Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 303 The Terrifying Rat King

This sudden change was so fast. Who would have thought that the eighth-level paladin who used Ling Gang would be directly knocked back by a big rat, and even the heavy sword in his hand was left with three claws. Deep claw marks. The ninth-level monster, the Bright Tiger King, even forgot to resist and was about to be swallowed up by the big rat.

A ray of light suddenly flashed, and the huge body of the Bright Tiger King suddenly disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the open mouth of the Rat King suddenly closed, and a strange whistling sound erupted in the air. It actually bit the space directly. A circle of black ripples appeared.

"The Bright Tiger King is out." Xuan Hanyan's voice echoed throughout the venue.

The paladin on the right is a little numb. What is this? Shouldn't the cat eat the mouse? Why did it become like eating cat and mouse? If the Lord of the Temple hadn't taken action in time, the Bright Tiger King might have been swallowed up by others!

The Rat King's small eyes flashed fiercely, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with not eating the Bright Tiger King. He burst out with ferocity, swung his long tail suddenly, and went straight to the Paladin on the right to swipe it.

The linggang bloomed, and the paladin had reacted at this time. He grasped it with his left hand, and the linggang condensed into a shield and slapped it out. The shield's light suddenly magnified in the air, turning into a giant shield that was ten meters wide.

There was a crisp sound of "pop", the golden light of the shield being struck flashed, causing ripples. The Paladin was directly stopped, and the Rat King also jumped up and retreated quickly.

All this happened very quickly. Even as the summoner of the Rat King, Long Kongkong looked a little stunned.

All this time, the Rat King has been silently evolving itself, but due to the influence of Long Kongkong's own cultivation, the Rat King cannot become particularly powerful. But before Long Kongkong, whether in the demon realm or when he was devouring spiritual power in the army of the undead, as a mount partner or a blood contract mount partner, the Rat King also accumulated a lot of spiritual power. The inability to advance does not mean that it cannot store some of it in advance. Energy, it swallows up the world. In a sense, its storage capacity is not as good as Canghai Endless, but it is not much worse.

And as Long Kongkong successfully advanced, the Rat King naturally followed him and promoted to the ninth level of Warcraft when he was able to surpass him by one level.

This is also one of the important trump cards for Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong to dare to challenge the two Paladins.

Although Long Kongkong had never been very fond of the big rat, he still recognized the strength of the rat king. The Rat King seems to have always had an advantage among monsters of the same level.

However, even Long Kongkong himself did not expect that the Rat King who had been promoted to the ninth level would be so powerful. As a contract partner, he could clearly feel what kind of skills the Rat King had previously displayed.

Facing the Bright Tiger King, it seems that it is just a rumor that mice are afraid of cats. The Rat King directly threw a bloodline judgment. This is its innate ability.

In that previous plane, the Rat King's bloodline judgment was almost invincible, which in itself was a powerful suppressive skill. It's just that after coming to this plane, he was defeated by Long Kongkong. But at this time, it acted on the Bright Tiger King of the same level, and it had an instant effect. Then there is Flash Charge, which is a bloodline talent skill that has just been learned after level nine. At the same time, he used his short sight to frighten the Bright Tiger King again at close range, making it impossible for the opponent to even counterattack. Finally, activate the core skill to devour the world.

The explosive connection of these four bloodline skills can be said to be impeccable. If the Bright Tiger King had not been teleported away, he would have been the Rat King's meal by now, so powerful!

Even when facing an eighth-level paladin, he still doesn't fall behind in terms of power collision. Who can become the Knight of the Adamantine Base, who is not the top powerhouse of the Knights Temple? You know, there are ninth-level holy knights among the adamantine base knights. Although the two people in front of me are not at the ninth level, they are still the leaders among the eighth level. There was no equipment, but their individual strength was still strong, but facing the Rat King, they obviously failed to take advantage of the two collisions.

On the other side, not to mention Triangle Lightdramon.

