Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 292 The Secret of the Evolution of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace

Long Dangdang naturally didn't know where the Natural Disaster City was. After Long Kongkong asked this question, he fell into silence.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath and said: "Kongkong, at least now we can be sure of the whereabouts of our parents. Moreover, if the Kingdom of the Undead is just to deal with us, our parents should still be safe now. Therefore, we must not be anxious now, let alone Don't panic." His words were not only to comfort his brother, but also to convince himself.

Long Kongkong said in confusion: "Then what should we do now? Go directly to the Natural Disaster City? Or..."

Long Dangdang sighed and said: "With our little strength, what's the use of going now? We can only die."

Long Kongkong raised his head and looked at him, "Then just wait? We can wait, but my parents can't wait!"

Long Dangdang was silent. Yes, his parents were arrested, so why wasn't his heart already in chaos? How could he know what to do?

Long Kongkong said: "How about we ask grandpa for help. If grandpa is willing to go with us, there may be a chance."

Long Dang said: "The Natural Disaster City must be the core of the Kingdom of the Undead. For us humans, it is no different from a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. No matter how powerful my grandfather is, he will still face huge risks if he enters the Kingdom of the Undead alone. How can we bear it? Let him take risks?"

Long Kongkong said: "What should we do? We can't do it ourselves!"

Long Dangdang said: "Let me think about it first, let's work hard to improve ourselves first. Kong Kong, in fact, our only chance may be in our own blood. If we can control that kind of power, maybe we can Chance."

Long Kongkong said: "But we can't control it now! I can only activate that power at the most critical moment, and the backlash on my body is serious. Brother, can you use it?"

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not as good as you. I can only sense it, but I can't seem to use it. I don't know why."

Long Kongkong's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he patted his chest, "Yutong, Yutong."

Long Dangdang also realized something and looked at him intently.

Golden light flashed, and Yu Tong's slim figure appeared quietly in front of them.

"Yu Tong, you have experienced the power of my blood a few times. Is there any way for me to actively control it, even with just one blow?" Long Kongkong asked.

Yu Tong said: "Your bloodline power seems to be controlled by emotions. You can only use it when your own emotions are stimulated. Moreover, it is indeed not something that your current body can support. In After using it in the Demon Realm, the virtual world of the Demon Realm itself will not really hurt you, so it will be fine. This time, with my assistance, the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace helped you bear part of the backlash. Otherwise, you 's body is at risk of collapse, let alone continuous use."

Long Dang said: "Senior Yutong, then I can't trigger it. Is it because my body can't bear it, so I haven't been able to trigger it?"

Yutong said: "It is possible. But it is certain that you also have the same bloodline. You can use its breath, but you cannot really explode the destructive power."

Long Dang said: "You are well-informed, so under what circumstances do you think it is possible for us to control this power of blood? In other words, what kind of cultivation can we really use it?"

Yu Tong said: "It's hard to say when to take control, but I feel that this power actually grows with your own growth. The innate bloodline will become stronger as the body grows. This is the same for everyone. . To use the power of your own bloodline, one is to stimulate it through cultivation. The other is to enhance the stimulation of the bloodline as your cultivation level increases. I have a rough guess, perhaps, if your strength can make further breakthroughs At the seventh level, the power of this bloodline will change. For humans, the seventh level is a very important watershed. It can be said to be the evolution from human to superhuman. The body and energy can form a real interaction, whether it is training or fighting. , recovery, and your abilities in all aspects will be greatly enhanced. You are already cultivating external spiritual power, which is why Kongkong can still survive despite suffering the backlash of that bloodline. But if you can break through to the seventh Level, perhaps, your body really has the ability to withstand the power of this bloodline, at least it will not cause direct backlash to death due to use of it. At the same time, as your cultivation reaches the seventh level, the power of this bloodline should also Evolution, as for the extent to which it can evolve, I can’t guess, but at least it is possible.”

"I have heard everything you have encountered. The main reason why the Kingdom of the Undead pays so much attention to you is the empty Yuanvortex Spirit Stove. As the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace evolves, I am more or less familiar with its characteristics. I already understand. It has an absolutely established attribute that nothing can be swallowed. In other words, any attribute of energy can be swallowed and absorbed by it. With this ability, Kong Kong’s talent is constantly increasing, and his cultivation speed is also increasing. This ability To catch up with you. As for the Kingdom of the Undead, if this power continues to increase, it may truly threaten them in the future. If Kong Kong grows to the ninth level and allows the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace to evolve twice more, then , even the ninth-level undead cannot hold out for long in front of him. I understand your eagerness to save your parents, but as Dangdang said just now, it is useless to be anxious. What you can do now is the first thing to do, It’s about improving yourself. Instead of blindly thinking about what to do, it’s better to start with yourself first, raise it to the seventh level as much as possible, and see how the bloodline changes. If you can really control that terrible thing to a certain extent after the seventh level With the power of blood, then maybe your chance will come."

After listening to Yutong's words, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong's mentality adjusted slightly.

