Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 293 The Test of the Wisdom Spiritual Furnace

Long Dangdang's face showed determination. Neither he nor Long Kongkong had any other choice. Going deep into the kingdom of the dead to save your parents will definitely lead to a narrow escape from death. Even teachers and friends cannot invite you to this kind of thing. The only one they can rely on most is themselves, and with their current strength, trying to dominate the Kingdom of the Undead is nothing short of a fool's errand.

Therefore, Long Dangdang actually didn’t know what to do deep down in his heart, but could he not go to the Natural Disaster City? That's definitely not possible, those are their closest parents! Even though they knew it was extremely dangerous, they had no other choice. Moreover, he also understood that the temple would not let them leave. Whether it was to protect them or to protect the future power against undead creatures, it would strictly guard against them and would not let them take risks easily.

Since they can't leave for the time being, all they can do is to strengthen themselves as much as possible. What is the best way to strengthen? He can't improve his spiritual power at all now. If he can evolve the wisdom spiritual furnace, it will undoubtedly be the greatest help to him. He has three spiritual furnaces of wisdom in his body. No matter who evolves from these three, it will be a qualitative leap for him. The Soul Breathing Furnace is a watcher-level existence, and it also has the mystery of time. He has not fully understood it yet. If he can take advantage of this opportunity to fully understand and communicate, then the opportunities in the future will definitely increase a lot. Her ability to affect the flow of time alone will be of great help in concealing their entry into the enemy camp in the future.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to agree to the test of the Slowly Breathing Spirit Furnace, and he had full confidence in himself.

"Are you... here now...? Xiao... Dangdang..."

Long Dangdang looked at Long Kongkong, took a deep breath, and then nodded vigorously, "Now." His state has recovered, and the anxiety in his heart makes him more willing to pass the test to divert his mind, otherwise he will just Even more uncomfortable.

"Okay... Oh..." Qingtunshuo Lingtuo slowly agreed. The next moment, at Longdangdang's dantian, circles of white ripples began to ripple outward, and the soft white light was crystal clear. But it's hazy.

Long Kongkong stood aside and watched. What he saw was the soft white light slowly swallowing Long Dangdang's body bit by bit. Long Dangdang seemed to be wiped out out of thin air. He actually disappeared like that. Only one person could see it. The very thin white spiritual furnace is suspended in mid-air.

The spiritual furnace slowly stood upright, and there was jade-colored quicksand inside that was gently rippling, falling downwards, and actually showing an hourglass state.

Long Kongkong looked at Yutong beside him, "Yutong, are they starting now?"

Yu Tong nodded, "Don't worry, your brother is determined and has a profound knowledge. He should be fine. That slow and slow Breathing Soul Furnace is no small matter. The level is definitely not lower than mine. After this evolution, he should be It can bring him a lot of help.”

Long Kongkong said: "Then shall we start? When will I be ready?"

Yu Tong said: "You have to ask yourself. If you think you are ready, then you are ready. If you don't think you can do it, then how can you pass the test?"

"Oh. I'll give it a try." Long Kongkong looked at the soft and slow soul-breathing furnace suspended in the air, and suddenly felt a strong sense of urgency in his heart.

All this time, he has been lazily taking care of his brother. Although his strength has improved quickly, relatively speaking, he relies more on luck to improve his cultivation, whether it is the blood alchemy body, Or swallowing spiritual power through the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, these don't require much effort on his part. He was also happy with this, as long as safety came first.

His elder brother never urged him or blamed him. Whenever he encountered danger, his elder brother always stood in front of him and protected him from the wind and rain.

However, now my brother is unstoppable! Affected by the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, Long Dangdang was unable to advance to the seventh level. His parents were arrested, and he was also a son. How could he let his brother fight alone? And even under such circumstances, my brother never forced himself to work hard.

It's time to give it a try! Long Kongkong sat there cross-legged, silently feeling his own thoughts in his mind. In his heart, he gradually became firm and ambitious. We must break through and reach the seventh level first. Every point of improvement gives them one more chance to rescue their parents.

Gradually, his energy and spirit began to merge, and the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace opened on its own, swallowing and absorbing various elements in the air and transforming them into himself. The energy previously swallowed by the ninth-level dead was repaired after he woke up. At the same time, the excess was given to Canghai. Because he knows very well that whether Canghai can complete the repair will determine his future.

Yu Tong stood silently next to Long Kongkong, feeling his emotional changes. Gradually, Yu Tong's face shrouded in golden light became slightly clearer, and she could vaguely see that the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. She felt , he really wanted to work hard and really strengthened his heart.

Long Kongkong didn't know how much time had passed, and when he opened his eyes again, his whole state had changed. Everything around him seemed to become clearer and clearer, and everything seemed to be clearer. Entering a special state, his energy and spirit were condensed like never before, and there was no longer any hesitation in his heart, no thoughts of safety, all he had was to move forward indomitably!

"Yu Tong, let's start too!" He quickly turned to look at Yu Tong, as if he was afraid that he would regret it, and made a decision.

"Okay." Yutong nodded to him, and the magnificent golden spiritual furnace slowly flew out from the center of Long Kongkong's eyebrows. The next moment, the spiritual furnace was turned upside down, and Long Kongkong felt a very strong suction force. Suddenly came from the spiritual furnace, and immediately after, his whole eyesight went dark, and he didn't know anything anymore.

Under Yutong's gaze, Long Kongkong's body quickly shrank, and was swallowed directly into the magnificent golden spiritual furnace and disappeared.

The light flowed, and when Long Dangdang saw everything around him clearly again, he was surprised to find that he was in the midst of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers. At this moment, beside him, stood a man with a delicate appearance.

