Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 301 Challenge, Adamantine Base

Paladin Commander Nan Yu left with shock and excitement. Moreover, he asked brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong to stay in his office to wait for news, and he went directly to the Knights Temple to report the situation.

The promotion of the two wisdom spiritual furnaces and the special targeting of the Kingdom of the Undead means that Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are extraordinary. And now they have proposed to challenge the Adamantine Base Knight when they are less than twenty years old. They can almost be said to be the youngest challengers in the entire history of the Knights Temple. Regardless of whether they succeed or not, if the temple really agrees to their challenge, it will be engraved in the history of the Knights Temple.

"Brother, will the Holy Church agree?" Long Kongkong asked.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "They should agree. They should also be able to understand our mood. Moreover, I believe that the Holy Church also wants to see what our evolved wisdom spiritual furnace can do. Even if we challenge Failure can also be regarded as suppressing our xinxing and preventing us from advancing. Therefore, we should be given a chance to challenge."

"Okay. Let me adjust my state first." As he said that, Long Kongkong sat down cross-legged on the spot and began to calm down his mood through meditation. He was far less calm than Long Dangdang, and he was already getting nervous at this time.

Everyone in the Knights Temple who can become an Adamantine Base Knight is a truly top eighth-level powerhouse. It is the pillar of the Knights Temple. It is not as simple as an ordinary eighth level! Can they really succeed in the challenge? Still challenging both of you. In Long Kongkong's normal opinion, this is something that is impossible to accomplish, but Long Dangdang told him that we can do it.

Long Dangdang also sat down in front of his younger brother. His mentality was completely different from Long Kongkong. There seemed to always be a fire burning in his heart. His parents were captured, and he was more anxious than anyone else. Without enough strength, he could not rescue them. Therefore, no matter what, even if the power of their bloodline was exposed, they must win this challenge and give up as soon as possible. You just have to become stronger.

The waiting time was shorter than expected, but after ten minutes, two figures flashed in the golden light.

The two brothers opened their eyes at the same time. In addition to the return of the Holy Knight Chang Nanyu, the person next to him was none other than Xuan Hanyan, the knight in charge of the Divine Seal Throne of Wisdom and Spirit. One of the six major temples of the Knights Temple.

The two people quickly stood up and saluted Xuan Hanyan respectfully.

Xuan Hanyan waved her hand and said, "I heard that you are going to challenge the Adamantine Base Knight?"

Her voice was soft and sweet, and it had an invisibly soothing effect on her emotions. Whether it was Long Dangdang's excitement or Long Kongkong's nervousness, it could not help but calm down a bit.

Just the sound of his voice has a soothing effect, which shows how powerful this person's spiritual power is.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "Yes, Lord Templar. We want to try it."

Xuan Hanyan nodded and said: "Okay. I have just reported your request to the hall master. The hall master agreed, and I agree too. Will you challenge it now?"

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong looked at each other. The Lord of the Temple was much happier than they imagined.

Long Dangdang said without hesitation: "We can. Then the two applications I reported to the Lord Paladin before..."

Xuan Hanyan said: "The Holy Temple has agreed. However, challenging the Adamantine Base Knight beyond your level will be regarded as the following offense. If you fail the challenge, you need to accept punishment."

Long Kongkong was stunned and blurted out, "What punishment?"

coming! Long Dangdang thought to himself, it really is not that easy.

Xuan Hanyan said: "If you fail the challenge, you will need to go into seclusion for three years. Within three years, you will not be allowed to leave seclusion. As for your parents, I can assure you on behalf of the temple and the Knights Temple headquarters that we will do our best. I will go to help you rescue them. However, I also hope that you can stay calm. After all, your parents have been captured by the Kingdom of the Undead, so you must prepare for the worst."

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong both had expressions on one side. Long Kongkong was about to say something, but Long Dangdang raised his hand to stop him, and said in a deep voice: "Master Templar, before we challenge the Adamantine Base Knight, let's not consider these things. If we fail, we are willing to bear the consequences. "

Long Kongkong understood his brother's meaning instantly, which also reminded him not to be affected by his mood.

