Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 300 We want to challenge

In that mysterious world full of undead creatures, Long Dangdang deeply felt the serious problems caused by insufficient equipment. When facing the eighth-level undead, he asked himself that with his current strength, he should barely be able to compete. However, when the opponent used equipment stronger than him, it became very difficult for him to deal with it. The weapons have made the opponent useless.

If the equipment is strong enough, he is confident that he can compete with any eighth-level professional.

Taking stock of his own equipment, the magician's equipment is pretty good. The Chaos Staff and the Golden Robe are both top-notch. But the knight's equipment was in short supply. The Silver Wave magic had been damaged at the beginning, let alone weapons. He had not paid much attention to armor before, and he did not have suitable equipment to enhance himself.

He had previously thought about testing the Mithril Base Armor. This was undoubtedly the best way to arm himself. But later, due to a strange combination of circumstances, I never had time to do it. After experiencing this incident, he decided to arm himself and his brother no matter what, otherwise why would they be able to go to the Natural Disaster City to rescue their parents.

"Brother, don't we have enough money? Let's exchange it with the merits of the demon hunter. Anyway, we won't be allowed to enter the demon realm for a while." Long Kongkong said.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "No, there is a more convenient way than buying and exchanging. You take a rest first, we will first master this spiritual furnace promotion and your power after the advancement, and then I’ll take you to find the equipment.”

Long Kongkong's breakthrough did not attract anyone's attention. After all, when a normal professional breaks through to the seventh level, there will be a certain amount of movement, especially when Ling Menglu broke through before, the movement in the demon world was even greater. If someone breaks through to the seventh level at the temple headquarters, they will definitely attract attention. But his breakthrough was completed in another strange plane, and after returning, it did not cause any fluctuations at all.

The two brothers seemed to be practicing normally. Their partners knew that they were in a bad mood and had not practiced with them recently. Apart from strictly ordering them not to leave the headquarters, the temple headquarters let them do the rest.

Only Ling Menglu noticed something was wrong. Her perception was very keen. She could vaguely feel that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were a little different, but she didn't ask. She just came here to accompany Long Dangdang every day, and then returned. Practice at the priest's temple.

Recently, both she and other partners in the team have been taking advantage of the time at the temple headquarters to learn higher-level skills in this temple, which is why they have not trained together. After all, they have all broken through the seventh level. After the seventh level, it is a completely different level for professionals, and their status in their respective temples has also become completely different.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong broke through.

Early in the morning, the two brothers left their residence and came to the Knights Temple headquarters.

"Please pass the message for us, we want to see the Lord Paladin." Long Dangdang took out his demon hunter token and handed it to the guard at the headquarters.

Although they are already very famous among the upper echelons of the Knights Temple, the Knights Temple will naturally not promote them before they grow up, so the middle and lower level knights don't know much about them. But the status of the Demon Hunting Group is very noble among the six temples. Almost the top leaders of the six major temples have experienced the baptism of the Demon Hunting Group. Being able to become a demon hunter is the greatest affirmation in itself. Demon hunters also have a transcendent status among the six temples.

The guard took Long Dangdang's Ziling Crystal, gave him a knight's salute, and quickly turned around.

Long Kongkong turned to look at Long Dangdang, and said somewhat unconfidently: "Brother, can we really do it?"

Long Dang said: "You have to do it even if you can, and you have to do it even if you don't. Do you still want to save dad and mom?"

Long Kongkong's hesitation suddenly became firm, and he subconsciously clenched his fists and waved, "Do it!"

After a short time, the guard came to them again and told them that the Paladin Commander invited them in. Then he took the two of them to the office of Paladin Commander Nan Yu.

The Holy Knight Commander has a transcendent status in the Knights Temple. Only those with noble character and pure holy power can hold the position, and they are almost certain to become a Holy Knight in the future.

