Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 298 Seventh Level Empty

Long Dangdang is a disciple of the reckless knight Hai Jifeng, so when he first started practicing, he followed the fighting style of the reckless knight. The recklessness of the reckless knight actually refers to an explosion, an instantaneous explosion. This is what Hai Jifeng is best at. As Long Dangdang's cultivation improved, he could increasingly feel the essence of the word "mang". If you don't sing, you will be a blockbuster. This is the real recklessness.

The green skeleton, which clearly has an eighth-level strength, is even more powerful than the previous Abomination in terms of combat power. In particular, its wisdom is significantly higher than the Abomination, and the weapons in its hands are even more extraordinary. It has already destroyed four dragon-dangdang spirit demons. A super heavy sword. In theory, he cannot compete with such an opponent. There's not even room for magic. Middle and low-level magic has no effect in front of Gang Qi.

After briefly testing the strength of his opponent, Long Dangdang actually already had a battle plan in mind. If he wants to defeat his opponent and resolve the crisis at hand, he can only act recklessly and find the right opportunity to act recklessly.

The galaxy circled around and defused the opponent's attack. At that moment, the green skeleton felt that the dragon was at its wits' end. Long Dangdang has been injured by the shock, and the Galaxy Surrounding is indeed his all-out effort, including the explosive explosion.

But just when the Green Skeleton was about to continue attacking to deal with Long Dangdang, he had actually adjusted his body, not to continue attacking, but to withstand the power of the spiritual furnace.

At this moment, what was at the core was not the Shura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace and the Qingtan Slow Spit Spiritual Furnace that he had previously killed, but the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

Canghai Yuehua can greatly enhance the endurance of Long Dangdang's body. Although he cannot complete the transformation of Cangyue Angel without the help of other partners, to a certain extent, under the nourishment of Canghai Yuehua, his body has already possessed A certain state of the Cang Yue Angel.

Over the past few days, Canghai's body has been in the process of being repaired by a large amount of spiritual power. The repair is not done overnight, but after continuous repairs, its own abilities are also constantly recovering, and the effect of Canghai Yuehua is also going to be Better than before.

The Canghai Yuehua protects the core, slowly compressing the Spirit Breathing Furnace, and then explodes in an instant. And when the green skeleton felt that the compressed Shura Red Lotus Sword Intention was fatal and wanted to dodge, the control of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace appeared, the sea is endless, which was a skill previously used to help Long Kongkong temporarily store energy. , acts on the enemy, and the effect is to suck.

The Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace does not have the ability to devour, but it does have the ability to absorb the enemy's spiritual power. Of course the enemy will not do it, but the powerful suction force makes the green skeleton fall into a brief stiffness, and the slowness of the spiritual furnace is slowly swallowed. At this time, the slowness of the second level, let alone the eighth level, even the ninth level strong ones will be affected to a certain extent.

In this case, the Shura Red Lotus Sword Intent condensed in an instant could no longer dodge and could only resist with slow movements. The results can be imagined.

The green body was split into two, and a ball of green flames instantly burst out from inside, and it was about to escape suddenly. A light flashed in Long Dangdang's eyes, and the light door beside him opened. Xiao Xie suddenly emerged from the light door halfway up the mountain, and without hesitation, a spiritual shock fell on the green flame.

That flame was the soul fire of the green skeleton. It was suppressed by the mental shock and suddenly stopped in mid-air. Xiao Xie's pupils suddenly dilated, and then the entire pupils began to rotate violently like a vortex. The green soul fire was actually absorbed by it and flew back in its direction.

Xiaoxie's huge pupils were reflected in green at this moment, and Long Dangdang was also surprised. But he and Xiao Xie had a blood contract, and he immediately understood what was going on. This was Xiao Xie's newly awakened Evil Eye Tyrant talent skill, Soul Devouring.

The reason why the Evil Eye Tyrant is called the terrifying master of the World of Warcraft is directly related to its innate skill. When it kills other monsters, it will never be to eat those monsters. It doesn't even have a mouth. The nutrients it needs are only the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and the power of the soul. The bodies of the monsters killed by it will be intact, but their souls will be devoured by it. This is why the monsters are so afraid of the Evil Eye Tyrant.