"Okay, let's go." Golden rays of light emerged from under her feet, and instantly enveloped the brothers Nan Yu, Long Dangdang, and Long Kongkong. The two brothers felt that their bodies were becoming transparent in an instant. As if they were forcibly transformed into elements by external forces, the next moment, golden light flashed around them, and in just a moment, they felt down to earth again.

Long Dangdang was shocked in his heart, what a powerful leap of light. He can also use this skill through the Xinyao suit, but how can he be like Xuan Hanyan, who can easily complete the jump with others! This is no different from teleportation.

Everything around him has become clearer, and when he looks closely, he sees that it is a huge arena.

The area around the arena was dark, as if it was sealed by something, and no audience could be seen. But the arena was bright. The top cannot be seen from the sky, making it impossible to tell whether this is a physical arena or whether it is in a separate small space.

Xuan Hanyan said: "You guys wait here, I have sent someone to invite two fine gold base knights stationed at the headquarters."

Judging from the ranks of the knights themselves, Long Dangdang, who is at the peak of the sixth level, now belongs to the level of the sixth level Glory Knight, while Long Kongkong, who has just completed his promotion, is now a seventh-level Templar. The adamantine base knights are the best among the eighth-level paladins. There is a huge gap in cultivation level, let alone combat experience. The gap between the two sides doesn't stop there. Don't forget, knights all have mounts, and the paladin's mount...

After explaining Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, Xuan Hanyan and the paladin Zhang Nanyu turned into golden light and disappeared, leaving only the two brothers in the ring.

The bright moon was in the sky, and Long Dangdang privately chatted with Long Kongkong, "Once the challenge begins, we will follow our previous plan."

The bright moon was in the sky, Long Kongkong chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Don't worry, brother. I will remember it all."

After waiting for about ten minutes, on the other side of the arena, two golden lights suddenly shone, and the attention of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were immediately attracted.

Two tall men wearing smart clothes appeared in the distance. The one on the left is about two meters tall, with extremely broad shoulders, and the arrow deltoid muscles are bulging like hills. One look at the external spiritual power and it is definitely not weak. Just when it appears, it gives people an extremely heavy feeling. There is a silver mask on his face, and his appearance cannot be seen, but it can be seen from his short gray hair that he must be quite old.

The one on the right has long hair combed into a high ponytail, and is about 1.9 meters tall. He looks relatively slender, but his whole body gives people the feeling of being full of streamlines and containing explosive power.

There was also a mask on his face, and he was looking at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong opposite him at the same time.

Seeing the two brothers, the two paladins couldn't help but be slightly startled. They were obviously surprised by the identical appearance of the two brothers, especially their age.

The challenge of the Adamantine Base Knight does not appear often. After all, there are not many knights in the Knights Temple who can challenge this level. The thirty-six adamantine pedestals are not all available. The adamantine pedestal knights adhere to the principle of erring on the side of lack rather than excess. Only those with sufficient strength are qualified to become knights.

However, the two adamantine base knights did not say much, but there was already a faint golden halo emerging around their bodies. For them, defeating the challenger is to defend their honor as the Knight of the Adamantine Base, and they will never give up.

Xuan Hanyan's voice sounded at this time, "This challenge is a two-person battle. In line with the principle of fairness, neither side is allowed to use any equipment, two against two, until one side loses. The opponent is not allowed to be seriously injured or killed. I am the referee." Both sides prepare, start in ten seconds."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light fell from the sky and separated the two sides from the middle of the ring.

The two adamantine base knights stood there, Yue Zhi Yuanting, the golden halo flashing around their bodies instantly became stronger, the knight skills were gathering momentum!

The bodies of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong also tensed up instantly. Long Dangdang took a step forward and came to the front of Long Kongkong. Long Kongkong took a step back, and his body was completely hidden behind his brother.

