Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 288 Parents are missing

"What?" The moment Long Dangdang heard Ah Jiu say that his parents were missing, he was instantly confused. His heart seemed to be suddenly grasped by something, and his expression changed drastically.

Ajiu said in a deep voice: "For some special reasons of yours, the temple headquarters sent someone to invite your parents to come to the holy city to reunite with you. But they were not found in Tenglong City. They are both missing, and they have already disappeared. It’s been a month.”

Long Dangdang instantly felt as if his breathing had stopped. In an instant, he clenched his fists and what he was most worried about happened.

He has always been more worried about his younger brother's safety. Because of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, his younger brother will inevitably become a thorn in the flesh of the Kingdom of the Undead, but he has not thought about his parents' safety. In his opinion, undead creatures have limited intelligence after all, and it is impossible to investigate their parents, but now it seems that his idea is too naive. My parents are missing, and it is very likely that it has something to do with the Kingdom of the Undead!

"They disappeared very suddenly. The temple headquarters has sent people to search for them. So far, no useful clues have been obtained."

Feeling Long Dangdang's emotional changes, Ah Jiu's voice couldn't help but become a little heavier.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his emotions, "Thank you for informing me."

At this moment, in his mind, the voices and smiles of his parents kept echoing. Since they came to the Holy City, they had not gone back to see their parents. At this moment, Long Dangdang felt like his heart was cut by a knife. If his parents were among the undead, What will happen in the hands of the state? He didn't dare to think about it at all.

"Minister, where is my brother? Is he awake?" Long Dangdang asked.

"It's right next door to you. He should be awake soon. You should go and have a look."

"Okay, thank you, Minister."

Long Dangdang hurriedly came to the next door. When he saw Long Kongkong, Long Kongkong was stretching and looking lazy. It seemed that he did not suffer too much pain, or maybe it was Yue. Ming Canghai Spiritual Furnace helped him soothe his pain.

"Brother, wake up. Hehehe, let me tell you, we have gained a lot this time. I estimate that we can help Canghai inject spiritual power to about 80,000, which is almost half of it. If there is another Three or four times should be able to fix it for you.”

"Dad and mom are missing." Long Dangdang said in a deep voice.

"What?" Long Kongkong jumped up from the bed almost instantly, grabbing Long Dangdang's shoulders, and even his voice changed, "Brother, what are you talking about? You can't joke about this kind of thing?"

Long Dangdang's expression was so ugly that he seemed to be dripping with tears, "The minister just told me that there was news from the temple headquarters. We were going to invite them to come to the holy city to meet us, but we found that they have been missing for a month. No investigation has been done. Useful clues.”

"Hoo Chi, Hoo Chi, Hoo Chi..." Long Kongkong gasped loudly, and Long Dangdang could even feel his hands trembling.

"Brother, brother..." He was completely at a loss.

Long Dangdang grabbed his wrist and said, "Don't panic. It's even more important to not panic at this time. Let's go back to Tenglong City."

The brothers left the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group, but Long Dangdang stood still. At this time, he had calmed down slightly, but the calmer he became, the more tormented he felt inside. He did not dare to think about his parents being taken away. Terrible consequences, heart-wrenching.

"Brother--" Long Kongkong called Long Dangdang, but there was already a hint of crying in his voice.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and said: "Inform my cousin and the others first. We are no longer calm enough at this time, so let them help us think about it. My parents have been missing for a month, and there is no use in rushing now."

"Yeah." Long Kongkong nodded vigorously. At this time, he had already lost his mind.

The bright moon is shining in the sky, and the dragon is shining brightly. "Is everyone awake? If so, go back to your residence and gather together. I have something urgent to do."

The bright moon is in the sky, Ling Menglu said, "I'm back first, are you okay?"

The bright moon was in the sky, Wang Changxin said, "I'm back."

When Long Dangdang finished saying that through Zi Lingjing, he had already led Long Kongkong towards his residence.

When they returned to their residence at the temple headquarters, they saw Ling Menglu and Wang Changxin already waiting at the door.

Ling Menglu's eyes changed when she saw Long Dangdang's face. She had never seen Long Dangdang lose his temper like this before. Although Long Dangdang was younger than her, in the past few years since she met Long Dangdang, Long Dangdang had always shown He showed a composure that was beyond that of his peers, but at this time his eyes were already a little wandering, and his face was pale because of his eagerness, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of energy.

At this time, Ling Menglu didn't care so much anymore and hurriedly took two steps forward and took his hand.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong wear different clothes, so they are not afraid of attracting the wrong person.

"Dangdang, what's wrong? What happened?" Ling Menglu asked with concern.

Before he could speak, Long Kongkong beside him said impatiently, "Cousin, our parents are missing."

"What?" Ling Menglu's expression changed drastically when she heard this. Like Long Dangdang, her first thought was that they had been captured by the dead. For a moment, I was extremely shocked.

"I just received a notice from the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Group, saying that my parents have been missing for a month. I originally wanted to invite them to the Holy City for a reunion." Long Dangdang said in a heavy voice.

Ling Menglu held his hand and did not let go, "Let's go inside first. Don't worry."

"Yes." The two brothers followed Ling Menglu and Wang Changxin back to the room. The other three had not returned from the Demon Hunting Group headquarters yet, and now they were the only four living in the room.

He went directly to Long Dangdang's room and closed the door. Long Dangdang took a deep breath and calmed down, "Cousin, I'm a little shaky now. Please help me analyze it. What should we do in this situation?" I never thought that the Kingdom of the Dead would come after our parents because of us, but now it seems that they have really taken action against our parents.”

Ling Menglu held his hand tightly, "Dangdang, don't worry. No matter what happens, we will face it together. You guys take a breath first and let me think about it."

