Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 291 Long Dangdang’s confession

The faces of the three ninth-level people all looked ugly at this time. They quietly arrived at Tenglong City and lurked near the Long Family just to protect their disciples. Whether from their personal point of view or from the temple headquarters, they think this is foolproof. Two ninth-level holy knights plus a ninth-level magic god. This combination is definitely capable of fighting even if they encounter a high-ranking ninth level. They can persist for a long time, long enough to wait for reinforcements and the existence of the teleportation array. In twenty minutes at most, a strong man from the temple level will arrive.

But who knew that in order to deal with the two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, the Kingdom of the Undead actually used a powerful artifact that could isolate the outside world, and directly targeted only these two brothers. Although it is unclear how they broke through the barrier, relatively speaking, the three ninth-level people had no effect at all, and watched helplessly as the two disciples fell into danger.

Moreover, they also realized a problem at this time, that is, the Kingdom of the Undead paid more attention to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong than the temple headquarters. Otherwise, the barrier just now should not only have enveloped the two brothers, but also the goddess of light, Ling Menglu. Judging from the current situation, the Kingdom of the Dead values ​​their brothers even more than Ling Menglu. You must know that Ling Menglu is the unofficial next leader of the Priest Temple, and is even considered to be responsible for the great success of the Priest Temple.

Rays of holy light lingered, descended from the sky, and were continuously injected into the bodies of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. The chants echoed, and the light elements in the air became extremely rich almost instantly.

"Grandpa." Ling Menglu called anxiously.

Mr. Ling was wearing a luxurious white-gold priest's robe, holding a white scepter, and stared at the two brothers in front of him with a solemn expression. As a member of the Holy Church, he cannot leave the Holy City easily. But when they were attacked in Longdang, the three ninth levels immediately notified the temple, and Mr. Ling rushed over immediately. What he saw was the scene of his two grandsons being seriously injured.

"Master Ling." Hai Jifeng, Zi Tianwu and Na Ye saluted Mr. Ling one after another. Mr. Ling is not only a member of the Holy Church, but also has much higher qualifications than them. He is considered an elder.

"What's going on?" Mr. Ling's powerful healing spells kept falling on Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. He was not seen chanting spells, and he was distracted to ask. The powerful strength of the temple level is undoubtedly demonstrated.

Zi Tianwu said with some shame: "The Kingdom of the Undead used an artifact-level sealing equipment. We tried for a long time but couldn't break it. Later, it was broken internally and we could enter. There was one person who was at least a ninth-level sealing equipment. The Sword Master of the Dead and above attacked them."

Whatever Zi Tianwu and the others could think of, Mr. Ling could naturally think of it, and his face suddenly became more solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Let's go, take them back to the Holy City first, we can't stay here anymore."

The Kingdom of the Undead has already used artifact-level equipment to deal with Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, so the whole thing must be re-evaluated. Tenglong City is unsafe, and the Holy Church cannot be stationed here because of the two of them. Only the Holy City can ensure their safety.


When everyone arrived at Tenglong City, not a single one of them disappeared, and they started on their way home again. Under the treatment of Mr. Ling, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong could not die as long as they were still breathing. Their injuries had basically stabilized, but they were still in a coma.

The 19115897 Demon Hunting Group was sent directly to the Holy City headquarters and returned to their original residence. Mr. Ling left in a hurry, apparently to report the matter to the Holy Church.

Two level 6s are nothing to the Temple Alliance, but it is not that simple to allow the undead kingdom to use artifacts and powerful people of level 9 and level 2 or above to attack the level 6. The safety of my two grandsons The level must be raised significantly.

Long Dangdang was in a dazed state. The previous battle and the process of being completely suppressed kept flashing in his mind. Each clone was destroyed, leaving him in an extremely weak state. This cannot be restored with treatment. It felt like my body and soul had been cut apart.

Long Dangdang's consciousness has been in a strange state. He seemed to feel that he was in a purple-gold world. The purple-gold color was constantly surging to repair his body, which seemed to have lost limbs and even his head.

Ling Menglu had been staying by Long Dangdang's bed for three days and three nights. Long Dangdang was still in a coma and could not wake up, even under Mr. Ling's treatment.

No one knows what kind of attack the two brothers suffered, and they were so seriously injured. The only good thing is that Mr. Ling affirmed that he is in a state of self-repair and there should be no big problems.

Ling Menglu put her hand on Long Dangdang's forehead and felt his body temperature.

Since being comatose, Long Dangdang has been in a state of high fever. The surface of his skin even occasionally emits a flickering light, and his aura is unstable.

Ling Menglu could only continue to release gentle healing magic on him to moisturize his body.

Long Kongkong was next door, also sleeping. Unlike Long Dangdang, his condition seemed more stable, but his vital signs were weak, but there were no obvious fluctuations.

The attack came so suddenly that they were unable to react at the time. And when the dark green swallowed up the two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, Ling Menglu even felt that she was about to lose him. Especially when there was still nothing to do after the arrival of the three ninth levels, Ling Menglu even felt a little desperate.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but squeeze Long Dangdang's hand.

She has been a genius girl since she was a child. Whether at home, in college, or even in the priest's temple, she is like a princess. She had never felt such a feeling of losing her most important existence, and she had never been so eager for strength as she was at this moment.

She's growing up very, very quickly. However, she understands that her current growth is far from enough. When facing a truly strong person, she cannot fight against him, let alone change him. If I could be stronger, if...

Now, the only thing she was happy about was that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong survived. She secretly vowed in her heart that she must make herself strong enough, definitely!

I don't know how long Long Dangdang had been unconscious for a while, but he had a vague feeling, as if his broken body was gradually healing, his broken limbs seemed to have been reborn, and the purple-gold world was gradually becoming clearer.