A red light bloomed behind Long Dangdang in an instant, and red haloes bloomed behind him like red lotus petals. It looked spectacular, and it completely blocked Long Dangdang's body from behind.

At the dantian, a white halo rolled up, restraining the red sword light like petals, and a red long sword quickly condensed in front of Long Dangdang.

The two paladins opposite could not help but be slightly stunned. No equipment is allowed in this competition. Since it's not equipment, it can only be skills or spiritual furnaces. And they could see at a glance that this was clearly the power of the spiritual furnace. The reason why they were surprised was that at first glance, they did not recognize what kind of spiritual furnace it was. With their seniority in the Knights Temple, this is a very strange thing.

Long Dangdang's long hair was free of wind. At this moment, the light of the red sword in front of him became darker and darker. The white halo kept surging, layer upon layer outside, and only the red sword in front of him could be seen. It gives people more and more a strong sense of oppression.

At the level of the Paladins, they have a keen sense of danger. The eyes of the two Paladins, who were as stable as a rock a moment ago, became solemn at this moment. They have realized that these two young challengers are not ordinary.

At the same time, a dark, ink-like halo spread out quietly along the ground.

The ten-second countdown continues, "Five, four, three, two, one!"

There was no need for Xuan Hanyan to announce the start. The moment the golden light curtain in the center of the arena suddenly disappeared, the two holy knights on the opposite side moved at the same time.

charge! They did not use skills such as Light Leap, but chose the knight's basic skill charge. The moment the two figures launched their charge, there was a powerful sense of oppression like a thousand troops.

Although they didn't know what Long Dangdang was doing, the red sword already made them feel threatened, and they had to deal with their opponents in the shortest possible time.

Long Dangdang suddenly raised his head. Suddenly, he took a step forward and instantly grabbed the hilt of the Shura Red Lotus Sword with his right hand. He slid forward and slashed! It is also the most unpretentious skill of a knight. Before becoming a squire knight, the preparatory knight learns the most about chopping.

This sword didn't have any sword light. It looked so ordinary, and it didn't even have a powerful aura. Go straight to the paladin on the left and slash at it.

But at this moment, the two paladins broke out at the same time. The speed of the paladin on the left suddenly increased sharply, and he rushed forward quickly with a sliding step. With his speed at this time, he would definitely be able to rush over before Long Dangdang's sword slashed down. The other paladin clapped his hands forward, and a circle of golden holy light appeared at Long Dangdang's feet, bound by light!

They are both adamantine base knights, they are all familiar with each other, and their cooperation has long been engraved in their bones. At this time, both of them had a layer of dark gold on their bodies, which was the spiritual energy released by the eighth-level knight.

However, at this moment, a situation that no one expected happened so naturally.

The white halo surrounding Long Dangdang's sword suddenly expanded outward. The moment it expanded, soft white light shone on the two holy knights at the same time.

The two holy knights have spiritual auras to protect their bodies. Although they know that the other party is the power of the spiritual furnace, they are very confident in their own spiritual aggressors' defense.

However, the next moment, their expressions changed, because they suddenly felt that their bodies seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and their original forward movement, speed, attack, and control, everything became sluggish.

The sudden acceleration of the knight on the left became sluggish, and the light restraint released by the knight on the right slowed down in the formation of the magic circle at Long Dangdang's feet. Everything seemed to be affected by the flow of time and slowed down. .

Only Long Dangdang did not change. The blood-red long sword in his hand slashed out, and the unparalleled killing aura also burst out in an instant.

When the long sword touched his body, the knight on the left felt that the pores on his body stood up, and the body-protecting spiritual aura was shattered in an instant. But at this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed behind him, and his whole person was split into two in an instant. A second identical version of him appeared one meter behind the first one. Then he clearly saw that his previous figure turned into dots of light and dissipated in the sudden burst of red light, and the red sword light swept toward him relentlessly. And until this moment, the two paladins still have not been able to struggle out of the sticky time and space suppression.

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