Long Dang said: "Because I was asked to repair the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, it will definitely not be possible to advance to the seventh level in a short while. But Kongkong still can't break through. Does it have something to do with me? "

Yutong said: "There is a certain relationship, but it is not absolute. You are twins, and your bloodline is very special. The bloodline you have makes your relationship with each other closer than that of ordinary twins. You Being suppressed, Kong Kong will naturally be suppressed as well. But as long as he has enough energy and determination, it is not impossible to break through first. And once he breaks through to the seventh level, it will be of great benefit to you, and it should be It can increase your cultivation speed to a certain extent."

"Yutong, Yutong, what should I do to break through?" Long Kongkong asked eagerly.

Yu Tong said: "If you want to get rid of the suppression brought by your brother, the only way is to explode with enough energy. I have a way to help you break through to the seventh level, but there is a certain danger."

Long Kongkong said without hesitation: "Danger is danger, tell me quickly."

Yutong said: "If I break through, you will naturally be able to break through."

Long Kongkong said in surprise: "Yutong, are you going to advance?" This is a great thing! All along, the help brought by the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Stove has been too great for them. The increase in the level of the spiritual furnace at every critical moment gave them huge benefits, whether it was training or fighting.

And if the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace can complete an evolution, then she can temporarily upgrade two spiritual furnaces by one level at the same time, which will have the greatest effect, and it will be a geometric increase.

To put it simply, if the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Furnace has two increased quotas, it will allow Long Kongkong to use the ability of Cangyue Angel to transform while using the Touch of the Abyss.

Yutong said: "There is something you may not know. As a wisdom spiritual furnace, our evolution is different from that of ordinary spiritual furnaces. When we evolve, we need to go through tests. And as our contract partners, you also You need to go through the same test with us. We have been contracted together for a long time, and in the process, your strength has grown a lot, and I have used it a lot, which is the basis for promotion. But you want me to To complete the advancement, you need to go through a test with me. After passing it, I can be promoted, and I should be able to help you break through the bottleneck and enter the seventh level. But if you fail to pass, both you and I will be in danger."

"I..." Long Kongkong was about to agree, but was stopped by Long Dangdang raising his hand.

"Senior Yutong, I want to know how big the risk is? Moreover, Monroe was promoted to the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace before, and she seems to have not experienced the test!"

Yu Tong said calmly: "Ling Menglu is different from you. She is already the body of a light god, that kind of being with an innate spiritual power of more than 100. The compatibility between the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace and her is almost perfect. Therefore, when he was promoted, he was directly exempted from the assessment. In a sense, Ling Menglu's own divine light attribute is no less pure than the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace. Although the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace is a wisdom spiritual furnace, it can Following Ling Menglu would actually give it an advantage."

Although they didn't say it clearly, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong also understood that Yu Tong meant that in terms of talent, they were still incomparable to Ling Menglu.

"As for the risk, there is definitely one. But it shouldn't be life-threatening. At most, the cultivation level will regress a little and the promotion will fail." Yu Tong said thoughtfully.

Long Dangdang breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong said without hesitation: "Then I will accompany you to break through. When will you come?"

Yu Tong said: "Wait until you adjust your condition, especially your mentality. Don't think that failure to achieve promotion is a small matter. What I can tell you is that if you fail to achieve promotion this time, you may be hopeless within ten years." Promoted. I am the strongest among the contemporary wisdom furnaces, so my test is also the greatest."

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at Long Dangdang, his eyes looking a little strange.

"What are you looking at me for? Senior Yutong is reminding you that if you want to break through, you must first have enough determination." Long Dangdang said.

Long Kongkong said: "I know! I am determined. In order to save my father and mother, I will definitely succeed even if I risk my life. But you, brother, you have three wisdom spiritual furnaces, and they are all the old ones. Especially powerful. They will evolve in the future..."

Long Dangdang was slightly startled, but he immediately understood what Long Kongkong meant, and his face couldn't help but change slightly, right? In him, the three spiritual furnaces of wisdom are all at the level of the older generation of watchers. Existence, the repair of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace has already caused him big trouble. How strong will a spiritual furnace of this level be in future tests?

What's more, there are two people, Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace and Qingtantu Spiritual Furnace. Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace also needs to be repaired, and if this spiritual furnace, which is famous for attacking and killing, needs to go through a test in this life, it will definitely not be easy to pass. As for swallowing the spiritual furnace lightly and slowly, just thinking about it gives people a headache!

"Jing... said... that... do you want to... endure... the test...?... I... can...... I... originally... didn't... Injury..., after signing a contract... with... you...,... I... am... the... first... level... perfect... state...,... if... you... are confident ...If I can...pass...the assessment...,,... ...little...dangdang..."

The sudden intermittent sound immediately made Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong feel chills and indescribable discomfort. But they understood the meaning of the words.

Long Dangdang said in surprise: "Is it really possible? Will it take a long time?"

"Jing... said that... words...,... I... am... the... controller... of... time... maybe... you... think... will... be... ...It's...a long...time...but...I...feel...only...for a moment...let's try...after the second...level... ..., very powerful...many...,...many...oh..."

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong looked at each other. The evolutionary paths of the two spiritual furnaces of wisdom seemed to have reduced their inner hesitation and confusion. If a spiritual furnace of this level can be evolved once, it will undoubtedly be of great help to them when they go to rescue their parents.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath. He didn't even ask if the test was difficult. He nodded vigorously without hesitation, "Okay! I am willing."

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