level, yes, the realm!

The realm of the heaven-defying demonic dragon erupted as if it were destroying the heaven and earth.

Ming Xi's body and the light emitted from her Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace were swallowed up almost instantly. Even the screams were extinguished in the sky before they could even be uttered.

In Wang Changxin's Overlord state, the dark golden light on his body flickered violently, but it was also weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye. But her hammer still hit the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon for real.

The hammer sent people flying, and the body of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon also shook violently, but that was all.

The bright sword light also came at this moment. At this moment, Long Dangdang used the indomitable reckless knight skills, the man and the sword merged into one, and the falling star fell.

"Boom -" Long Dangdang's armor instantly shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The silver wave magic also flew out at the beginning, but thousands of red lotus sword energy suddenly broke out, and the bright red sword light, hard It cut half a foot into the body of the heaven-defying demon dragon.

At this moment, Long Dangdang suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart. The reason why the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan is powerful is neither magic nor physical strength, but everything about them is super strong.

Even the snake demon god Andumali, one of the seventy-two pillar demon gods, is far from comparable to the heaven-defying demon dragon in terms of physical strength. Just this moment of collision, whether it was Long Dangdang or Wang Changxin, exploded. The power is enough to shake the eighth-level expert, but when faced with it, it is like a worm shaking a tree.

The orange-red light ball finally rose into the air, and the huge light and shadow that appeared in that moment passed over Long Dangdang, and struck him hard in the moment before he was grasped by the dragon's claws.

Whether it was Long Dangdang, Wang Changxin, or Ming Xi, all their attacks were to cover for this moment, and to gain opportunities for this moment.

The strongest attack of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is, after all, the Goddess of Light’s Powerful Hammer of Light!

The destructive power of the Holy Hammer Spirit Furnace combined with the epic equipment Light Power Pill is their strongest blow.

The domain power around the body of the heaven-defying demon dragon fluctuated violently, and at this moment, in front of it, it was as if a small sun exploded, bringing endless light and sacred impact.

"Roar——" The heaven-defying demon dragon let out a roar. Even with its power, it was momentarily stunned after being mentally bombarded by the powerful hammer of light. The huge body fell from the sky and hit the ground directly.

At this time, it was still nearly three hundred meters above the ground. The hundred-meter-long body is so huge and heavy. When it fell to the ground, the ground shook instantly.

The bodies of Long Dangdang and Wang Changxin were bombarded at the same time and flew backwards. All of this happened between lightning and flint, so that at this moment, blood spurted out from their mouths.

And a dark band of light connected with the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon the moment it fell to the ground, and began to devour it crazily regardless of everything.

Yes, the distance of the Abyss Touch was not enough before, but at this moment, after the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon fell to the ground, it was Long Kongkong's chance to show himself.

Long Dangdang ignored his own injury and flapped his spiritual wings with all his strength behind him. He knew very well that although the Powerful Hammer of Light was powerful, it had not been able to kill Andumari before, and it would definitely not be possible to kill the heaven-defying demonic dragon in front of him now. His spiritual wings flapped behind him, and while the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon was still in a dazed state, he ducked out and landed directly on the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon's head. Xiaoba finally took action under his command. A body more than ten meters long fell from the sky, like a meteorite, and hit the head of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon hard. The three big heads opened their mouths and bit hard on the neck of the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon, not even bothering to turn around. The sharp spikes on the demon dragon's body cut open its scales.

Long Dangdang, who pounced on the head of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, did not attack, because he knew very well that with his current attack power, even with the power of the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace, he could not break through the defense of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon.

A thick layer of white halo instantly surged out from his dantian and turned into a cocoon of light, enveloping the dragon's head.

The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon had already shown signs of waking up from the dizziness, but it suddenly slowed down again.

Yes, take the Spirit Breathing Furnace gently and slowly, and attack with all your strength.

Long Dangdang believed that if his strength reached the ninth level, with his several major spiritual furnaces, he would be able to compete with the powerful demons in front of him. But now he is still too weak after all. Therefore, what they have to do now is to maximize their profits as much as possible.