At this moment, Xiaoxie, who had just awakened this innate skill, happened to encounter such a powerful tonic. How could he hold it back? He continued to apply spiritual shocks to the green soul fire, restraining it towards him. own direction.

This green skeleton is unlucky. Under normal circumstances, even if it is killed, with its eighth-level soul strength, Xiaoxie, a sixth-level soul, cannot successfully capture its soul. But what killed it was the Asura Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace. The tyrannical killing aura attached to the Asura Red Lotus sword not only destroyed its body, but also crazily invaded its soul, and the fire of its soul It has already caused serious damage, and if Xiao Xie encounters another mental shock, there is no way he can escape.

With a "swish", the green soul fire was directly sucked into Xiao Xie's huge pupils. Almost instantly, Xiao Xie's body was rendered green. It turned into a big green eye. But Long Dangdang could feel the excitement and joy that Xiao Xie burst out at this time, suddenly swallowing such a huge soul fire. It took a long time to digest and absorb, but the nourishment it brought can be imagined.

Long Dangdang stepped forward and came to the place where the green skull had been split open before. With a tip of his toe, the green sword that had fallen to the dust on the ground was lifted up by him. He directly held the hilt of the sword with his right hand.

Immediately, Long Dangdang felt the strong repulsive force for the first time. His right hand was instantly turned green, and the hilt of the sword vibrated violently, as if he wanted to get rid of it. There was even more green on the sword. The green stream of light kept flashing, struggling crazily.

A very spiritual sword. Long Dangdang was not surprised but overjoyed, but did not pause. The gloves on both hands burst out with light at the same time, and the light elemental body and the light transition were launched again. It turned into a stream of light and flew towards the direction of the cave again.

But at this moment, his body suddenly froze in mid-air, and everything around him seemed to slow down. He subconsciously turned around in the air and looked around.

In the distance, deep in the undead army, a figure appeared in front of him. When he saw this figure, it seemed that all the undead creatures around him could only be its foil.

It was a golden skeleton, its whole body exuding a holy golden light, and its eyes were beating with golden flames. At this time, it was opening its right hand, making a false grasping motion in the direction of Long Dangdang. The power that sucked Long Dangdang's body and prevented him from completing his light leap was uploaded from this big hand. Come.

Ninth level! Long Dangdang felt a chill in his heart. This is undoubtedly the power of a ninth-level powerhouse, and it is obviously not an ordinary ninth-level one.

Long Dangdang opened his spiritual wings behind his back and exploded with all his strength, trying to break free from this extremely powerful suction force, but how could he break free? The golden skeleton slowly raised its left hand, and with its body as the center, a large number of undead creatures suddenly disintegrated around it. After their disintegration, the undead energy quickly turned into a dark purple spear and condensed in the golden skeleton's hand.

Even taking a look at the dark purple spear, Long Dangdang felt as if his soul was about to be swallowed up. There is no doubt that this is not an attack that he can withstand.

The three spiritual furnaces in his body were running at high speed almost at the same time. Even if he knew he was defeated, Long Dangdang had no intention of giving up. As long as he persisted for a while longer, his brother would have more chances of completing the breakthrough and surviving. Blazing red flames suddenly rose from Long Dangdang's body. The knight used his skills and sacrificed himself!

Just when the sacrifice flame on his body had just started to burn, the golden skeleton had suddenly thrown out the spear in his hand. The entire sky suddenly darkened at this moment, as if the spear had absorbed all the light.

The blood on Long Dangdang's body became thicker and thicker. It was not known whether it came from the power of Shura's Red Lotus Spiritual Furnace or the explosion of his own sacrifice flame.

There seemed to be endless darkness approaching quickly. At this moment, he already felt the approach of death. But deep in his heart, he was shouting, Kong Kong, hurry up! Go quickly!

The heavy sword in his hand slashed out. This sword has reached the peak that Long Dangdang can reach at this time, and the energy, energy, and even blood in his body are burning crazily.

