In the forest filled with birds and flowers, the light suddenly dimmed. The invisible pressure made Long Dangdang's nerves tense instantly.

Qing Nuan told him that if he wanted to pass the test, he had to walk out of this forest. But just ahead, he saw his opponent. It was a scorn one by one, yes, one by one. Each scorn looked the same, but different. The closer the scorn was to him, the more transparent the body seemed, and the farther away the scorn was, the more transparent the body looked. The body becomes a little more solid.

Long Dangdang turned to look at Qingman, Qingman smiled at him and said, "Go ahead. You must have felt me ​​before you can truly fit in with me!"

"Okay." Long Dangdang agreed. His Silver Wave Magic had been destroyed when he first fought against the ninth-level dead. He tried it, but in this world, he couldn't use his stored spiritual weapons, and all the equipment seemed to be unusable. The only thing he can feel and communicate with is his own spiritual furnace and his own internal and external spiritual power.

Faced with such a challenge, Long Dangdang is not afraid. As Qing Nian said, if you want to truly control it and be in harmony with it, you must first understand it. Presumably, this is also the true meaning of the assessment. Just like although I first concluded a contract with Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, do I really understand Canghai? It was still with Canghai's gradually revealing abilities that he gradually touched the tip of the iceberg.

At this moment, he even had some enlightenment in his heart. Wasn't the so-called test really about controlling the spiritual furnace of wisdom? Perhaps, before, it was just a simple combination with the spiritual furnace. The so-called contract was just a process of slow adjustment between the two parties. To truly control and use the intelligent spiritual furnace, one needs to pass the test of evolution and truly understand Only the power of the spiritual furnace will do.

Thinking of this, he became more determined in his heart. Taking a few quick steps, I was soon close to the first slight.

It was a slight on his left side. The body was almost translucent. The handsome face even looked a bit enchanting in this transparent state. When he saw him coming, he suddenly raised his hand to him, A slap came.

Long Dangdang's reaction was extremely fast, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge. However, as soon as his consciousness was transmitted to his body, he heard a "pop", and the translucent and gentle slap had already hit him.

Is this... teleportation?

Long Dangdang was shocked to find that he couldn't escape at all.

Spiritual power surged, and a holy light guardian was released on himself. However, that contempt was slapped with one palm.

There was another crisp sound. Long Dangdang felt pain in his shoulder and took two steps back. The holy light shield did not have any blocking effect, and he did not even feel touched.

what 's wrong?

Long Dangdang didn't know why, but at this time, he was even calmer. In every critical moment, he is the most calm in his heart.

Since you don’t know what’s going on, then deal with it comprehensively.

The translucent Scorn has raised his hand for the third time. His attack is not too strong, only about the fifth level of strength, but even so, it still hurts when he hits the body.

When Long Dangdang raised his hand, his body had already completed a sliding step. Because he cannot use equipment, his Light Leap cannot be used now. But sliding is a knight skill that he first learned from Naye, and it is most suitable for dodge.

"Pop" still hits, it feels like Long Dangdang is sent up to hit him.

Why is this happening? The dragon was motionless. Since it could not dodge or resist, no matter how much it moved, it would be in vain.

He even turned his head and glanced at the body of Qingman next to him, but Qingman just smiled at him and had no intention of helping him or explaining to him.

Long Dangdang's own external spiritual power has reached the peak of the sixth level, and the fifth level's attack power really can't hurt him. This didn't hurt much, but it made him feel a little powerless.

What kind of power is this? It's not teleportation, because there is no spatial fluctuation.

Long Dangdang did not step forward again, but took another slight blow and quickly slid back to distance himself. He stepped away, and the translucent contempt stopped attacking him.

Long Dangdang frowned and stared at the scornful phantom, recalling the previous attack process in his mind, spinning rapidly.

Take it lightly, take it easy! What's the secret? In control of time.

So, the slight attack just now was not teleportation, what was it? What kind of power can allow him to hit him until he can't dodge?

Time, time, time...

Suddenly, Long Dangdang seemed to understand. He suddenly looked at the translucent scorn again, took another step, and stepped forward again.

It was still a slap, coming towards the dragon. But this time, everything around Long Dangdang suddenly became sticky, and the air seemed to be stagnant at this moment. The palm also deviated from the trajectory towards him and struck half a meter in front of him.

Long Dangdang suddenly turned his head and looked at Qian Man next to him, "The person he hit before was me a moment ago?"

Qingman smiled slightly, "You are very smart. I didn't expect you to figure it out so quickly. Not in a moment, but in an instant."

Long Dangdang was suddenly enlightened, and suddenly understood, in an instant, the prediction and control of time before the instant. What an amazing ability. And the reason why he was able to avoid it was because he used the slow and slow time control of the Spirit-Stoking Furnace. Slowing down the flow of time around me, I can't predict your prediction, but I can delay my own body shape. Yes, his slowness is not released to his opponent, but suddenly released to himself who is already taking action.

The translucent figure shattered and turned into dots of light that flew toward Long Dangdang's side. He passed this first level.

But behind, there were shadowy sneers, and I don’t know how many there were.

"Bang!" Long Kongkong rolled on the ground a few times, his whole body already looking gray and gray.

This was the fifteenth time he had been knocked down.

He was not very good at fighting in the first place. Compared with escaping, he thought he was good at it, but the frontal battlefield was not what he was good at. What's even more frightening is that the opponent he faces knows all his skills and has the same spiritual furnace as him, plus an additional Shenqiyu Tong spiritual furnace. He only has a third-level Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, but others can increase it to the fourth level through Shenqiyu Tong.

What is the result of the mutual attraction between the Touch of the Abyss and the Realm of the Heavenly Abyss? In an instant, Long Kongkong's body will be swallowed up, and within ten seconds, it will be empty.