The Xiaoba now is no longer the Xiaoba he was when he was a toddler. With the continuous evolution and growth, Xiaoba's own Dragon King bloodline is also constantly stimulated, thus becoming more and more powerful. The explosion of dragon power is due to the existence of the Dragon King's bloodline. If faced with a real giant dragon, it may be able to resist because it is underage. However, how can the Triangle Lightdragon be an earth dragon among earth dragons? Earthworm. Facing the Dragon King, the blood pressure was so great that he couldn't even muster the slightest resistance.

When the paladin on the left looked at the three golden dragons, his whole body was already numb. Isn't this a mutated dragon? Is this a real dragon? And there's a real dragon with three heads. What's happening here?

"Ang——" Xiaoba's three big heads roared at the same time, and the heads of the Triangular Lightdragon were almost buried in the ground.

Long Dangdang looked at the whole scene and felt relieved. The strength of the Rat King also exceeded his expectations. At this time, the Rat King was in a state of rage because he failed to swallow the Bright Tiger King. His extremely fat body continued to attack the Paladin on the right. Although it was blocked by the powerful defense of the Paladin again and again, it was so powerful that even the Ling Gang was often torn apart by its claws that seemed small in comparison. The Paladin was actually suppressed and unable to distract.

With a leap, Long Dangdang was already on Xiaoba's back. The light behind him flickered and five clones appeared at the same time. The main body and the dark dragon Dangdang are holding heavy swords and are ready, while the other four clones have begun to chant spells using the spiral ascending method.

You must know that the two holy knights are still facing the endless abyss touch devouring from Long Kongkong, and a large amount of these spiritual powers are fed back to Long Dangdang and the two mounts. This is also the confidence for the Rat King to attack with all his strength.

Xuan Hanyan, who was watching the battle, was feeling better. At this time, the paladin Chang Nanyu could not help but open his mouth. Of course he knew that these two brothers were extremely talented. Whether it was Long Kongkong, who was favored by Shenqiyu Tongling Furnace, or Long Dangdang, who was a new generation of dragon knights, they were the stars of hope for the future Knight Temple, but he didn't Come to think of it, they are really strong enough to challenge the Paladins. It was obvious that one was at the peak of level 6 and the other was at level 7, but facing two paladins, they did not have the upper hand from the beginning. Even judgment failed to hit them. They have clearly been able to truly use the power of the Wisdom Spirit Furnace, coupled with these two powerful mounts. When he thought about it, the battle that was supposed to be a one-sided fight to teach these two boys a lesson turned out to be what he saw before him.

The two of them are less than twenty years old, right? Throughout the history of the Knights Temple, at this age, there are only a few people who can compare with the two of them in real combat strength.

The paladin on the left reluctantly opened the contract space again and took back his Triangle Lightdragon. He was afraid that if he didn't take it back, this guy would betray him and be driven by the majestic three-headed golden dragon on the opposite side.

"I'm going to be serious." Feeling his spiritual power being continuously drained away, the paladin's face became serious. The next moment, the spiritual energy on his body exploded like a blowout. Strong spiritual power fluctuations instantly caused ripples around him.

"Boom -" The terrifying spiritual power exploded instantly, pushing his body straight towards the dragon and blasting away.

And the next moment, his body suddenly became transparent, twisting strangely in the air, the ripples of light fluctuated instantly, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Long Kongkong, who was behind Long Dangdang, suddenly felt his scalp numb, and a strong sense of threat came instantly.

The leap of light explodes! Yes, this paladin activated the detonation skill in an instant. But the target is not Long Dangdang from the front, but Long Kongkong.

Although Long Dangdang had been blocking the front, Long Kongkong, who had summoned the Rat King and used the strange power of the spiritual furnace to devour their spiritual power, was even more feared by the two paladins.

At the same time as the Paladin on the left activated, the Paladin on the right also activated at the same time. During the attack of the Rat King, his body also turned into light, twisted suddenly, and suddenly disappeared into the air. It was also a leap of light, but it was attacking the dragon. Dang Dang.

As knights, they all know that attacking the mount is far less direct than killing the knight. As long as the knight loses his combat effectiveness, the mount's ability will drop significantly, and it may even be sent back to the contract space.

