Looking at the members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group lying on the ground, Ah Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. As they ended their journey to the Demon Realm, the energy inside the Demon Realm stabilized and stopped losing. This means that they did not destroy the inside of the Demon Realm, at least they did not cause big trouble.

"Did these little guys really steal the energy inside?" Mr. Zhang said in surprise. He was a senior member of the Summoner Temple, and his eyes first fell on Tao Linlin.

Different professions have different professional attire and atmosphere, and it is easy for people in their own temple to distinguish them.

"Eh!" He just glanced at Tao Linlin and immediately realized something was wrong. This is clearly the breath of the seventh level!

He had just learned about the member structure of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group. According to the records of the demon hunting group, the overall strength of this demon hunting group is generally at the sixth level, and there are even fifth levels. This was recorded a few months ago.

At this moment, he unexpectedly discovered that the young summoner in his temple had reached the seventh level of cultivation. How could he not be surprised? He had just read the information. These young people were not even twenty years old, and even the leader was only seventeen years old.

The seventh level who is less than twenty years old? This is a little different!

In recent years, geniuses have continued to emerge from all the major temples, but relatively speaking, the most eye-catching ones are Ling Menglu from the Priest Temple, Zi Sang Liuying from the Magic Temple, and the first encounter from the Assassin Temple. people. In the church's internal evaluation system, these three people are on the same level.

Relatively speaking, although the Summoner Temple also has talents like Cai Caijuan, it is still lagging behind in terms of evaluation. This is also a pity for other major temples.

Fortunately for the Knights Temple, the Knights Temple has always been ranked number one among the six major temples, and its foundation is very profound. There is also the Divine Seal Throne, so there is nothing to worry about. But the Summoner's Temple has indeed been on a decline over the years, and has fallen to the bottom of the six major temples. At this time, suddenly seeing such a genius from this temple, Mr. Zhang suddenly forgot about the crisis in the Demon Realm just now. Taolinlin, this child's name is this. It seems that he needs to know more about it. It seems like that girl Cai Caijuan is not even at level seven yet, right?

He was surprised, and Ah Jiu beside him was even more surprised. The difference with Mr. Zhang is that he knows these children! Although Ling Menglu was hailed as one of the best geniuses of this generation, what he paid more attention to at the time was Long Dangdang, the group leader. Being able to have a top talent like Ling Menglu follow him can already mean a lot of things.

And now, under his observation, Long Dangdang should not have entered the seventh level yet, but in his small demon hunting group, there were already four seventh levels. The changes brought by the elemental body to professionals are huge, and this cannot be hidden at all.

He was not surprised at all that Ling Menglu was at level 7. It was reasonable for such a super genius to see any level of improvement. However, that warrior, summoner and magician were not among the top geniuses recorded in the six temples before, but they were all at the seventh level? The seventh level at their age at least means that they can grow to the ninth level in the future. It is hard to say how far the ninth level can go, but how many ninth level professionals are there? The future is bright!

More importantly, they grow too fast, even faster than normal.

"The Demon Realm has been stabilized. The problem should still be with them." A staff member said.

"Well. Let's do this for now. Send them to rest and wait until they wake up."

Ending the demonic realm every time is not a pleasant process. When you wake up after the end, you will have a splitting headache and need to take it slow.

The same is true this time.

When Long Dangdang woke up from his coma, the first thing he felt was the soul-piercing pain.

They really took a lot of money from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, but the final result was that when they could no longer suppress the Heaven-Defying Demonic Dragon, they suffered crazy revenge. Perhaps because they devoured too much energy this time, the two brothers were satisfied and knew that they would not really die. Therefore, their mysterious bloodline power was not stimulated this time.

As for the way of death, tearing into pieces seems appropriate to describe...

Long Dangdang knocked on his head and used his spiritual power to wake up to his own opinions. The spiritual power in his body is stable and there is no damage. Of course, he has not grown much at the peak of the sixth level.

Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace is still following Long Kongkong, and it cannot come back before the filtering is completed.

The harvest this time should be quite big. Although I don't know how much spiritual power was added to Canghai, it was definitely more than the last time he released the forbidden curse. As long as it continues, at most four or five more times, Canghai should be able to complete the repair. By then, he will be able to advance to the seventh level.

When he thought of his friends advancing to the seventh level, especially the glorious scene when Ling Menglu advanced, Long Dangdang's heart couldn't help but heat up. He also aspires to become the seventh level! By reaching the seventh level, he believed that his strength could definitely be improved a lot.

"Are you awake? Are you feeling comfortable?" A gentle voice sounded.

Long Dangdang immediately opened his eyes and sat up despite his headache.

The room was still a lounge like that of the Demon Hunting Group, and at this moment, a familiar figure was sitting on the sofa in the lounge.

"Minister? Why are you here?" Long Dangdang looked at Ah Jiu on the sofa in surprise, quickly got out of bed and gave him a knight's salute.

Ah Jiu looked at him angrily, "You still have the nerve to ask me why I'm here? If I don't come, you will tear down the Demon Realm, right?"

Long Dangdang said with a surprised look on his face: "No! We are just practicing normally in the Demon Realm. Although there are more challenges, it will not destroy the plane, right?"

Ah Jiu stood up and stared at him with cold eyes, "Normal experience? Do you know? You guys are in trouble. Since the creation of the Demon Realm, this time you entered has lost the most energy, and it has affected the balance of the Demon Realm. If the losses are greater, the Demon Realm may even collapse. You tell me this is called normal experience? The Temple Headquarters has sent high-level officials to question this matter, and you need to give us an explanation."

"Ah? Will it affect the balance of the demon realm?" This was something Long Dangdang didn't expect, and he couldn't help but be a little shocked for a moment.

"Tell me, what exactly did you do?" Ah Jiu asked.

Long Dangdang hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth. It was impossible not to tell the truth because he couldn't find any other reason.

"Minister, it's like this. We did go through the level through normal experience. But what's a little different from other people's level is that my brother has a Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace. His Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace can absorb the energy in the air when we fight. , filtered and replenished to us. Maybe it was because it swallowed too much? It affected the stability of the Demon Realm."

Ah Jiu frowned and said: "No, what kind of strength do you have? Do you know how much energy is lost in the Demon Realm? Converted into spiritual power, it's millions. How high is your brother? Can he swallow so much spiritual power? ?What else did you do?”

Long Dangdang said helplessly: "There is really nothing left to do. My brother's Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace is still regular when absorbing, taking the essence and discarding the dross. Therefore, the spiritual power retained is actually far greater than what he absorbed. Less. Moreover, I have Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, you know, right? My spiritual furnace has the ability to be open to all rivers and can store part of the spiritual power."

Ah Jiu was stunned. He really didn't expect this to be the case, "This is impossible. You guys didn't go in for a long time, it wasn't as good as last time. How could you absorb it so quickly?"

Long Dangdang coughed and said: "My brother's Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace is already at the third level, and, as you should know, he is the chosen one for the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace. So..."

"Level 4 spiritual furnace?" Ah Jiu's voice trembled slightly.

In an instant, he was speechless.

A fourth-level spiritual furnace? A fourth-level spiritual furnace emerged from a young man less than twenty years old?

You know, in the entire six major temples, you can count the number of people who can own the fourth-level spiritual furnace on two hands. He knew very well what the fourth-level spiritual furnace meant. This is much more important than any genius! Although it reached the fourth level with the increase of Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace, having a third-order spiritual furnace under the age of twenty is already very, very exaggerated!

Long Dangdang added another sentence: "At the beginning, the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace chose my brother probably because of his Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. The Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace is my brother's core spiritual furnace."

