From the moment Long Kongkong started to break through, he had been in a strange state. He seemed to be immersed in some special world, and something was constantly reviving in his mind.

Countless scenes kept flashing through his mind, but they were not clear. Everything was blurry, but his emotions were always affected, including joy and sadness, and gradually, more and more emotions were pain. .

At first, he just thought that this was a test for him to break through to the seventh level, and he had to withstand this test to successfully break through. But later he gradually discovered that it was not the case anymore, as if those pains were really experienced by him.

As the pain intensified, he could feel his spiritual power increasing. It seemed that something special was awakening in his blood. The spiritual power in the body was gradually rendered purple-gold by this force, and then, the meridians, bones and everything in the body were gradually rendered with this color.

And the more this happened, the stronger the pain and negative emotions in his heart became. If it weren't for the constant calls of Yu Tong in his ears, and the warmth brought by his parents and brother deep in his heart, he might have died. Really lost.

But this feeling was still extremely painful, and he, who had always advocated lying down, could no longer bear it.

And it was at this time that he felt the crisis, the intense pressure and crisis, which made him suppress the pain. Then he felt everything happening in the outside world. He "saw" Long Dangdang trying his best to resist the undead creatures at all costs. He could even hear his brother's voice. In order to allow himself to break through, even if he died, he hoped to delay it for a little longer.

Long Kongkong, what qualifications do you have to say that you are in pain? Is it really all you can do to bear the sacrifices of your brother?

When he felt Long Dangdang fighting for his life again and again, and felt his brother gradually dying, the fire in his heart finally broke out.

The moment the golden skeleton appeared, he felt that Long Dangdang was about to be unable to resist it. All the negative emotions were mobilized by him in an instant and merged with his own emotions. No matter what, he could not let his brother die for him!

It was as if something was broken within his body, and in an instant, crazy power exploded. He just wanted to block that fatal attack for his brother. His brother was the person he was closest to and the person he had always relied on the most. How could he be allowed to die for himself?

The next moment, his emotions were already invaded by all kinds of negativity, and then, he seemed to hear his brother's call. And it was that call that seemed to pull him back from the abyss he was about to fall into.

Consciousness falls into nothingness, and pain, hatred, and other negative emotions quietly move away.

I don't know how long it took before Long Kongkong woke up from his deep sleep and turned around. The first thing he felt was an unprecedented sense of power. Yes, unprecedented. He just felt that his body seemed to be different, and it even felt like a majestic feeling.

Looking inside, he was surprised to find that in his body, what was flowing was no longer bright red blood, but a purple-gold liquid like mercury. The reflection inside the body seems to have turned into the same color. Subconsciously he opened his eyes and raised his hands to look.

The fingers on both hands are slender and the skin is fair. Yes, it is fairer than before, but other than that, there are no other changes. Everything looks normal.

Long Kong rolled over and sat up, subconsciously activating the spiritual power in his body. He was stunned for a moment, because he was surprised to find that his spiritual power was completely different. When he activated his spiritual power, the power of his entire body seemed to be completely integrated into it. His whole body naturally tensed up, and then it seemed as if terrifying power was about to burst out of his body. A faint layer of purple-gold appeared on the surface of the skin. It was not strong, but he could still feel it clearly, but it did not have the same lines as before.

Now, can the power of blood be mobilized? Long Kongkong himself was not sure. But at this moment, he could clearly feel that he was completely different from before. It's not just as simple as stepping from the peak of the sixth level to the seventh level. His perception was enhanced at least several times, and everything around him was extremely clear.

And the first thing he felt was another heartbeat that was exactly the same as his own. Subconsciously turning his head to look, he saw Long Dangdang sitting cross-legged on the ground not far from the bed. He had changed into clean clothes, but his face still looked a little pale. Along with his breathing, his heartbeat was not only consistent with his own, but a faint purple-gold halo appeared on the surface of his skin.

Long Kongkong knew that something must have happened to him and his brother, although he was not sure whether it was a good thing or not. But one thing he was sure of was that he had become stronger, and more than a little stronger. And this power is not only due to the breakthrough in cultivation, but also probably related to the power contained in his own bloodline.

At first, he once killed the snake demon Andumari because he inspired this power, but he almost died. If it weren't for the special nature of the Demon Realm, he definitely wouldn't be able to withstand the power of that bloodline. But now, after he has broken through the seventh level, it seems that his body has integrated with that power to a certain extent. After this integration, everything has become different. The power of blood seems to have allowed his inner spiritual power and outer spiritual power to be organically combined. Form a new kind of power.

He could feel that Long Dangdang's spiritual power fluctuations should still be at the peak of the sixth level, but his brother's body had become different like his own. That feeling was unmistakable, because at this moment, he even felt that he was me and I was him.

Trying hard to recall what happened before, Long Kongkong felt that everything was blurry at this time. He just remembered that when his brother encountered a great crisis, he finally made a breakthrough, and he didn't remember anything after that.

Getting down carefully from the bed, Long Kongkong moved his body. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have grown taller. The height is actually over 1.9 meters. The muscles of the body become more coordinated and beautiful, not exaggeratedly strong, but full of a sense of power.

Subconsciously clenching his fists, Yutong's evolution was completed and he had broken through the seventh level. This improvement is really huge!

At this moment, he turned his head and looked at Long Dangdang completely subconsciously, as if he had a telepathic connection. Just in time to see, Long Dangdang, who was sitting cross-legged, also opened his eyes.