Nan Yu looked at the two brothers who came to him, and before they could speak, he took the initiative and said: "I have heard about you. I am also very sorry that your parents are missing. However, if you want If you let me let you leave the headquarters, you won't have to open your mouth. Your parents are missing, and the temple is already trying every means to find them, but you must not take risks easily, because it can only be a useless sacrifice, do you understand?"

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "I understand. Don't worry, although we are anxious, we will not do anything stupid."

Nan Yu's face softened a bit, stood up, came to them, and said to Long Dang: "Dangdang, this incident is the fault of the temple. On behalf of the Knight Temple, I apologize to you for not protecting your parents. Recently. In the past few days, high-level officials have been discussing and preparing to organize an elite force to go deep into the Kingdom of the Dead to see if there is a chance to rescue your parents. Therefore, you must not act rashly. If even we can't do anything, you are now There is no other way."

The two brothers could not help but feel warm after hearing his words. They looked at each other and Long Kongkong said: "Master Knight, can we participate in the rescue operation?"

Nan Yu shook his head and said: "The Kingdom of the Undead is targeting you. What does it prove? It proves that they are afraid that you may threaten their survival if you grow up in the future. On the other hand, for our six major temples, you are The future. You have also been to the front lines of Jiyang City, and you should know how big a threat the Kingdom of the Undead poses to us now. What you have to do is to work hard to improve yourself. Don't worry, the Holy Church will go all out. Helping you rescue your parents."

Long Dangdang grabbed Long Kongkong, who wanted to say more, and said: "Mr. Paladin, we are not here to rescue our parents this time. Rather, we want to challenge the base armor. Please approve and provide for We choose who takes the fight.”

Nan Yu was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that Long Dangdang had asked to challenge the Mithril Pedestal Knight before, and the Holy Temple had already agreed to this. Especially when he heard that they were not leaving the headquarters, his expression softened, nodded, and said: "That's okay. Do you have the confidence to challenge the Mithril Pedestal Knight? However, you are still only at the sixth level. Do you really want to do it?" Are you ready? If you want to become a Mithril Pedestal Knight, what you need to defeat is an opponent wearing Mithril Pedestal Armor. This is an additional requirement for the two of you from the headquarters. You should understand why."

Under normal circumstances, if you want to become a Mithril Pedestal Knight, you only need to challenge an existing Mithril Pedestal Knight, and both parties will fight if their equipment is fair. After winning, you can enter the Mithril Pedestal Knight sequence. If there is a vacancy, you can apply for Mithril Pedestal Armor and become a new Mithril Pedestal Knight.

Another way is to directly challenge the Mithril Pedestal Knight wearing the Mithril Pedestal Armor. If you can still win, then you don't need to wait for an opening, and you can directly replace the challenged person and become the new Mithril Pedestal Knight. , if there is a vacancy, the challenged person will not be deprived of the qualification of Mithril Pedestal Knight, otherwise it will be directly deprived. Nan Yu meant to tell them that they could only choose the second path. This is a requirement for genius.

Long Dangdang's expression didn't change at all, he just nodded and said, "I understand, but, Lord Paladin, what we want to challenge is the Adamantine Pedestal Knight."

Yes, he does not want to become a Mithril Pedestal Knight at all. The Mithril Pedestal is no longer attractive enough to him. Instead, he wants to achieve it in one step and obtain the strongest status under the Divine Seal Throne of the Knights Temple. Standard equipment.

The mithril base armor is legendary equipment, but it is a complete set of legendary equipment. The adamantine base armor is even better, it is an epic equipment! You know, this is not a single piece of equipment, but a complete set of equipment. All include full body armor and matching weapons. Weapons are divided into shields or heavy swords. Although there is only one piece, it is also an epic piece of equipment.

The most powerful force of the Knights Temple is the thirty-six adamantium base knights and the one hundred and eight mithril base knights. The paladin leader Nan Yu in front of them was an adamantine base knight.

"What did you say?" After listening to Long Dangdang's words, Nan Yu thought he was hallucinating.