"Wait, please let me slow down." Ah Jiu raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

He knew that Shenqiyu Tong Lingluo had chosen someone, but he didn't know exactly who it had chosen. Regarding this, Lingluo Academy kept it highly confidential and only the Holy Church knew the specific situation. Although Ah Jiu is a senior member of the Demon Hunting Group, he is not in the Holy Church. So, he doesn't particularly know. Only now do we know that the person selected by Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace was actually Long Kongkong, the knight with the least presence in the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group.

What shocked Ahjiu even more was that the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace actually chose Long Kongkong for another spiritual furnace. What did this mean? Of course he knew about the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, but this one was a useless spiritual furnace! Why did he suddenly become so powerful? There must be a mystery in this, and the choice of Shenqiyu Tongling Stove can already explain a lot of problems.

The headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group has always believed that the Demon Hunting Group headed by Zisan Liuying is the most promising new generation to inherit the mantle and become a titled Demon Hunting Group. Zisan Liuying’s Demon Hunting Group did not let them Disappointed, now they have reached the level of a handsome demon hunting group.

But this 9115897 Demon Hunting Group also looks very extraordinary! Needless to say, Ling Menglu was looking at Long Dangdang in front of him, as well as his younger brother who was selected by Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace, plus the four seventh-level ones he had seen before. In terms of overall strength, they seemed to be no less than Zisang Liuying’s team. Zisang Liuying has just been promoted to the seventh level.

After thinking for a long time, Ah Jiu said again, "What you mean is that your spiritual furnace, combined with your brother's spiritual furnace, can swallow a large amount of energy and transform it for you to absorb. So, the absorbed energy Besides replenishing your spiritual power, are there any other benefits?"

Long Dangdang was also thinking about it when Ah Jiu was thinking about it. Hearing the words, he said: "It can also improve our cultivation to a certain extent, but it will be a bit wasteful."

Ajiu's body shook slightly, which meant that the energy lost in the previous demonic realm was absorbed by them and then used to increase his own strength. Four of them had even broken through to the seventh level. Moreover, he also realized one thing. Long Dangdang has not been promoted to the seventh level, but is still at the peak of the sixth level, but this is because he has the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Does that mean that they are still using Long Kongkong's ability to Help Long Dangdang repair the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace?

He didn't have much research on these ancient spiritual furnaces, but he knew very well what it would mean once the restoration of this spiritual furnace of wisdom was completed a long time ago.

Ah Jiu glanced at Long Dangdang with a meaningful look, "The Demon Realm suffered a lot this time. Under normal circumstances, as a small plane, after being controlled by our ancestors, the Demon Realm was set up in it. The Demon Realm itself can be self-sufficient. Self-recovery. And this time you have caused such a huge consumption and even destabilized the Demonic Realm. The advice given by the Temple Headquarters is that you are not allowed to enter the Demonic Realm again. This is assuming that you are not maliciously destroying the Demonic Realm. Exit. Now I can help you make a harmless judgment, but it will be difficult for you to enter the devil's realm again."

"Ah?" This is definitely bad news for Long Dangdang. He was thinking just now that if he entered the Demon Realm a few more times, he might be able to repair the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, but now his dream seems to have come to nothing. ah!

Ah Jiu waved his hand and said: "You are worried first. Your situation is quite special, especially your repair of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. I will apply to the Holy Church and explain the situation. You can go back and wait for the news. But , it is definitely impossible for you to enter the Demon Realm for the time being. The Demon Realm’s self-repair takes time, and your consumption this time will not be cured without a year of repair.”

"Yes, thank you, Deputy Minister." Long Dangdang reluctantly agreed. He did not expect that the Demon Realm would be so fragile after being devoured by energy. It seems that there is still endless space in the Kingdom of the Undead, but more importantly, there is a danger of death.

Ah Jiu patted Long Dangdang on the shoulder, "By the way, I need to inform you about something, so you must be mentally prepared."

"Ah?" Long Dangdang looked at Ah Jiu in surprise.

Ah Jiu said in a deep voice: "Your parents are missing."


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