"Brother, are you okay?" Long Kongkong hurriedly took two steps forward and sat down in front of Long Dangdang.

Long Dangdang couldn't help but smile bitterly. It was okay, but he really thought he was going to die before. It’s not a great feeling to be so close to death!

"It's okay, did you succeed in breaking through?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong nodded and said: "It seems that after breaking through the seventh level, my internal and external spiritual powers are connected together. Also, our bloodline power..."

As soon as he said this, Long Dangdang covered his mouth, and then Long Dangdang raised his hand to release the sound barrier again, and then let go.

The two brothers looked at each other, and Long Kongkong murmured: "Brother, why do I sometimes feel that we are not human beings anymore! I have never heard of anyone with the power of our bloodline! On the contrary, we look like It’s like the bloodline talent of Warcraft Awakening.”

Long Dangdang was silent, yes! Are you and your brother still human?

They were still weak in the past. Although this strange blood power would appear from time to time, he didn't think too much about it. It wasn't a bad thing anyway. But now that they have reached this level, this bloodline power has begun to merge with them, making them more powerful, so they have to think about it.

Just as Long Kongkong felt before, although Long Dangdang failed to directly break through to the seventh level due to the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. But at the peak of the sixth level, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes. The awakening of blood power has brought about the integration of internal and external spiritual power. In fact, the spiritual power he can directly mobilize now far exceeds the average seventh level. Moreover, the power contained in the bloodline has extremely powerful attributes. He had experienced something similar to this kind of power, which was the power of the dragon bloodline in Xiao Ba. However, the power of the purple-gold bloodline in his body seems to be much more mysterious than the dragon bloodline.

Looking back now, no matter whether it was the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord and the Dragon King who signed a blood contract with their children after they approved it, or the various subsequent changes, including their practice of blood alchemy, which can easily absorb the blood of dragon monsters and transform it into their own power. It is undoubtedly caused by that strange bloodline talent.

"Kongkong! The power of our blood seems to be inseparable from the dragon clan." Long Dangdang said to Long Kongkong.

"What dragon clan?" Long Kongkong was a little confused.

Long Dang said: "I have a contract with Xiao Ba, and the Duolong clan has a better understanding of it. When the Dragon Emperor recognized me and asked me to sign a contract with Xiao Ba, this was a problem in itself. The Dragon Emperor should have seen the difference between us. The bloodline is special. Otherwise, Xiaoba, as his only heir, will inherit the position of Dragon King in the future. And if you sign a blood contract with me, if I die, Xiaoba will not survive. This is a long-term development for the dragon clan. In terms of lifespan, it is really abnormal. Unless the Dragon Emperor thinks that I can have a lifespan that is not inferior to that of their dragon clan."

"Also, when we practice blood alchemy, why can the dragon bloodline be easily swallowed and absorbed by us, just like taking a bath, and we can practice it without any pain? From the perspective of bloodline, we are the only ones who have the same origin. But a more advanced bloodline can provide a reasonable explanation."

Long Kongkong was stunned and said: "You mean that we are actually the dragon clan? No way?"

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know either, but our purple-gold bloodline and the purple-gold scales that will appear mean that we are not pure human beings. Plus my mother's story, what do you think of it? ?”

Long Kongkong said: "Mom is a high-level dragon who lives outside? Was she picked up by grandpa? Then she married my father, and with us, we are half human and half dragon?"

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "This guess is the most reasonable at present. Moreover, my mother is not only a dragon, but also a very powerful descendant of the dragon."

Long Kongkong said with a look of disbelief: "It's impossible! Although it hurts my mother to pinch someone, she's not very strong! Didn't the Six Great Temples check her body back then, and nothing was found wrong? Same place.”

Long Dang said: "We can only know this after we find my mother and ask her. Perhaps it is not impossible that my mother carries the dragon gene, but it is not revealed until our generation."

Long Kongkong said: "Let's stop guessing. When we see my mother, we will know after asking. At least this is not a bad thing now. At least it will give us stronger power to save my father and my mother." Mom, this is the most important thing. Brother, what if we are really half-human and half-dragon?"

Long Dangdang rolled his eyes at him, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Long Kongkong scratched his head, "It doesn't matter, as long as my goddess doesn't dislike me, and my father and mother don't dislike me, that's all. The rest doesn't matter. You won't treat us as monsters to study, right?"

He just said the last sentence, and his expression suddenly changed slightly. This possibility may not exist! After all, the Six Great Temples had conducted strict inspections on my mother. And the power of their bloodline is extraordinary.

Long Dangdang said in a deep voice: "Let's hide our bloodline power as much as possible, at least until we become strong enough. When we reach the ninth level in the future, even if we are discovered, it won't matter."

Long Kongkong sighed and said: "I wanted to be a handsome dragon knight, but I didn't expect that I turned into a dragon. I can only let my goddess be a dragon knight. Brother, I seem to be able to mobilize a little bit of our blood. Now that you have strength, can you do it too?"

Long Dangdang nodded, "It seems possible, but the consumption will be very large and very fast. Use it with caution. We need to practice it when we find time."

Long Kongkong patted his chest and said: "With Yuan Vortex here, the last thing we are afraid of is consumption. Brother, do you think we can go to that natural disaster city now with our strength?"

Long Dangdang thought for a while and said: "It's not possible now. We still need to further improve ourselves. We need some powerful equipment to enhance ourselves."

Encountering the undead this time, he felt more and more that his equipment was insufficient, especially the knight's equipment. Brilliance-level equipment can no longer meet his strength needs.

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