"We want to challenge the adamantine base armor." Long Dangdang said seriously.

Nan Yu's face darkened almost instantly, "Young people should not be too ambitious, you know? Do you know what it means to challenge the Adamantine Base Armor? This is simply not what you should be doing at this stage."

Long Dang said: "I think we have a chance, and I ask for your permission to let us try. If we lose, it will be a lesson to us and a practical lesson. Do you think it is okay?"

Nan Yu was silent for a moment, and he understood that the reason why the two young people in front of him, who were still children in his eyes, wanted to challenge the Adamantine Pedestal Knight must be because their parents were kidnapped. He could understand such a mood. Just as Long Dangdang said, it would be nothing even if he gave them a practical lesson.

"It's not up to me to challenge the Adamantine Pedestal Knight. It requires the consent of at least two holy churches before it can be approved. Do you really want to challenge?"

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong nodded at the same time.

Yes, what Long Dangdang wanted to challenge from the beginning was no longer the Mithril Pedestal Knight. Although the legendary equipment was good, there was still a huge gap between it and the epic equipment. If they can have a set of epic-level equipment, then the enhancement of their strength will naturally be epic-level, giving them more possibilities to rescue their parents.

Nan Yu frowned and said: "Okay, then I will try to apply for you. But there is a possibility of being rejected, so you must be mentally prepared."

Long Dangdang said: "Master Paladin, I have two requests. Please apply for us at the same time."

"Say." Nan Yu asked.

Long Dangdang said: "Challenging the Adamantine Base Knight is a great leapfrog challenge for us. So, I hope it can be a fair duel. If the opponent we challenge wears the epic Adamantine Base Armor, we will be able to win regardless of whether There is no way to win. Therefore, I hope that both sides can fight without using any equipment. Secondly, although my brother is a guardian knight, he plays more of a supporting role during the battle, so I I hope the two of us will fight together and challenge the two Adamantine Pedestal Knights at the same time.”

Nan Yu was stunned and understood instantly, "You mean, not only you want to challenge, but Long Kongkong also wants to challenge?" Yes, he had just thought that Long Dangdang was the only one who wanted to challenge.

Long Kongkong twitched the corner of his mouth and thought to himself, who is he looking down on? He couldn't help but said: "Master Paladin, I am at the seventh level."

Nan Yu turned to look at him, his expression suddenly became weird, because Long Kongkong's body had become transparent, wasn't it the symbol of the seventh-level knight, the light elemental body?

Seventh level? He is already at the seventh level? In his impression, Long Kongkong was still at the fifth level. When did this reach the seventh level? Actually, it’s level seven?

Long Dang said: "Sorry to trouble you."

Nan Yu calmed down the shock in his heart and looked at this and then that. These two young men are truly worthy of being targeted by the Kingdom of the Dead! It seems that their potential is stronger than expected.

"Okay, I will convey your intention to the temple. However, I think it is unlikely that it will be approved. After all, each of the Adamantine Pedestal Knights is a real hero to the temple. No. Anyone who wants to challenge can do so. There are so many sixth- and seventh-level knights in the temple, if everyone accepts the challenge, they won’t have to do anything else.”

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "I understand. Please tell the Holy Church that we all have a Wisdom Spirit Furnace that has just completed evolution. This should be something that other sixth- and seventh-level knights do not possess."

When he brought his younger brother here and asked to challenge the Adamantine Pedestal Knight, he had already decided not to hide his clumsiness. As long as he could improve himself, he could no longer care about that much.

After hearing his words, Nan Yu's expression changed drastically and he was extremely shocked. He knew very well what the evolution of the wisdom spiritual furnace meant. Any wisdom spiritual furnace can truly fit in with its host only after it has completed evolution! It means that the door of the wisdom spiritual furnace is truly opened for the host. Have they actually both completed their promotions? Moreover, Long Kongkong's wisdom spiritual furnace should be... Shenqiyu Tong spiritual furnace!

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