Ling Menglu's Powerful Light Hammer was ready again. When Long Dangdang's slow and gentle spitting furnace was almost uncontrollable, he quickly added it to the Heaven-defying Demon Dragon.

But Ling Menglu continued to use this powerful mental attack, and her eyes became much darker.

Everything they did was to buy time for Long Kongkong. Long Kongkong did not disappoint them either. The devouring power of the Touch of the Abyss was fully activated. The moonlit Canghai Spiritual Furnace behind him was already shining brightly like a full moon.

Waves of moonlight continued to pour into Ling Menglu's body, helping her heal her mental wounds.

An old man, a middle-aged man and seven or eight managers from the Demon Hunting Group headquarters stood at the entrance of the Demon Realm, their faces a little solemn.

The Demon Realm does not belong to the Demon Hunting Group, but to the entire Temple Federation. It was established by the Temple Federation at an unknown amount of resources and cost to provide a training place for the geniuses of the six temples.

However, since the existence of the Demon Realm, there has never been such a huge consumption like this.

The existence of the demonic realm requires energy support. Even a ninth-level expert can enter and practice. To support the existence of the Demon Realm, of course, energy is needed. In the small plane of the Demon Realm, many complex magic circles have been set up by the powerful men of the six temples. The most exquisite one is that the magic circle can collect the energy that has collapsed in the small plane and re-support the existence of the plane. . As long as there is enough energy, even if the demon inside is killed, it will be restored through energy, forming a cycle. Theoretically speaking, the inside of the Demon Realm is self-sufficient enough.

However, today the Demon Realm has called the police several times in a row. The reason for the alarm is that the energy has dropped significantly for unknown reasons.

At this time, the consumption of the Demon Realm has even exceeded ten percent of the total amount, which is unprecedented. For a small plane, energy support is essential. In particular, to make this small plane stable enough, stable energy is needed. If this continues, once the energy of the Demon Realm drops to 50%, there is a danger of collapse. Although it seems that it is only 10% less now, but if it can be reduced by 10%, can it be reduced by 50%?

Senior officials from the Temple Federation have come over to urgently contact the senior officials at the Demon Hunting Group headquarters to inquire about the situation. Because only one group of people entered the Demon Realm today, and they entered through the entrance of the Demon Hunting Group.

"The 19115897 Demon Hunting Group is the team of Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu, right? I remember that they entered the demonic realm once before, which led to energy consumption?" As the deputy director of the Demon Hunting Group Headquarters, Ah Jiu asked the staff next to him.

"Yes, it's them. Although the consumption last time was large, it was less than 30% of this time. I don't know what they did. It seems that Long Kongkong has a special spiritual furnace that can swallow spiritual power. . It’s just that such a huge amount of energy can be swallowed by a fifth- or sixth-level professional like him? This is not in line with common sense. So, we now wonder whether they touched the magic circle in the demon plane, resulting in the loss of energy. .”

Ah Jiu continued to ask: "Is there any way to notify them to come out now?"

"There is no way. Once a professional enters the Demonic Realm, he can only leave by dying in it. We cannot interfere. The Demonic Realm has been running smoothly for thousands of years since the day it was established, and this has always been the rule."

Ah Jiu was also a little helpless, and turned to look at the old man beside him, "Brother Zhang, there is nothing we can do about this. We can only wait and see. These little guys in this demon hunting group are very extraordinary. You should also know Ling Menglu. She is a seed cultivated by the Priest Temple, and the Priest Temple attaches great importance to her. The two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are also the treasures of the Knight Temple."

The old man frowned, "But this is not a solution. If the Demon Realm is destroyed, the losses will be too great. They cannot afford it."

Ah Jiu said: "After they come out, let's ask first. The Demon Realm should not be destroyed yet."

While they were talking, suddenly, light flickered, and a figure appeared on the ground in front of the entrance to the demon realm. It was Ming Xi who was in a coma.

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