How to fight this?

Fifteen times, he has been knocked down a full fifteen times. But after every knockdown, he would return to his peak state, but he still faced an unsolvable situation.

"Yu Tong, you can't do this to me! How can I pass the test with you like this? Help!" Long Kongkong let out a tragic cry.

Yutong said calmly: "You have fallen down fifteen times so far. According to the rules, you have a total of thirty-three opportunities for this evolution, and there are still eighteen chances left. If you can't defeat me within eighteen times, Then, it will fail.”

Long Kongkong struggled to stand up and said, "Can you let me think about it? Give me some time."

"No." Yu Tong said as he moved his right hand towards his chest. His greatest advantage, the Touch of the Abyss, was already activated, flying straight towards the dragon and shooting towards his body.

Once the touch of the abyss is connected, within ten seconds, Long Kongkong will be sucked clean, without any spiritual power left.

Long Kongkong also wanted to activate his magical bloodline power, but he was facing Yutong! He couldn't feel any hatred in his heart, how could he induce it?

Seeing the Touch of the Abyss running towards him again, there was also a Holy Spiritual Furnace pulling towards him, making it impossible for him to run away. He is also very helpless! All he could do was grit his teeth and rush straight in the direction of Yutong. He had no weapons in his hands and could only use his spiritual power to transform his shield like Yutong did.

And at this moment, he suddenly had an idea in his mind. What would he do if he were in this situation?

When the abyss touched the body, the spiritual power rushed out like a dam bursting. Long Kongkong was helpless. He could only take advantage of these ten seconds to attack with all his strength.

However, Yutong, who he knew, could also slide, dodge, and block divinely. The Guardian Knight was even more proficient in using his skills than he was. There was no need to do anything else, just wait for him to be drained.

Ten seconds later, Long Kongkong fell down for the sixteenth time.

No, this won't work. If this continues, he will not be able to pass the assessment no matter what. Long fell to the ground empty, but his heart was tumbling. Sixteen times, he knew that there was no way Yutong could relax the assessment for him. He can only rely on himself if he wants to pass the assessment.

How can I defeat someone who has more help from the Divine Qiyu Tong Spirit Furnace than me?

If it were my brother, what would he do? Will he... fight to the death?

Suddenly, an idea appeared in Long Kongkong's mind.

You have the god praying for the island, but you don’t have the moon to shine across the sea. If you are me, then you can only be me.

His spiritual power returned, and suddenly, he jumped up. This time, there was no hesitation and helplessness in his eyes, but only determination, almost decisive determination.

For my parents, for my brother. Fight!

The first scorn was instant, but the second was not, because when Long Dangdang came into contact with the second scorn, he was as if he had been hit by a immobilization spell. He was fixed in place and could not move at all, even if It's the thoughts that seem to have stagnated.

This process lasted for ten seconds. After ten seconds, he returned to where he was, and the slight was still there.

But in his mind, the feelings of those ten seconds just kept echoing. It seemed like ten seconds, but it seemed like an instant. Ten seconds were my inner thoughts, but were they really ten seconds? He wasn't sure.

So, he stepped forward again and froze again. The whole person's pause made everything around him seem to be undergoing wonderful changes. This change is that there is no change, not even the direction of the air has any change.

Still? Is there really absolute stillness?

Long Dangdang returned to his original position again. This time he did not step forward, but sat cross-legged and silently felt the previous feelings.

In this world, there is no absolute stillness, so what was the stillness just now?

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind, and he suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at Qingman.

"You are more understanding than I thought. It seems that you understand." He said with a smile.

"There is no absolute stillness, but there is the eternity of a moment." Long Dangdang looked at the second slight.

"Yes. This is the secret of time, eternity in an instant."

"Bang!" The second Scorn turned into light and flowed into the body of Scorn.

Long Dangdang slowly raised his right hand, and a pale golden light mist rose from his body. At the same time, white light surged, which was the power of the spiritual furnace.

When the white and gold combined, he moved, and his right hand passed through the air. In an instant, a "rumbling" sound broke out in the air.

Eternally accumulating momentum, strike instantly!

In every moment, there is eternity hidden.

"I admire your understanding. No wonder Canghai and Shura would choose you. Go ahead." He said with a slight smile.

Long Dangdang also smiled. He understood, and slowly swallowed the secret of the second level of the Soul-voting Furnace, the eternity of an instant.

He slowly stepped forward and faced the slights one by one. Each slight was stronger than the previous one. However, the only power they use is momentary and eternity. Momentary eternity in different degrees and in different ways. And all this, to Long Dangdang, is like a sponge absorbing water, exactly what he needs.


"Hey!" Yutong made a sound of surprise for the first time.

When Long Kongkong stood up again, there was no hesitation or cowardice, but only determination to move forward. When the Touch of the Abyss was just activated, she saw the red light that often appeared on Long Kongkong for the first time.

"Bang!" The burning red flame made Long Kongkong look a little more violent. It was the glory of life. That is the will to sacrifice.

This was a skill that Long Kongkong had not learned for a long time, but at this moment, he really used it.

Facing the touch of the abyss, he did not try to dodge, but took the initiative to send his body up. At this moment, he also opened his Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace, and the abyss realm bloomed, but it was not swallowed, but, Tianyuan reversed. He used the spiritual power inspired by his sacrifice, reversed it with all his strength without hesitation, and injected it into the Touch of the Abyss as quickly as possible.

"Bang——" The golden light on Yutong's body flashed, and the huge amount of energy that was suddenly swallowed caused her body to freeze for a moment. And at this moment, Long Kongkong, who had consumed more than 90% of his spiritual power, arrived in front of her.

It turns out that this is determination! At this moment, he understood. His fist has also reached Yu Tong's eyes.

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