In that world, he seemed to vaguely see Xiaoba's figure, but what was different from Xiaoba was that in this purple-gold world, what he saw was not Xiaoba who only had three heads, but six heads. It has a head. There was only a back view, and the dragon scales on Xiao Ba's body were even more purple-gold.

"If you want to save your parents, come to the Scourge City, the Kingdom of the Undead." The cold voice echoed in his mind, and Long Dangdang suddenly shivered smartly and suddenly woke up from his coma.

He opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his body became stiff.

Ling Menglu, who was sleeping soundly beside his bed, also woke up. She looked up at Long Dangdang who opened his eyes and said in surprise: "Dangdang, you're awake!"

"If you want to save your parents, come to the Natural Disaster City, the Kingdom of the Undead." The cold voice still echoed in Long Dangdang's mind, and at this time, he gradually came back to his senses.

He remembered that this voice was what the ninth-level deceased woman left behind before she left. Natural disaster city, natural disaster city!

All the previous speculations seemed to have no meaning. There was no doubt that his parents were captured by the Kingdom of the Undead. And now, they are in the so-called natural disaster city. Disaster City, the Kingdom of the Undead!

While his mind was racing with thoughts, he felt his palms warm and held by soft little hands. He subconsciously turned his head to look, and happened to meet Ling Menglu's extremely clear but worried big eyes.

"Cousin, I'm fine." When Long Dangdang said this, he realized that his voice was hoarse.

Ling Menglu said softly: "Don't talk too much now, you just woke up, have a good rest."

Long Dangdang said: "Where is Kong Kong? How is he?"

Ling Menglu said: "Like you, I am also in a coma."

Long Dangdang seemed to feel something and nodded after hearing this. They were twin brothers with the same blood. He could feel Long Kongkong's aura being stable and nothing serious.

There is no doubt that this time is the closest to death they have ever faced.

There was only one enemy in the attack, but the terrifying strength that was completely unmatchable made it impossible for them to get away with it. If Kong Kong hadn't inspired that strange bloodline power in his body, I'm afraid they would have told him directly.

After taking a deep breath, Long Dangdang sat up with support. Ling Menglu hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

"Dangdang, don't be too anxious. There will always be a way." When Ling Menglu said this, she actually felt heavy in her heart.

The surprise attack of the ninth-level dead has already meant that Long Leilei and Ling Xue's departure was by no means an independent act. They have indeed fallen into the hands of the Kingdom of the Undead. The Kingdom of the Undead is also fully aware of their relationship with the brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. . The intelligence of undead creatures is more terrifying than imagined, and this is also the most difficult thing to deal with.

Long Dangdang nodded gently, "I understand, don't worry, I'm fine. Thank you for always taking care of me."

Ling Menglu pursed her red lips slightly, "Do you have any more words to thank me for?"

While she was speaking, Long Dangdang suddenly opened his arms and hugged her forcefully into his arms.

This sudden movement startled Ling Menglu. Before she could react, she had already fallen into a warm embrace. However, this warm embrace was trembling a little.

After hesitating for a moment, her somewhat overwhelmed hands fell gently on his back, and his embrace became a little tighter.

She could feel his dependence on her at this moment, and she could even feel the helplessness and hesitation in his heart.

"It's okay, it's okay..." She could only comfort him softly.

Long Dangdang's breathing gradually became calmer, "Monroe, it's great to have you by my side. If, if I can save my parents, are you willing to be my girlfriend? We are not related by blood, so that's okay of."

Ling Menglu was stunned. She really didn't expect that Long Dangdang would confess to her at this time. She felt the heat on his body that increased instantly. Her face turned red with shame, but she said viciously: "Long Dangdang, what do you think of me?" Are you here?"

"Ah?" Long Dangdang was stunned, and subconsciously opened his arms and looked at Ling Menglu.

Ling Menglu's face turned red with embarrassment, and she looked even more stunningly beautiful. However, she looked at Long Dangdang angrily, "You've already hugged me, so why are you waiting? From now on, you are my boyfriend." No regrets, no betrayal, no leaving me. You have to stay by my side every day and be my knight forever."

Looking at her pretty face with a bit of domineering look, Long Dangdang's heart suddenly melted, but there was a hint of bitterness on his face, "But, I'm not sure if I can save my parents safely, I... "

Ling Menglu covered his mouth, "What are you thinking? No matter what happens, we have to face it together. Moreover, you have hugged me and you have touched my body. Do you know? You This is already a promise, and it's too late to regret it. Do you understand? I will accompany you to save the sixth aunt and uncle. No matter what, we will be together."

"My cousin is mighty, my cousin is domineering, no, my sister-in-law is mighty!" A voice full of admiration suddenly came from the door.

Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu suddenly turned around, only to see a pale Long Kongkong standing there, giving a thumbs up to Ling Menglu with both hands.

Ling Menglu's pretty face suddenly turned red, her body flashed with golden light, the light leap instantly surged out, and the person disappeared immediately.

Long Dangdang looked at Long Kongkong fiercely, "Do you have to show up at this time?"

Long Kongkong said with an innocent face: "Can you blame me? I was worried about my dear brother after I woke up, so I came to see you as soon as possible! I didn't expect to witness such an important moment. My cousin is so kind Ah! I agree to be my sister-in-law."

Long Dangdang rolled his eyes, "Who cares whether you agree or not?"

Long Kongkong said: "Anyway, you have been occupied by the sister-in-law, and you can't run away. It's good." As he said that, he walked into the room and closed the door.

The two brothers looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces gradually faded. Long Kongkong gradually frowned and said, "Brother, where is the Natural Disaster City?"

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