Long Dangdang raised his other hand and pressed it on Long Kongkong's shoulder. Feeling the temperature of his palm, Long Kongkong calmed down. As long as his brother is here, he still has a backbone.

After a moment of silence, Ling Menglu said: "In this matter, we must first analyze the current situation. The worst result, just as we guessed, is that the Kingdom of the Dead takes action and captures the sixth aunt and uncle. You think about it first. , are there any other possibilities? For example, they went out to do business or travel? "

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "It's unlikely, because they were approached by the temple headquarters. If they have to travel far away for such a long time, my father is already the master of Pastor Teng Longcheng's branch temple. It's impossible for him not to be in the temple." I’ve been away for so long just to report to the palace.”

Ling Menglu nodded and said: "Okay, I will go home later, tell grandpa what happened, and ask grandpa to quickly check if my uncle has left any clues. Then, let's continue the analysis."

"Assuming that Sixth Aunt and Uncle were captured by the Kingdom of the Undead, what is their purpose? If their purpose is to target you two, then you must calm down. Only living parents can threaten their children. , so, then they should still be safe."

After hearing Ling Menglu's words, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong suddenly became energetic. As long as their parents were still alive and not killed by the Kingdom of the Undead, everything would still have a chance.

Ling Menglu continued: "If the purpose of arresting the Sixth Aunt and Uncle is you, then there will be two situations that will happen. One is to use them to threaten you, and the other is to lure you away from the Holy City. .Because the Holy City is now very tightly defended, the dead have nowhere to attack. I prefer to have both."

Long Dangdang turned to look at her and said, "Tenglong City?"

Ling Menglu nodded.

With her reminder, Long Dangdang's mind gradually became more alive at this time, and he gradually regained his calmness and wisdom, "If this is the case, I think the latter is very likely. You can't attack in the Holy City, and you can't even threaten directly. Us. After getting the news about the disappearance of our parents, we will definitely go to Tenglong City to investigate the situation, thereby giving the Kingdom of the Dead an opportunity. However, we have no choice but to go."

There was a trace of worry in Ling Menglu's beautiful eyes, and she held Long Dangdang's hand a little tighter, "If our guess is correct, then, for you, Tenglong City now is no less than a dragon's pond and a tiger's den."

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "Even if it's a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, we still have to go!"

Ling Menglu said: "I didn't say not to let you go. You are definitely going to go, but we must be prepared and cannot go blindly. Not only must we ensure your safety, but we must also save the sixth aunt and uncle as much as possible. come out."


Two days later.

Tenglong City Temple Federal Government, main building.

Every medium-sized or above city has a teleportation array. Because the teleportation array is expensive to use, it is usually activated only when something important happens.

But today, the teleportation array of the Tenglong City federal government suddenly lit up.

As the rays of light shone, figures emerged quietly.

The staff responsible for the teleportation array had already stood up when the teleportation array was turned on. You must know that this teleportation array only lights up a few times a month in Tenglong City, and those who are qualified to use the teleportation array, then There is no doubt that they are all big shots! What's going on recently? The frequency of use of the teleportation array seems to have become higher!

However, the staff member's face soon showed a look of astonishment, because the figures that appeared from the teleportation array looked too young.

Standing in the center is a handsome young man, tall, but judging from his face, he looks about twenty years old at most. To his left is a young man who looks exactly like him, and to his right is She is a stunning girl with long wavy golden hair and a stunning appearance that makes people feel like they light up everything, including their souls.

Several other people were also young, but at this time, their faces looked very serious.

"Excuse me, who are you?" The staff hurried forward to ask.

The leading young man raised his hand and revealed the crystal in his hand, which was the symbol of the demon hunter.

Demon hunting group? The staff took a deep breath, feeling shocked but also envious. Such a young demon hunting group? Even if it is the lowest level of the demon hunting group, it is someone he must definitely look up to. Everyone knows that those who can become a demon hunter must be the most outstanding being in the entire federation, and their future will be bright.

Those who returned through the teleportation array were none other than the seven members of the 19115897 Demon Hunting Group.

The parents of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were missing. After their partners found out, they all expressed their determination to rescue them together without hesitation. From the moment it was established, the Demon Hunting Group has been an indivisible whole. If something happens to a companion's family, no one will flinch.

The purpose of using the teleportation array to come back is to minimize the risks encountered on the road. And in the city, things are always much better.

Except for the Tenglong City Federal Government, Long Dang clenched his fists subconsciously while breathing the familiar air and looking at the familiar scenes on the street.

They haven't been back for several years since they left, but it doesn't hinder their memories of this place. After all, this is the place where he was born and raised. The two brothers grew up in Tenglong City since they were young. Because their father was a senior member of the Tenglong City Priest Temple, they had a privileged life since childhood. They were very familiar with everything here and had abundant feelings.

"Where to go first?" Ling Menglu asked.

Long Dangdang said without hesitation: "Go back to my house first."

Everyone's spirits were slightly shaken. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong's parents were missing. According to their guess, the most likely reason was that the Kingdom of the Undead had set a trap against the two brothers. If it was a trap, their family would undoubtedly be the most vulnerable. A place where there is a possibility of being ambushed.

But at this time, Long Dangdang did not hesitate at all and chose to go home immediately. If there were any clues that the temple had not investigated, then maybe they could find them. Because they want to be more familiar with their parents and their own home.

The Long family was originally located in the city center, and they didn't walk long before they saw this large house. Looking at the word "Long Mansion" hanging on the courtyard door, Long Kongkong's eyes turned red almost instantly, and he strode forward to rush in.

Long Dangdang grabbed his brother, pulled him behind him, and then took the lead to step forward. He forcefully pushed open the door of his home that he had not seen for several years.

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