The man turned his head and smiled sweetly at him, "How are you, little Dangdang!"

"Are you being arrogant?" Long Dangdang asked in surprise. The scornfulness at this time seems to be completely normal, there is no dullness in the voice, and there is no longer the feeling of extreme discomfort.

"It's me. Are you handsome? You're not bad either, just a little bit worse than me." The arrogant and narcissistic Xiang Long smiled.

Long Dangdang was a little helpless, but he also knew that regardless of his actual age, this ancestor was old enough to be himself, "Qing Miao, what can we do to help you complete your evolution?"

He said lightly: "There is actually a threshold for the promotion of our wisdom spiritual furnace. Normally, it is very difficult for you humans to sign a contract with us if you want a domain name, because under normal circumstances it is impossible for us to be willing to lower our cultivation level to be with you. Go through it all over again. After all, there is no need at all. But some situations are special. For example, signing a contract with you humans will help us improve our status in the future. Or we really see each other. Of course, there is another way. You have faced two situations, Canghai and Shura, both because they were damaged and needed your help to repair them. Therefore, you should understand how difficult it is to win the favor of our three wisdom spiritual furnaces. I'm really bored and want to pursue some excitement. Relatively speaking, my evolution will be easier for you. Well, I'm off track. Let's talk about the threshold. Our first evolution actually requires the contract partner to reach It can only be done after the seventh level. This is the case for me, and the same is true for Yutong. But neither of you brothers have actually reached this level. The reason why you can try it is because you have cultivated external spiritual power at the same time, and combined the internal and external. It can be regarded as the seventh level.”

"On our side, relatively speaking, among the three spiritual furnaces you contracted, I should be the easiest one to evolve, because I am complete myself, and I have stood at the top before, and many roads are just a matter of starting over. Just once. But having you with me is different from when I walked alone. When I was on my own, all I had to face was my own trials, but when you are here, it takes the two of us together. You have to face double the training. It is actually a good thing for you. After passing it, you and I will be more compatible, not to mention the improvement of my talents and skills after evolution."

Long Dangdang listened carefully to the scornful narration, and nodded when he heard the words, "I understand, what should I do now?"

Qingman raised his head and looked forward, with a look of memory on his handsome face, and said with a smile: "It's very simple. From here, walk out. When we reach the end, we have passed the test."

Long Dangdang followed his gaze and looked forward. The birds and flowers in front of him were a big forest. In other words, he wanted to get out of this forest?

So, where is the difficulty?

The next moment, his expression changed. Because the originally quiet forest suddenly changed. The bright sky dimmed and a low roar sounded. The power of nature appears.

the other side.

Long Kongkong felt as if his soul was about to be torn out. He was indescribably uncomfortable, but this process only lasted a short time. The next moment, he found that he appeared in a golden space.

This is a golden valley, and everything in this golden valley seems to be golden. There are a total of twelve huge pillars around the valley. These pillars reach straight to the sky with no end in sight.

Invisible pressure naturally forms, not only outside the body, but also in the heart.

"Yutong, Yutong, are you there?" Long Kongkong called urgently.

The next moment, a golden light appeared beside him, and it was the figure of Yu Tong.

Seeing her, Long Kongkong immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "What should we do to pass this assessment!"

Yu Tong's body rotated and came to the front of him. At this moment, Long Kongkong was surprised to find that he seemed to be able to see Yu Tong's eyes. Although it was just a glimpse, an indescribable sense of familiarity made his heart tremble.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to search for the owner of these eyes in his memory, but the gaze at that moment was too short. What was even more strange was that he could not remember the look of those eyes. .

"The assessment is very simple." There was a strange feeling in Yutong's voice.

"Simple? What is that?" Long Kongkong asked in surprise.

Yutong said: "The evolution of the wisdom spiritual furnace has always been about challenging oneself. As my contractor, you also have to accept such challenges. I am different from ordinary wisdom spiritual furnaces. My strongest ability is to increase the power of the spiritual furnace. Advancement, and these increases and advancements cannot be achieved by normal power. They are all a qualitative leap. Therefore, as my contractor, what you have to face is also the test of sublimation."

Long Kongkong said with some confusion: "You said it is so magical, what exactly is it?"

Yutong suddenly smiled and said, "Beat me."

"What? Defeat you? What do you mean?" Long Kongkong suddenly felt that his whole body was not well.

Yutong said: "I will have all your skills, as well as my own amplification ability. Therefore, what you have to face is yourself after being amplified by me. However, the form you face It's me. If you defeat me, you will pass the test."

Long Kongkong was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, "Okay! This is good. Yutong, please release the water quickly, and we can pass the assessment. If I had known it was this kind of assessment, I don’t need to worry or be determined anymore! It’s so simple! I just know that God will still take care of me.”

"No. You have to really defeat me. This is the rule!" As she said that, Yutong grabbed her left hand in the air, and a ball of golden light condensed in her hand. It was a shield. The next moment, the shield It had already hit Long Kongkong's chest.

With a "bang", Long Kongkong felt as if he had been hit by a wall, and his whole body was directly knocked out. Guardian Knight Skill, Shield Bash!

"Yu Tong, you are really fighting!" Long Kongkong was shocked. He turned over on the ground and jumped up. The next moment, he immediately started his own summons, trying to open the Rat King's contract space. But, no response!

"You can't use mounts, you can only rely on your own strength." Yu Tong said as a black vortex began to slowly appear on his chest, the Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace! Yes, Long Kongkong’s Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace. Moreover, after being amplified by Yu Tong himself, it reached the fourth level of the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace.

"I..." Long Kongkong was stunned.

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