But he could still clearly feel the disintegration of the power on the heavy sword in his hand. It disintegrated directly into dust. The power attached to the spear was too powerful, even if the three spiritual furnaces of wisdom had already fought. He tried his best to slow it down as much as possible with the second-level light-slowing spiritual furnace, but the power of death was still engulfing Long Dangdang, trying to swallow him up like a monster.

At this time, suddenly, Long Dangdang had a strange feeling in his heart, and he heard a crisp breaking sound. The sound seemed to come from far away, but also seemed to appear from within my own body very close at hand.

The clothes on his body have all been torn due to the terrifying power of death. Every pore on his body is spraying blood mist, and the power of death is swallowing up all its life force. And at the moment when the crisp shattering sound appeared, Long Dangdang was surprised to find that the blood sprayed from his body was no longer red blood mist, but turned into purple gold.

Purple-gold blood mist spurted out, and the terrifying pressure that immobilized him suddenly disappeared.

"Bang!" Long Dangdang raised his right hand completely subconsciously, but he had already firmly grasped the spear in his palm. And he could clearly see that his palms were covered with a layer of fine purple-gold scales, and there were even sharp claws glowing from the fingertips.

Is this still a human palm? This was his first thought at this moment, and his next thought was that the oppressive feeling of death disappeared.

"Ang, ang, ang..." An exciting dragon roar sounded, but Long Dangdang could tell that it was not Xiaoba's voice. He opened his mouth subconsciously, and a similar sound came out of his mouth.

A purple-gold light erupted from the cave in the distance. The moment it appeared, the huge purple-gold light pillar directly pierced the mountain and rose into the sky.

The undead creatures besieging the mountains seemed to have encountered a devastating disaster, rapidly melting in the air, while the huge undead energy flew towards the cave like an ocean embracing hundreds of rivers.

A purple-gold figure flew out like a cannonball, and Long Dangdang also clearly felt a suction coming from him, causing his body to fly in the direction of the cave involuntarily.

The golden skeleton still stayed in place, and its power to suck the dragon was broken.

Suddenly, it let out an angry roar from its mouth, jumped up, and like a golden cannonball, went straight towards Long Dangdang in pursuit.

"Get out!" A low roar sounded from the direction of the cave. The next moment, a purple-gold figure that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye suddenly rushed out and came to Long Dangdang's side almost instantly, colliding with Long Dangdang's flying body.

An unprecedented sense of power and an indescribable strong hatred instantly broke out in Long Dangdang's body. In an instant, he only felt that his senses were rapidly amplifying, while all kinds of negative emotions in his heart were exploding crazily, including hatred, destruction, madness, and killing. All kinds of negative emotions were about to swallow up his reason in an instant.

His body suddenly turned around. At the moment of turning, the purple-gold scales covering his body had turned into a set of light armor. The green heavy sword in his hand was instantly rendered into purple-gold, and he slashed out with a simple sword.

"Bang!" The golden skeleton was violently knocked away. You can clearly see that the surface of the golden bone of its right arm that it bombarded with was struck by the purple-gold color of Long Dangdang's heavy sword. disintegrate.

After the sword was struck, the purple-gold light and shadow suddenly separated, and all the negative emotions suddenly disappeared at this moment. Long Dangdang had already seen his younger brother standing side by side with him, suspended in the air at the same time.

In his spiritual will, he can see himself and his brother. At this time, the purple-gold color radiating from his whole body was bright and dazzling, but his brother's eyes had turned into deep purple, the scales on his body had also turned into deep purple, and his body was bursting with strong malice.

"Kongkong!" Long Dangdang shouted, and at the same time grabbed Long Kongkong's shoulders.

Hearing his voice, Long Kongkong was stunned, his whole body seemed to tremble, and the dark purple color on his body quickly turned back to purple gold. He shook his head vigorously and turned to look at his brother.

The purple and gold colors on the two people quickly overlapped, and everything around them seemed to be rotating rapidly around their bodies. Amid the strange and bizarre scenes, they disappeared at the same place without a trace.

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