However, at this moment, a circle of invisible ripples suddenly bloomed from the backs of the three golden dragons.

Wherever the invisible halo passed, the two holy knights who were erupting with the leap of light appeared in the air almost at the same time.

There was a look of astonishment on the faces of the two paladins, and they obviously didn't understand what was happening.

What happened was very simple, water, fire, earth and wind, the combined magic cast by the clones of the four dragons, and the elements were stripped away.

Although light and darkness were not added, they were stripped away into more powerful elements. But it's enough at this point. The power of the Holy Knights' spiritual power has not diminished, but their own light element attributes have experienced a momentary lag, and the core of the Light Leap is the light element! Where can I continue? His figure was immediately revealed.

Immediately afterwards, a white halo bloomed from Long Dangdang's dantian again, causing the speed of the two dragon knights to plummet as if they were stuck in a quagmire.

"Bang!" The huge dark golden figure rushed over like a mountain, directly knocking the two paladins away. The long tail even whipped the spiritual gang of a holy knight, shattering the spiritual gang into pieces. Then the plump figure stood in front of Xiaoba. The dark golden light on his body emitted ripples in circles, and his small eyes were fiercely exposed. The Rat King arrived just in time!

"Ang——" The three heads of the three-headed golden dragon roared again. The dragon's innate skills are released in the forbidden air!

The two holy knights who flew out fell instantly and hit the ground.

Of course it can't hurt them at this time, but it's not very harmful but extremely insulting. From the scene, it looked like these two people were directly suppressed.

That's right, the current situation is four against two. With both sides unable to use equipment, the two paladins really failed to gain the upper hand, and this was the case from beginning to end. But the devouring of the Touch of the Abyss has not stopped. Their spiritual power is still being devoured in an endless stream.

Long Dangdang did not launch an attack and maintained his current posture. In a head-on fight, the Cavaliers have many explosive methods, and sacrifice is of no use. Of course, he didn't think that these two seniors would use such skills as sacrifice in order to defeat himself and his brother. After all, not all of the Adamantine Base Armor should have been used. Even if this challenge failed, it would not affect the status of these two people.

"Let's stop here." At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded, and the surrounding light became brighter.

The two holy knights stood on the ground, looking slightly embarrassed, but their eyes were more of shock.

The strength of these two young men certainly could not shake their fighting spirit, but it gave them a shocking feeling. Although no one is equipped, what happened to your spiritual furnace? It's like I've never seen it before.

Of course they also have spiritual furnaces, and they didn't use them in the previous battle. That’s because it’s useless! Facing two juniors, it was already embarrassing to use deflagration, let alone use the spiritual furnace or go all out. After all, this is a test for the rising stars of this temple. Unexpectedly, two little monsters emerged from the test.

Three golden dragons, a big dark gold mouse, what the hell are these? Whether it was a mount or a spiritual furnace, it was beyond their scope of cognition.

The light and shadow flickered, and Xuan Hanyan had arrived between the two parties. Looking at the two brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, her heart moved slightly. At this moment, the Saint suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that even the kingdom of the undead knew the two brothers better than he did. Their talents and potential exploded so quickly. The growth rate can be said to be appalling. With their current strength, coupled with epic equipment like the Adamantine Base Battle Armor, would they be able to challenge even the ninth level?

The Knights Temple has always attached great importance to them, but subconsciously they still think that the most outstanding young generation in the contemporary era are Ling Menglu of the Priest Temple and Zisang Liuying of the Magic Temple. But now it seems that the two young people in his temple are not inferior? Long Dangdang was a little better. The Dragon Knight had already given him the highest attention, but today Xuan Hanyan found that she seemed to be wrong. What was wrong with Long Kongkong's talent? The strength of his mount partner was even more dazzling than the three golden dragons today. Long Kongkong has begun to truly grasp the secrets of the Shenqiyu Tong Spirit Stove. If not, they would not have taken such a huge advantage in the Spirit Stove today. Everything has to be recalculated.

Long Dangdang jumped off Xiaoba's back with Long Kongkong, and performed the knightly salute to Xuan Hanyan and the two holy knights not far away.

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